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/lit/ - Literature

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3824765 No.3824765 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, post your three most favorite books/authors followed by your three most favorite songs/albums/ bands/ musicians. I'm really interested in noting the correlation between literay and musical taste.

>> No.3824780

I'll start,
Favorite books:
- The Picture of Doriang Gray by Oscar Wilde
- 22 Stories by JD. Salinger
- Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger
Favorite bands:
- The Smiths
-Joy Division
- Nirvana

>> No.3824781




>> No.3824787

No One Writes to the Colonel
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Current 93
Jefferson Airplane
The Clash

>> No.3824809

Pale Fire by Nabokov
Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo
Anabase by Saint-John Perse

Choros no. 11 by Heitor Villa-Lobos
The Light by Philip Glass
Solea by Miles Davis

>> No.3824810

The Sun Also Rises
A Confederacy of Dunces

GG Allin
Half Japanese
Butthole Surfers

>> No.3824813

Infinite Jest
A clockwork orange
Bloody Jack series for nostalgias sake

Maynard James Keenan and any band he's contributed to, such as Tool, a perfect circle, puscifer.
Isaac Brock and his bands, Modest Mouse, Ugly Casanova
Conor Oberst, from Bright Eyes and a million other bands.

Lyrics are very important to me, even if that does sound musically shallow, and these are three excellent contemporary lyricists.
Honorable mention: Animal Collective

>> No.3824821

Why? This could belong in either one. As long as fags like you don't hate on others music and the thread than it might be a decent thread.

>> No.3824823

José Lezama Lima's Paradiso
Asimov's Foundation Trilogy
Neruda's Residence on Earth

Sluggy Ranks
Pink Floyd
Diamanda Galas

>> No.3824825

I wish to change a clockwork orange to lolita, because duh. In fact those probably aren't my favorite books but they are damn good and the only ones i can think of since I'm on lit.

>> No.3824827

The Martian Chronicles
At Home
The Great Gatsby

Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Strokes

>> No.3824831

I value /lit/'s aesthetic prefrences more than /mu/'s.
The Clash are pretty good

>> No.3824832

Just came here to say goddamn that's a nice Gretsch.

>> No.3824841

It's gorgeous

>> No.3824844
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Log of the SS The Mrs Unguentine
Strange Tales From a Chinese Studio
Kornel Esti


>> No.3824858

I got into Modest Mouse recently because I learned that Johnny Marr (The Smiths' ex-guitarist) joined them for a while. I really like them. I like "Ocean Breathes Salty"

>> No.3824869

Favorite Books:
-Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
-Democracy In America by Alexis de Tocqueville
-The Stranger by Albert Camus
Favorite Artists
-Woody Guthrie
-Bob Dylan
-Neil Young

>> No.3824871

>my negro

Mine are probably

>Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
>Slaughter-House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut
one more because I adore it just as much
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson

MUSIC (/mu/tant here so)
>Neutral Milk Hotel
>the Motel Beds
>Guided By Voices
>Death Grips

Hard to limit me to 10, let alone 3

>> No.3824874
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>tfw intern for a label that put out an album from Holopaw
>tfw Holopaw is John from Ugly Casanova's main band

>> No.3824877

>Neutral Milk Hotel
>Death Grips


>> No.3824879

William Faulkner
David Foster Wallace
R.A. Salvatore

The Shins
Tera Melos

>> No.3824884
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>doesn't think the Smiths, Joy Division, Current 93, Half Japanese, Butthole Surfers, Miles Davis, Modest Mouse, Animal Collective, and Radiohead are /mu/ acts either

>> No.3824885

>The Wildhearts

>> No.3824891
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The Master & Margarita
The Brothers Karamazov

Gogol Bordello
Tom Waits
The Mountain Goats

>> No.3824893
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>> No.3824896

That's a damn good song. Listen to Bukowski. Yes it's about the author, and has the same subject matter as ocean breathes salty.

>> No.3824898

OP here, we've learned musical and literary taste have absolutely nothing in common, you can all fuck off now. Also I gargle cum.

>> No.3824906
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>thinking anyone on tumblr listens to Current 93, Half Japanese, or Miles Davis

>> No.3824911

>miles davis
not anything past kind of blue but yes they do cause it's hurr classy

>> No.3824913

The Lonesome Crowded West and The Moon and Antarctica are amazing

>> No.3824915

oooh no you don't. Criticism is invalid unless you post your own.

