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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 490x358, bizarro-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3852125 No.3852125 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile, in bizarro /lit/...

>> No.3852130

unconventionality shook its metaphorical fist at the heavens.

>> No.3852132

50 Shades of Grey is this century's Madame Bovary.

>> No.3852140

Fuck Cormac McCarthy for killing my favourite character in the sixth volume of The Road. And yeah, I know they'll revive him, but fuck him anyway.

>> No.3852141

I realize Finnegans Wake is the Piss Christ of literature.

>> No.3852143

I did something that would be uncharacteristic of the average poster on /lit/

>> No.3852146

Teen pregnancy has overtaken opium as the abstinence moral allusion of vampire tales.
It's sadly a case of art imitating life

>> No.3852153

Even though they aren't the same as the original, I enjoy reading translated works.

>> No.3852156

I think Naked Lunch is a cohesive and well-thought out book

>> No.3852159

Thomas Mann is my favorite author.

>> No.3852161

i only read books written after 1950 by women

>> No.3852168

>implying /lit/ knows other languages than English

>> No.3852174

/lit/ reads books and not wikipedia pages

>> No.3852187

worship edge god

>> No.3852203

You could say anything is characteristic of the average poster on /lit/

>> No.3852227

Infinite Jest is a good book

>> No.3852243

Shallow&Tame is the board's best tripfag

>> No.3852248

I have no strong opinion about George R.R. Martin either way.

>> No.3852298

Žižek's sincerity beguiles those who seek deeper meanings where there are none.

>> No.3852326
File: 10 KB, 520x390, 26ca389fcd11e855bc200973648926f00259[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumpshot on ticktacks, you argent-faced charlatan!

Begone, back to the Cosmos of Anal Beads for Timothy and Cafe du Ponyhof.


>> No.3852329

Was that meant to be funny?

>> No.3852374

have you been hear lately?

>> No.3852376

Have you guys heard of this Tao Lin guy? He's really good!

>> No.3852382

fuck. I see it, you don't have to post the corrction.

>> No.3852385

Yes. And the incessant Martin bashing is turning this board to shit. You almost sound like it should be automatically allowed.

>> No.3852386

and that one to.

>> No.3852387

I need to go to bed.

>> No.3852390

The people that really hate the bookd tend to default to one or two generic insults. They'll point to a weak bit of prose or use the HBO show to make people think it's 'for the masses.' Just ignore them, they're ill informed.

>> No.3852423

Yeah, I realize that. It's just annoying to see it every time I come here.

>> No.3852614

I've read a book

>> No.3852617

wake up, Tao Lin

>> No.3852621

Bizarro lit is the new modernism

>> No.3852664

ended with the greeks

>> No.3852668
File: 32 KB, 460x344, engelbert-humperdinck-460x344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Of Mice & Men question I had?

I got an A+!!!

Thanks for the /hm/ link guys!

>> No.3852707
File: 225 KB, 500x713, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read books.

Also, I'm not a marxist.

>> No.3852730
File: 113 KB, 380x454, Backlog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "Books Read" shelves are massively overstuffed and my backlog bookshelf is small.

>> No.3852733
File: 88 KB, 480x488, 1367040737276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay for every one of the epubs that I have downloaded.

>> No.3852736
File: 137 KB, 450x377, la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lie!

>> No.3852828

So we can all agree that A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the best short stories ever written, right?

>> No.3852871

Not enough feasts.

>> No.3852877
File: 65 KB, 861x720, 1368448623477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it could use some filler for the sake of pacing.
GRRM should have added some subplots of characters escaping only to be recaptured and had more wanderings in the wilderness.
Also, why was Daenerys so underexposed? I really think they should have expanded her sections in the books, and streamlined her character, she's too fleshed out and complex for my tastes.

>> No.3852883

What's this Hodor that was mentioned once?

>> No.3852891
File: 87 KB, 500x496, 1369540389844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not a one note side character at all. I especially like his long monologues as a greek chorus type, summarizing events and providing perspective.

>> No.3852926

I don't think it appropriate to upload photographs of my bookshelves.
Instead, I'd like to have an in-depth discussion about the cultural impact of J.K. Rowling.

>> No.3853208


>> No.3853282

/lit/ pls be godfather to my first born

>> No.3853337

I wonder why those sober intellectual guys from /pol/ and those jolly pranksters from /b/ are ignoring us lately?

>> No.3853350
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1365868109162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand, Stephenie Meyer and Dan Brown aren't mentioned enough

>> No.3853370

I hate shitposting and off-topic threads.

>> No.3853378

I hate how well agree Marxism is the way forward

>> No.3853395

I, personally, have never wondered whether I might be God.

>> No.3853406

/lit is at its best in the summer

>> No.3853411


>> No.3853432

I'm not going to post about farts the next time James Joyce is mentioned.

>> No.3853471

Not abstaining from posting on /lit/.

>> No.3855755

Personally I don't like James Joyce
He's both dead and Irish, and therefore we can disregard his works as having no cultural impact

>> No.3855798

That /pol/ thread was great fun

>> No.3855811
File: 83 KB, 386x426, 1369157454126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing better than theists and atheists using /lit to debate the existence or nonexistence of God.
It's so much better than discussing actual books or philosophy.

>> No.3855838

Tolstoy novels are like 90% filler all the time. Who gives a fuck about Russian farming methods? Get to the point you dumb Rusky.

>> No.3856795

He's not as bad a Homer though
My translation just had endless boring conversations about some made-up religion

>> No.3856822

But, they're so close to resolving it and figuring out who's right!

>> No.3858549

Alert Starfleet!

seems like the Borgs have acquired a new way to mask their horrid nature to the outer world.

Everyone at their posts.

>> No.3858579


I wish one of them would explain what they meant by "exist" and in what sense God exists or doesn't.