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/lit/ - Literature

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3855208 No.3855208 [Reply] [Original]

Last three
Currently reading
Next three

Post 'em

>> No.3855261

>Last Three
The Metamorphosis
The Trial
Farenheit 451

>Currently Reading
Moby Dick

>Next Three
Red Badge of Courage
(Those two are because I'm about to marathon some John Huston films and I want to read the books before seeing his adaptations)

Blood Meridian

>> No.3855310

You recently started reading the classics?

>> No.3855328

Last 4 Finished:
Inner Chapters of Chuang Tsu (Feng and English translation)
Bhagavad Gita (Easwaran translation)
Erich Fromm's The Art of Being
The Book of Five Rings

Currently Reading:
I read too many at once but here are some:
The Anatomy of Self by Takeo Doi
The B.S. Factor by Arthur Herzog
The Tale of Genji
The Lord of the Rings
Free Play by Stephen Nachmanovitch
The Mafia is not an Equal Opportunity Employer by Nicholas Gage
Howard the Duck by Ellis Weiner
The Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine
Strong and Fearless by Phil Nuernberger
Success is a Choice by Rick Pitino and Bill Reynolds
How to Read and Why by Harold Bloom
Ready Player One
The Stuff of Thought
Adult Children: The Secrets of Dysfunctional Familes
Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley
Ye Heart of a Man: The Domestic Life of Men in Colonial New England by Lisa Wilson
Awareness by Anthony de Mello
Psycho-Cybernetic Principles for Creative Living
Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
The Intellectual Devotional by Kidder and Oppenheim

Next Three:
On Lies, Secrets and Silence by Adrienne Rich
The New Well-Tempered Sentence by Karen Elizabeth Gordon
A College Looks at American Values

>> No.3855338

>Last three
Notes From Underground
Homage to Catalonia

>Currently reading
The Odyssey

>Next three
War and Peace
Moby Dick
Crime & Punishment or The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3855349

Reading Ulysses before The Odyssey


>> No.3855355

>Last Three
The Drunkard's Walk
The Plague
The Double

>Currently Reading
The Signal and the Noise

>Next three
Wittgenstein's Poker
The Fall
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

Some Anon recommended Pale Fire after finishing The Double, so I may or may not sneak that in before Russell's work. Borrowed it from the library, so it depends on whether I have enough time.

>> No.3855361

does anyone else have my problem of reading too much shit at once?

>> No.3855364


How much time do set aside for reading?

>> No.3855367

depends on the day, at least an hour a day

I work 7 days a week and very variable hours so I don't have a fixed schedule.

>> No.3855368

>Last Three
Gravity's Rainbow
Trout Fishing In America
Life Of Pi

>Currently Reading
A Song of Ice and Fire

>Next Three (will probably intersplice these with the ASOIAF books)
Inherent Vice
Days Between Stations

my next three are rarely reliable, as they change more or less every day

>> No.3855370

>Last Three
Notes From Underground


Rabbit, Run

I kinda feel that /lit/ exaggerated about how good 2666 is, but then again i'm not super far so i'm hoping it takes a turn for the insane/better. After that is going to be my first Updike novel, supposedly its really good.

>> No.3855372

How was The Plague in comparison to The Stranger?

Also, unless you love long winded philosophical ramblings, The Fall can get kinda boring

>> No.3855373

You read classic war novels?

>> No.3855376

R U foolin?


i hope ur foolin

>> No.3855378

I take it you mean Dispatches? I was told it was the best book written on Vietnam, though I think The Things They Carried was better. Still really good though, can't say i've met too many people who've heard of it

>> No.3855380

The Book Thief
East of Eden

Doctor Zhivago

The Bell Jar
Don Quixote

>> No.3855383 [DELETED] 

>Last three
The Rings of Saturn
Popol Vuh
Tao Te Ching
>Currently reading
Infinite Jest
The Kojiki
The Odyssey
The Mahabharata
The Qu'ran
The Tanakh/Bible
The Faerie Queene
>Next Three
The Divine Comedy: Paradiso
Bleeding Edge

>> No.3855395 [DELETED] 

>Last three
The Rings of Saturn
Popol Vuh
Tao Te Ching
>Currently reading
Infinite Jest
The Kojiki
The Odyssey
The Mahabharata
The Qu'ran
The Tanakh/Bible
The Faerie Queene
>Next Three
The Divine Comedy: Paradiso
Lin's Taipei & Pynchon's Bleeding Edge
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.3855401

>Last three
The Rings of Saturn
Popol Vuh
Tao Te Ching
>Currently reading
Infinite Jest
The Kojiki
The Odyssey
The Mahabharata
The Qu'ran
The Tanakh/Bible
The Faerie Queene
>Next Three
The Divine Comedy: Paradiso
Lin's Taipei & Pynchon's Bleeding Edge
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.3855405
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>> No.3855414

not like it matters

>> No.3855419

I'm getting the essentials down, faggot. It's called scholarship.

