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/lit/ - Literature

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3846029 No.3846029 [Reply] [Original]

How do you impress girls with your knowledge of literature?

>> No.3846036

>Yeah I'm a big fan of Twilight, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, the list could go on...

>> No.3846039

memorize some Byron and Keats and you're fucking set

>> No.3846046

Or just some Poe if you're into goths.

>> No.3846049

Shakespeare's sonnets and Romeo Juliet quotes.
Sounds corny, but bitches love to be wooed.

>> No.3846065

I said the line after the only well known and famous hamlet quote and this girl was like "Damn you know the whole thing??" all impressed and slightly turned on by this one thing being so different, try that

To be or not to be, that is the question
>tis it nobler in the mind to suffer thy loss....

>> No.3846071

By not trying to impress them with it.

>> No.3846072

show them your collection of gifs instead

>> No.3846073

that's not even how it goes goddamn

>to be or not to be? that is the question
>whether tis nobler in mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
>or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them

>> No.3846082

>be britbong
>live on council estate
I do not try and impress anybody with my knowledge of anything. I keep quiet about that shit. Some girl I was trying to fuck came to my place and got freaked out when she saw my (small) collection of books.

>> No.3846102

By not actively attempting to do so.
The most attractive kind of intellectual is one who knows when it is and isn't appropriate to display his knowledge.

>> No.3846192

Right on the money here.
Don't try to impress them with literature, or literary knowledge. If you are truly well read, it will show.

>> No.3846194

you don't
you just make her feel bad about herself not reading more than 3 to 5 books a year

>> No.3846196

I refuse to date anyone who reads fewer than 104 books a year.

>> No.3846198

A good standard to uphold.

>> No.3846199

you quote extensively and present stolen ideas as your own fabricated on the spot

>> No.3846202

second that

>> No.3846204

you need to listen to some tricky and the bitches will come and bring weed.

>> No.3846206

I tell them I've read Infinite Jest

Their pussies literally explode

>> No.3846209

>it transcends good and bad dichotomy

>> No.3846210

I'll date anyone who reads ee cummings.

>> No.3846212

By reading several PUA books

>> No.3846215

>delta of venus
>"what's this anon?"
>here, read one

>> No.3846214
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What is the most emotionally moving quote you have ever read from a piece of literature?

>> No.3846216

fat pink mast

>> No.3846218

you dont
you be yourself
and youre interesting
you'll come across as interesting

jheeze just be yourself you insecure fucks

>> No.3846219

please don't let me be mean

>> No.3846224

I actually despise the type that reads everything she/he can and doesn't even stop to think more deeply.

Knowledge is measured not in how much you've read but how much you've understood.

>> No.3846227

>tfw I know the whole soliloquy
>tfw not even English

>> No.3846236

tfw the first one is your favourite

>> No.3846240

I read at a leisurely pace for 4+ hours a day---that's over 100 books a year easy and plenty of time to think. Didn't Percy Shelley read for up to 16 hours a day? Don't be jelly because I take literature more seriously than you do.

>> No.3846253
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>> No.3846261

"Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo"
I cry everytime.

>> No.3846272

da mi basia mille, deinde centum

>> No.3846275

What happens to a dream deferred?

>> No.3846277


>> No.3846278

there isn't that much to understand from fiction. I mean if you're reading non-fiction purposefully for studies, sure you might want to slow your pace down

>> No.3846290

Maybe some people think quicker than you.

>> No.3846294

That's pretty true.

>> No.3846317

Since we're talking about girls, I'd like to take this time to remind everyone about the dangers of chronic masturbation and excessive porn viewing.

I've been masturbating like 4-5 times a day every single day for the past 12 years and I only realized a few years ago that it was killing my ambition. A girl will have a microphone on some video game and every guy will go fucking apeshit and I'll sit there and wonder why it's such a big deal. Then I realized I masturbate so much that I'm immune to women.

