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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 190 KB, 739x739, 1349751683643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3821977 No.3821977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many women on this board?
Is that why this board is so shit?

It didn't use to be like this. All I see are shit fantasy books, pleb mass-produced shit series books, not literature related threads, people literally still in high school who don't even hide that they're in high school, and women. Especially the women who think they have anything worthwhile to say when they should just shut the fuck up.

How is it possible that we talked more about actual literature when /lit/ had >no mods, than after we got a mod.

>> No.3821983

you are what's wrong with 4chan

>> No.3821990

Here here OP!

>> No.3821991
File: 34 KB, 450x322, 1369897992633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRS go away.

>> No.3821999

>not literature related threads

>> No.3822000
File: 52 KB, 220x202, Cartman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3822003

>male superiority!hehehehe

>> No.3822005

lol buttmad trips.

>> No.3822001

these kind of threads have always been the main cancer of any board on 4chan.


but I do agree with OP

>> No.3822002


its board culture related

>> No.3822013


Men are superior to women in almost every possible way you can think of.

Why do you keep trying to insist that men and women are equal? They are not.

Men are the superior sex.

>> No.3822024

/lit/ is still one of the best boards on 4chan. It's fuckheads like you, complaining about a few off topic threads and books being discussed that aren't high-class enough for you, that spread the most cancer.


>> No.3822036

/lit/ is supposed to be a board with cultured and intelligent people, why are you here?

>> No.3822038
File: 70 KB, 1047x309, Jesus christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is still one of the best boards on 4chan.
Le ironic face.jpg

>> No.3822041


Name one thing which women are better than men at.
>inb4 giving birth
>inb4 menstruating

>> No.3822044


>zooming in on the worst posts

>> No.3822045


Is the /lit/ mod a woman?


I seriously hope moot didn't put a woman in charge of anything.

>> No.3822042


>> No.3822046

Nothing anon, absolutely nothing.

Men are even better at raising children (aside from the breast feeding which requires no skill to perform).

>> No.3822051


>I sage
>He doesn't
>The posts appear literally seconds away from one another

What makes you think that?

>> No.3822052
File: 104 KB, 310x266, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a ban you fucking dumb cunt.
How new are you.

>> No.3822053
File: 186 KB, 1070x970, Tyrannical mod on lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He most certainly did.

>> No.3822050
File: 131 KB, 360x360, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanny flustering from both sides

>> No.3822058
File: 89 KB, 391x366, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit! moot, what have you done!

>> No.3822059
File: 173 KB, 1342x962, Tyrannical mod on lit 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP and I will probably get banned, but we will hopefully wake up some fellow anons to the gross moderation occurring on this board.


>> No.3822062


I see it's a ban. What does that have to do with my post?

>> No.3822063
File: 26 KB, 288x326, 1348175192522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck would moot do that.



No wonder this board has gone to shit.

>> No.3822064

I think what's happened is that /r9k/ got over-saturated with women, so all the worst misogynists have spread to the other boards.
Dis gon be gud.
Actually no it won't it'll be incredibly tiresome. Fuck off with your anime.

>> No.3822065

Are you saying that women's participation on this board (and perhaps in many important areas of life) correlates with a decline in discernment, intellectual rigor and general quality?

Why are you so filled with hate!?!!! Intolerant! Sexist! Bigot! Chauvinist! Fascist! Racist! Why are you so filled with hate? Follow you leader, Nazi scum!

>> No.3822070


1) it's not zooming in on anything at all
2) it's not a "worst" post, it's a ban
3) it has nothing to do with pessimism do you even know what that word means you retarded woman

are you incapable of thinking

>> No.3822071
File: 696 KB, 2696x1560, reddit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you saying that women's participation on this board (and perhaps in many important areas of life) correlates with a decline in discernment, intellectual rigor and general quality?

That isn't what we're saying, it's what actually happened.

>> No.3822072
File: 37 KB, 240x250, succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ehh it doesn't matter if the mod is a chick, it matters if she is banning people with some sort of bias. Which she obviously is. moot you best fix this, u dun goofed

>> No.3822073


>having a static IP

I'm so sorry anon
I will fight the good fight in your name

>> No.3822078

Can we talk about the Throne of Glass plz?

>> No.3822083


>implying people don't get banned for bad posts
>implying I don't know the meaning of the word pessimism
>implying I'm a woman

Where are you getting all this from?

>> No.3822084
File: 98 KB, 817x1264, 1365430616505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3822086

Well done, you didn't understand that he was agreeing with you.
So much for that discernment.

>> No.3822087
File: 542 KB, 1440x960, 110413-A-YG824-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, thanks.

