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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 400x267, chic-fashion-girl-girly-hair-Favim.com-215709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3831197 No.3831197 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking to a grill about joyce and why she wants to read him
>I say "Grill, it's awful, it is literally incomprehensible and unfulfillling"
>She says "muh annotations"
>I say "Annotations only links to what they are referring to, not in what way you are supposed to bring that together into cohesive meaning. It's pretty much like one of those dadist collages of nonsense compiled from snippets of things that did make sense. How are you getting anything out of something like that?"
>"Muh joyce" she says
>B-but he sucks
>"ugh what else do you like?"
>"Muh perks of wallflower, muh school reading, muh harry potter"
>"That's it, I'm outta here!"

Jesus, whatta phony.

>> No.3831268

>Talking to a grill who has "God is dead" tattooed on her arm
>"Have you actually read anything by Freidrich Nietzsche?"

That's what I thought, typical wikipedia scholar

>> No.3831267

>still regarding people as persons
>not using them as means to a goal apart from the elite few

>> No.3831270

>wikipedia scholar
I would say she wasn't even that.

>> No.3831290

"I have a dream; a dream that someday people will be judged not by their literary interests or their tattoos, but by the content of their character...and the depth of their neckline if it's a girl.. but mostly the content of their character!"

>> No.3831298


The first thing I ask people when they bring up anything related to Friedrich Nietzsche, or even mention "God is dead", is if they have actually even read any of his work.

>> No.3831301
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>tfw no chic-fashion-girl-girly gf

>> No.3831319


Getting a quote from works you've never read tattooed on your body gives people pretty good insight on your character.

>> No.3831361

But early Joyce isn't incomprehensible.

>> No.3831366


i really dont get those people

is not as if neitzsche is hard to read or anything, why dont people take their heads out of the shit hole they are and read something?

>> No.3831376

Yea but Ulysses is the shit she wanted to read.

>> No.3831385


well come on, ulysses is not that hard to read, if you are a native english speaker, i think you ll be able to get it, im not even a native and i agree it can be difficult to understand at some point, its nothing imposible to get through

>> No.3831396

Ulysses sucks, end of conversation.

>> No.3831405

just because you want the conversation to end doesn't mean it's over

>> No.3831415


>> No.3831417

Isn't part of the issue that it's written in a Dublin dialect?

I've not read it just curious

>> No.3831419

I don't think people get things tattooed on them as evidence that they've read something though; I think it's because they agree with the sentiment of the quote itself and want to convey an impression to others in line with it. After all, they can't be sure anyone reading their tattoo has read the relvant work either. It might simply be a conversation starter. I knew a girl that had Diracs equation for the lessening of the gravitational constant on her wrist like bracelet. she said it was to help her lose weight. Lame joke, sure, but it was sort of a shibboleth for people asking about it.
they might not recognize it, or if they did they might not get the joke, and if they did they might not know hat it turned out to be wrong.

But most people don't put that much thought into tattoos I'm guessing.

>> No.3831429

Parts of it are, but not the whole thing. You're probably thinking of Finnegans Wake, which is written in dialect (plus a whole lot of other stuff, like extended wordplay).

>> No.3831518

Just become a sociopath and people like this won't be able to get under your skin. The sooner you stop thinking she's a real person, the sooner you will find happiness.

>> No.3831522

Someone post the picture with ''Ulysses really transcends the good/ bad dichotomy''.

>> No.3831549
File: 74 KB, 425x487, 1368067488440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3831562

Why? Everyone's already seen it

>> No.3831579

>Everybody!!!!!! Hey!!!!! Look at how omnipresent and omniscient I am!!!!!!!! XDDDDD

>> No.3831590

lel :DDDD

>> No.3831604

Then you ask which works, how many times and which secondary literature. Then you smile politely at their answer. Sorts those cunts out right away.

>> No.3831640


So can you explain how this affects you? I actually think the first girl sounds cute.

>> No.3831683


>uses MUH every sentence
>writing out stutters

You must be fun to talk to, OP.

>> No.3831720

OP should >>3831549

maybe he'll learn someday