Also, I've been wanting to write and paint since forever but I have hardly written even a paragraph and I have yet to pick up the paintbrush. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm a lost cause but I hope no one else makes the same mistake I did. If you find yourself watching too much porn, go distract yourself with a book or some shit some your penis will respond properly to women you see in real life.

>> No.3846319

"no glot, clom fliday"

>> No.3846327

I don't think girls are attracted to guys just because they read. If she happens to read herself, then maybe it's just one point you can connect on. If you want to attract girls, don't be ugly.

>> No.3846338

paint. do it like you masturbate.

>> No.3846353

I've found that there is a sort of tacit camaraderie between readers that makes it easier for us to strike up relationships with each other.

>> No.3846366

I'm pretty sure that camaraderie is common with people in every kind of hobby/interest.

>> No.3846369

Yeah, probably. Just saying that being a reader does give you an advantage when talking to other readers, if only a slight one.

>> No.3846379

>So how are you liking that book?
>Oh. I didn't know you were talking to me HAHAHA. It's great - I actually read it in high school but it has been so long that I thought I'd read it again.
>Yeah I love the part where Gatsby busts a cap in Daisy's ass for playing him like a fool.
>Haha yeah I love that part too. I think the whole book is beautifully written but that part especially.
>Well I'm getting off at the next stop - I've never done this before but I'd love to talk to you again. It's hard to find good readers these days.
>Oh well um I'd love to talk to you again but um...I mean you're a nice guy but I'm actually on my way to my boyfriend's...

And then it turns out that she doesn't even have a boyfriend.

>> No.3846382

You don't. You impress a woman by being confident, charming and fun. That you're also into lit will be icing on the cake.

>> No.3846397

Well, keep trying. Can't expect to have a 100% success rate unless you are Ryan Gosling or something.

>> No.3846400

That feel when you are the icing without the cake.

>> No.3846405

very few people don't want to lick the bowl

>tfw you're the batter :D

>> No.3846407
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>How do you impress girls with your knowledge of literature?

I use Literature as a means to cope with the loneliness, not as a tool to cure myself of it.

>> No.3846409

I hate how confidence is the #1 most important thing. I have been told I am fun and even charming sometimes, but confidence just eludes me for whatever reason; and, as a result, I might as well be invisible to most women. I mean, can't they cut us a break? We don't demand that they are 100% self-assured 100% of the time.

>> No.3846410

and how's that working out for ya? badly, i imagine.

>> No.3846412

>tfw you see this shitty thread for the 1000th time on /lit/

>> No.3846414
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I'm still alive, I guess.

>> No.3846416

By not trying to impress them.

>> No.3846519


>> No.3846626

Not for long

>> No.3846829

Do you guys think that we could pick up some more lines with this course?


>> No.3846854

>lol stolen ideas? what do you mean by that? You can't steal an idea.

>> No.3846861

Step 1. Go to her house and tell her you want to show her something special. Have her sit comfortably in front of you.

Step 2. Cut a hole in their favourite book.

Step 3. Place flaccid penis through hole

Step 4. Start reading your favourite book.

Step 5. As penis starts to become erect wink at her and dance around a bit.

Step 6. Start thrusting quicker through the hole in her book

Step 7. As climax is reached, ejaculate all over the pages of your own book whilst quoting the last sentence.

100% success rate.

>> No.3846911


This is a far more effective method of picking up females, plus there's like, 17 parts. How can you go wrong?

>> No.3849058

You are my natural selection

>> No.3849557



>> No.3849566

you should look good to them first

>> No.3849573

lel, yeah. nobody is going to be impressed by knowledge of literature around these parts

>> No.3849575

> bitches love to be wooed

>> No.3849600


No breaks are cut, that's just the way it is. Get confidence. Start lifting or something. So long as you're beta you'll remain sexless. No girl will care less if you can encyclopedically list off all the great works of fiction and dissect them with greater thought and care than Ezra Pound himself. If you don't have game you'll just be a boring bookworm to them.

