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File: 34 KB, 500x309, 1403458075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3848321 No.3848321 [Reply] [Original]

work. consume. die.


>> No.3848327

Claim benefits. Non materialistic. Reincarnation.


>> No.3848329

what an entirely biased, idiotic outlook on life.

>> No.3848330

fap. shitpost. repeat.


>> No.3848335

Just finished work, going to consume.


>> No.3848379


People do not work just to consume: if it were possible to live without working (without having to employ your efforts in an activity that you do not appreciate) many people would choose to do that.

However, if you do not work, you have no way to feed yourself, to dress yourself, to keep your basic hygiene, and even to socialize. The choice is this one: either you work and live with dignity, or you do not work and live like an animal, like a beggar.

Of course there are people who do not need to work (living by inheritance or income), but they are rare. People are not a bunch of blind sheep who work every day to satisfy their hunger for consumption; actually people work every day for something much simpler: to survive.

There are a lot of people who, in their free time, go hiking, mountain climbing, surfing, drinking and talking, writing, painting, sculpting, football playing, etc: not everybody is so flat and dull as you think. People have their hobbies and passions, but can only do that after work, and they have to work to sustain themselves.

You are kind of innocent, OP. Certainly a teenager.

>> No.3848396

worship edge god

>> No.3848413

complain. complain. die

>> No.3848430

>Certainly a teenager.
>claiming certainty on the internets
>claiming certainty, ever


>> No.3848482
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Diogenes says Hi.

>> No.3848497

Fuck off, sheeple. No blood for oil man. We are all One, wake up. Stop worshiping the governent overlords. Can't you see The Truth™? You just don't get it, you have to expand your mind to see the Infinite™. I pity you.

P.S. Jesus and Buddha were just chill hippies who would smoke weed with us and like talk and shit. WAKE. UP!!!!

>> No.3848511
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>tfw being sarcastic but you're right

>> No.3848542
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>> No.3848558

work. play. love. die.

>> No.3848561

Can I just skip to the dying?

>> No.3848579

Nihilism is the only answer.

Go free brothers, go free.

>> No.3848592

Nah. It's all just vague nonsense. I used to live in an incredibly liberal town and constantly bump into people like that. They'd creep the streets like automata, droning their corny slogans and catchphrases. It's lazy thought, wrapt in pseudo-spiritual words copped from hacks like Chopra or whoever. One of these people got smashed into pulp by a car, and another got cancer. Good times.

Also, the Iraq War was a just one. My Kurdish brethren and other Iraqis are finally released from their shackles, free to try their hand at democracy. Peace Out™.

>> No.3848597


If you are satisfied with your small room in the house of mommy and daddy, where you have difficulty even to bring up girls (assuming you catch the interested of any girl), without having your own car, without taking care for your own accounts and earning a pathetic allowance, then fine: you are living like this because you wanted to. Just be assured that your daddies will eventually feel ashamed of having a single and unemployed man of 50 years old living in the basement, with no career or achievement.

As for me, I still write literature every day, but I also go to the law firm where I work. I have a nice car, a nice apartment that is only mine, my bar with cigars, whiskeys, vodkas and brandy’s, my imported beers, my suits and blazers, and, of course, my women.

I advise you to mature. Have you seen the show Mad Men? Have you ever seen a scene in which Don Draper visit a girl he usually fucks and ends up in the middle of a "party" full of pathetic hipsters, who keep on criticizing him but who don’t have any money and live like shit? Well: I advise you to see this scene - perhaps the shame will cure you out of your innocence.

Of course, if you are family-rich as Tolstoy and have a house only for yourselves, with lands and income, then there is no problem of being a NEET.

>> No.3848600

work. consume. die. discuss.


>> No.3848601
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what i want in life:

>be 20

i don't know man.
i just want to have a chill life.
i don't care that much about money as long as i am happy.
i don't wanna spend most of my future life working some shit job for a bunch of assholes.
i want a job that i enjoy, a job that offers me enough freetime to do live my life.
i look at people and all they do is fucking working.
they stand up early and come home late.
and as soon as they are at home they eat something, watch tv, go to sleep and repeat the same shit all over again.
i don't want that.
a job is not that important in life. it's not what makes you happy.

and i have no idea how to get there...

