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/lit/ - Literature

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3836336 No.3836336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.3836382
File: 1.36 MB, 350x268, 1370766241647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel

>> No.3836411
File: 78 KB, 686x709, caulfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt reader gf

>> No.3836422

A young man contemplating marriage sought advice from Diogenes. "Should I marry?"
"Marriage is too soon for a young man"
"Would you have me wait then until I am old."
"Oh no, Marriage is far too late for an old man."
"What am I to do then? I love the girl."
"Love is a luxury no one can afford. It is for those who have nothing better to do."
"What should we be doing then?"
"To seek freedom. But it is not possible to be free if you have a wife and children."
"But having a wife and family is so agreeable."
"Then you see the problem, young man. Freedom would not be so difficult to attain were prison not so sweet."
"You mean to be free is to be alone?"
"We come into the world alone and we die alone. Why, in life, should we be any less alone?"
"To live, then, is terrible."
"No, not to live, but to live in chains."

>> No.3836427
File: 84 KB, 679x569, 1315070434064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the /lit/ queen isnt your gf

>> No.3836450

>tfw when I was just like you but I took the courage and the balls to step up in life and got a cute and clever girlfriend
>yfw you jelly

>> No.3836461
File: 14 KB, 485x362, 1324253358179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt reader gf

>> No.3836504

>Implying doing what you want is not freedom

>> No.3836562
File: 137 KB, 871x917, brave_little_toaster_by_pedalfile-d4r07ym.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no patrician gf to save you from your NEET prison

>> No.3836570

That's spectacular. But /lit/ queen? Who?

That picture is just 'girl w/ weed', a common species in those beta 'you love you lose' threads on /b/.

>> No.3836573

I need a qt painter gf for my operations.

>> No.3836575
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>tfw no deep qt 3.14 bf

>> No.3836578
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>diamond ring on ring finger

>> No.3836579

Never been to liberal arts class?

>> No.3836580

I just finished that the other night. Would you have a Rodolphe? A Léon? Or are you did you enjoy the idea of the Marquis the most?

>> No.3836586
File: 85 KB, 502x600, rossetti_lilith[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no blessed damozel

>> No.3836595


sauce on this?

>> No.3836600
File: 238 KB, 874x1200, luis_royo_tarot_el_sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm in an open relationship with a cute guy and I have several girlfriends and I'm a girl

>> No.3836607


>mfw you are not in an open relationship with a cute guy and you dont have several girlfriends and you are not a girl

>> No.3836610


Ahhh. Onionring? Where did she go?

>> No.3836611

Pretty sure a queen of /lit/ would drink scotch, not smoke filthy weed.

>> No.3836614

that is a tranny?

>> No.3836615

my vagina and boyfriend and girlfriends say otherwise, fag
weed is good for you man

>> No.3836617

>implying it is
Time to find out how your desires are manufactured, son.

>> No.3836616

it's just one of the passed down anecdotes on him

>> No.3836626
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>> No.3836631

you mean you have a bunch of fuckbuddies?

>people actually think "open relationships" are a real thing

>> No.3836653


Are you new here?

>> No.3836678

>tfw no gf to place in their hands the high and holy duty of cherishing and protecting the minor morals of life, from whence springs all that is elevated in purpose, and glorious in action.

>> No.3836721
File: 39 KB, 600x434, leighton-tristan_and_isolde-1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt isolde to my tristan

>> No.3836845

Nothing is more annoying than pampered teenagers who seriously act like they're the first people to invent sex.

Protip, dude: people have been doing it for 100000 years. We got this shit down pat, trust us.

>> No.3836861

Not who you're replying to but what do you mean? So many implicit gestures, I have no idea what you're actually saying

>> No.3836862

Fuck off.

>> No.3836875

He's talking about monogamy and you're talking about sex itself. You're an idiot.

Behaviors towards sex are changing all the time. 50 years ago most states in the US had sodomy laws outlawing homosexual sex. Yes we'e been having sex for 1000000 years but the morals around it are changing all the time.

>> No.3836886

>TFW no job, no gf, no writing awards for contests you entered in


>> No.3836889


pics or it didnt happen

>> No.3836896

>He's talking about monogamy and you're talking about sex itself. You're an idiot.
Believe it or not, the two are linked.

You'll understand when that modern, enlightened and not-at-all-prude slut of yours comes with some deadbeat asshole's mulatto loinfruits. Which you now are expected to sponsor for the next 18 years.