Seriously though. What would an unread person do to get well-read? Read. What should an unconfident person do to get an A-game? Lift and practice being smooth and comfortable around girls.

>> No.3849606

I've had my fapping down to 2-3 times a week for some time now, but it seems impossible for me to totally quit. Is it possible to stop fapping, do you think?

>> No.3849609

I'll add this: any girl with a brain will be able to tell whether you're smart and thoughtful within 5 minutes of speaking with you. You don't need to name-drop books you've read to impress her. Girls want a confident guy first, an attractive guy second, a smart guy third, and one into what they're into fourth. Once you show her you can fulfill the first three you can poke about her interests and she'll actually care, or better yet wait for her to bring it up. It'll show she's interested.

And for the love of god, don't be a snob about it. Books are just books at the end of the day. If you're hardcore into literary theory or a very niche historical brand of fiction retain your modesty. Only those insecure about their knowledge will try to show off how much they know. If you're comfortable with how well-read you are you won't need to. No one likes a discursive nerd, especially not in a romantic context. One of the best things you can do is get her talking about her passions and show some genuine interest.

>> No.3849628

If only I could find a gay intellectual to impress with my literary knowledge. ;-;

>> No.3849630

fuck off you aids-ridden degenerate

>> No.3849635 [DELETED] 

For all you e/lit/es wondering about the GIF:


Fast forward to 5:30 to see her faking an O

More at: http://www.criminalwisdom.com/hysterical-literature-the-orgasm-as-art/<wbr>

>> No.3849644
File: 55 KB, 960x370, stoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you e/lit/es wondering about the GIF:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PQuT-Xfyk3o [Embed]

Fast forward to 5:30 to see her faking an O

More at: http://www.criminalwisdom.com/hysterical-literature-the-orgasm-as-art/

>> No.3849648 [DELETED] 

Begin with

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day ...

>> No.3849649
File: 48 KB, 498x480, doyouthinkthisisamotherfuckinggame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the third girl laughing while faking a climax

>> No.3849653

>Fast forward to 5:30 to see her faking an O

Bro there's a guy under the table dildoing them all:

>In his latest project, Hysterical Literature, photographer Clayton Cubitt takes a beautiful woman, places her at a table in front of a black backdrop and gets her to read from her favorite book while an unseen accomplice below the table attempts to bring the woman to orgasm with a vibrator. The results are an intimate, sexy experience that captures a beauty rarely found in most modern pornography.

Nice find.

>> No.3849665

Yeah, but how likely is it that someone is *actually* under the table?

>> No.3849680

Girl 3 laughs and fiddles around beneath. Why lie? It's an art project, not a porno.

But ultimately who cares? 1 and 2 are the best, btw.

>> No.3849681

They're all too busy attending combined poetry readings/orgies.

>> No.3849684

It was a chick with a vibrator.


>> No.3849696

>art project

Right. No doubt they got full dental and a disability pension to fake an O for 5 minutes.

>> No.3849691

>Why lie?

Because you have a choice between spending money to hire an extra worker or just faking the orgasm

>> No.3849700

If this is what passes for intellectualism in our culture, we're totally fucked, aren't we

>> No.3849708


It's watching women have orgasms for fun. If they had this back in ancient Greece or Rome or Shakespeare's England, don't think for a second all those pervy greats would have been watching.

>> No.3849711

For God's sake, you're making it sound like a school project. Clayton Cubitt is:

>Photographer. Filmmaker. Writer. Raised in New Orleans. Based in NYC. Available for commissions and exhibitions internationally.

i.e. a professional. The people in these videos are expecting compensation of some kind. Doubly so for someone doing the distinctly unglamorous, non-resume-applicable job of holding the vibrator under the table.

>> No.3849712

I don't have any problem with it in itself. It's great. Watching women have orgasms is great. I don't think it should stop or go away, not for a second.

I just wonder whether people give it more significance than it deserves - if it's "an art project, not porno", I mean.

