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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 486 KB, 1600x1200, photo033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3841999 No.3841999 [Reply] [Original]

Who here buys these gaudy leatherbound monstrosities? What is wrong with you?

>> No.3842002
File: 240 KB, 777x1246, DSC02392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this doesn't look magnificent

>> No.3842003

Not all of us can be blessed with taste and sensibility.

Don't take shots at the little people, OP. They do try so.

>> No.3842011
File: 933 KB, 2934x4868, dante-alighieri-the-divine-comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying your taste isn't objectively subpar

>> No.3842014

That table has a specific purpose, OP. It's for people who have a middling-close friend they need to get a gift for and they know he's bookish so they walk into Barnes and Noble and find this table in the middle of the floor somewhere. And they know nothing of their literary taste and you end up with a Charles Dickens collection that looks like a family bible from the 70s.

Swear to god, one of these days they're going to do this to the Left Behind books and release them right before Mothers Day and B and N will be unstoppable

>> No.3842024

I like them.

>> No.3842026

it's a fucking book. who the fuck cares what it looks like?

>> No.3842034


The irony of you raging while claiming not to care aside, clearly it matters if someone is actually choosing to buy a leather-bound hardback that is more expensive than the other editions out there. It is all about looks for these people you fool.

>> No.3842037

There were only 3 posters in this thread, and one of them was OP.

>> No.3842042 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.95 MB, 400x225, 1347513808541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are cool looking, if i had disposable income i would buy some of my favorites. You guys have your heads so far up your asses anything that is legitimately cool, is treated as "pleb" and stupid. This is why you have no friends.

>> No.3842043

Yeah they're fucking terrible and i hate them

>> No.3842052

I've been given four
of these.
Two of the Poe collection.
One of the Arabian Nights.
And the last was all of H.P. Lovecraft's fiction (which is the only one I have any interest in reading).

I don't even ask for them.

>> No.3842058

Some I can understand the animosity towards, like the Alice and Wonderland one, but others I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
So, why the animosity towards these collections?

>> No.3842062
File: 39 KB, 488x492, 1370844301458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>randomly projecting his insecurities over his social situation

I appreciate that you're going through difficulties in your life, but that is off-topic.

>> No.3842069

>Metallic page-sides
This shit looks tacky as fuck. How does anyone think that's a good idea?

>> No.3842074

They're pretty but pretty unwieldy.

Cool to put on a shelf for display, terrible for actual reading.

Never seen these specific editions though, what's their usual price?

>> No.3842076

There are price stickers in the image.

>> No.3842078

They're like $20

>> No.3842080

Yep, I'm a dum-dum

I actually thought they would cost a lot more. 20 bucks is not that bad a price. If they have your favorite book of all time or something like that, you could buy it just for shits and giggles

>> No.3842096

I love old hardcover books but these are disgusting.

>> No.3842099

I looove me some big hardcover anthologies, but these are a bit too flashy, I dunno

I like them with dust jackets so they look like normal books. I bet half the people who buy the editions OP posted never read them

>> No.3842104

Why hate the Alice ones?

>> No.3842110
File: 59 KB, 640x480, DSC09056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the Collector's Library editions, then?

They're kinda similar, but they're pretty small (maybe too small) and have dust jackets. I like them.

>> No.3842114

Who cares as long as it has words on a page and you can read them.

>> No.3842116

I would purchase the U.S. Constitution one if I didn't already own the Federalist and most of the other works included in it.

>> No.3842128

Too small

Captcha: publishes [illegible]

>> No.3842132
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>> No.3842137
File: 112 KB, 500x305, loeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god I think I have an erection I think I will become a classicist just to own these books holy goddamn

>> No.3842140
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, libraryofamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of satan what pretty books it makes me proud to be an american my great grandfather was from minnesota anyway

>> No.3842143

Some are green. Some are red. Big whoop?

>> No.3842147

Never liked these, for whatever reason.

>> No.3842150

People who buy these tacky pieces of shit care what they look like, or they'd buy a paperback copy for cheap.
Irony is the paperback probably looks less terrible.

>> No.3842151

They feel cheap and the type they use looks cheap as well.

>> No.3842153

>interested in reading Lovecraft
>not interested in reading Poe
Poe is like Lovecraft but better, though
you should deff. give him a chance.

