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3823412 No.3823412 [Reply] [Original]

>finished Gravity's Rainbow
>being unable to read and enjoy a straightforward book again since

It just feels all too simpleminded.

>> No.3823417

I've been meaning to get around to Gravity's Rainbow; I've also been meaning to get around to finishing V. and Inherent Vice.

Good thing it's all meaningless.

>> No.3823421

you got nice legs man, no homo

would you mind a feet shot? would be great brah

>> No.3823425

>Foot shot
Her left ankle's been sprained, yo.

>> No.3823430

Prolly from riding her bike whilst reading intensely involved novels.

>> No.3823441

I'm trying to read Buddenbrooks now, but after GR I feel that the prose is too standardized (if that's a word) most of the time. I know it's a good book and Mann's ideas are very interesting but... I need a shot of senselessness and paranoia.

>> No.3823460

I had a similar issue with finishing Infinite Jest. Jumping into a re-read of Great Gatsby just felt super bland in comparison. All I can offer as help to the two of you is finish whatever it is you're reading. As you push through it and see how the story of a 'simpler' book play out, you start to grow a natural attachment to its themes and characters. By the time you finish it, you'll find yourself back in a more accepting mentality. At least I did.

>> No.3823466

Have tried william gaddis? His work scares me. They seem like a lot more genuine work than GR or IJ.

Or try the Pale Fire.

>> No.3823472

yellow laugh

I'm not sure if this is a thing in english, but we say it a lot here (french-canadian) and our expressions are usually copied from each other.

>> No.3823478

>tfw want to shave legs
>tfw excessively hairy
>tfw male

>> No.3823483

>yellow laugh
not a thing in english, mind explaining?
a fake laugh?

>> No.3823492

I'm gonna take that.

>> No.3823503

That's what google says

>> No.3823508

but that doesnt make sense in context

>> No.3823511

tfw I can't read books w/o long paragraphs after reading Molloy

>> No.3823512

Crying of Lot 49 is best intro to Pynchon right? It's the shortest one so I figured it's best to try that first.

>> No.3823514

A sad/angry laugh. Not really fake in the "Look at me I'm laughing!" sense, more like a forced chuckle because saying what you think would be too inappropriate.

Apparently it comes from some form of sickness which turned people's skin yellow and would be extremely painful, so that when people would laugh with this condition (or try to) it sounded extremely forced, painful and sad.

>> No.3823532

After first reading Nabokov I remember being unable to enjoy other authors because, stylistically, they couldn't compete. More importantly, though, you have nice legs.

>> No.3823540

>mfw guys on thread think it's an actual picture of your legs that you uploaded

Do you even Google?

>> No.3823546

Wear your hair with pride, man. I'm one of the hairiest guys I know and I love it. Being hairy has its perks. For one, you can never be emasculated. If you get into a fight with a guy who's less hairy than you and lose, you're still manlier because you're hairier.

>> No.3823551

Also, those are 6.5/10 legs, tops.

>> No.3823553

>mfw you take the bait

>> No.3823607
File: 213 KB, 506x632, 1369940625651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear my hair with pride but sometimes I just want to have clean, shaved legs

I dont care much about manliness, but I look manly normally. but want to wear dress and fuck women doe

>> No.3823619


>he thinks shaving your legs will get you laid
>not pulling the lever

>> No.3823627

>implying I thought that
I said wear a dress and fuck women
its pretty obvious that aint gonna happen

>> No.3823634

remember that claim when someone has beaten the shit out of you and is standing on your chest pissing into your half open semi-unconscious gloriously bearded mouth while everyone stands around laughing and filming it for youtube.

>> No.3823657

That's silly. I don't know if I would compare Wallace's writing to Pynchon's in this sort of way.

However, if you're a creative writer, reading DFW will definitely wreck you for some time.

>> No.3823668

holy shit, unrelated, but that's one of the funniest comics I've ever seen

>> No.3823664

I know this feel.

I have a pair of thigh highs in my closet that I sometimes wear under my jeans. My girlfriend is equally fucked up because she's been on 4chan as long as I have and she wants me to fuck her while I'm in a maid outfit.

Just saying it's possible if you haven't found a girl who's into it yet.

>> No.3823682

bike polo/10

>> No.3823684

>living in deep south

>> No.3823688

top lel. No I live in California and she lives on the east coast. I'm like half gay or something and so is she.

>> No.3823691

i meant i live in the deep south
and none of this can happen
for me

>> No.3823694

Oh. Sorry, the greentext has a condescending connotation for me when used in that way. All you need is the internet and a lot of patience for the few times you can meet.

>> No.3823704

have you two ever encountered each other while on here?
that would be interesting

>> No.3823724


>> No.3823734 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 290x360, 1271731908320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's recently stopped lurking in favor of reddit

>> No.3823742
File: 11 KB, 180x279, JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It just feels all too simpleminded.

This is what you read next.

>> No.3823749

The results are worth the trouble.

>> No.3823772

Try inherent vice. Crying of Lot 49 is short but its hard to wrap your head around Pynchon's crazy sentence structure.

>> No.3823774


I would saying Crying of Lot 49 is fine to start with, since it essentially contains a lot of Pynchon's "tricks" from Gravity's Rainbow and Mason & Dixon without all the foreplay.

It is basically "Pychon: The Lite Edition". But Inherent Vice works too.

>> No.3826303

Time for Mason & Dixon, his best.

>> No.3826338

start from the beginning where all the magic started!

>> No.3826352

does mason & dixon have like any weird prequal things like do they ever run across any old slothrop ancestors or anything?

>> No.3826369

Start with Slow Learner. The stories are arranged chronologically, and stylistically become gradually more Pynchony in order, so it's a good starting point. Plus the intro with him talking about learning as a writer is very comprehensible and very interesting. And the Secret Integration, the last story, is surprisingly straight-forward, but is genuinely touching and a great thing to point to if people ever try to claim to you that Pychon is all style with no substance.

>> No.3826367

Pig Bodine's ancestor is in it.

>> No.3826457
File: 35 KB, 500x500, devintownsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know you know how i felt after i got into the music of Devin Townsend. no other musician since Frank Zappa uses that many notes per song.

>> No.3826462


>being half gay

lol you are a full blown faggot. you can't be partially gay

>> No.3826548

>mistaking incoherence and pretension for complexity

Glorified sci-fi writer. Kill it with fire.

>> No.3826564

there's that word again!

>> No.3826587


what are you 13 years old? get the hell out of here.

>> No.3826608

I take it you're not a very hairy guy. No need for jealous rage. I respect non-hairy guys too. They're just not as manly as I am, though.

>> No.3826611

Speaking of Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest, as a person who takes some interest in David Foster Wallace, and wants to read Infinite Jest, what themes/stances does DFW have and how should I look for them in the book?

>> No.3827498

Then what?

>> No.3827503

Practitioner of The Bump of Foolishness