Although I don't think the distinction there is very hard and fast.

>> No.3849719

Well, all those people are porn actors, I believe. So it does go on their resume, in a sense.

Whether or not they were compensated or expected to be compensated, I don't know. If I had to guess, I would think they weren't paid.

>> No.3849721

I belch the alphabet.

>> No.3849743

lol, you obviously know nothing about performance art. Like, literally nothing if you think this.

>i.e. a professional. The people in these videos are expecting compensation of some kind.
Tell us more about how they pay those involved in their works. Obviously as a professional he does that. Like how Warhol paid all those factory girls. You're hitting the nail on the head, bro. And obviously there's no person under there because that would require someone getting a union wage. There's no way some hanger-on or an apt pupil of his would do it for free just for the chance to work closely with him.

Tell us more about your in-depth knowledge of performance art. I find this especially funny as someone who works with said artists all the time.

>> No.3849754

Who gives a fuck?

I hope you realize there's always been mediocre art, it's just you don't hear about/read/see any from the past because it's all been forgotten. Only the great stuff survives.

And this is frankly fucking awesome.

>> No.3849771

Yeah, I'm sure he has lots of "hangers-on" and "apt pupils" connected with the porn industry. Porn actresses, remember?

And are implying that "compensation of some kind" = money? I'm sure it would be just as onerous for him to feel beholden to some smarmy flatterer, or to have to write letters of commendation for someone to attach to a resume.

>> No.3849776

sorry for swinging the right way with the wrong equipment

>> No.3849780

you don't even have to know it right if you're trying to impress women. just wing it
>to be or not to be? that is the question
>for death is righteous whereas alas
>life is but a walking shadow
>you complete me
70% of the time she'll buy it

>> No.3849782
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>Yeah, I'm sure he has lots of "hangers-on" and "apt pupils" connected with the porn industry. Porn actresses, remember?
Just because they fuck for money doesn't mean they demand money out of an artist for featuring them in one of his projects. Also, the person at issue is the artist's assistant beneath the table, not the girls in the video. aka a "hanger-on" or "apt pupil."

>And are implying that "compensation of some kind" = money?
Why are you quoting something I never even wrote? Stop making up your own things to reply to. GIF related.

>> No.3849784

>Rome was porn ridden as a matter of taste.

>Shakespeare's England believed you weren't having sex right unless everybody came.
[spoilers]They also believe in female seed being released, so I'm guessing they observed for the kids more than the modern intellect.[/spoilers]


>> No.3849848

>Why are you quoting something I never even wrote? Stop making up your own things to reply to. GIF related.

Are you kidding me? You wrote in response to my saying the participants would expect "compensation of some kind" and started blabbering about people in unrelated projects not getting paid. That's where that came from.

The fact is that my theories are a lot more likely than yours. Until you find some hard facts to back up your assertion that porn stars worked for free, Occam's Razor prevails.

>> No.3849992 [DELETED] 

>Are you kidding me? You wrote in response to my saying the participants would expect "compensation of some kind" and started blabbering about people in unrelated projects not getting paid. That's where that came from.
Scroll back up and read, obviously you can't into sarcasm.

>The fact is that my theories are a lot more likely than yours.
>the fact is
>"the fact"
>my theories
>are more likely
You don't understand how empiricism works, do you What are you, 15? Do you even know what facts are? Get some rest, you'll want to be in school tomorrow. This amount of ignorance is hurting the world already.

And your theories are bullshit because you obviously know nothing about performance art and how it works. Try getting out of the basement before having an opinion on things you're unfamiliar with.

>> No.3850002

>Are you kidding me? You wrote in response to my saying the participants would expect "compensation of some kind" and started blabbering about people in unrelated projects not getting paid. That's where that came from.
Scroll back up and read. Obviously detecting sarcasm isn't your forté.

