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File: 48 KB, 402x402, Leo-Tolstoy-9508518-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3825545 No.3825545 [Reply] [Original]

Should I star reading War and Peace or The Count of Monte Cristo?

>> No.3825553

nobody gives a shit

>> No.3825555

neither, they're both too long for what they're worth.

Tolstoy's favorite book he wrote was on Joan of Arc. Try that, he didn't care much for W&P and his fiction genre.

>> No.3825552


>> No.3825663

It bothers me when people cite Tolstoy's opinions on art without explaining (probably without knowing) that they were developed after his extreme religious conversion, and were very radical. He believed that art should bring people together, and that nearly all western art, as well as his own two best-known works, W&P and Anna Karenina, was just writers showing off their intellect, ultimately dividing people, therefore accomplishing the opposite of what he thought art's goal should be.

To give you an idea of how out-there Tolstoy was in his later life, he once proposed to the government that everyone's day should be mandated: Rise early, do manual labor for five hours (or some similar length), work on their studies until lunch, work on a craft until dinner, then socialize in the evening.

The point is mature Tolstoy's opinions on things aren't very reliable.

>> No.3825667

>To give you an idea of how out-there Tolstoy was in his later life, he once proposed to the government that everyone's day should be mandated: Rise early, do manual labor for five hours (or some similar length), work on their studies until lunch, work on a craft until dinner, then socialize in the evening.

how is this a bad idea at all.

>> No.3825675

It's not at all a bad idea to take on individually. A government mandate that everyone must live that way is a different story.

>> No.3825678

That's pretty sweet. I'd live like that.

Also, his mature period inspired guys like Gandhi and Wittgenstein.

I recall him saying late in his life that Anna Karenina was the best thing he ever wrote and that writing around the age of 50ish is the best period.

>> No.3825690

The final remark in my post (his later opinions being unreliable) was meant lightheartedly; stated more in earnest what I'm saying is that Tolstoy's opinions on art shouldn't be cited without understanding that they're radical and the result of an ascetic lifestyle.

>> No.3825696

>y're both too long for what they're worth.

U serious? War and Peace is the greatest romance ever writen; it's one of the works of the supreme writer or the world. Only Shakespeare is an equal with Tolstoy.

>> No.3825710

funny because tolstoy hated shakespeare )

>> No.3825744

Not sure why this matters.

Are you the same person that whenever Nabokov and Dostoevsky are mentioned alongside each other you have to point out how "more recent guy" hated (surprise, surprise) "older guy?"

>> No.3825747

Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.3825767

the count of monte cristo

>> No.3825778

The Cunt of Monte Cristou

>> No.3825796

What? He wants a government mandate on shit yet wasn't he an anarcho-pacifist or something like that?

>> No.3825803

does anyone know which translation of war and peace is the best?

>> No.3825804
File: 147 KB, 626x710, GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the state of /lit/

oh dear, I knew summer was here but didn't expect it to be this bad ...

>> No.3825854

someone gives his opinion and an alternative.
shit, its not my opinion.
summer must be here.