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/lit/ - Literature

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3828548 No.3828548 [Reply] [Original]

>Come back home from work
>Go to my room and find my writing missing
>ask my family
>find out my sister found it and read it then showed it to my parents
>all of them laughed at how bad it was
>spend the rest of the evening making fun of my writing

And I thought that was one of the better things I've written. What reactions have you got to your writing in the past?

>> No.3828552

The problem seems to be that you live with your family.

>> No.3828559

Nothing like the shameful thing that happened to you. Well I guess they may be the main characters in your next story. Take that pain and turn it into a vengeful story, make some money from it and flaunt it at them. Nothing like family revenge for story fuel.

>> No.3828582


I know, if I could afford to move out I would.

>> No.3828580


Did your family all attend Yale? If I were to give my family Gravity's Rainbow and tell them I wrote it they would probably laugh at me, or at least be confused and tell me its garbage, and thats if they take the time to read it at all

>> No.3828588

My parents have drooled over everything I've ever written. My mom cried when she read my college essay a couple years back

>> No.3828595

I'm too afraid to show anyone I know anything I've written.

I fear they will read it, realise it is shit and all their ideas that I might be creative or have some talent would disappear. So I only ever post on /lit/ and the response is almost always shit.

>> No.3828599

There's one mayor flaw to this idea.

You didn't write gravity's rainbow, and if you gave it to them you'd have to rip any trace from the book about the author's name before letting them know about it.

>> No.3828603

I can help you with that, send me your writings by e-mail and I can analyze them seriously and instead of bashing you I'll be real, like any true critique, you don't have to send me your entire work just a page of whatever content you wish to discuss.

>> No.3828615

Fuck your family. Seriously.

pics of your sister

>> No.3828618

I let my mom and sister read an oulipo-esque story I wrote for a creative writing class.

They didn't really have much to say except "it was weird."

>> No.3828622
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>assuming I'm not Thomas Pynchon

>> No.3828623
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Your sister wants the D.

>> No.3828625

I got a text today from my boyfriend, who I gave a draft of my novel to take on holiday with him. He said it made him cry and that he's really proud of me. Whether that's an admission of my talent - he's a man of taste - or an admission of how love makes you blind, I don't know.

>> No.3828629

> He's a man of taste

Whatever you say sugar tits

More like he saw a new side of you to reinforce his love

>> No.3828630

your boyfriend might be just incredibly cruel

>> No.3828635

He just wants you to let him in the back door. I would have said the same thing. Did it work?

>> No.3828642

He enjoyed Gravity's Rainbow. That's *like* taste, right?
When he gets back and tries to stick it in my pooper I'll let you know.

>> No.3828646


I could say they were being overly harsh but when I was younger when they were really supportive of me and whatever I wanted to do.

Now they openly say I'm a disappointment and they overestimated me.

>> No.3828649

>Dad finds my 350+ page manuscript
>Reads foreword
>Believes I have to writing chops to be a respected author
>The foreword was complete shit and something I casually added after the first ten chapters to remind myself of what kind of world I created
>Can no longer trust father's opinions

>> No.3828650

She deserves it.

>> No.3828660

>writes shit
>gets caught

>> No.3828661


>Believes I have to writing chops to be a respected author

what on earth does this mean?

I wrote a stupid little "journal entry" a few years ago about a woman at a bus stop and a certain can of computer cleaner... Was told I had a captivating writing style.

>> No.3828662

One more:
>Short story Western I wrote gets published at my Community College Literature Journal.
>Parts 2 and 3 were cut.
>Mom takes a look at it.
>Hides how disturbed she is by the fact that I included a brutal decapitation scene.
>Tells me she liked the part in the beginning where the son and father spent time together.
>Probably didn't want to outright tell me she hated it because she thinks I'll murder her.
I just wanted to throw down an emotionally descriptive murder scene that would sweeten the lead character's path towards redemption.

>> No.3828667

I have the*

>> No.3828670

There was a typo in there, sorry.
>Believes I have to writing chops to be a respected author
is supposed to be:
>He believes I have the* writing chops to be a respected author

So really it was:
>Writes shit
>Gets praised
>Thinks dad is lying or an uncultured swine

>> No.3828672

Has he stuck it in your pooper before? Tell me what it was like

>> No.3828673



Rate my writing?

>> No.3828696

Uncomfortable. In a good way. He wouldn't have to flatter me to get it up there, let's put it that way. I've had to talk *him* into it more often than not.

>> No.3828700

Write a story about a teen who kills his family. Be as graphic as possible. And portrait them as imbecile, narrowminded. And then be sure they find it.

