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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 253x401, Men-Mars-Women-Venus-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3819355 No.3819355 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to "understand" women, what books should I read?

Already read whats in the pic

>> No.3819368
File: 36 KB, 500x389, 8vEMYTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't truly understand women, you can only learn how to make them understand you. I'm married to the love of my life and weve been living together for the past 14 years, the sooner you understand that the better.

>> No.3819372

How is life grandpa?

>> No.3819375

You should just try listening to women and accepting what they say. There is no other choice in the matter.

If you want to find the G-spot, you insert your index finger, or with your middle finger, and push upward with a "come here" motion repeatedly.

>> No.3819377

Retired, rich, and got all the time in the world.
How's life kid?

>> No.3819379


>> No.3819392

.....I know that. When I want to understand chemistry I dont just watch mess with chemicals, I read and understand their dynamics. I come from that same curiosity with women, I WANT TO UNDERSTAND THEM BECAUSE THEY MAKE NO SENSE

>> No.3819394

Retired, rich and dead soon.

>> No.3819395


>> No.3819400

You have to accept the words that come out of their mouths. That is all.

>> No.3819404

we're all gonna die kid, but I lived a fulfilling youth/life and you're wasting yours on this place.

>> No.3819407

you're posting on these boards...

>> No.3819412

They contradict themselves, that would take me nowhere.

>> No.3819417

You can't truly ever understand anyone though, can you OP?

>> No.3819419

That's exactly correct. It is painful to know women, and a losing battle. There is no way "around it." You have to admit you already lost and let her lead the way.

>> No.3819416

If it was so fulfilling why did you end up here?

>> No.3819420

Dismiss it all you want, but follow the methods espoused there and you'll see results and learn a lot about women.

>> No.3819428

That's why we have contracts.

>> No.3819433

I'm posting on a sfw board the discusses books, I'd post somewhere else, but responses here are pretty speedy.

>> No.3819435


>> No.3819439

god thats depressing

>> No.3819445

That's why gay people are so gay.

>> No.3819446

anything specific? I'm familiar with some of his work

>> No.3819450


Don't just speedread it though. What he says is intended to be thought about

>> No.3819451

Anything except "On Women"

>> No.3819461

hey thanks, maybe that'll lead me to something else

>> No.3819468

Why would you say that?

>> No.3819487
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why not just fuck dudes, op? that's what I do.

>> No.3819489

>fucking a guy where he shits
>all that hair
>men are ugly


>> No.3819508
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Women are kids who dont know how to have fun and will make sure everyone else wont have fun either. Treat them like kids
>listen to their dumb pointless stories
>hate their imaginary "enemies"
>Give them gifts and sweets
>Be firm but kind with them
>Take decisions for them, but put on the illusion that they did took the decision
>Love them
Its not easy, but its worth it.
Women are fucking adorable, just love them and treat them like kids

>> No.3819511

gay guys are women with a penis, they even talk and walk like them.

>> No.3819513


gay guys are fetishists at the most. homosexuality is said to be a hobby.

>> No.3819520

I don't talk and walk like a woman and none of my gay friends do either?

>> No.3819529


But you like it in the crapper, dontcha?

>> No.3819533

sure why not?

>> No.3819537

no you do, my roomate says the same thing. You have a gay accent and walk like women, you just dont see it. Its fine gaybro

>> No.3819544

Why are you people so sheltered?

There are plenty of gays who aren't feminine at all. Go outside.

>> No.3819545


Because it is not natural. That hole is for excrement to come out, not for meat to go in.

Unless, of course, we're speaking about a woman's anus, in which case it is perfectly natural to insert penises, dildos, fingers, JC Penney vouchers, and action figures.

>> No.3819553


Actually most people (yes, women, too) make perfect sense if you know psychology 101. Go look for online courses on that topic, many good universities (Oxford, MIT, etc.) have some courses for free. Coursera.org is where I usually go for that.

>> No.3819563
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4chan is properly a place to wait to die, but some start young and spend their whole lives waiting

most of the posters ITT are such people

>> No.3819567


Not the guy you were talking to but that blog is just misogynyst bullshit. You wouldn't be soaking up all that bullshit if you actually had made some experiences with women, that's what it's all about. Don't listen to some PUA or self-entitled macho on the internet, learn things yourself. I've learnt more about women and the female psyche in that 1 year of relationship that I had with my psychotic ex then all of the years before that.

>> No.3819569

muh appeal to nature

>> No.3819571


>women and men aren't equal, women have the same mental capacity of a child
>gays guy are just women with a penis
>homosexuality is just a fetish or a hobby or both

I usually have no trouble accepting others views but you guys just gotta go back to the shithole you came from


>> No.3819575


Yeah, that's why animals have homosex, right? Because it's so unnatural

>> No.3819589

But your accusations just make me feel like you're full of shit. I DO have experiences with women (even a few psychotic women like your ex), and I used to think along the same lines as you are in this post, but it's the very fact that his advice often works that I give him credit where it's due.