>> No.3855424

Very different stylistically. The Stranger is told by M. Meursault from the first-person perspective, and he only details empirical facts and sensory experiences in the world (the sun is hot, the woman is soft). Emotions are mentioned in passing but are little more than puffs of breath on the page. Every sentence flares into existence as you're reading it and then is snuffed out when you read the next, creating this disjointed feeling that closely mirrors the protagonist's mindset.

The Plague is told from a limited third-person perspective by Dr. Rieux as he documents Oran's experiences for future generations as a reminder that the plague--clearly a metaphor for death generally--can happen to anyone at any time. The habits we enjoy otherwise--movies, cafes, and other pleasures--are mere distractions to occupy time until we meet our end. As a disguised narrator--he reveals himself at the end--Dr. Rieux claims the tale is fully objective, but he weaves in his own worldview and distinct sentimental asides despite himself.

Thanks for the info about The Fall. Unlike The Plague, I own it, so I may as well finish my current Camus streak.

>> No.3855435

Last three: Blood Meridian, The Marriage Artist, Naked Lunch
Currently reading: Infinite Jest, but I bought The Stranger today and will most likely have that done within the night.
Next three: Slaughterhouse Five, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.3855436


damn boo, u a deep bitch, must be why the negroes luv u


>> No.3855504

A World Lit Only By Fire
Things Fall Apart
Il Principe

Infinite Jest

Don Quixote
The Stranger
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.3855541

>last 3
War and peace
treasure island
alice in wonderland

3 musketeers

> Next 3
White noise
Clockwork orange
Heart of darkness

>> No.3855553

The Road
A Simple Plan
The Alienist

American Gods

For Whom The Bell Tolls
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.3855586

>last three
The Daylight Gate
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Stand

>Currently reading
The Master and Margarita

>Next three
A Game of Thrones
The Great Gatsby
The Black Dahlia

>> No.3855588

Last 3:
Confabulario - JJ. Arreola
Mexico en la frontera del caos - Oppenheimer
Presidencia Imperial - Enrique Krauze

Tropic of Capricorn - Miller

Next 3:
Raiz y Razon de Zapata - Jesus Sotelo
Los recuerdos del porvenir - Elena Garro
The Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.3855595

Alain de botton - consolations of philosophy
Schopenhauer - essays and aphorisms
Sartre - Nausea

The karamazov brothers

Virtue of selfishness
Aurelius Meditations
Montaigne Essays

>> No.3855655

Last three: The Gallic War - Caesar
The House of the Seven Gables - Hawthorne
Imperialism - The Highest Stage of Capitalism - Lenin

Revolt against the modern world - Evola
The mask of dimitrios - Ambler

Next three
Why I write - Orwell
The man without a country - Hale
Christ Stopped at Eboli - Levi

>> No.3855681

>Last Three
Infinite Jest
Pale Fire
Inherent Vice

Crime & Punishment

>Next Three
Memoirs of Hadrian
The Brothers Karamazov
Dorian Gray

>> No.3855831


>> No.3857390

>last three

The girl with the dragon tattoo
Some random philosophy book
I don't know

>Currently Reading
Infinite Jest
Random philosophy book

>next three
The metamorphosis
The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.3857425

Dharma Bums
Naked Lunch
Lockpick Pornography

The Wild Boys

idk lol

>> No.3857429

But that's not the right picture for this thread OP

>> No.3858234

Last three

The Trial - Kafka
Der Steppenwolf - Hesse
On the Road - Kerouac

Currently Reading
The Stranger -Camus

Next Three
A History of Western Philosophy - Russell
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -Joyce
Candide - Voltaire

>> No.3858239

>Last Three

Is There a Text in This Class?
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
A Room with a View

>Currently reading

From Ink Lake: Canadian Stories Selected by Michael Ondaatje (I am a very boring person shut up)

>Next Three

The Eternal Moment and Other Stories
The Concept of Law
The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur

>> No.3858248

Last three:
The Mandrake, Machiavelli
The Beautiful and Damned, F Scott Fitzgerald
The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway

Currently Reading A Farewell to Arms

What should I read next? I thoroughly enjoyed TSAR and so far enjoy A Farewell to Arms

>> No.3858250

>Last Three
The Life of Pi
A Long, Long Way
The entire Hitchhiker's Guide series (counting all 5 as 1)