>The fact is that my theories are a lot more likely than yours.
>the fact is
>my theories
>are more likely
lol... oh dear.
You don't understand how empiricism works, do you? Do you even know what facts are? Get some rest, you'll want to be in school tomorrow, as you're no doubt about 14 years old and this amount of ignorance is hurting the world. Please, choose a desk right up close to the blackboard.

Also your theories are bullshit because you obviously know nothing about performance art and how it works. Try getting out of the basement before having an opinion on things you're unfamiliar with. Automatically assuming someone pays his employees for a performance art piece is bad enough. Assuming he pays them so much that it would discourage him for having anyone working on the project off-stage is simply ridiculous, and assuming that he went ahead anyway and just lied about it is the hugest heap of shit I have read on here all night.

>>>/x/, you'll fit right in.

>> No.3850010

Want to impress girls with your knowledge, huh? You'll start off tonight by adding any quote remotely interesting to you on your Facebook account. This is vital and cannot be skipped. Once you have around, say, 50 quotes, you make sure you've quoted yourself once and then move on to convincing your mommy to buy you some great American Eagle clothes and practice a generally condescending attitude.

It's going to be wetter than a night in November around you.

>> No.3850016


The best advice in this thread.

>> No.3850019


>rushed, not thought out, over quick, and regret doing it while cleaning up a mess everywhere

>> No.3850043

Fucks sake will people stop using this as legitimate advice, not everyone has their self worth measured in their ability to lift heavy things.

He is right though, no breaks will be cut. Confidence is important because want to assume the passive role in the relationship; no this issn't some crack pot sexism it's getting out of having to make choices which EVERYONE likes girls just get to benefit from it due to social conventions. You need to have the "power" in the relationship because they have the real power.

How do you -get- confidence? You make those decisions. You need to make choices and stick to them, unless they are obviously and apparently really bad. You decide when are where the dates are. You decide what you want to do, when you eat, what you read. You don't need to be a constant or something but you need to be a "leader" of sorts.

>> No.3850050
File: 4 KB, 210x229, 1296270885797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I actually said this to a girl
>mfw she asked me what a dichotomy was

>> No.3850056

>Fucks sake will people stop using this as legitimate advice, not everyone has their self worth measured in their ability to lift heavy things.
You're missing the point entirely. Lifting (resistance training) is a core aspect of healthy living and necessary for getting into shape. The better you look, the better you'll feel. Like it or not, women notice men with attractive bodies just as much as we notice girls with the same. Working out is a huge part of that. Sorry if you find that vain. Newsflash, though: sexual attraction is enormously, unforgivingly vain by nature.

If you have a nice, toned, muscular physique you'll feel awesome about yourself just from the way girls check you out all the time. Dirty girls, quiet girls, nerdy-quirky girls, pretty much anything that's female and heterosexual. If you're an awesome person on top of that, you're set. As stated above, girls care about confidence first, looks second, brains third, interests fourth. Much of #1 flows from being #2.

>> No.3850058

>You need to have the "power" in the relationship because they have the real power.
This is wrong, couples arent often referred to as "partners" for no reason. Onesides relationships always end up with somebody being used much worse than the other. Truly, that seems to only apply to people obsessed with sex, if you remove that and you can afford to be selective as fuck about who you roll with. It'll be like looking for a business partner instead of a talking cunt.

>> No.3850077

lol, so beta

Protip: have the upper hand in any and all relationships with women. Always. There's no such thing as completely mutual interest. Just because she's more into you than you are her doesn't mean she's just a "talking cunt," don't be ridiculous. Still, be the one who has more influence, even if the difference is marginal.

>> No.3850087

Women are stupid and naive so just spout some pseudo-intellectual shit and they'll probably think you're smart.

>> No.3850089
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>not everyone has their self worth measured in their ability to lift heavy things

If you had any "self worth" you'd know how intrinsically important maintaing the physical aspect of your body is.

It isn't about lifting "heavy things". Lifitng shows you have a degree of self-respect for your body and the discipline to maintain your physique.

