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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 261 KB, 500x500, Catullus_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3825290 No.3825290 [Reply] [Original]

˘ ˘ – ˘ – ˘ – –// ˘ ˘ – ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ×
if you don't know what it is, leave

>> No.3825296


is that odi et amo?

>> No.3825304


>> No.3825309

worth a guess

>> No.3825311

Goodbye lit

>> No.3825312

what is this, a neoconfucian exam

>> No.3825316

not really. but maybe you are asking yourself the wrong questions.

>> No.3825317
File: 72 KB, 283x475, 617PMCDMXDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a male version of Sappho.

>> No.3825318


Not sure. I know its the metrical structure of a verse form, but I dont know exactly what's the name of the form.

Is it Dactylic hexameter?

>> No.3825321

weird but true. also ''it'' refers to the top text. or symbols.

>> No.3825322


>> No.3825324

Yeah, I know. It's a bunch of faces, right?
˘ – ˘ ˘ – ˘
˘ – ˘ ˘ – ˘
˘ – ˘ ˘ – ˘

>> No.3825325

no, but definitely closer

>> No.3825327

Does it have to do with literature?

>> No.3825331

84–54 BC

>> No.3825334

fucks sake....anyway fyi it's galliambic meter...and famously used in Catallus' 63..i wanted to see if meter was something that the wannabe pedants on /lit/ would know about.

>> No.3825337

But I don't want to be a pedant ˘ – ˘ur mean˘ – ˘

>> No.3825338
File: 23 KB, 500x388, odi-et-amo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3825363

No, because meter is music theory. Why would /lit/ be heavily familiarized with it?

>> No.3825378

are you even out of secondary school?

>> No.3825390

Catullus 85 stuck with me the hardest of all his poems.

He was really the only Latin poet I could get into.

>> No.3825394

>look what babby learnted at skool tewday

jog on, m8

>> No.3825401

That's Catullus_big, of course!

sage cause latin is shit compared to greek

>> No.3825411


>meter is music theory

le wat

>> No.3825415 [DELETED] 

how do you even type while stroking so many cocks with both hands? i'm sorry i skull fucked your mom to death and left you an orphan.

>> No.3825432
File: 210 KB, 460x598, 1370103683357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mum jokes

what else did you learn in middle school today, Jimmy?

>> No.3825436

>thinks jacking off his boyfriends is masturbation
>complete narcissist and affects a low-class british demeanor to cover for suburban mid-west american ''upbringing''
>mad because failed to recognize something basic about literature

>> No.3825446

>herpy derp
>flerpy flerp flerp
>hurr durr
your autism is showing, friend

>> No.3825449

Knowing obscure verse structure will do jack shit for you in most literature. And literature that depends upon it for anything more than tone isn't really worth reading in the first place. (and you can know tone without knowing the method used to convey it).

The word pretentious applies to very few things in reality, but OP definitely fits the mold.

>> No.3825448

I don't think you know what masturbation is

>> No.3825447


Vivamus mea lesbia probably

>not picking the catullus poem where he talks about sucking dick

>> No.3825456

So are you just testing the pedantic sector of /lit/ or are you just assuming everyone on lit is pedant.
If 1: how do you make a difference between the pedants and those who are not if you can't say who got tested in the exam?
If 2: how can you justify your assumption?

Also, you are assuming that everyone that likes literature likes poetry, which is the only sector where knowledge of meter is highly relevant. Many in /lit/ aren't actually interested in poetry. At least I've read open admissions of said nature many times in here.

>> No.3825461

How is it pretentious to actually care about something I am interested in enough to study it seriously?

>> No.3825466


>> No.3825467

i wish i were autistic, really. anyway i have to go, cocksucker.

>> No.3825469

Maybe you should read your OP.
This kind of thing should only interest you if you're studying a very specific field of literature or if you plan on writing something within it.

>> No.3825482

it's pretentious to think that your interest is relevant to all literature and that, therefore, anyone that doesn't hold that knowledge has no real interest in literature. apart from being pretentious it's also flawed in its logic. Not only that, you dare to call other pedants (probably because someone in /lit/ pissed you during a discussion) while you yourself are being one. You're making a fool of yourself. Good thing you can count on anonymity to cover your foolishness

>> No.3825493

But why isn't poetic meter something that an interest in literature implies? I think I am just impotently lamenting...whatever, back to yer fave music yer fave book top 5 continental philosophers from Kaufmann's overview in translation blahblah. by the way i'm acting superior, not being pretentious.

>> No.3825500

>by the way i'm acting superior, not being pretentious.
Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

>> No.3825511

It has been said before in this same thread and you just pointed to it. Poetic meter. Because not all people that are interested in literature are interested in a sector of literature called poetry, where metric is actually of high relevance. You're also trying to come as an authority in literature when you're ignoring this basic fact I'm talking about. You are, therefore, being pretentious. Understand that
1. not everyone that is interested in literature is interested in it for the same reasons you are and
2. that not everyone in this word is pedantic and
3. that knowledge is not homogenous and straightforward

that's all that needs to be done. no need for dick measurement competition. enjoy your knowledge, let others enjoy theirs and ignore those that are pedantic about theirs

>> No.3825514

>that not everyone in this word is pedantic and
*board, not word

>> No.3825518
File: 32 KB, 333x500, 41PaHy1KZtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For you, OP, and all others who are interested in learning more about the uses of metric and on improving their own verses, I suggest the following book:

Shakespeare's Metrical Art, by George T. Wright (pic)

Here is the link to Amazon:


It's about english poetics (above all the Blank verse and the Iambic Pentameter), but even I, that write in portuguese (I'm brazilian), learned a lot from the exposure of the author.