>> No.3842154

It looks really good when it's done properly.
(these collections do not do it properly)

>> No.3842166

I like the Franklin Library editions.
They look way better in person, the leather and gold look real nice in a way that the photographs don't quite capture.

>> No.3842172

They're meant to be affordable anthologies for people who enjoy literature that's not necessarily entry-level but not obscure. I enthusiastically approve of them simply because they're convenient. Look at those Henry James editions. Have you any clue what it would take to gather up one by one the man's published works?

>> No.3842173

Agreed, they're bitchin'

captcha: forall gays

>> No.3842175

I've only got the Shakespeare one of these, and that's because it was on sale for a cool $5 and offered his complete works. I removed the dustjacket because it just looks terrible. The hardcover isn't too terrible, just an olive-green bounding with some tacky faux-gold leaf lettering on the side.

>> No.3842176

Fair point. If only because Henry James is the shit.

>> No.3842180

Not to mention that the lack of metallic side-coverings aids its elegance.

>> No.3842194
File: 20 KB, 260x352, 9780760791455_p0_v2_s260x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Barnes and Noble does some good things with its in-house publishing. Their Library of Essential Writers series can make nice introductions to significant writers that one hasn't read. That's how I read my first E.M. Forster. Plus, I'm a sucker for books with paintings on their covers.

But I agree, those prints in the OP are horrifying.

>> No.3842196

I've heard that the 'Leatherbound Classics' Shakespeare has no footnotes and is thus unsuitable for one who needs a bit of hand-holding through the archaisms. Fair assessment?

>> No.3842206

Yes, but I can make without. Do I lose some of the context? Fair enough. I don't believe that footnotes are especially essential to understanding Shakespeare unless you're a perpetually stoned high-school quarterback.

>> No.3842261
File: 110 KB, 766x1023, P1010138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who folio society here?

>> No.3842272


>> No.3842280

then why are you so angry about it..?

>> No.3842283

Very few complete collections of Shakespeare have footnotes.

>> No.3842291

I imagine you'd buy something like this if you really wanted to feel like you had BOOK and you were READING. It's so high visibility, it just begs to be held up in front of someone's face who's too busy trying to make eye contact with everyone in the room to actually read the words on the page.

>> No.3842298
File: 11 KB, 297x303, Jay.Leno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw Divina Commedia translated

>> No.3842300

Nothing against the books, really. I'll take the shittiest, movie-cover-using, second hand book out there if it saves me a buck. Do they do the job? Yes. But are they pretty or collectables? no.

>> No.3842316

second hand books don't mean shit-tier books.
i only buy second hand books from the 60's and 70's and i got some collectables 1st editions
also the book design in those days was a lot better from the shit they started making after the 80's
just look at this >>3842002, horrible dasign and illustration

>> No.3842321

Bahahaha. I thought I was the only one who owned this book.

>> No.3842323
File: 52 KB, 425x600, 9781435139305_p0_v2_s600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is perhaps the most respectable of the collection. Obviously the Constitution doesn't take up 800+ pages, but the additional readings are all ones which every American should review, especially the Federalist.

>> No.3842325

It looks like it would burn well along with all other capitalist dogma.

>> No.3842326

Of course. I only meant second hand as an indication of wear; although this isn't a given. I like worn books anyway. There's something nice about knowing that someone else held this book and they felt feels and came to their own opinions over the same pages. My favourites are the little notes written by people who have clearly passed away. Though some people hate that shit.

As an aside, fuck people who write in library books. wtf man :|.

>> No.3842327

why do americans care so much about what some old white fucks wrote 200+ years ago?

>> No.3842330

because that's the only "history" they got
this and the genocide of native americans

>> No.3842332


>> No.3842333

i love when i find dedications on the first page

>> No.3842336

>There's something nice about knowing that someone else held this book and they felt feels and came to their own opinions over the same pages. My favourites are the little notes written by people who have clearly passed away. Though some people hate that shit.
I love that, too. I love little notes in the start of books.
Like my copy of 100 days of solitude has something written like "This is my favourite book ever! Enjoy. - Karl"
And I'm like, "thanks Karl".

>> No.3842339


protip: history the world over is built on genocide

not even an amerifat, but you're being naive

>> No.3842340

it's early

>> No.3842343
File: 69 KB, 285x276, 1365948531422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw Karl

>> No.3842344

and you're being cynical
there's a lot of history that's not just about genocide too, and it's kinda sad that it often seems to get forgotten about behind all the wars and massacres

>> No.3842346

Is there a bit where it covers how many slaves each man can own?