>> No.3828715
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Quiet down everybody, two ladies are talking about anal sex

>> No.3828731

All the short stories I've done got good reviews. I've showed my mom she liked them but not my sister cause she's a bitch and just call me a loser and tell me I'm stupid

>> No.3829075
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>he hasn't had a penis up his ass before

What are you gay?

>> No.3829085

>/lit/ autists believing they can write

>> No.3829091

I feel like there's only one /lit/ girl in the world I know to exist. Is that you, Chelsea/Emma?

>> No.3829094

b-but I got published in muh TAR

>> No.3829101

How do you try and get published in that?

>> No.3829108

Uh you just email your submission to them along with your name or pseudonym.

>> No.3829113

Oh, I only heard about it recently and haven't seen it mentioned much. I thought it was a solely /lit/ publication.

>> No.3829132

It is. It isn't difficult to get published in it at all.

>> No.3829134

Ah, thank you. I hope you don't assume the guys who get published in it take some immense pride in the "achievement" though!

>> No.3829144

That's such a mum thing to do.
>I liked the parts where people weren't murdering each other

>> No.3829164
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>be in high school
>show my mother 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot which I printed to read after watching Apocalypse Now
>tell her it was an English assignment (I don't live in an Anglo country)
>wow this is great, you're such a special boy
>no mom this was written by a Nobel Prize winner
>her face when

>> No.3831558


I can imagine mine doing that through and though.

>> No.3831563


He's saying that....oh, nevermind.

>> No.3831570


I got published. You're just jealous.

>> No.3831586

I don't tell anyone of my pretensions to literary greatness. I once contributed to a flash fiction thread something I had written in five minutes, and people told me that it was great.

>> No.3831677

Thanks for reminding me about the new Half in the Bag.

>> No.3831752

Sorry bro.

>> No.3831821

The internet seems to like my writing, /lit/ as well. I only showed my stories to two friends of mine as of now, and they both liked it too. But then again, we're really good friends, so they might have said it because they didn't wanna hurt my feelings or some other shit.

>> No.3831843


They probably didn't get it at all. My writing is fucking horrible but I always get encouraged because people aroound me (aside from my family) aren't really all that educated. In school I usually scored about a C or a D for my essays, but every single (female) teacher never gave me an oral grade worse than a B. Don't let them get you down, I'm sure you're talented.

>> No.3831848


To me it just sounds like you have lousy parents, OP. Even if it was true, why would you discourage your child like that? It's pretty primitive if you ask me.

>> No.3831851


It was exactly the same with me and my ex, although I wanted it a lot more than she did. Boys are a little shy in that respect I think, from a boys perspective.

>> No.3831858

>but every single (female) teacher never gave me an oral grade worse than a B
The only oral grade my female teachers ever took from me was a D.


>> No.3831865

I can see that. But having such a sexually unadventurous boyfriend is a pain, really. Granted, the anti-depressants probably don't help him much with that...

>> No.3831894


My ex told me about one of her rape fantasies once and I never took the chance and did it, I fucking hate myself for that now. Opportunities like this don't really happen all the time.

>> No.3831919

That's the worst to try to convince someone to get into. "I don't want to hurt you". Well, you're not *actually* hurting me, I say, but still. He's just not into it.

>> No.3831931


Speaking from my perspective I'm rather sure he'll "open up" if you take things slowly. I guess he just has to overcome himself, I can't imagine anyone that doesn't have some kinky sort of fantasy. It takes some time. Then again you know him and I don't.

>> No.3831960

btw i'm grill

>> No.3831970

I never specifically said that. What if I'm gay, eh?

If it takes much longer I will tie him to the bed and make him rape me.

>> No.3831973

Better than I deserved, so I stopped showing my family for a while. Kids in my high school used to pass around my stories and read them, no joke. It was the greatest feeling ever. When I read Ham on Rye and there was that one part where the teacher reads Chinaski's story to the class, goddamn was that description spot on. And I'm definitely above average writer, but honestly not all that good. And I've had awesome literature teachers who didn't bullshit me and challenged me.

OP, what kind of books does your family read? If they're like my family and all they read is military penny dreadfuls and shitty erotica just laugh it off. Not because they're stupid, they just aren't really into the artistic writing. Get back to work on that shit

>> No.3831977

that and "I didn't really get it" are polite ways of saying we hated it

>> No.3831980


Well, I wish you the best of luck for your plans

>> No.3831998

*an above average writer

Don't give me that look.