Because, you know,
> 2013
> monogamy

>Behaviors towards sex are changing all the time.
No they are not.

>50 years ago most states in the US had sodomy laws outlawing homosexual sex.
That has nothing to do with sex, only with laws. I wasn't talking about the legal ramifications of sex, in case you didn't notice.

>Yes we'e been having sex for 1000000 years but the morals around it are changing all the time.
No they aren't.

>> No.3836900

Fuck off.

>> No.3836996

>tfw no trap gf

>> No.3837002
File: 43 KB, 476x289, 1363035241144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3837011

>tfw no trap 'gf'


>> No.3837032

>tfw no f


>> No.3837028


>tfw no trap 'g'f


>> No.3837037

Why not? Let's talk it out.

>> No.3837045

I'm too introverted and most of my pursuits and interests are solitary.

>> No.3837051

Sombrero Fallout, Richard Brautigan

Anything Kerouac (sorry, best I can do)

PB Shelley

Puella Mea- ee cummings (read it to her)

The Prince- Machiavelli

A Russian Beauty- Nabokov (beware)

Warming her Pearls- Carol Ann Duffy (you'll have to screen for lesbians, but better than dead)

Juilette- de Sade


Dreaming of Babylon- Richard Brautigan

M/F Burgess

>tfw you think you're helping on /lit/

>> No.3837067

Are these supposed to put me off the idea of getting a gf, or to help me impress women?

>> No.3837068

Still nothing on my painter gf faggot

>> No.3837072

depends which anon you are

>> No.3837074

Ways of Seeing- John Berger

>> No.3837082


intredasting, ty

>> No.3837113

Well-earned hubris. Most helpful thing I have read on the board all day, not to mention the thread. And good knowledge of literature! The Burgess made me giggle.

>> No.3837129

Good, I'll go poke my eyes out now :D

>> No.3837174

Do you need friends if you have great art, literature and family?

>> No.3837180

Look upon that last day always. Count no mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure from pain.

>> No.3837181

I'd argue the family can be replaced with coffee and cigarettes. But if you're happy, no.

>> No.3837187

I would think so. Great literature, art and family have convinced me that human contact is still worth something, no matter what the French will say about it.

>> No.3837190

As much as I love Sophocles, this has made me want to read a bio of Seneca. At least we can take these things philosophically.

>> No.3837211

You're like the smartest guy on here

>> No.3837226

Thanks, I think? I'm of the female variety though last time I checked. Smarts have nothing on satisfied though, which is what I was hoping would come of this thread. Good luck in life and love anons

>> No.3837231
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 78714302_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smarter than most of /lit/

does not compute

maybe I ought to rethink my misogyny

>> No.3837244

That's her right hand. Wedding rings go on the left

>> No.3837240


don't be silly of course your misogyny is correct

>> No.3837250
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1366195353299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a sec are you being sarcasmic?

>> No.3837256

Don't worry, most of my kind I've dated have been terrible. Or maybe only my taste in books is good.

unless she's jewish (bit Aryan looking)

>> No.3837262

>also LGBT

Carol ann Duffy pls go.

>> No.3837266

Ew, not that dyke

>> No.3837270

at least i hope not o.o

>> No.3837282
File: 61 KB, 363x357, 1366822449478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ex thought chuck palahniuk was the greatest author ever

>> No.3837320

De Profundis- Wilde

>> No.3837396

I was being sincere yes. Smartest girl on here, then.

>> No.3837409


>> No.3837405


little privelige

a tear to the eye

>> No.3837412
File: 38 KB, 500x250, marysue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt3.14 girl prefers Baudelaire to Rimbaud

>> No.3837419

Jesus Christ, marry her

Or is marriage a social construct

>> No.3837426

>social construct

implying humans aren't social creatures; society follows human nature.

>> No.3837422

Yes, that occurred to me at the last moment, but I really wanted to make the sad Yeats joke! Thank you, though. Is that really onionring?

>> No.3837444

Oh, I don't know, I misread 'Baudelaire' as 'Baudrillard' and was making a joke about the current state of 'theory'. That's my bad.

>> No.3837487

Don't worry, I stole your jpg anyway.

seconding this >>3837419 anon. Maybe she'll grow into it? Or you could slip her some acid >.>

>> No.3837490
File: 8 KB, 162x179, 1302797365068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human nature