>> No.3824916

This guy>>3824869

>> No.3824919

ALL of their albums are amazing.

>> No.3824930

>Steppenwolf (Hesse)
>The Subterraneans (Kerouac)
>Hopscotch (Cortázar)

>At The Drive-In
>The Strokes

>> No.3824939


The real OP here, they obviously do, just check my submissions for example >>3824765 all the arists I like peresent similar themes in their art. Themes such as alienation, aestheticism, misogny, etc. + I fuckt ur mom last night

>> No.3824960

alright then go down every post in this thread and apply your pseudo intellectualism to them.
you might find SOME people as shallow and archetypal as you.

>> No.3824963

Gunter Grass
DH Lawrence
Fernando Pessoa
Robbie Basho
Amon Duul II

>> No.3825004

We're not all gems. Most people's interests can be easily figured out and attributed to their relative superficial influences. Not to say that there's anything wrong with that.
I try my best to steer away from pseudo-intellectuality only to find myself falling prey to it more and more. It's quite frustrating. Now, please reassert your superiority over me in the next post

>> No.3825037

suck my dick, niggerfaggot
how was that?

>> No.3825041


Can't wait to have your superior cock in my inferior butthole. I am OP and I am a faggot.

>> No.3825096

> Claim superiority
> /lit/ bashes on you
> Claim inferiority
> /lit/ also finds a way of bashing on you anyways
I really do love you guys :)
You represent all that is human

>> No.3825125


toro y moi
rip rig & panic

>> No.3825163
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Infinite Jest
The Stranger

Achilles Last Stand - Led Zeppelin
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Fleet Foxes

>> No.3825168

I saw Puscifer live two months ago by accident. They were pretty awesome.

>> No.3825184

>At The Drive-In
Yeah man. Yeah.

>> No.3825197

Umberto Eco
Mo Yan
William Vollmann

Tom Waits
Fela Kuti
Nurse With Wound

These selections are highly subject to change, of course.

>> No.3825198

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Waiting for Godot

The Mountain Goats
Miles Davis
Boards of Canada

>> No.3825202

>der steppenwolf
>brave new world

>the mars volta(90 percent of the time)
>at the drive in

>> No.3825205


The Doors
Thelonious Monk

Come ye judgmental bastards!

>> No.3825216

Favorite books:
- Cities of the Red Night by William S. Burroughs
- On The Road by Jack Kerouac (plz don't laugh at me)
- We by Yevgeny Zamiatin
Favorite authors overall: William S. Burroughs, Yevgeny Zamiatin, Philip K. Dick. Maybe also Tolstoy, I really like his short stories.

Favorite music:
Jefferson Airplane
13th Floor Elevators

>> No.3825235

shoplifting from american apparel by tao lin
eeeee eee eeee by tao lin
taipei by tao lin
tao lin

>> No.3825247

>At The Drive-In

>Steppenwolf (Hesse)


i named those too

>> No.3825273

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Collected Fiction of Jorge Luis Borges

The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady by Charles Mingus
Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky

>> No.3825284

>Cities of the Red Night
Fuck yes dude, best Burroughs.
Have you read the rest of the Western Lands series? I tried to read The Place of Dead Roads and it seemed like a major step down.

>> No.3825291
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-East of Eden by John Steinbeck
-Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
-Last one is probably tied between the Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson, and Principia Discordia by Malaclypse the Younger and Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst (the two tie because they're favorites for different reasons)

Musicians (I always change these though)
-Steely Dan
-Queens of the Stone Age
-J.S. Bach

>> No.3825301

I think this thread confirms a correlation. People with horrible taste in literature have horrible taste in music.

>> No.3825310

>stop liking what i don't like
>my subjective taste is objectively correct and everyone who thinks otherwise is a pleb with objectively shit taste

>> No.3825314
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I agree with you there.
My opinion is also better than everybody else's opinion.

>> No.3825354
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The Brothers Karamazov
Crime And Punishment
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)

Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath

>> No.3825368

I haven't, but The Western Lands is supposed to be a step back up.