>> No.3842348

Did you really right thanks carl in it? did you mean carls jr fatass?

>> No.3842357


>and you're being cynical

what? I'm being fucking matter of fact

>it's kinda sad that it often seems to get forgotten

oh shut up. just shut the fuck up you bleeding heart pussywillow. i know this. my point was in direct refute to the implication that amerifats are the only ones marked with a history of genocide in their past. that is a naive implication.

>> No.3842362

>my point was in direct refute to the implication that amerifats are the only ones marked with a history of genocide in their past
well why the fuck were you responding seriously to what was obviously a 'troll'/joke post anyway

>> No.3842364


>obviously a 'troll'/joke post

take a quick lurk around /pol/.
there are idiots who actually think like this.

>> No.3842378

>Implying just because something is old that means it's worthless.

>why do americans care so much about what some old white fucks wrote 200+ years ago?

Why do people care what Socrates wrote? Why does anyone care what Thucydides wrote? Why do people care what Hobbes or Locke wrote?

Nobody else in this thread has read the Federalist in its entirety, obviously.

>> No.3842381

Go auck some capitalist dick you brainwashed pion.

>> No.3842388

This is called an 'ad hominem' attack. It's one of the more frequently used logical fallacies in debate.

>> No.3842394
File: 22 KB, 600x600, Anarchy-symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i am ever going to read your capitalist propaganda

>> No.3842397

most of my books are paperbacks, but i got a few from 1890-1920 that look accordingly. example: (found on google, have same edition i think)

am i supposed to get rid of these books too? and why do you care?

>> No.3842400

pics of your 1890-1920 books please

>> No.3842403

can only deliver this evening, am not home

>> No.3842404

titles at least?

>> No.3842405

Well, the Federalist isn't so much capitalist propaganda as it is an adroit defense of the ideas laid out in the U.S. Constitution. Most of the current objections against the U.S. government are substantiated by the Federalist.

>> No.3842412

Not a refutation. But semi-semi-related and I'm bored.

In New Zealand my people (the Maori) killed and cannibalized each other not 200 years ago, and there's no real denying that we were barbarians. When the English arrived we only grew worse, their technology (read: guns) let us overcome a native fort system that had made previous wide scale destruction pretty much impossible; previously, no food preservation techniques + no projectile weaponry meant any sort of height = gg can't be sieged lol.

One war chief, Hongi, one of the first to make contact with the English, traveled to England to meet the king. There he acted all nice and cordial and the king gave him a bunch of gifts and along with some armour. He said thank you very much, and on his way back home he passed through Australia. In Australia he sold all the king's gifts - minus armour - and bought a bunch of guns. Then he sailed back home.

On the ship from Australia he was boarded up with the chiefs from a few rival tribes, and he told them: when we get home, I'm gonna take these here guns and fuck your shit up. And he did exactly that. When he arrived back in New Zealand he outfitted his tribe, and proceeded to march down the country with his guns killing and eating all those people - kids and wives included - who weren't so well equipped. All while donning proudly the shinny king's armour. I'm descended from both the fuckers and the fucked, so whatever.

>> No.3842415


Anyway, the point: despite all the atrocities they did commit white people still felt compelled for some reason to make more shit up to justify the eventual sublimation of the Maori. There was one off shoot of the Maori, the Mori-ori, who'd moved away from the mainland and taken to passivism for whatever reason. When another Maori tribe found them, they thought passivism was a retarded idea so they killed all the men and raped the women (as an aside: the chief of these people when asked by a younger man if they should fight back said something to the likes of: well it's not an ideology if you only do it when it's convenient). That's all true enough, but white people came up with some weird story where the Mori-ori were good white red-headed folk, despite no real evidence of this (I mean they literally spoke a dialect of Maori, and Mori-ori/Maori mean the same thing - 'normal') . It's such a pervasive idea that most New Zealanders still incorrectly believe this.

I don't know if it's a thing white people do to assuage some sort of dissonance, or if it's just a tactic of conquerors in general. But you can see stories of a similar vein through history. In Japan they've tried to paint the native, and mostly dead, Ainu population as white folk as well (they aren't, they're mongloid through and through). In the Americas there's the idea that Native Americans killed off a native peoples who crossed the Berring Straight during an earlier ice age, despite, again, no solid archaeological evidence of this.