>> No.3822090

I know he was being sarcastic, which is why i reciprocated. Turn your autism down from turbo mode to advanced mode.

>> No.3822092
File: 309 KB, 1454x993, 1356529084554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys there is a board for that

>> No.3822095
File: 10 KB, 194x273, dysfunctional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if people are getting banned for simply saying women can't write, not that I agree with that, they shouldn't get banned for it. That's the whole point of the site really

>> No.3822096

>ignores evidence of /lit/ having reddit posts commonly posted and without consequence--and rabid post-modern liberalism motivated banning of free speech
>Call him a fascist-libertarian Randroid

Nice try baby. I'm sorry your boyfriend dumped you because your vagina lost its elasticity, but don't take it out on /lit/.

>> No.3822098

It's funny because you're clearly not a regular of this board.

>> No.3822101
File: 23 KB, 600x335, kelso-burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry your boyfriend dumped you because your vagina lost its elasticity, but don't take it out on /lit/.

Holy shit, that burn.

>> No.3822108

Why are there so many misogynists on this board?
Is that why this board is so shit?

It didn't use to be like this. All I see are threads about how shallow women are, how superior men are, not literature related threads, people literally still in high school who don't even hide that they're in high school, and misogynistic neckbeards. Especially the misogynistic neckbeards who think they have anything worthwhile to say when they should just shut the fuck up.

How is it possible that we talked more about actual literature when /lit/ had >no mods, than after we got a mod.

>> No.3822109
File: 506 KB, 457x601, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 70s show

>> No.3822121

>Putting a woman who isn't Margaret Thatcher in charge of anything at all.
>I shiggely diggely doo da dey

>> No.3822117

I can actually feel your butthurt through my computer.

>> No.3822125

The misogynist that open shitty thread about how much women suck (but not their dick :C) usually are ignorant /pol/tards.

>> No.3822128

>liberal anti free speech nazi
Just get out.

>> No.3822132

It's best not to even think of /lit/ as 4chan. The demographic has more in common with r'eddit than it does with any other chan board. And please email moot every time the janitor gives you an unjust ban.

>> No.3822139
File: 10 KB, 232x218, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry cunts, your stranglehold over /lit/ won't last much longer. We just need to get enough people mad and then BAM! Back to reddit you go!

>> No.3822147

To keep things more /lit/ and less /pol/ but still on-topic, how about I dig out my Essays and Aphorisms so we can bask in based Schopenhauer's opinions of the mendacious sex?

>> No.3822152

/lit/ was one of the most civilized boards when we had zero mods whatsoever
except when quentin was shitposting here

why did /lit/ get a mod?
we didn't need one

faggots posts were ignored
shit threads were saged
we didn't need anyone telling us what we can and what we can't discuss

why do we need a mod?

>> No.3822157

You're going to make the main demographic of this board angry with the main demographic of this board by constantly shitposting offtopic threads and whining about sex or race or whatever?
Okay. Good luck with that.

>> No.3822163

What's so bad about being in highschool OP ?

>> No.3822166
File: 468 KB, 1912x1014, Mod on the rag again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we needed a mod to get rid of those non-stop spammers constantly shitting out "House of Leaves threads" and Tao Lin book threads. Fuckin viral marketing.

Shit has kinda stopped now, but we have a worse regieme now.

I'll take viral marketing spamming of books over liberal-nazi mod any fucken day.

Pic related, the mod was gone for half a day and the quality of this board skyrocketed.

>> No.3822168

I've never been on reddit, I don't even know what precisely is; please stop whit your shit, /lit/ is a board where we discuss about books and stuff without sexist prejudices. Yo, just try to read Virginia Woolf. Bye.

>> No.3822171

I'm astounded you had the time and motivation to create these images.

>> No.3822177

Takes like 7secs man. 20 tops.

>> No.3822180

It has always been the case that the less moderation there is on a board, the better the content. This formed the basis of 4chan's whole philosophy back when the site still constituted a fun and interesting milieu. It was basically a site full of people who couldn't fit in on other more mainstream sites.

>> No.3822187

>It was basically a site full of people who couldn't fit in on other more mainstream sites.

Or for people who enjoyed delicious freedom.

>> No.3822197

>/lit/ is a board where we discuss about books
>without sexist prejudices.

Stop trying to turn this site into something it never was. The only political imperative 4chan ever represented was freedom of expression, which runs completely at odds with your lust for censorship.

>> No.3822212

It's not censorship, I didn't like it. Just don't be sexiest only because nobody suck your dick and stuff.

>> No.3822214

>which runs completely at odds with your lust for censorship.
I admire your rhetoric and sophistry good sir.

