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3826724 No.3826724 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently reading this. Holy shit, why aren't people talking more about this? I'm big into cosmic horror and it took me years to even hear about this. In fact, I only heard about it by reading about Lovecraft, and how he thought it was an incredible work.

A bit hard to follow for someone who's not native to english (such as me), but a definite must-read for anyone who's into cosmic horror.

>> No.3826733

It got pretty damn repetitive after he found the girl, I stopped reading but it had its cool moments. Imagining those giant monsters huddled next to mountains was brick-shtting scary.

>> No.3826739


The imagery is nothing short of incredible. I'm surprised we don't have a huge amount of derived works considering the amount of detail he gave to the world.

>> No.3826751

Just ordered it off Amazon, OP. It best get my dick rock hard in horror.

>> No.3826776


The first chapter is weird, you'll think you have the wrong book, but that's because it's there to explain the protagonist's motivation.

There is some (not to say a lot of) horror, but it's mostly fantastical. If you want to compare it to Lovecraft, it's a lot like the quest for unknown Kadath in overall feeling.

>> No.3827138

This is one of the most boring, repetitive shit I've ever read, the prose is purple as fuck, the guy does nothing except eating, sleeping and crouching around moss bushes for hundreds of pages and all this is described in detail. The ending is the most contrived shit ever, but, hey, the world he created is dark and atmospheric.