>> No.3825369

favorite books:
The Golden Ass by Apuleius, Don Quixote by Cervantes, Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

favorite musicians:
Townes Van Zandt, Alex Chilton, Daniel Johnston

>> No.3825393

Gerpla - Laxness
TBK - Dostoevsky
Master and Margarita - Bulgakov

Sun Ra's Lanquadity
Silent Shout - Knife
Slanted and Enchanted - Pavement

>> No.3825399


Ben Folds

>> No.3825403

Homage to Catalonia
Plato's complete works

Silvio Rodriguez
Woody Guthrie

>> No.3825419

The Plague
The Brothers Karamazov


>> No.3825426

>name 3
how the fuck is even possible

from what i've listened to/read this year

ada or ador, brideshead revisited, plus, foundation, voyage to arcturus, ulysses, carrie, game of thrones, don quixote, starmaker

lil wayne - the carter 2, jay z - the black album, joanna newsom - ys, the national - alligator, gucci mane - trap back 2, sunny rollins - saxophone colossus, dave holland & pepe habichuela - hands, deafhaven - sunbather, isis - panopticon, danny brown - xxx

>> No.3825579

Favorite books:
> Hemmingway - For Whom the bell tolls
> Nooteboom - Philip and the others
> Hesse - Siddharta

Favorite bands
> Godspeed You! Black Emperor
> Neutral Milk Hotel
> Queens of the Stone age

Wow I guess I am the ultimate pleb.

>> No.3825652


Kafka, Camus
Dostoevsky, Musil

Chopin, Bach, local classical radio


>> No.3825665

The Sun Also Rises
The Brothers Karamazov
Animal Farm

The Ocean Collective

>> No.3825668

-One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
-The Catcher In The Rye
-The Life Of Pi

-Dead Kennedys
-Pat The Bunny
-Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.3825683

What pieces of Bach are your favourites?

>> No.3825687
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>inb4 WTC

>> No.3825697

>Mah nigga

>> No.3825700

Les Misérables
Breakfast of Champions

Lou Reed
David Bowie
Françoise Hardy

>> No.3825716

-Blood Meridian
-The Trial
-The Metamorphosis

-Rachmaninoff elegie in e flat minor
-Samuel Barber adagio for strings op 11
-Ravel's Ondine
-Mozart's alla turca
-Beirut Elephant Gun (probably not really)

>> No.3825730

>not the Sonatine, or even the Pavane


>> No.3825739

>So much fucking fedora

>> No.3825745
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Negative Dialectics
Philosophical Investigations
Capital vol. 1

Tim Hecker
Yellow Swans

>> No.3825749
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>> No.3825757

1) William Burroughs
2) David Foster Wallace
3) Jack Ketchum
1) Ben Folds Five
2) Built to Spill
3) Shawn Colvin

>> No.3825760

Harry potter
The Stranger
The Illustrated Man

Nero - Innocence
Noisia - Could This Be
The Bloody Beetroots - WARP (feat. Steve Aoki) (Dirtyphonics Remix)

>> No.3825761
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>ben folds
My nigg-

Pic related.

>> No.3825780


Simon & Garfunkel
Don McLean
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

>> No.3825777
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I'm -- I'm so sorry.

>> No.3825851

Good taste in philosophy.
2classy4me. Good taste anyway.
Tao Lin, pls.
Very nice taste.

>> No.3825863

>HG Wells (His science fiction is what got me into reading as a preteen)

>Anais Mitchell
>MF Doom
>Tallest Man on Earth

>> No.3825886

Hermann Hesse
Virginia Woolf
Gabriel Garcia Marquez


>> No.3825889

I don't think I can provide you with an absolute list of my favourite anything, frankly. Tonight, these three books and albums popped up, tomorrow maybe there will be others.

- Master & Commander (O'Brian)
- The Name of the Rose (Eco)
- Memoirs of Hadrian (Yourcenar)

- Portishead
- Jizue
- Fabrizio De André

>> No.3825893

I don't need you to tell me I have good taste, you fucking weasel.

Drop trip or go plague another board.

>> No.3825905

Absalom, Absalom!
The Blind Assassin
The Crossing

Laura Marling
Slow Six
Fiona Apple

>> No.3825909

Joyce Carol Oates

PJ Harvey

>> No.3825915

I give my opinion about whatever I want whenever I want. Deal with it, faggot.
About your requests: no and no.

>> No.3825922

Nirvana and Dorian Gray, yep.
Also, for books:
>The Great Gatsby
>Wuthering Heights
And for bands:
>Sigur Ros
>Philip Glass
>Paul Simon
>Iron Maiden

>> No.3825923

Back to /mu/ you go.

>> No.3825944

ty "analcrust" but how is that too classy?

