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/lit/ - Literature

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3831702 No.3831702 [Reply] [Original]

If you could pick one book that everyone in the world would have to read, what book would it be?

>> No.3831714

infinite jets

>> No.3831758

God is not Great, Hitchens.

>> No.3831760
File: 200 KB, 1281x1134, zarathustra-motivator5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thus Spake Zarathustra"

>> No.3831769


the story of how pure capitalism was embraced by the world, and everybody became rich and prosperous and bought their own private planes?

by mitt romney?

>> No.3831774

The Holy Quran

>> No.3831776

everyone in the world is not 12

>> No.3831791

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

>> No.3831796

good suggestion buddy

a well-annotated copy of Dante's Inferno for historical, mythical and religious knowledge
literature after the Renaissance is garbage anyway

>> No.3831797


>> No.3831806

Barefoot Gen

>> No.3831859

Hunger Games

>> No.3831995

The Bible

>> No.3832001

Mein Kamf, Turner Diaries

>> No.3832042

I saw this as a play, is it originally a novel? If yes, which translation would you recommend since my Polish is poor to none.

>> No.3832053

Woyzeck is a german Play and I've only read it in german.

>> No.3832064

These, but I want everyone to read the book of their respective faith. Atheists can take the day off or read some secular philosophy or science text books.

>> No.3832076

The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.3832093

That idea is stupid and pointless.

>> No.3832095

Never heard of it, who's it by?

>> No.3832099

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Ayn Rend - Atlas shrugged
Erlend Loe - Doppler


>> No.3832138


>> No.3832139
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, neckbeardealwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being euphoric after realizing their is no God

>> No.3832171

A journal with blank pages except for the note: "Write here."

>> No.3832179

Ayn Rand is horrible. Right-wing piece of shit.

>> No.3832188

I actually did buy a journal with black pages when I was in my DARK phase. I wrote stuff typically found in journals of serial killers and school shooters with really dark, thick lines made with pen that you couldn't really see well against the black page. I scratched "READ AND DIE" on the cover and kept it under my bed.

>> No.3832189
File: 47 KB, 460x288, aynrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone actually drove around the USA spelling this.


>> No.3832208

Oh lord. This is from the guy who did it:

>1. Relevance. The themes of her books, such as government control versus individual freedom, are highly relevant today. Specific events and characters in her novels are seemingly pulled from today's news even though the books were written over 50 years ago.
>2. Popularity. Her books are selling better than ever. Atlas Shrugged, for instance, sold a record half-million copies last year.
>3. Personal success. Her books are ultimately about the individual person living successfully and happily using his or her independent judgment and mind to the fullest.
>4. Reading pleasure. Her novels feature creative, page-turning stories with unforgettable characters.
>5. Solutions. She explains with refreshing honesty and clarity which basic ideas America must adopt and which it must reject if it is to remain a great nation.
>6. Controversial. Ayn Rand is passionately loved and passionately hated.
>7. Understanding. Her ideas have helped millions of people make sense of a seemingly incomprehensible world.
>8. Truth. Her ideas in essence are true.
>9. Vision. Ayn Rand provides a glimpse of a radiant future for all humanity.
>10. Influential. Atlas Shrugged is the "second most influential book for Americans today" after the Bible, according to a joint survey conducted by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club.

>> No.3832211

I'm going to read it because I happen to adore batshit insanity. It's on my list anyway.

>> No.3832350

Is it like everyone has to read a certain book when they reach a certain age, and this rule persists for generations? Or more like the book just shows up in everyone's hands at the same time and they all feel compelled to read it?

>> No.3832358

Why? What do you feel this book offers that is more important than, say, Candide?

>> No.3832359

What about agnostics?

>> No.3832362

how did he get the spaces in?

>> No.3832364

The latter is more reasonable.

I can't think of any book I'd want everybody to read. I'd hate to be a cult leader.

>> No.3832367

Lolita, because it is the most fun I've ever had reading a book.

>> No.3832392

You'd be more like Amy Adams in The Master.

If that's the case, then I'm thinking Huck Finn, The Old Man and the Sea, or El Senor Presidente. Something easy for anyone to grasp but that teaches empathy.

>> No.3832461

Fuck the rules. I'm 26 and Catcher in the Rye is still my favorite of all time.

Yes. Lolita is one of those books the majority of adults can enjoy even if they are casual readers.

>> No.3832477
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If I were Amy Adams, I'd be giving the next great guru handjobs in order for him to write new books.

That sounds fun.

>> No.3832501
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For me, it's a toss-up between Les Miserables (abridged because fuck, we still need a productive world economy)


The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.3832695

you must be deluded by the so-called '12 yearolds' that misquote Nietzsche out of context on facebook without having actually read him, if you think that Thus Spake Zarathustra and arguably All Too Human as well aren't milestones in cannon philosophy

>> No.3832839

Sounds like Rand, but with less bitching about everything and more cool jets. 8/10 would buy.

>> No.3832844

But Mitt Romney's favorite book is Battlefield Earth

>> No.3832947

I'm torn between Winnie-The-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. The second if you held a gun to my head.

>> No.3832967

The God Delusion

>> No.3833036

The fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

So everyone can stop pretending they've read it to fit in on /lit/