>> No.3822227

Demanding that posts which offend you are deleted and their authors banned is supporting censorship. I mean, for chrissakes, there was a time when being offended by a post on 4chan was UNTHINKABLE. If you're not prepared to occasionally read things you don't like, you should just quit 4chan and retire to the white-picket-fenced security of Facebook and reddit, with all the other internet illiterate dullards.

>> No.3822242
File: 71 KB, 628x353, Even more mod abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but muh feelings knows no bounds!

>> No.3822252

Anyone remember recently when an Anon was banned for saying something like "Good riddance" about some guy's brother dying, and then, predictably to everyone but the mod, it turned out that the story was fictitious anyway? Fucking terrible moderation. Completely antithetical to the principals that made 4chan great.

>> No.3822264


not that anon but:

just because we can be sexist and racist doesn't mean we should strive for it.

On the flip side though, if you see threads and shit that bother you just ignore them, its pretty damn simple

>> No.3822275
File: 78 KB, 400x398, 1345635303766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-but muh feelings!

Fuck off cunt.

>> No.3822303

Sure. I agree with you. However I absolutely refuse to be offended by mere words, let alone words I read on 4chan. And this is where the problem lies: the new generation of 4chan are completely wet behind the ears. They flock here directly from Facebook, where their delicate sensibilities are stoutly protected by Orwellian moderation, and then demand that 4chan provides these same creature comforts for them, despite the site's whole raison d'etre basically being to provide an antithesis to those sterile Web 2.0 nurseries. They are nothing less than gentrifiers.

>> No.3822304

>On the flip side though, if you see threads and shit that bother you just ignore them, its pretty damn simple

get lost will you, there are literally millions of webpages for you

>> No.3822327

right because going into those threads and saging and reporting and crying and screaming is soo much better than just scrolling by

>> No.3822334

Anyone remember the days when 4chan was completely apolitical? We were like online Hell's Angels. Instead of modified Harleys we had self-built PCs. Instead of chain whipping squares we DDOSed them. We were just a bunch of unwashed misfits in search of some camaraderie and a way to cause minor inconvenience to the society that rejected us. In retrospect we really took it all for granted back then. Post-2007 4chan is like the post-'66 Angels.

>> No.3822342

mods where are you
i didn't come to lit for this
(wait this thing has even spared a few lines to jab towards you folks- deletion might even make it worse, at this point.)
unhappy sage & hide

>> No.3822344


>> No.3822348

It's interesting to see how the various boards are impacted by summer. /mu/ is overrun with less opinionated people who expect to be spoon fed new material. /lit/ starts fussing about feminism. /lit/ always seemed pretty hostile to critical theory; but I guess outright misogyny is still a good way to troll.

>> No.3822349
File: 2.33 MB, 275x248, 1324871447316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...Anon I think I'm platonically in love with you.

>> No.3822362

>/lit/ starts fussing about feminism.

I don't think that's strictly a summer phenomenon. Have you even been here for the past six months or so? /lit/ has been a political battlefield since early 2012 at least. Hell, misogyny and racism and all that have been fascinations of 4chan virtually since its inception -- and guess what? /lit/ is a part of 4chan, no matter how hard you guys try to deny it.

>> No.3822367

Being this new on /lit/

>> No.3822369
File: 70 KB, 512x512, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod is dead and we have killed him.

>> No.3822374

>/lit/ is a part of 4chan, no matter how hard you guys try to deny it.

Literally it is.
Socially it isn't. It used to be, but not anymore. /lit/ is reddit now.

>> No.3822375

Hey what's this now I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest.

>> No.3822380

>Mod is dead and we have killed him.
Don't get my hopes up, she'lll be here and fuck up this place with bans and deletions. It will then return to the grey feminist shithole it has been over the past 2 years.

>> No.3822381

But that's a product of the /new/ phenomenon. The coming of summer merely increases the occurrence of these.

>> No.3822393

>But that's a product of the /new/ phenomenon.

No it's not. It predates /new/ by years. It even predates /n/.

>> No.3822395

Don't engage them you idiot, they're trolls.

>> No.3822399

i remember last summer when mu kept invading lit repeatedly
4chan had never made me so angry lmao

>> No.3822411

We get it, you're a neckbeard that still thinks girls are icky.

No need to tell us though. Christ.

>> No.3822418

My question was not answered OP. what is so bad about being in school
>inb4 underage b&

I'm 19

>> No.3822454

The mere presence of racist and sexist words isn't the issue. What we now call /pol/ raiding began, when? After /new/ got deleted. When did that happen? 2012? There you go.

Kindly fuck yourself.