Sure, his posts are misogynistic, but they're not bullshit. If you actually have experience with women (inb4 your psychotic ex was your only girlfriend), you can find out quickly whether or not what he's saying is true. Basically, power dynamics are the name of the game whether you like it or not. There are repeated themes in many failed relationships that he addresses and the answer, more often than not, lies in what is essentially keeping your pimp hand strong and being an assertive, dominant male.

>> No.3819621

>There is no other choice in the matter

Non-alpha detected.

>> No.3819647


>> No.3819649

>You can't truly understand women.
You can, but male biology limits you from having the balls to ask about or observe female behavior.

We don't have that mental block.

>> No.3819652

Women don't listen to men, anymore.


>> No.3819653

The Book of Pook is all you need OP

>> No.3819655

Op here, so far I only got one recommendation >>3819450 and the rest is broscience
just give me books folks, surely people wrote on that matter.

>> No.3819660


I dont want to know how to "pick up" women, I'm already good that. I want to understand them, different game.

>> No.3819661

>Women don't listen to men, anymore.
No one has ever listened to anyone, ever.

About the only difference between men and women, realistically, is that one doesn't kill everything for its own sake and the other does.

Jesus you even mutilate your own penises seemingly for the fun of it.

We're all sick as humans. Hating others for rejecting you only brings the isolation imposed by such beliefs full circle.

>> No.3819667

who are we killing again nigga?

>> No.3819669

>Hating others for rejecting you only brings the isolation imposed by such beliefs full circle.
That's what women are experiencing now.

>> No.3819671
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Women like to talk, so have something interesting to say. If you find one that doesn't, find a way to still communicate. What I assume you are looking for is a relationship so the most important thing is to know who YOU are. The more you know, and most importantly, about yourself, the better off you'll be. You are your own tool, make civil your mind and savage your body. Women like comfort and conformity, but in truth they are just like us and want a challenge. Besides, what fun is a game if you coddle and comfort, instead of tease and entice? Always look forward, don't care of consequences, and for fucks sakes women aren't angels.

>> No.3819672

Umm, no ... men are feeling it the most.

That's why r9k is so popular.

hurr hurr hurr.


>> No.3819676

>I'm being equal
>While also trying to demean an entire 50% of the population *subtly*


>> No.3819675

4chan boards are not a microcosm of the world

>> No.3819678

Yes it is. You're thinking of the word macrocosm.

>> No.3819680


>I'm too stupid to understand criticism.
>I think that any opposition towards my gender is warrant for full scale retaliation in every conceivable way.
>I don't know what equality is.
>I think i'm a better human because i can punch things.

Laughed at.

>> No.3819683

A joke without laughter. Hmm.

>> No.3819685

>The universe; the cosmos
I don't ... think so.

>> No.3819687

Its called wit.

And so is this.

>> No.3819688

Yes, wit is humor without lolz.

>> No.3819690

I'm going to keep responding to you, understand that.

>> No.3819691

>I make a bunch of generalizations and strawman the shit out of things to make you look stupid.

I think someone needs to post the list of Socrates Fallacies as a permanent stick on /lit/ so people aren't so God Damn retarded.


>> No.3819694

Is this more of your "wit"? I'm really enjoying not laughing.

>> No.3819696
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>> No.3819698

>Everything I say is right.

That is feminism.

>> No.3819703
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>> No.3819704


>> No.3819706

That's what a woman sounds like, to a man.

>> No.3819707


>> No.3819716


>> No.3819721

I'm ready to listen.

>> No.3819722


>> No.3819724

The Reasoner is teaching me. This is a learning moment. I am doomed to listen to the sound of my own voice.

>> No.3819725


>> No.3819726
File: 52 KB, 254x253, 1358810010168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OP even here? I'm leaving if no one gives a fuck about advising and only care about their opinions.

>> No.3819728

Technically the concept of "homosexual as fetishist" is a Freudian one and bears at least the merit of intellectual consideration. The other two opinions are /pol/tier trash.

>> No.3819731

I'm here, still waiting for books though.

>> No.3819732

How do you explain its presence in so many other animals incapable of even conceptualizing let alone expressing a fetish?

>> No.3819733

I am Me.

>> No.3819735

>knows what the other sex thinks
>knows what animals think

Are you ... God?

>> No.3819736

Did you read my comment? Cause you really don't need a book to tell you about life, you're suppose to be out there living it.

>> No.3819739
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, 1343077143068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would explain a lot.