>> No.3848606

read. write. drink. die.

so fulflilling

>> No.3848610

Even written in that format, it still sounds great.

>> No.3848611 [DELETED] 
File: 790 KB, 2592x1944, i confirm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write comment. upload image. submit post.


>> No.3848617

Thanks a lot dickead, I've just got fired.

>> No.3848618

Putting my life investments in med school. I'll have comfortable hours in private practice, be helping people, and making metric fucktons of money to be invested. It'll also free up time for writing.

It's just a big time/money investment. Such will be the life of peace and security, though.

>> No.3848619

>Mad Men? Have you ever seen a scene in which Don Draper visit a girl he usually fucks and ends up in the middle of a "party" full of pathetic hipsters, who keep on criticizing him but who don’t have any money and live like shit?
Can you remember the season/episode?

>> No.3848622

> 4chan at work
How much harder is it to get a job when you're retarded?

>> No.3848623
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Don't work, study what i want, have sex, die whenever.

But i'd just like to give a big should to trolls and real life people like >>3848379 who make my extremely pleasurable and easy going life a possibility.

>> No.3848624

If it's the scene I think he's talking about, it has to be Season 1, Episode 8.

>> No.3848628

this is the closest i've come to puking while browsing 4chan.

>> No.3848631
File: 34 KB, 490x333, Lant_biu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are satisfied with your small room in the house of mommy and daddy, where you have difficulty even to bring up girls (assuming you catch the interested of any girl), without having your own car, without taking care for your own accounts and earning a pathetic allowance, then fine: you are living like this because you wanted to. Just be assured that your daddies will eventually feel ashamed of having a single and unemployed man of 50 years old living in the basement, with no career or achievement.

>> No.3848633

Different Anon but I love that scene. The girl is his the bohemian freelancer artist.

>The cops are outside, you can't go out there.
>No. YOU can't go out there.

Season 1. Episode 'The Hobo Code'

>> No.3848637

>lives his life to avoid his fear of shame
>spreads his shame morality
>thinks he is an intellectual
>is wholly and completely afraid

>> No.3848642

mfw don draper's life is empty and pathetic

>> No.3848643


I think it's the episode 8 of season 1: "The Hobo Code". There is some episode before that in wich Don draper also confronts one of the beatniks.

>> No.3848644

There are several episodes like that.

>> No.3848645


>> No.3848652

I already like this board, imagine asking that question on /tv/. Thanks!

>> No.3848655


That's truly a great line.

>> No.3848656
File: 252 KB, 1600x1200, 2002 was 800 years ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there's a part in the Bible where a dude has to get a boner to prove he doesn't have ED or something but somehow searching "bible erectile dysfunction" just brings up Bible education sites

valor. honor. buttor.


>> No.3848661

don draper is an alpha/

>> No.3848663
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Obsession. Compulsion. Repeat.

>> No.3848678

This life isn't a prison, you're free to go whenever you want.

>> No.3848682

but he hates his life

>> No.3848683

stoned. the rest is kind of uncertain, but in a fuzzy feelgood way.

>> No.3848702

If that's what an alpha is then I'm happy to be a beta.

>> No.3848712

don draper is a beta or worse. he has an alpha facade. alphas don't have facades

>> No.3848802
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I'm Blackman!

>> No.3848834

>My Kurdish brethren and other Iraqis are finally released from their shackles, free to try their hand at democracy
Wow, there's actually people who believe in that crap.

>> No.3848846

I believe you have been rused, my friend.

>> No.3848855

I think so.

>> No.3848860

if your life is like that op i genuinely pity you but if you think every1s life is like that you are deluding yourself

>> No.3848881
File: 50 KB, 500x331, 4692780089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pity you
> deluded
> implying life isn't ultimately pointless and futile

I really wish I was naive and dense as you

>> No.3848885

Smoke weed. Sit on the couch. Watch Netflix. Wish you had something better to do.


>> No.3848897

>i'm 13

>> No.3848902

I'm joining the air force and am having trouble rationalising my decision besides the basic "serve contract, get GI bill, get in shape, have a stable income". advice and opinions?