I have no real complaints. Personally I think it's kind of cute.

>> No.3842417

none of them are worth much. the edition of schiller I posted, a bible that was in possession of my late grandfather, around thirty of these old booklets http://3.static-hood.de/img1/big/2492/24926573.jpg which are cheap editions of classics which my father used to study with. One or two obscure books I'd need to look up. Really nothing worth much, but of interest to me.

>> No.3842418

Since I own this one I'd say it's a neat tome if you wanted shakespeares collected works in one place.

However the letters are miniscule and there are no footnotes so be prepared for tough reads. However it is cheap and I'd use it as a frame of reference.

>> No.3842420

Must buys are the bible and dantes.

>> No.3842465


>buying bibles when missionaries are handing them out left right and centre.
>muh provenance!

>> No.3842467
File: 40 KB, 350x345, 1364666550598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple are okay looking.
The Arabian Nights, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Illiad and Odyssey, and the Hans Christian Anderson,
They're still very ostentatious and flashy, but not sickeningly gaudy.

I wouldn't pay the extra money for them to look like this, but I wouldn't begrudge them, if I got them as gifts. And I've had times in the past where I've gotten ornately bound "for show" books secondhand, and I admit that I like that they look nice on the shelf.

It's dumb, but fairly harmless.
And we don't often complain about people collecting old weathered editions for show.

I dunno.

>> No.3842468

another thing i dont get. While ago when I walked out of uni some guy was handing out free bibles. I took one, some people thougt they'd have to argue him. Im atheist myself, but why the fuck do you complain about a free bible, esp. if you dont have one? Its a ridiculously important book you jackass

>> No.3842473

I think these are for kids. I'd definitely give my kids one or two of them, because they look nice and you want them to get a sense of pride in reading.

Of course my kids can't read yet so it's a moot point.

>> No.3842478

not him
but he was clearly making fun of the act of purchasing a bible when you can get them for free.
which is a good point. Though he misspelled providence.
It is an important book, but it's also the single most ubiquitous book. You practically trip over them, if you're in a western country that is.

>> No.3842482

I bought their version of The Count of Monte Cristo, it was on sale and so far it's the only decently sized hardcover version I've found. It's either an abridged with under 1k pages or a full length paperback for $30 I'll wind up destroying

>> No.3842485

Shoudlve specified, I didnt mean him with "jackass". Sorry for off-topic

>> No.3842496
File: 411 KB, 960x720, arabian-nights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit it, if I didn't have a copy of Arabian Nights already, I might get this one.

>> No.3842521

I got a few from the collection.
H.P.Lovecraft's collection.
Stocker's Dracula.
Oscar Wilde's collection
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, which I regret.

>> No.3842524

Now those are pretty books.

>> No.3842527


you might want the oxford edition w/ apocrypha, or, heaven forbid, the norton critical edition

>> No.3842551

Not really, so much of the really good ancillary theological material is in the form of separate books. That's not to put down anyone who uses those versions. That's just to say, I prefer the KJV for literary purposes and a mix of translations for theological purposes. And that's all available free or nearly free.
I don't want to get into a debate about print annotated works vs online annotated works, I'm just saying that enough of the Bible, and the bible's peripheral material is available for free that anon's joke holds up.

>> No.3842559

You know nothing.

>> No.3842770

The B&N cover may be ugly, but it is the only edition of Longfellow's superior translation that's still in print.

>> No.3842774

Loeb's are god tier.

>> No.3842777

They're cargo cult emulation of true 'leather bound' classics such as the Loeb editions, etc.

>> No.3842785

As a white New Zealander I hate this resigned Maori acceptance of their historical fate under the white conquerors because it is used to justify continued injustice and widespread white contempt of the Maori. It's the NZ version of the Uncle Tom syndrome. Have some fucking dignity.

>> No.3842817

I've seen those editions. Their shit.

I'd rather have good annotations and a boring softcover then a massive hardcover and 0 annotations.

>> No.3842823

>buying unannotated lazily published classics that don't clearly announce their translator/editor and often use outdated translations anyway because the publishers are specifically targeting faggot hipsters who want to have !~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!THE DIVINE COMEDY *!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@*!@* BY DANTE on their bookshelves and don't have to actually produce quality so long as that demographic is assured

>> No.3842836

The maori were barbaric shitheads whose actions would count as the most horrible war crimes in the history if they took place in Europe. You shouldn't defend them.