>> No.3826597

>GG Allin
>Dat's my nigga

I can't pick 3 of each, so I'll just give it a try

The Aleph by Borges
Nausea by Sartré
The picture of Dorian Grey by Wilde

And bands:
Peste Noire
Sacred Reich

>> No.3826647

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
White Noise by Don DeLillo
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

Sneaker Pimps
Beats Antique

>> No.3826660

Antic Hay by Huxley
Slapstick by Vonnegut

Lightnin Hopkins

That was hard and I'm very unsure that any of those are right. Besides Pink Floyd, that I'm solid on.

>> No.3826677


Young Marble Giants
Ivor Cutler

>> No.3826678

I just drank 1 liter of milk

>> No.3826687


Just saw them live last week.

>> No.3826706

The trick is to puke.

>> No.3826781

i drink that much milk almost every day

>> No.3826911
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'The Waves' - Virginia Woolf
'The Book of Ebenezer Le Page' - G.B Edwards
'The Rings of Saturn' - W.G Sebald

Stars of the Lid
Fela Kuti
Thee Oh Sees

>> No.3826918

Flann O'Brien
James Joyce
Richard Brautigan

Joanna Newsom
Patti Smith

>> No.3826927

you're not supposed to claim either

>> No.3826929

Doors of Perception by Huxley
Tropic of Cancer by Miller
Confabulario by Juan Jose Arreola

The Doors

>> No.3826931

-currently reading
-dislike but we'll get over that

-cousin plays with

do we know each other anon?

>> No.3826932

How exactly do they taste?
Serious question.

>> No.3826940

Mervyn Peake
Stephan King
(sue me)

Pink Floyd

>> No.3826946

Blood Meridian
Grapes of Wrath
Leaves of Grass


Bob Dylan
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones

I like all types of crazy music, but lets be honest those three acts have a catalog unrivaled by anyone in rock. Truly they are all the favorites of most.

>> No.3826950

The Road (McCarthy)
Slaughterhouse Five (Vonnegut)
The Illustrated Man (Bradbury)

Cliche Guevara - Against Me!
Tandem - Protest The Hero
The Real Folk Blues - The Seatbelts

>> No.3826954

Manly tears for Lightnin Hopkins.

>> No.3826956

I drink 3-4 litres of milk a day.

Easy source of protein, and my metabolism can keep up.

>> No.3826966

that Mingus album is mint, actually so is Laughing Stock, well done sir

>> No.3826978

Steppenwolf by Hesse
Picture of Dorian Grey by Wilde
Hush by Jeph Loeb

Blind Melon

>> No.3826982

>Stephan King

>> No.3826988

Ernest Hemingway
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fernando Pessoa

If I really had to choose, my favorite bands are The Beach Boys, New Order, and Talking Heads. But lately I've been listening to a lot of "experimental" R&B and uk garage/"post-dubstep" (man I hate that term.)

>> No.3827004


Infected mushroom
Bring Me The Horizon

>> No.3827049

haha don't think so dude. how can you "meh" television, they just seem so universally likable. fantastic punky but polished musicality and direct but inventive lyrics. i dunno. anyway thats pretty cool that your cousin plays with patti smith, shes fucking great. oh and hope you enjoy flann o'brien, goddamn brilliant.

>> No.3827069

this has to be a troll

>> No.3827074

they're good, i just wouldn't be in love. i'd put on the fugs (or talking heads, or even blondie) before them.
it's ace for free tickets and backstage
re-reading Flann, I'm third book in on a binge (Hard Life, Third Policeman)

>> No.3827549

Books - A Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne. Hitchhikers Guide by Douglas Adams. Dune by Frank Herbert.

Music: Glittertind, Taake, Black Sabbath. Though I -love- other bands and artists from many other genres.

>> No.3827557

We are on /lit/

>> No.3827714

- The Naked Lunch
- Brave New World
- The Trial

- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
- Can
- The Stooges

>> No.3827758

>Godspeed You! Black Emperor

>> No.3827761

>Nathanael West - The Day of the Locust
>John Williams - Stoner
>Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

>Pink Floyd - Meddle
>Ke$ha - Warrior
>The Dodos - Beware of the Maniacs

>> No.3827815

>Favorite books:
China Mieville
Patrick Rothfuss
Brave New World

>Favorite musicians
Daft Punk
Aphex Twin
Nero's Day at Disneyland

>> No.3827822

finally someone with good taste

>> No.3827830
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Don Juan, Lord Byron
The Magus, John Fowles
Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Odelay, Beck
Initials B.B., Serge Gainsbourg
Let's Get Lost, Chet Baker