>> No.3848904

>runs away from war because scared
>scared of women so keeps them at a distance
>fails to be a proper father
>acts like a child and throws tantrums when things don't go his way
>always fucks up
>when the going gets hard he runs

Alpha as fuck yo.

>> No.3848907

>work. consume. die.
that's quite an erroneous approach. I would change it to
>work. produce.die.
and things just got better

>> No.3848910
File: 49 KB, 550x417, plebsgonnapleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you weren't (a) completely worthless human being(s)
you would have realized it is the quality of a man's consumption, work and death that defines his worth.
The reason why you feel disgusted with this is because you are disgusting. What I mean is that you probably haven't - and probably never will - be of any significange and/or value.

>> No.3848920

woah woah woah don't get testy pal, i didn't imply life "isn't ultimately pointless and futile" at all. but the difference is that that fact doesn't turn me into a pathetic, over-emotional mess such as yourself. i guess you could say ive turned my greed for infinite life into gratitude for this short life. of course if you're constantly suffering, and surely you are a suffering young man dealing with a great deal of distress, just look at your posts, life isn't worth being grateful for. but mine is, and many other people's are too. get the picture?

>> No.3848933


Your life may very well be pointless and futile. There is no way to say that the 'essence' of life is this or that.
You make the best of it, and if can't many a life better than one that is is futile and pointless, well, chances are it's because you're a manlet.

>> No.3848942

yeah he probably has a big nose or too much foreskin or something

>> No.3848944

>the quality of a man's consumption, work and death that
Guise, this is like arguing what tastes better, sweet or salty.

People will say sweet, people will say salty and they'll all be right and wrong.

I respect your point of view, but I totally disagree with it. I think what defines a man is what he thinks and what he creates, not what he consumes. We remember Da Vinci and other geniuses for the quality of their creations, not for the toilet paper brand they used.

>> No.3848946

>life isn't a prison
Tell that to all the faggots that try to dissuade you from an heroing or look at you funny when you say you want to an hero.
It seems that fucking pussy and drinking alcohol is the perfect like and if you don't want that something is wrong.

>> No.3848954


Da Vinci's creations are the product of his work. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.3848956
File: 340 KB, 492x389, ikkyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile NEETS live on their own or with like-minded people in city apartments, don't need cars, never work, drink and smoke whenever and however they want instead of looking at a stocked bar which they can't empty because they need to be fresh for the job, can write when they please and have all the time in the world for women instead of having to compensate for attention with money.

You can romanticise your suit and tie upstanding citizen top conformist ideals, but living like a filthy bohemian is a lot more rewarding than kissing ass 8 to 12 hours a day to buy goodies to lure vapid whores with. While you're shuffling paper on a tuesday afternoon to afford your 'imported beer' (lel) when the weekend comes around I'm drinking boxed wine and puffing on a stogie on the balcony in the sunlight reading short stories and watching the people go by. Feels productive, man.

>> No.3848962

>my lifestyle is better than yours and objectively correct

>> No.3848965

im sure other inmates in a literal prison would try to dissuade you from leaving as well, and could you even call you mean and hurtful names which could do some serious damage to your delicate sensibility, but that doesn't change the fact that the door is fucking open ya knoee

>> No.3848967

Everyone is superior to you Fandroid, you fucking moron. You contribute nothing of any value to anything.

How does that make you feel? Like a waste of precious space? It should.

>> No.3848972

>random dude tells you not to step out of your car
>hurrr this car is a prison

>> No.3848979

I disagree. While creation certainly requires work, it's not the same to have a shitty job and write/paint/compose/whatever as a hobby than to work on creating because that is your job.

In this aspect, work should be separated from the act of creation. It's not quite the same.

>> No.3848982


>> No.3848984

>And with that Tommy rose from the basement, the sweet smells of his mother's homemade dinner filling his nostrils. As he sat his perpetually fat ass down at the table, his mother spoke the words she had so many times in the past: "Get a job you lazy sack of shit."

>> No.3848986




>> No.3848991

>implying producing in an unfair society is the right thing to do instead of either changing it or letting it crumble and produce for yourself.