>> No.3842848

>tfw buy illiad
>tfw hate the cover utterly by the time I am finished reading

>some weeks later, buy their copy of Gray's to go with my student's copy of Snell's
>anon, why do you never learn

I have to admit, it is not as bad as the horribly gaudy blue monstrosity, but I still regret it.

I'd say they're ok, OP. You buy one or two, and never again; you have to have done it to learn you never should.

>> No.3842850

>needing annotations
I'd rather books didn't have annotations.
It disrupts my flow.

>> No.3842898

Just look at this fucking hipster!

>> No.3843415

I'm pretending to take it super seriously for a pathetic attempt at comedy

I think its funny in my head. I probably shouldnt post ever

>> No.3843418

yeah don't listen to these retards dude. they're so far deluded in their ideologies they wouldn't even glance upon something that might challenge it.

>> No.3843425

they are shit. if they don't look like shit then the translations are shit.

>> No.3843430

You can't back that bullshit up with facts.

>> No.3843441

I haven't read a majority of the classics so these are great for me. Especially since i love reading in my study

The Penguin deluxe versions are good. I only have Gravity's Rainbow so far
>muh minimal rockets

>> No.3843442

yes i fucking can. compare the translations from the B&N trash books for middle class scum who think they're buying something of value, with a book from folio or easton press.

>> No.3843480

It's not even the translations. The books natively written in English are full of spelling errors. That's how bad they are.

>> No.3843525
File: 249 KB, 633x346, fuckings poorfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying all your books from the used book store

enjoy your poverty

>> No.3843692
File: 171 KB, 800x567, dantes_inferno_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't the superior cover

>> No.3843804
File: 90 KB, 650x650, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They use the Garnett translations. 'nuff said.

>> No.3843833

i actually spent some time looking for this edition
the modern library 'a hero of our time' too

>> No.3843881
File: 98 KB, 402x402, William-Shakespeare-194895-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got that same exact Shakespeare book a couple of months ago
Fuck you OP it's glorious

>> No.3843886


that makes me want to vomit. Stop it.

>> No.3843891


>> No.3843918
File: 388 KB, 585x455, imho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3843924

i love papercuts and they are awesome for this

>> No.3843931

>getting papercuts
Hydrate yourself, stay inside, it's quite dangerous out there in the big, big world.

>> No.3843934

10/10, I was upset for a whole three seconds.

>> No.3843937

On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. Spammers look down on you. Phone sex operators hang up on you.Telemarketers refuse to be seen in public with you. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go. May you choke on your own foolish opinions. You are a Pusillanimous
galactophage and you wear your sister's training bra. Don't bother opening the door when you leave - you should be able to slime your way out underneath. I hope that when you get home your mother runs out from under the porch and bites you.You smarmy lagerlout git. You bloody woofter sod. Bugger off, pillock. You grotty wanking oik artless base-court apple-john. You clouted boggish foot-licking half-twit. You dankish clack-dish plonker. You gormless crook-pated tosser. You bloody churlish boil-brained clotpole ponce. You craven dewberry pisshead cockup pratting naff. You cockered bum-bailey poofter. You gob-kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb. You dread-bolted fobbing beef-witted clapper-clawed irt-gill. May your spouse be blessed with many bastards.

>> No.3843943

>mfw those colours on the lovecraft edition are one of those weird 3D shits that move when looking from at different agnels.

>> No.3843954

>all those you's
What great prose you got there Shakespeare. Read a book for fuck's sake.

>> No.3843962

Nah, it's just shiny

>> No.3843991

You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.3844027

Summer is here!

>> No.3844032
File: 134 KB, 1347x637, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that pic work?

>> No.3844037

Go do the one thing you could do to help mankind.

Throw yourself off a bridge.

>> No.3844043

7/10, you actually had me there for a minute.

>> No.3844062

You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.3844074

i can almost hear your brains alpha waves struggling to oscillate. You're like a coma patient who hears the voice of loved one, you think you see a little beep on the monitor, then flatline...

do have any idea how difficult it is to fire a air to surface missile like a Maverick from a high altitude fighter craft? Or how inaccurate laser guided artillery is when delivered in a manned bombing run?

Its nothing like delivering one of the worlds most sophisticated targeting munitions from a low altitude drone that can fire its payload from within a thousand feet of its target.

Its the difference between shooting an olive off a toothpick from a mile away with a russian sniper rifle and shooting someone point blank with a pistol in the back of an alley.