You just seem like you're too insecure about your body to take your fitness seriously and you're trying to cope with this by writing it off.


>> No.3850091
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>> No.3850095


"Riverrun," etc.

>> No.3850096

dude wtf are you doing
calm down

>> No.3850098


women will grow to resent you if you don't dominate her.

Domination need not be complete (controlling every action), but if an important decision were needing to be made immediately, you'd be the one making the decision and any risks or obligations that might come out of it.

To have the final say in a matter is to be of the higher power.

>> No.3850099

His autism needed attending

>> No.3850100

/fit/ please go

>> No.3850104


>arguing about a trifle
>Occam's Razor, burden of proof, etc.
>epistemic problems, empiricism
>sending people to /x/

Philosophy undergrads detected.

>> No.3850105

>women will grow to resent you if you don't dominate her.

Here we go again. "Dominate." Reading comprehension: 2/10

Having more influence doesn't mean "dominating" at all. If done properly she won't even be aware of the fact you hold more sway over the relationship. To quote Samuel Huntington (inb4 opinions on him, though the quote is excellent) "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate."

>> No.3850107

Fatty or twig detected

>> No.3850110

>explicitly recognizing these things in the argument (empiricism excepted)

Philosophy undergrad detected

>> No.3850115
File: 489 KB, 420x315, MJpopcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread

>> No.3850116


lol okay junior. you leave those big bad heavy things alone. we wouldn't want you to break a nail trying to finally become a man, would we?

best leave lifting to the real intellectuals then

>> No.3850122


to control is to have domination

>> No.3850123
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body type: rather not say

>> No.3850124

you guys have your own board please stay there

>> No.3850125

Go to /fit/ and do a headcount of all the lonely lifters. There are a lot. Sure, fine, you get confidence from being muscular, good for you; others don't, and find themselves muscle bound betas.

I've got no beef with others using fitness as a feel good pathway but I just wish they'd stop declaring it to every lonely guy who comes on 4chan to be the One True Path to having a girlfriend.

Regarding personal remarks about me, I've got no issue with supposed "vanity" of attraction. But different strokes for different folks, I find thin girls attractive, not fit or toned ones, am very confident, and am completely comfortable with my body, despite never being to the gym once in my life. My work is very physical and has me lifting drums of aeroplane fuel all day so inb4 self delusional hambeast but at the same time I don't find any pride in the modest musculature it gives me.

I would have thought that on /lit/ of all places we could discuss without personal attacks.

>> No.3850132

Read above: "domination need not be complete." Having more influence than someone in implicit ways she's likely not aware of retains the semblance of balance while allowing you to still have the upper hand. That's the ideal circumstance in most relationships, whether romantic or otherwise.

>> No.3850133
File: 223 KB, 405x352, dat lip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying there aren't fit intellectuals

stay pleb

healthy body -> healthy mind -> healthy soul

>> No.3850137

>I would have thought that on /lit/ of all places we could discuss without personal attacks.

Screen name: "Anonymous"

Personal attacks?

>> No.3850138
File: 1.85 MB, 255x141, average fit user.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying most of fit isn't beta bear mode feelsfags

>> No.3850141
File: 64 KB, 624x475, classysmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3850148

Short men build muscle to compensate for their lack of height.

Tall men (over 6 foot 2) do so to accomplish what God intended man to be.

>> No.3850159

>tall beta who gets cockblocked by guys shorter than himself

>> No.3850160

except for all of you are just incredibly insecure and post stuff like this >>3850133

>> No.3850163

The definition of tall on this site just keeps shifting. Used to be 5"8 and I was in the clear. Then 6"0 and I was still feeling good. Now suddenly it's 6"2 and I barely qualify. 6 more months of 4chan time and the only way to be tall will be a growth hormone injection regimen begun in childhood.

>> No.3850164


>am completely comfortable with my body, despite never being to the gym once in my life

Stop quipping this shit like it's a point of pride. You are missing the reason why advocating lifting to guys looking for advice is a good idea.