>> No.3825535

>yfw rhytm in ancient literature is a precusor for rap

>> No.3825607

This isn't so ancient, but it came to mind.

The Bells by Poe always feels to me like a kind of quirky rap song.

>> No.3825636

its galliambic? I thought it was hendecasyllabic, but latin class was a while ago

>> No.3825648

oh look, lets post the one poem everyone already knows, in a language that any who doesnt already know it cannot read. Heres another one, a greek joke.

Chommoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet
dicere, et insidias Arrius hinsidias.
et tum mirifice sperabat se esse locutum,
cum quantum poterat dixerat hinsidias.
Credo, sic mater, sic liber avunculus eius,
sic maternus avus dixerat atque avia.
Hoc misso in Syriam requierant omnibus aures:
audibant eadem haec leniter et leviter,
nec sibi postilla metuebant talia verba,
cum subito affertur nuntius horribilis,
Ionios fluctus, postquam illuc Arrius isset,
iam non Ionios esse sed Hionios.


"Hopportunity" Arrius was saying whenever he wished to say opportunity
And ambush he was saying "hambush,"
And then he was hoping that he had spoken wonderfully
Under the circumstances when he said "hambush" as much as he was able,
I believe, thusly his mother, thusly his free uncle,
Thusly his maternal grandfather and grandmother had spoken.
With this man having been sent into Syria, the ears of all had rested:
They were hearing the same thing more softly and more lightly,
Nor afterwards were they themselves fearing such words,
When suddenly the horrible message is brought that:
The Ionian waves, afterwards Arrius had gone there,
Were now no longer Ionian but "Hionian."

>> No.3825656
File: 153 KB, 365x503, 1369957976948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of those rare good posts. thank you sir/madam

>> No.3825666

>If you didn't waste your time and money on a useless degree, leave

>> No.3825671


oh burn!

>> No.3825704


Thanks. If you write poetry, you will really enjoy this book.

>> No.3825714

>tfw LL.B

thank you based foresight

>> No.3825720

>not learning this in high school
>getting a law degree
>being a desk slave and an asskisser the rest of your life

>> No.3825728

>tfw I'll be earning ?68,000 when I qualify in three month's time
>tfw you'll be earning minimum wage at McBurgerC until you become a supervisor at 30 then an hero at 32

yeah, it's good to have money.

>> No.3825735
File: 27 KB, 360x410, B35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol newfag dis our sekret club. if you don't have same experience as me, you're inferior.

When did we ditch education for elitism?

>> No.3825742

haha he touched a nerve. the school comment must have been spot on.

don't worry. I'm guilty of posting about things I just learned too.

Might want to rephrase the topic introduction to be less confrontational if you want it to progress into conversation. especially if it's an obscure subject

>> No.3825746

mo' money mo' pussy
mo' education mo' masturbation

it's science

>> No.3825755

>tfw Classics major
>tfw any job I want, 10$/hr starting

>> No.3825754

knowledge isn't a finite resource so you can't hoard it. . All you would be doing is insisting on your entitlement in the brief interval before the lesson spreads. Unless you make a habit of moving through different social circles in which case, why hang around with fools?

>> No.3825753

I knew it was Sapphic just because it looked weird as hell and wan't made up of simple patterns of iambs/chorees/etc.

Classical education really paying for itself.

>> No.3825763

minimum wage in the uk is equivalent to $9.68/hr

>> No.3825771

ITT: our degrees

or in OP's case, high schopl diploma

>> No.3825779

More like
>I'm going on the dole while doing nothing all day
>You'll be working at some nice firm, have a nice wive and a few kids and when you turn 45 you realize it's an unfulfilling life and you jump off a bridge

>> No.3825788

just because you hate your unemployment, doesn't mean I hate my abundant employment, guy.

>> No.3825791

worst poet to ever live.
nuff said.

>> No.3825794

at what point am I supposed to laugh here?

>> No.3825799

if I didn't know what it was before, I've know what it's been for the past 10 minutes... now we're all included, Turns out it's utter shit, now what?

>> No.3825807

some sort metric.i don't know which kind of verse,though?
did i win something?

>> No.3825812

call op a try hard new/summer/gayfag/autist and leave politely

>> No.3825841

because he puts the aspirated sound from the χ in all the wrong places, showcasing his stupidity while trying to look educated (because the educated would use the aspiration in the right places, it was a sign they knew greek)

also, hambush

>> No.3825866

Catullus general? Favourite poems?
I find his invectives somewhat immature, but he has some great poems as well. CI makes me cry everytime.

>> No.3826123

I'm sure that you know a shit load about historiography.

>> No.3826149

I dunno, I love five, but I will facefuck you for dissing five is beautiful

>> No.3826159

Immature how?

>> No.3826163

Birds on the wire. Leonard Cohen reference.

I'm glad I can stay.

>> No.3826260

It's Gene Wolfe.