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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3865117 No.3865117 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys buy your books from? I remember someone talking about a site with free shipping where you can choose specifically which cover you want. Forget what it's called, though

>> No.3865121


>> No.3865120
File: 13 KB, 400x261, 9MW8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Picks books by their cover

>> No.3865122

>caring about cover art

Unless you're a fan of the artist, that's just dumb. First thing I do with hard covers is rip off the fucking dust cover and throw it in the trash

>> No.3865125

Just picked up 3 books for $11 and change from AbeBooks.

>> No.3865142

I love AbeBooks.

>> No.3865147


Why don't you marry AbeBooks then?

>> No.3865446

Fuck yeah

>> No.3865463



>> No.3865485

Huh. Maybe I could marry AbeBooks. I hadn't thought of that anon.

>> No.3865554

>doesn't know how to green text

>> No.3865556

Hope you enjoy dusty fucked up books. If they weren't needed they'd print the design on the hard cover.

>> No.3865575

I'm moving to Canada soon and as a Britfag they seem to be way more expensive on amazon. Anyone able to recommend a website for Canuckstan?

At the moment I mainly buy from charity shops and amazon.co.uk, not paid more than £2.80 for a book since last year

>> No.3865864


>not wanting to get books from the same set so they look nice together

>> No.3865867

I buy my books at the bookstore, OP

>> No.3865909

I get my books from Filecrop

>> No.3865948


>> No.3866088

Another supporter of AbeBooks. Great for getting textbooks

>> No.3866113

Canadian books are notoriously overpriced, as the suggested retail prices were often calculated well before us: can $ parity and haven't been updated.

>> No.3866547

Dust jackets don't cover the pages. The pages are what's important. You probably work for Dust Covers R Us

>> No.3866552
File: 20 KB, 259x400, hero_of_our_time_modernlibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so you wouldn't mind pic related cover?

>> No.3866567


>> No.3866568

but I now see why having an option is better than not having one.

>> No.3866581

I've seen this so many times it's starting to take on so much meaning

I want to actively seek out this post-modern cover, frame it, never read the book (sounds boring anyway) and look at it everyday

>> No.3866588

The Book Depository, cheaper than anywhere in Australia and free shipping.