>> No.3848999

seriously, i mean does he'll coward even smoke crack

>> No.3849000
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>> No.3849002


>> No.3849006

Shouldn't you be hitting the gym fatty? Surely you have the time to do so.

>> No.3849009

It's interesting, I don't consider what I do work, so would that make me an exception? I sell things I make with my hobbies and make enough to pay my mortgage. And yes that is by myself. And yes I would make these things in the quantities I do regardless of my income stream. I live a fairly easygoing life. When I'm not making stuff for fun I garden and grow about 80% of what I eat. I'm building solar panels and a bike generator with a battery set to power my home when the power goes out. So although I am a consumer I do my best not to consume a hell of a lot. I've been working on an alcohol powered engine adapter for my motorcycle. And I go hiking just about every week since I live in an area surrounded by mountains.

The point I'm trying to make is what do you define as work and consumption? Would you call my hobby work because it brings in money?

>> No.3849010

Don't crash.

>> No.3849015

You'll get tons of praise and glory just for being in a war (if you're going to be in a war) and everyone will treat you like a hero even though you're just a naive grunt for neo-imperalism.

>> No.3849016
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NEETs are only allowed their pitiful existences because of workers.

>> No.3849018

Feminism made it so that men can't get wives? Wat? The ignorance pains me. Feminism simply rose the standards. It also birthed a nasty backlash against women in the form of the Beauty Myth of thinness and youth being desirable above anything else, reducing women from labor to sexual objects.

>> No.3849020

>y-you must be a loser if you live without toiling like a plow horse in the service of someone else

Keep the projector rolling friend, lest you find out you're stuck in Plato's cubicle.

>> No.3849025

why does every thread on /lit/ become neet vs neetshamers

>> No.3849028

I agree with you there. Back in the day work meant creation or at least discovery and progress. Nowadays most of it is service and slave wagery. And creation is no longer what most people would define as "work".

>> No.3849029

It's all in good fun my friend.

For me, at least. Although I know NEETs often have inferior brains as a result of their sloth.

>> No.3849032

What the fuck should I do else?
There are only that much things I can do with my life and all of those fall under either "work" or "consume"

>> No.3849035

Hiking falls under neither of those things. And anything you enjoy is not work.

>> No.3849041

It works both ways. When you don't pay off NEETs you get the Sturmabteilung or the Bonnot gang. Tax payers give part of their income to the rabble and in exchange the rabble keeps quiet. It's a good deal for all.

>> No.3849043

It's useful as well, these threads have sharpened my NEETlife rhetoric tremendously.

>> No.3849060

Eh, we should just shoot them in the face.

Bonnot gang. Haha.

>> No.3849059

Hiking is a mixture of working and consuming.
Unless you are hiking without needing any equipment or even water. Then it's only work.

>> No.3849068
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I'm not shooting anyone as long as I get a kilobux a month.

>> No.3849070

>However, if you do not work, you have no way to feed yourself, to dress yourself, to keep your basic hygiene, and even to socialize.


>> No.3849081
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The mythology of work debunked.

>> No.3849083
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>> No.3849087
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>> No.3849091
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>> No.3849094

give. take. leave.


>> No.3849198

das it mane

>> No.3849225 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 560x404, traditional-bathtubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bath. tub. bathtub.

>> No.3849341


>> No.3849378

Watch BBC

>> No.3849403
File: 37 KB, 624x382, allisonsmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orphan black

>> No.3849413

Northern Exposure

>> No.3849426
File: 65 KB, 430x286, dale-cooper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin Peaks

>> No.3849427

>I sell things I make with my hobbies and make enough to pay my mortgage.

What do you sell?

>> No.3849430

makes me too goddamn pie hungry

>> No.3849435

>Excuse me, could you bring me a pad and pencil? I'm going to write an epic poem about this pie!

>> No.3849452


>> No.3849453
File: 25 KB, 400x289, twin-peaks-cooper-and-bob2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coop, he had class. Shame what happened to him, tho.