>> No.3827832

Less Than Zero
Blood Meridian
Fight Club

My Leather, My Fur, My Nails by Stepdad
Nightcall by Kavinsky
What's Up Fatlip by Fatlip

>> No.3827844

>Nero's Day at Disneyland

Ma nigga

>> No.3827889



>> No.3827898

>The Book of the New Sun
>The War of the Flowers
>Bio of a Space Tyrant

>Gene Wolfe
>Jim Butcher
>Mike Resnick

Favorite Musicians
>The Heavy

Favorite Songs
>Gaston Ave - Astronautalis


>Portishead - Roads


>Air - All I Need


>> No.3827901

Phillip K. Dick
T. S. Elliot
Marshall McLuhan
Honorable Mention to James Campbell. The guy changed my life as a kid, but for his religious and psychoanalytical commentary. The hero's journey is overrated.

Death Grips
Andrew Jackson Jihad
Captain Beefheart
Flying Lotus

>> No.3827910
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-Virginia Woolf
-Jack Kerouac
-Emily Bronte

-Of Montreal
-Vampire Weekend

>> No.3827912

That was a joke right?

>> No.3827915

We're all jokers here. /lit/ is nothing but a series of infinite jests.

>> No.3827918

I dont mind you too much but the ignorance of that last comment irks me. I prescribe a bit of reading.


>> No.3827921

>hipster bitch detected

>> No.3827923

i like you

Favorite Books:
Steinbeck - Grapes of wrath
Houellebecq - The map and the territory
Woolf - The Waves

Favorite Artists:
Bob Dylan
Laurel Halo
Velvet Underground

>> No.3827926

I don't think the gravity of that rainbow like trail of knowledge has sunk in yet. I found a similar anecdote in an atlas of all places but in which I have to shrug.

>> No.3827927

Didn't Kerouac hate everything he wrote? Or did he just hate The Road and the movement that it spawned?

>> No.3827933

>Amon duul ii
My distinguished african american colleague

>> No.3827930

Books (I'm not reading for so long to be honest):
Charles Bukowski - Hot Water Music
Thomas Pynchon (I guess because it changes something after reading works of him. But when reading a book of him I don't think: 'What will happen next? I have to know!' or something like that. Not always enjoyable but... I don't know.)
Kafka - Das Urteil

Aphex Twin

>> No.3827943

Hesse in general
Watership Down
The Count of Monte Cristo

Orange Pekoe
Queen (they have so many great songs that are never played on the radio)

>> No.3827948

What'd you think of Under the Wheel?

>> No.3827955

Beneath the Wheel*
Sorry everyone, sorry

>> No.3827990

not even a woman, m8

>> No.3827999

book of monelle, a crack up at the race riots, les chants de maldoror, stax mirner
artificial organs, suicide, yung lean

>> No.3828012

Hey, a Schwob fan. I'm going to check out artificial organs.

>> No.3828015

Do you really like Mozart? I mean really? Because only two types of people like Mozart: those who don't actually listen to classical music, and those who've been immersed in it for decades.

>> No.3828081

I am aware of this dude and I just re read the article. There is no denying that the Beatles were not incredibly inventive and that they merely only wrote 3 minute catchy pop ditties.Many Many Many extremely catchy 3 minute pop ditties.

The rest of this article is largely inaccurate. His statements about music history are fabricated (there are no sources). Mostly he is upset that the Beatles weren't political in nature and avant garde in their music. He claims musicians dislike the Beatles and the music of the Mama's and Papa's, the Kinks and the Beach Boys beat the Beatles at their own game. (Brian Wilson in a recent interview with Howard Stern [probably on youtube] stated that his life changed when he first heard Sgt. Pepper and fully inspired went immediately to the piano and began writing Pet Sounds). Scaruffi also states that the Beatles emulated the Beach Boys for most of their career.

Listen I like Velvet Underground and NMH too, but, like, c'mon guys....

>> No.3828133

Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama
Heller - Good as Gold
Eco - The Name of the Rose

Joy Division
Queens of the Stone Age

>> No.3828134

there is definitely correlation between book taste and musical taste for me:
malazan book of the fallen
lord of the rings
The Runelords
Nightfall In Middle Earth - Blind Guardian
Somewhere Far Beyond - Blind Guardian
Symphony of Enchanted Lands - Rhapsody of Fire

Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
Baulders Gate

I think I need help.