>> No.3822456

/new/ was deleted years ago newfaggot

>> No.3822458

It has always been here, it was just never attributed to /pol/ before /pol/ existed (obviously). /pol/ just gives you an easy scapegoat and lets you believe that everyone else on 4chan thinks just like you.

>> No.3822491

The problem is the solution. "Anonymous" means that the poster's gender is inconsequential. Any "anon" who posts as a gender either needs to get a trip or lose the pretense.

Otherwise, an anon posting with the pretext "I am woman" is missing the whole point.

>> No.3822501
File: 351 KB, 679x778, vuduy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women Ruin Everything 2: 4chan Edition, the hit sequel to Something Awful: Male Feminist Cuckold Bonanza


>> No.3822499

on behalf of all of /lit/
stfu and go back to /r9k/ you weeaboo fuck

>> No.3822512
File: 377 KB, 864x699, 1369117886026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your rebuttal leads me to believe you have a small penis

>> No.3822524

Just checked and yes, I was wrong. It was 2011. You can stop pretending to be an oldfag, child.

Are you illiterate? No one said it wasn't "always there". It just wasn't there in the volume that it is now. Stop defending /pol/, we don't want it here.

>> No.3822526

Let me just put this out there, /lit/: I have a girlfriend of 7 years. She was never a big reader, but since she knows how into reading I am, she's begun showing an interest. This is mostly contained to YA fiction or popular books like GoT, but she refuses to read things like 50 Shades or Twilight because she hates how her friends will go on about it and call themselves "nerds" for reading when all they read is the same trivial garbage 95% of all women in the western world read.

She's very modest, often insisting things like, "Oh I don't know, that's probably too intense for me, I'm still reading kids' books" when I tell her that she should read something that I'm reading. But she's still trying, and is very proud of herself for getting more and more into reading for pleasure. I love her so much. Just remember, they're not all bad. She would never post on /lit/, though.

>> No.3822528

people have been trying to explain this to attention whore femanons for like a decade now

may you be the first to succeed

>> No.3822529

>/v/ shitting up muh /co/

>> No.3822535

so you're dating a retard

>> No.3822540

she doesn't really give a shit about books

>> No.3822542

>so you're dating a typical grill


>> No.3822547

No, I'm dating someone who's open minded and willing to try new things, but didn't get into reading to be "lol such a nerd XD" like so many other girls her age. She just graduated with a bachelor's last year, having double-majored in Biology and Chemistry. She's certainly intelligent, she just has never been a big reader. There are other kinds of intelligence besides being good at reading and writing. I'd think people who enjoy literature (especially people like me, who went to school for it and were often laughed at for having an "easy" major) would understand this.

>> No.3822552 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye /lit/. I'll miss you ;_;

Fuck all the kikes and dykes ruining this board. Niggers are subhuman scum. Women don't deserve to be on here; they deserve to be tied up and ravagely fucked until their pussies are too use up to be worth fucking anymore. I hate all the subhuman feminazis on here, but I guess it's your turn to rule /lit/ now that moot has his dick tucked between his thighs and takes it in his little faggot asshole.

>> No.3822564

>There are other kinds of intelligence besides being good at reading and writing.

Can she seriously not even read a fucking book?

If not, then the "intelligence" you're talking about stems from her robotic memorization of facts and regurgitation and not any sort of skill of critical thinking.

Why do you even date her? She sounds like a dolt.

>> No.3822576

Of course she CAN read a book, she's just not incredibly imaginative by nature so she didn't take to pleasure reading as easily as I did. But despite this, she's reading now, and constantly stepping forward into more difficult works. And even if she wasn't into that, I'd still love her because she's an incredibly compassionate and downright decent person. She's also good-looking and great in the sack, but again, those are transient things and just icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. I hope you get to share your life with someone like her, Anon. Really, I do.

>> No.3822583
File: 111 KB, 1020x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't curse me you fiend.

>> No.3822594
File: 87 KB, 717x768, 1291710275045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like an unhappy person. I hope one day you find someone or something inside of yourself that makes it all better.

>> No.3822595
File: 12 KB, 510x421, 1336885238825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a temperamental and slightly retarded private prostitute who pleasures me half-way competently if I do everything she says

fix'd that for you again.

>> No.3822600

Sounds like you're fucking a stupid cunt.

>> No.3822610

ITT: one or two /pol/tards samefagging.

>> No.3822611

Bans for these types of threads should be made much longer.

>> No.3822659

>/lyt/ ws alwas leik this nuwfeg xD

>> No.3822661

It's redditification OP

It's not only women but whiny liberal men

The best thing you can do is go on neet catalog, pick out interesting threads, and ignore shitty threads and social justice fags. Only make constructive arguments with polite, intelligent people and ignore the retards.

>> No.3822676

>here here