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/lit/ - Literature

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3868878 No.3868878 [Reply] [Original]

I need some Japanese short stories to read. Preferably something cultural with le maximal feels.

Any suggestions?

>> No.3868885

short stories aren't really all that popular in Japan. Even novels aren't that popular and bear undeniable cultural influence from the west.

>> No.3868883

Rashomon and Other Stories by Akutagawa
Otogizoshi by Dazai

>> No.3868887

not OP but also interested, despite appearing as le maximum weeb

>> No.3868888 [DELETED] 

Here are some of my favorite Japanese short stories:

"Sushi For Mr. Tokagoto" by Hasha Miyagamoto

"You Have Brought Shame And Dishonor to Our Family" by Wingshao Hamoto

"Quest For the School Girl's Panties" by Mr. Miyamoto Hashimora

>> No.3868889

Yukio Mishima has several collections of short-stories.

dem suicide feels

>> No.3868890

look for Tanizaki or Soseki

>> No.3868891

Seven Japanese Tales by Tanizaki
Death in Midsummer and Other Stories by Mishima
The Paper Door and Other Stories by Shiga Naoya
Palm-of-the-Hand Stories by Kawabata
The Legend Of Gold And Other Stories by Jun Ishikawa
The Historical Fiction of Mori Ogai

>> No.3868892

Got a download link for Otogozishi? The collection

>> No.3868894

But those are all Samurai stories.

There must be something about life before WWII.

>> No.3868896

Aw thanks.

Sadly there aren't any download links for them on the internet ;c

>> No.3868897

Japanese Gothic Tales by Kyoka
The Tales of Miyazawa Kenji
Five Women Who Loved Love by Ihara Saikaku

>But those are all Samurai stories.

What? What are you even talking about? I don't think any in Dazai even have samurai in them. I can't recall many of Akutagawa's featuring samurai either.

>> No.3868899

Yes, there are.

Did you not look at the sticky for this board? There are download links to folder collections. You can find many of those in the Japanese literature download.

>> No.3868900

Of course, all Japanese ghost stories are in short stories - check

The Legends of Tono

There are so many collections of similar lore, knock yourself out, can't remember right now

>> No.3868920

So far #bookz hasn't come up with any of these stories.

>> No.3868921

did you not even read what i posted on >>3868899


this is from the sticky

it has a number of them

>> No.3868922

It wasn't in the sticky I swear.


>> No.3868934
File: 414 KB, 1662x480, downlload link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is


how can I make it more obvious, does it have to be in enormous bold red font or something

>> No.3868939

Nothing, you should have been more elaborate. Should have said 'the wiki link in the sticky'.

>> No.3868965
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Have you tried light novels?

Many popular anime series, such as Crest/Banner of the Stars, Spice and Wolf, and Bakemonogatari are based on light novels.

>> No.3868984

I know about them, and text novels, but they sound too weeaboo-y.

>> No.3868991
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So then read these, dork. Not a lot of them are very short but whatever.

>> No.3869022


>> No.3869042

>stupid enough to believe those were actual stories
>will never get to read "quest for the school girl's panties"

Guess I will have to write it myself.