>> No.3828154




definite correlation

>> No.3828164

well alright then, my point was its all fantasy, I dont know why youd call it all shit when you most likely havent listened to any of the albums, played either of the videogames, and out of the three books, mabye have read lord of the rings.

>> No.3828166

YFW Pet Sounds was released in '66 and Peppers in '67.

Pet Sounds was inspired by the work the Beatles did on Rubber Soul and Revolver. Brian Wilson was writing "Smile" his conceptual album when Pepper dropped, and he was so in awe of what the Beatles did that he literally scrapped the whole fucking album and didn't release it until like thirty years later.

You just spouted off factually inaccurate shit and seem to think all Beatles songs are three minutes long? Dude any Beatles album after '66 is conceptually and musically a masterpiece due to it's complexity and writing. Some of the songs might be throw aways, but 90% was unbroken ground and completely novel in every way.

>> No.3828169
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Gravity's Rainbow

Jawbreaker/Blake Schwarzenbach in general
The Replacements

If someone finds a connection there idek

>> No.3828174

Joyce Cary
Iris Murdoch
Martin Amis

Talking Heads
Kate Bush

>> No.3828181

So it was revolver instead of sgt. pepper, call the fuckin cops. And if your going to take my 3 minute statement so literally then I guess I do sincerely believe that all Beatles songs are also "ditties"

>YFW you don't know what a dittie is

and I was arguing for the beatles dude, calm down

>> No.3828183

Paradise Lost - Milton
A Brief History of Time - Hawking
LOTR - Tolkien
Hothouse - Aldiss

Bob Dylan
Black Sabbath
Pink Floyd
Queens of Stone Age

>> No.3828194

>Edgar Allen Poe- The Fall of the House of Usher
>John Steinbeck- East of Eden
>Walter Lewin- For the Love of Physics

>Boston- Peace of mind
>Ludovico Einaudi- Una Storia d'Amore II
>Scott Walker- Farmer In The City

>> No.3828212

Invisible Cities
The Odyssey
Les Miserables

The Cure
Tom Waits


>> No.3828220

>Mason & Dixon
>Godel, Escher, Bach
>Crime and Punishment (came at a pivotal time in my life)
>Richard Wagner
>Miles Davis
>Faust / Comus

>> No.3828223

>Cat's Cradle
>I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

>Creedence Clearwater Revival
>The Rolling Stones

>> No.3828228

George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
Franz Liszt - Piano Concerto No. 2
Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

>> No.3828229

Robert Jordan - The Wheel Of Time
JRR Tolkien - The Lord Of The Rings
Harry Potter (Sentimental; first novel I read, at the age of 6)

Starlyte - Echoes Of Tomorrow (Album)
DJ Contacreast - Melody From Heaven (Song)
Johann Pachelbel - Canon in D (Song)

>> No.3828232

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
The Dream Songs by John Berryman
Woodcutters by Thomas Bernhard

Venetian Snares
The Smiths

>> No.3828234

Very accessible

>> No.3828258

My experience is that while Mozart is accessible, he has a lot of depth. In many of his later symphonies his technical mastery matches his creativity to remarkable ends. I studied him for a couple of years but my love belongs to the impressionist movement. Baroque still holds me as well, there is something about the precision of baroque strings.

>> No.3828263

I can't stand impressionism. It's boring as hell.

>> No.3828286

It was the first musical movement to move away from the norm. They took the technical skill from all that came before, and broke the rules. I imagine the over emoting composer stuck in a room throwing papers about. It simply seems more organic, like breaking a glass, you chose to break it, but the pieces shatter against your will. I understand the counterpoint, however dissonant chords are simply spectacular.

>> No.3828317
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The Stranger
The Book of Disquiet


Guided by Voices
The Minutemen
Don Caballero

>> No.3828321

You don't have to justify your choice of Harry Potter or state the age you read them at. Harry Potter is a good series and there's nothing wrong with having it as a favorite

>> No.3828349

I used to simply like them up until I saw 'em in person. Their live performances are other-wordly.

>> No.3828373

I though /lit/ doesn't like it.
Guess I was wrong.