Lifting allows guys to work off built up frustration and will go a long way to helping swing someone out of general depression and malaise. No matter how directionless a guy feels if he's taking the time to work on his body he'll still feel that he's making progress in his life - even if it's by increments. Lifting WILL help guys with confidence. It won't turn them into fucking Casanova overnight, but it'll do more for their confidence than any book would on the subject.

This may not be an avenue you'd take, but it's good advice to give to such a larger median of guys that advising against it or saying that you've never been to the gym and you've no intention is always going to be bad advice in comparison.

Every guy on here should be working towards being well-read and /fit/. Any poster worth his intellectual salt understands the importance in the maintenance of body and mind.

>> No.3850165


>dat lip.png

link to video? what interview is this

>> No.3850166

Keep deluding yourself. What I said is fact.

>> No.3850172

If it were fact you wouldn't need to remind anonymous people on the net about it to feel better about yourself

>> No.3850173

This makes me sad. There was a point where I was extremely fit, to the point that I was running 12.2 k a day and doing 12 hours of intensive martial arts each week. Then I developed an eating disorder--whoops! Took four years to get over it and now I can't do anything more strenuous than walking for fear of relapsing. I had to give up martial arts altogether, which killed me, and I developed crippling depression. I think getting fit actually made things worse for me in the long run.

>> No.3850175
File: 6 KB, 227x191, At last..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At first I was mad, but now >mfw

thank you based /fit/

>> No.3850179

getting fit ≠ compulsively exercising to the point you're burning through 12km a day, jesus

>> No.3850182

Who said I was one of either of the groups?

>> No.3850183
File: 35 KB, 320x240, youmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're posting about it, you still are, anon.

>> No.3850184

So you're a cheerleader for tall guys but not one yourself?

I'm sure they're all flattered

>> No.3850185

I'm 193-194cm and I feel short

Granted I'm 22 so I may grow a bit more

>> No.3850186

Yeah, I know, I wasn't really trying to say that people shouldn't improve their physical health. I guess I just couldn't resist the urge to blog.

>tfw will never be Socratic masterrace intellectual

>> No.3850189

How am I mad if I'm in agreeance after careful consideration? I know sometimes it can be tempting to shitpost to get a couple sniggles, but cmon.

>> No.3850190
File: 687 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture taken a few months back. Started going to gym in Feb so I'm bigger now

>> No.3850191
File: 134 KB, 446x400, laughing_whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the man who makes "u so beta" posts on /fit/

>> No.3850192

what does this picture of 2 unattractive people have to do with anything

>> No.3850194

I never have posted in /fit/. /lit/ is the only board I go to

Keep up the assumptions.

>> No.3850198

I'm not ashamed of my appearance, after all it's only getting better with my exercising.

Easy to talk shit behind anonymity.

CAPTCHA: ofomats lifting

>> No.3850199

>Easy to talk shit behind anonymity

You're right. Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine.

>> No.3850201

>so desperate to prove his point he posts a selfie on 4chan

ok you win bro

>> No.3850203

>Easy to talk shit behind anonymity.

Post a fucking pic of urself or SHUT UP

This guy is alpha ++ right now, putting his pic on the interwebs. Do u even lift? do u even have an azn qt 314?

lel beta detected

>> No.3850205

Identified through my photo bro

>> No.3850211

Reverse image search of your face turns up nothing. Oblige me.

>> No.3850212

I don't :/

>> No.3850215


>> No.3850218
File: 2.00 MB, 447x402, laughingjew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3850220


>> No.3850224


>> No.3850228

It's the Ninnaji temple in Kyoto.

>> No.3850230

Thanks. I went there and didn't know the name. My friend took me to lesser frequented ones since I'd been to Kyoto a couple times.