>> No.3844079

Sometimes they're on sale for really cheap. Who WOULDN'T want a 500 page monstrrosity about the monarchs of England for ten dollars?

>> No.3844082

You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.3844089

You're an idiot. You have never been inside our government and you have no idea how it works. You're biased paranoid conspiracy theorist bullshit wouldn't last a day operating in the real world as a government employee.

You are the kind of fucking people who post shit about MK-ULTRA and the illuminati. You have no idea who the real whistleblowers are and you are completely ignorant as to what goes on inside our intelligence community.

You have no idea how fucking free you really are.

>> No.3844104

i can almost hear your brains alpha waves struggling to oscillate. You're like a coma patient who hears the voice of loved one, you think you see a little beep on the monitor, then flatline...

do have any idea how difficult it is to fire a air to surface missile like a Maverick from a high altitude fighter craft? Or how inaccurate laser guided artillery is when delivered in a manned bombing run?

Its nothing like delivering one of the worlds most sophisticated targeting munitions from a low altitude drone that can fire its payload from within a thousand feet of its target.

Its the difference between shooting an olive off a toothpick from a mile away with a russian sniper rifle and shooting someone point blank with a pistol in the back of an alley.

>> No.3844112
File: 33 KB, 340x340, 1368574082643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kill yourself already faggot

>> No.3844121

You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.3844124

hahaha, butthurt! does it sting? or is it a duller kind of pain :)

>> No.3844130
File: 13 KB, 639x517, 1370490751659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kill yourself already faggot

>> No.3844146

i would but there arent any near me and also most of the time they are beat to hell and i can never find what im looking for

im not still reading classics. i got done with them when i was younger. im into more modern books, ones that are published in the last 20 years.

plebian scum

>> No.3844227


Your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of elderberries.

>> No.3844228
File: 19 KB, 475x317, 1331512310698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only three uses of the word 'gaudy' in a B&N thread. WOW.

>> No.3844231

>Charles Dickens collection that looks like a family bible from the 70s

You fucking bitch. I wasn't ready for that.

>> No.3844833

Are they real leather? They need to go with a couch. Everything in my house is real.

>> No.3844952






bunnad, look

>> No.3844957

I bought the Complete Works of Shakespeare one. It looks awesome.

For a regular novel, however, I'd get a more normal looking book, probably a paperback.

>> No.3844969

of course not.

real leather is valuable.

>> No.3844970
File: 939 KB, 255x164, shitthebed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could buy Fight Club in leatherbound. The irony would tickle me pink. Hueheuhuehuehueuh

>> No.3844998

Why would you get that instead of a critical edition that would actually be useful?

>> No.3845012
File: 25 KB, 260x367, Foundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the H.P. Lovecraft Collection. It's actually really nice. I am thinking of picking up the Foundation Trilogy one as well.

>> No.3845028

All the books like this that are in translation usually have some shitty public domain outdated translation

>> No.3845035

Red are Latin, Green are Greek.

I own a couple (and yes, I can read them). Font is tiny, but paper and cover are great quality and yes, when you have lots of them they look rather fetching. Bloody expensive.

>> No.3845038


maybe because it was written by old white American fucks?

>> No.3845097

Where did you divine that fine piece of literature?

>> No.3845147

those are super ugly

>> No.3845150

I wish paperback B&N classics weren't so ugly, because they're great deals.

>> No.3845159
File: 45 KB, 572x549, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I love the paperback B&N classics

>> No.3845169

Some of them are okay, but my biggest qualm with them is that they usually have the worst "meta-qualities". Always the worst translations, always a bunch of crappy footnotes that add nothing to the book and aren't very informative, always the worst forewords. I still get them because they're the cheapest, though.

>> No.3845430


The thumbnail samples pixels by dividing an image in a grid according to its size and making a "new" image out of the first. Say in a 11x11 box, it picks the middle pixel or something. The rest of the pic is lost in the thumbnail, including in this case, the dark parts.

However, when opened up those parts are revealed again!


I heard the Lovecraft edition had a lot of typos. I want to order it online but the recent reviews claim people are still receiving the first edition which has the errors. I want it for my coffee table and so I have a complete paper collection for once. I currently have a random anthology of about 10 of his stories and it's obviously much less complete.

>> No.3845451

Nice copypasta.
Captcha: hcksou lunatic

>> No.3845455

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.