>> No.3828392

2666 - Roberto Bolaño
Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami

3 favorite albums (at the moment I guess):
Popol Vuh - Aguirre
Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
The Residents - Eskimo

>> No.3828405

>Complete Short Stories of Hemingway
>Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr.
>The Odyssey (Fagles translation)
>Cosmogramma by Flying Lotus
>James Blake s/t
>The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New

>> No.3828411

I read a lot of history and listen to a lot of Andrew Bird.

>> No.3828449

Heart of Darkness
Lord of the Flies
As I Lay Dying

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie
Milo Goes to College by the Descendents
In on the Kill Taker by Fugazi

>> No.3828469


>> No.3828488

> The Smiths

Ma nigga

>> No.3828522
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>Hush by Loeb

>> No.3828523
File: 2.81 MB, 1247x1752, neil qt3.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oscar Wilde
John Keats
Ciaran Carson

The Divine Comedy
Cocteau Twins
some psych folk band
BONUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDeQJTGUpjY

if your favorite band names aren't all literary references you lose

>> No.3828564

Dante- The Inferno
Kafka- Amerika
Faulkner- As I Lay Dying

Judas Priest

Palestrina - Missa Papae Marcelli
Wagner- Parsifal
Shostakovich- Symphony No. 10

>> No.3828594
File: 134 KB, 435x433, The+Duckworth+Lewis+Method+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your band isn't named after a mathematic formula used in cricket you lose.

The Age of Revolution from his Duckworth-Lewis Method album is a top tune with some decent lyrics.


>> No.3828609
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Admittedly I can't get into the music on that album like The Divine Comedy. Still I like the lyrics and aesthetic and I'm excited for the new album.

>> No.3828617

Master and Margarita
The Inheritors
Riddley Walker

Pink Floyd
Thelonious Monk
Talking Heads

But who the hell knows ask tomorrow it may be different

>> No.3828633
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Oh yeah, it's not on the same level as his serious music ( and I'm not mad about Pugwash), it's just a great summer album that get's me hyped for the Ashes.

>> No.3828666

>Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
>Ulysses by James Joyce
>On the Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche
>Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers

>> No.3828729
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William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch
André Breton's Nadja
Kafka's The Trial
L'Autremont's Les Chantes Des Maldoror
Daniel Paul Schreber's Memoirs of My Nervous Illness

Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds
Daniel Johnston's Yip/Jump Music
Arcade Fire's Funeral
The Music Tapes' Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes

>> No.3828736

It's alright, although since it's a earlier work by Hesse it's a bit more straightforward and rougher with character development compared to his later books.

Personally my favorites have been Steppewolf and Narcissus & Goldmund; Demian's a great introduction to his style but I didn't like Siddhartha as much as I thought I was going to. It's still decent though.

>> No.3828756

If you ever play a musical instrument or join a band Mozart is a lot of fun to perform. I'm definitely not as into classical music as many people on this board and /mu/, but I must say that in high school and the public concert bands I play in the most fun I've had was with The Impresario (although it was a condensed overture, not the actual opera)

Also Rhapsody in Blue. That song is amazing.

>> No.3828758
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my nigga

>> No.3828759

Thomas Mann
Thomas Bernhard

Moss Icon

>> No.3828762
File: 1.33 MB, 1357x1781, death grips is swag as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If on a winter's night a traveler
The Stranger
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Death Grips
The Brave Little Abacus
Songs: Ohia

>> No.3828767

I think he resented On The Road for making him way more famous than he was comfortable with

>> No.3828773

Favorite Books
- Call of the Wild and White Fang by Jack London
- The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
- Stranger in a Strange Land/Starship Trooper by Robert A. Heinlein
Favorite Bands
-Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman, and other contemporary opera singers.

>> No.3828774

Yes, I really do.

>> No.3828775

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Marquez
Independent People - Halldór Laxness
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
Daft Punk
The Fiery Furnaces

>> No.3828812

moby dick by melville
to the lighthouse by woolf
the trial by kafka

tom waits
bill evans
sun ra

>> No.3828855


>bill evans


>> No.3828868

Favorite Authors:
David Foster Wallace
Don DeLillo
Thomas Pynchon

Favorite Musicians:
Antonin Dvorak
Philip Glass
Sufjan Stevens

>> No.3829055

Favorite authors:
JLB (Ficciones)
FMD (The Brothers Karamazov)
DFW (Infinite Jest)

Favorite music:
JSB (Goldberg Variations)
DBQ (Take Five)
KW (The Man-Machine)

>> No.3829682

bitch, you just don't know.