Anyone done any hiking in Kansai? I'm thinking of doing Rokko or Kouya

>> No.3850231

>16 hours a day
>24 hours in a day
>when the fuck did he sleep

>> No.3850232

With a little gremlin girl, cool

>> No.3850233

How can people masturbate? It's the most ignoble, base thing imaginable, how fucked up do you have to be? I thought you guys read books?

>> No.3850234

>hears boyfriend
>gives up
>probably afraid of being called a stalker/rapist
>probably will adduce statistics and socio-cultural arguments to support his beta-ness
>your mettle has been tested, betafag

>> No.3850237

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower provides unprecedentedly bold social commentary on the human condition."

>> No.3850239

Right, keep pretending you've never masturbated. Statistically speaking, it's practically impossible.

>> No.3850250


If only someone was this much of a fedora

>> No.3850260
File: 34 KB, 379x348, 788443368922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average human will not be impressed by your knowledge of anything.

They hate people who know more than they do. Its why we live in an anti-intellectual culture.

>> No.3850265


Pretty much this.

But you'll have some great conversations with people who have read the same books as you.

>> No.3850269

This board is excellent proof of that.

>> No.3850301

There are two elements, OP.
A: You aren't an overrefined faggot dandy dickless effete milquetoast.
B: You appreciate good literature.
A and B must be in concert if you wish to make literature a focal point of your glimmering courtship.

>> No.3850314

She undressed and went to bed. I undressed and went into the bathroom. She watched me coming out with a jar of Vaseline.
"What are you going to do?"
"Just take it easy, baby, take it easy."
I rubbed the Vaseline on my cock. Then I turned out the light and got into bed.
"Turn your back," I said.
I reached one arm under her and played with one breast and reached over the top and played with the other breast. It felt
good with my face in her hair. I stiffened and slipped it into her ass. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her ass
toward me, hard, sliding it in. "Oooooohh," she said.
I began working. I dug it in deeper. The cheeks of her ass were big and soft. As I slammed away I began to sweat. Then I
rolled her on her stomach and sunk it in deeper. It was getting tighter. I nudged into the end of her colon and she screamed.
"Shut up! Goddamn you!"
She was very tight. I slipped it even further in. Her grip was unbelievable. As I rammed it in I suddenly got a stitch in my
side, a terrible burning pain, but I continued. I was slicing her in half, right up the backbone. I roared like a madman and
Then I lay there on top of her. The pain in my side was murder. She was crying.
"Goddamn it," I asked her, "what's the matter? I didn't touch your cunt."
I rolled off.
In the morning Mercedes said very little, got dressed and left for her job.
Well, I thought, there goes another one.

>> No.3850319


>> No.3850322

Is there a paper/essay/dissertation/book which deconstructs the fedora? I want to understand them.

>> No.3850327

>not knowing that the rectum is ~12 cm
>canalis analis ~4

>"nudged into the end of her colon [sigmoideum]"

Yeah fucking right.

>> No.3850330

Colon aside, you ever seen the outline of a dick poking through someone's stomache? Nasty shit.

>> No.3850333

N-no? How'd you see that, MRT? How would "the outline of a dick" poke through the stomach, seeing as the stomach's located around the diaphragm... ?

(I did see a Krukenberg procedure-recipient when I worked in the ICU, though.)

>> No.3850348

http://www.lpsg.com/85566-vids-with-huge-cocks-making-7.html Damn I felt bad googling "dick poking through stomache"

>> No.3850359

Truth. Nevertheless

The fuck are you talking about?

>To die, to sleep; no more
>And by a sleep, we say to end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is ere to
>'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd, to die, to sleep

Add in some enjambment and you're good.

Memorizing this shit. Have it up to "Rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of"

Or more than once. In which case they would ostracize you for wasting your time not learning to reading comprehension

>> No.3850368

your eyes on the book. fucking bitch...

>> No.3850378

>tfw stopped masturbating a week ago and hoping I can keep it up cause my productivity has sky rocketed.

>> No.3851888

Ok George Costanza

>> No.3851961

what de sade movie si this from again?