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/lit/ - Literature

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3848754 No.3848754 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon Lit, How goes you?

So, I am a starving writer, and I am starting up a kickstarter for my book I am trying to publish.

so, /lit/ what would you want back from an author for donating 10. 25, etc. What gifts would you like for what level of donation.

Also, I would need $8500 to edit and publish professionally, plus all of the other things that I would need, including giving back.

So Ideas?

>> No.3848756

Publish it on Amazon. It is free, hobo.

>> No.3848755

I want to be included as a supporting character. Make me really cool and bad ass.

>> No.3848765


The 8500 is not publishing cost. It is for editing and all of that, some reviews, the ability to sell my book and on and on. I am not asking for money from Lit, Just trying to brainstorm with the shitstorm of 4chan

>> No.3848768

edit it yourself?

>> No.3848769

I don't think I'd ever support a Kickstarter for a book that's just fiction. That's what publishers are for. If your book isn't good enough to be picked up by one, go the free Amazon route. Don't cheat people out of their money for a sub-par book.

The only kickstarters I've wanted to contribute to (if I wasn't a poor college student) show earnest need for funding for research or equipment needed. Or in the case of webcomics trying to publish on their own, as there isn't as steady a market of publishers for that sort of thing.

If it's just a novel, go either the traditional route or Amazon.

>> No.3849559

>so, /lit/ what would you want back from an author for donating 10. 25, etc. What gifts would you like for what level of donation.
Anything short of getting my dick sucked probably isn't going to lure me in, and that depends on your looks and skills.

I believe this sentiment to be common.

>> No.3849610

You funny.

>> No.3849613 [DELETED] 
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Would you give me your money, /lit/? Do I -look- like a good writer?

>> No.3849618

You look scrawny and trying way too hard to look 40 and hardboiled with that cigarette.

>kick the shitty nic addiction

>> No.3849624

>kick the shitty nic addiction

These detract from my writing and are thus counter-productive.

>> No.3849629

You would look 'cuter' if you shaved, imo.

>> No.3849655

Just did a few days ago.
Feels naked, man.

>> No.3849666

>so, /lit/ what would you want back from an author for donating 10. 25, etc. What gifts would you like for what level of donation.
Sex. Drugs. Rock and Roll.

>> No.3849674

Bullshit, if you were healthier you'd feel more energized and would likely get more done. This isn't 1940. Pretending to be some degenerative self-absorbed piece of shit isn't cool anymore. Become healthy and your work will only benefit. Right now I imagine your work to be a bunch of self-aggrandizing angsty scribblings, "muhh writing, hrrrr"

>> No.3849686
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>These detract from my writing and are thus counter-productive.

Explaining why you're wasting your time asking how you look from anons on 4chan right now...

Nice time management, bro, no doubt looking like a writer is required to be a writer

>> No.3849710

My processes and habits are what they are, and if they're currently effective, why would I go about altering them? I write outside on my back patio in the heat of summer with a bowl of peanuts, a half-shot of a condensed energy drink, and a load of cigarettes. It's far from healthy, but I get roughly 2k+ done every day. There's hardly any personal reason to it. No image I'm trying to make myself into. The energy drink is there to wake me up, the cigarettes stave off hunger, and the peanuts ensure I don't starve.

>I imagine your work to be a bunch of self-aggrandizing angsty scribblings, "muhh writing, hrrrr"
I should hope not. I'm writing a heavily plot driven novel with diverse and varied characters that combines themes and philosophies primarily presented by Lewis Mumford and Joseph Campbell within the subtext. I try my very best to stray away from self-aggrandizing messages by giving characters most similar and relatable to myself either unlikeable personalities or negative outcomes.

>> No.3849714

Man degenerative shit from 1940? Ouch. I find smoking weed and drinking great for reading and writing, but I only get like a good paragraph or two and the rest are shit. But yeah I actually have a blue at job, not much else is expected from us drunken smoking degenratives but getting drunk and smoking.. Speeds alright to write on but half of its just babbling

>> No.3849715

Eh, the chapter I just finished up was super draining. Figured I'd dick about a bit.

>> No.3849720

>Speeds alright to write on but half of its just babbling
See Stephen King's "The Stand"

>> No.3849736


Sounds fucking boring.

Talk normal, cunt.

>> No.3849742

I'll just get back to work.

>> No.3849748

>Create thread
>sage it instead of outright deleting it
yea ok

>> No.3849807

haha enjoy nevr getting published

>> No.3850144


>Implying anyone would publish a book from an unknown writer unless it was something like Twilight, 50 shadows of grey or some shitty self-help book.

Even if it were a good book I guess he should be somewhat known or really lucky.

>> No.3850206
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Self publishing?

Always a good idea.

>> No.3850370

Hahahahaha, oh, fuck.

>> No.3851245

You mean 2*10^3 words a day? Do you think that's a lot? I write that as writing exercise every morning.

>> No.3851260

Prove it

by the way, I'm Thomas Pynchon

>> No.3851274

How will I prove it? Post some of the worthless drivel I've written on 4chan? This is a lel of the topmost class!

>asks me to prove a reasonable claim
>makes an outlandish claim which he will surely not prove

>> No.3851298
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homo related