>Currently Reading
Guns, Germs, and Steel

>Next Three
Lord of the Flies
Cannery Row
Secret Scripture

>> No.3858255

Last three:

My Life and Hard Times - Thurber
Murder in the Cathedral - Eliot
The Gallic War - Caesar

The Blithedale Romance - Hawthorne
The Mask of Dimitrios - Ambler

Next three:
Why I Write - Orwell
A Gun for Sale - Greene
The Man Without a Country - Hale

>> No.3858291

>Last 3

Atlas Shrugged
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Sun Also Rises

>Currently Reading
A Short History of Nearly Everything

>Next Three
Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.3858295

the bonfire of the vanities
the metamorphosis

currently: Nothing as of yet, but will be picking up Pilgrim's Progress. The metamorphosis was quite depressing for me.

Next Three:
Madame Bovary
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Three Theban Plays

>> No.3858297

>Guns, Germs, and Steel
Lol. Make sure to get a second opinion.

>> No.3858312

Follow up Madame Bovary with Sentimental Education.

>> No.3858401


>> No.3858466

Thanks. Will Do.

>> No.3858471

>Last three
Taipei (loved it)
As I Lay Dying (second time reading it. Made more sense than before, easily one of the best books I have ever read in the stream of conciousness style.)
Nazi Literature in the Americas (Funny, entertaining and sometimes extremely sad)
>Currently reading
The Recognitions (One of the most difficult and most rewarding books I have ever read so far. Gaddis truly understands how to frame a conversation and his parties remind me a lot of Pynchon parties but much more darker and much more mean hearted and critical)
The Book of Disquiet (Amazing. It feels like you are navigating through the sensations of a very lonely and imaginative man)
>Next three
Dead Souls???
Crime and Punishment?
It really doesn't matter since I hardly ever pick what I am going to read and stick with it. Also The Recongnitions is going to take a long time to get through

>> No.3858476
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I highly recommend Crash, it's one of Ballards very best and much better than the film.

>> No.3858507

I read something like 50 pages of it but quit due to school work. It definitely had a lot of potential also the language moves very beautifully.

>> No.3858703

>Last three
Oksanen: Näin syntyy kyyneleet
Can't remember the third

>Currently reading
Hemingway: For whom the bells toll
Kundera: Life is elsewhere

>Next read
Marianne Alopaeus: Sweden's Enchanting
Laura Ingalls Wilder: The First Four Years

>> No.3858783

Happy to help

>> No.3858965

>The last three:
Dearly Devoted Dexter #2
The Old Man and the Sea
The Postman Always Rings Twice

>Currently reading
On The Road

>Next Three
A Brief History of Time
The Color of Magic

Yes! I'm currently reading 8 different books, but I'm mainly reading On The Road.

>> No.3858988

> last three
Den kreative logn
Nellies bog

> Current
Mod kunsten
God and the State
Stadier på livets vej
A history of french secret societies 1830 -1848
Rings of saturn

The Anarchist reader
Fugls fode
Death in venice

>> No.3858995

Any political works you'd care to recommend?

>> No.3859026


>> No.3859027

>Last three
Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien
The Hollow Man by Dan Simmons
Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke

Nightmares & Dreamscapes by Stephen King

>Next three
From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Some science fiction novel

>> No.3859036

I wish I could be more like you.

>> No.3859038

>last three
Romeo and Juliet
Fahrenheit 451

The Hobbit

>next three
The Kite Runner

>> No.3859043

catch 22 by heller
letters to a young contrarian by hitchens
philo of friedrich nietzsche by mencken

woyzcek by buchner

what do you care what other people think by feynman
the art of always being right by schopenhauer
galileo by brecht

>> No.3859052

If you're reading more than 2 or 3 books at one time, you're either a genius or a nincompoop and there ain't no geniuses on this board.

>> No.3859054

What if you're reading non-fiction?

>> No.3859057
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>letters to a young contrarian
>what do you care what other people think
>the art of always being right

Someone sure has a complex.

>> No.3859058

>last 3
Cold Hearts by Gunnar Staalesen
Dont Look Back by Karin Fossum
The Dunwich Horror by H.P Lovecraft

>Currently reading
Around the world in 80 days and Five Weeks in a Balloon, both by Jules Verne(bought a book that has both of those tales in it)

Next three:
Silmarilion by Tolkien
Collection of St. Olav sagas
Hitler by Ian Kershaw

>> No.3859061

What kind of complex?

>> No.3859070

>Last Three
The Time Machine

Devil in the White City

>Next Three
Count of Monte Cristo
Stranger in a Strange Land