>> No.3849469

>inferior brains as a result of their sloth

The brain of your average laborer begs to differ. A life of tedious monotonous work and three hours of Discovery Channel reality shows per day with a football game thrown in does not promote intellectual stimulation.

>> No.3849476


>> No.3849479

Amerifag? Countries with state television tend to have a mix of educational and entertainment programmes. With far less Michael Bay in both

>> No.3849484
File: 325 KB, 586x800, 1361666561001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw watching Twin Peaks with homemade pie


the idea of David Lynch being a character who has to literally shout over the rest of the cast is so pomo I can't handle it
Laura Palmer's diary was a pretty good tie-in too

>> No.3849490

Fuck, I think I have to make a pie at one a.m.

>> No.3849492

We were dying the moment we ate out first meal brah. Get over it.

>> No.3849505
File: 653 KB, 681x906, 1362265170001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so satisfying, I didn't even like pie that much before Twin Peaks
like you literally just boil a bunch of shit in sugar and put that shit in a pie tin with some store-bought crusts
old ladies know what's up

>> No.3849513

If I have no choice but to do the first three, and you're adding another imperative ("discuss"), why would I give up more of my freedom by obeying?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3849515

too poor for pie crusts- plus when you make your own you can add some serious butter. all you have is butter flour sugar and apples? that's some pie right there. (also: you don't have to boil shit, just chop it, sugar it, and if it's extra juicy like peaches or berries, add a tblsp tapioca or semolina)
>i need so many cats

>> No.3849525

We used to have a decent selection of educational programs, but nobody watched them. Both Discovery Channel and National Geographic show shitty reality shows or "how it's made" type shows displaying boring factory process.

>> No.3849531

HBO/PBS mashup is kind of closer to everything you'd get from watching late night tv in the middle of the road socialism countries. i don't get how americans can watch so much tv when it's shit and reruns. the pop up ads are worse than the shit porn sites give me.

tl;dr- sux2bu

>> No.3849535

discuss comes before die

>> No.3849542

discus comes before die. later, naked chess.

>> No.3849548

I don't work. Others work for me.

>> No.3849580


fuck you

>> No.3849586
File: 26 KB, 400x300, full-metal-mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huururr ii don't like CONSUMING don't give me a nice meals that's CONSUMERIST wtf consuming stuff is empty maaan we must like non-consume like rocks and shit

eating normals eggs is consumerist maan
eat like expensive eggs so you can be nonconsumer cool
these are special eggs maan
not consumerist at all

hey man i see you have a car man so consumerist
ride a bike man bikes arent things
so free

look at all these people consuming things man
i have hemp sandals i dont consume at all

>> No.3849592

>mfw worked out vintage bicycles contain Belgian Congo rubber

>> No.3849860

Spend my life in a tank, take leave, live off the land in the rockies, go to new york, visit storage, get sport coat and classy attire, go to a garden party, fuck girlfriend, live with her, repeat. Prolly not gonna die by old age either.

>> No.3849942

>People do not work just to consume: if it were possible to live without working (without having to employ your efforts in an activity that you do not appreciate) many people would choose to do that.
>However, if you do not work, you have no way to feed yourself, to dress yourself, to keep your basic hygiene, and even to socialize. The choice is this one: either you work and live with dignity, or you do not work and live like an animal, like a beggar.

This post makes me want to ask, are there good books about leaving a good life while not working? I know this is kinda like asking about the Holy Grail, but it's worth a try.

>> No.3849949


>> No.3849966
File: 237 KB, 366x897, bicycle thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even with determined searching I couldn't find a version of your picture that was of equal or greater quality. How/where did you obtain it?

>> No.3850340
File: 540 KB, 500x3991, 1368282120040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work to live, not live to work.

But. All this will be forgotten. Like tears in rain.

>> No.3850578

I don't feel right writing my memoires yet friend, I'm only 25.

>> No.3850591
File: 515 KB, 1280x1919, 1362525323001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found it on another imageboard, or maybe just another board
I have a few others tho

>> No.3850594
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>> No.3850596
File: 332 KB, 1200x749, 1362265170002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you made that request like seven hours ago but

>> No.3852448
File: 121 KB, 533x800, hercules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the reply.