>> No.3819743

So you will never die? Congrats!

How can I join your posse?

>> No.3819747

You don't know anything about animal psychology and neither do I.

Freud's theory pertained to human beings. That's all either of us are qualified to discuss.

>> No.3819751
File: 67 KB, 653x434, rock-bottom-for-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a gf, and have been called a "player". I find that I know what makes women tick, from experience, books, and advice. I just know how to operate a machine flawlessly, but now I'm at a point in my life where I just want to understand how and why the machine works that way instead of just pushing buttons. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.3819761

I hate using emoticons, but B) nigguh why don't YOU write that book?

>> No.3819763

I'm qualified to make observations on base psychological problems and conditional parameters.


University is hard, leave me alone.

Anyway, its pretty easily observable in nature. If something doesn't express a quality then it can't be assumed that it can or want's to.

Of course many animals do express fetishes and interests in sexual behavior. But that doesn't come into play. Homosexual BEHAVIOR is very very common. Homosexuality is in fact very rare. Hence, its a significant divergence from regular sexuality. And easy to observe the chemical differences.

you do know freud was pretty retarded on a lot of issues? Right? And that modern psychology disregards a majority of his hypotheses?

>> No.3819765

Sperm Wars by Robin Baker

>> No.3819768

I just said I don't have the knowledge. This thread is going nowhere isn't?

>> No.3819770

Education >>> Observation

Freud has taken the backseat as "historical information" in modern education Psychology.

>> No.3819775

same thing

>> No.3819777

fucking finally another book to add to the list, thanks based anon

>> No.3819783

Umm ... i referenced scientific observation done not by myself but others?

Actual scientists. I'm a student. Hence i referenced a first hand source. Dolphins for example have been observed having gay sex with other dolphins blowholes. Hot right? Well that's fetish like behavior. And when observed further, their behavior deviates from the norm socially as well. Same with humans, so its not a massive leap to state that there is likely a link between homosexual behavior and brain chemistry because we've observed the same thing in humans.

>> No.3819795

>I'm qualified to make observations on base psychological problems and conditional parameters.

No. You're not. Not even sort of. What the hell is wrong with you? Know your role, student.

>> No.3819791

Gay men have feminine brains, thus are more sensitized by sex with a male body.

>> No.3819797

Also, Boys Adrift.

I'm assuming when you say you want to understand women that you really mean you want to understand the difference between men and women. I felt this book gave good insight in that department.

>> No.3819801

The existence of homosexual behavior or even homosexuality in animals doesn't mean that human beings experience it for the same or even similar reasons. One possibility for the existence of the homosexual subject could indeed be psychological.

It was Freud's contention that a homosexual subject arose as a result of the castration complex - incapable of finding a suitable fetish which would make women, defined by lack in Freudian psychology, bearable, the male subject forms erotic ties to the phallus itself, thereby producing homosexual urges or tendencies which are then solidified by sexual interaction and and the adoption of various mannerisms often connected to homosexuality by his respective community.

>you do know freud was pretty retarded on a lot of issues? Right?

Elegantly put.

>And that modern psychology disregards a majority of his hypotheses?

That's largely irrelevant unless you mean to use contemporary psychological scholarship (Freud IS modern psychology) to dispute his particular views on homosexuality.

>> No.3819803

The AMA and APA stopped considering homosexuality a negative in human behavior approximately 40 years ago.

Let's catch up.

>> No.3819806

No, he is modern psychoanalysis. He contributed somewhat iffishly to psychology as a whole barring the fact a lot of his assertions were practically insane.

>It was Freud's contention that a homosexual subject arose as a result of the castration complex
proving my point in a single sentence.

I'm done with this conversation though.

>> No.3819807

You can't understand women because they're emotional, not conceptual, beings.
They don't have the same search for emptiness that makes men need to minimalise the world via concepts and try to keep it still with control.
So you can only get a feel for women by being around them and empathising. Prepare for chaos in a great way :)

>> No.3819811

Freud isn't modern psychoanalysis. Lacan is.

>> No.3819812


>> No.3819817


With ignorance comes the desire for insanity. The more outlandish something seems against reason the more reasonable it seems. That's the curse of people who follow freud's methodologies and ideas.

And thus most modern psychoanalysis borrows heavily from both. Though obviously the more contentious and moronic parts have been refined or altered in such a manner as not to arouse suspicions of either.

So i agree.

>> No.3819822

>Actual scientists. I'm a student. Hence i referenced a first hand source.

You haven't referenced anything.

>proving my point in a single sentence.

That didn't actually prove anything. Do you have any substantive arguments to make? I'm not even valorizing Freud's theory as the indisputable truth, I'm only suggesting it shouldn't be written off as /pol/tier barbarism.

>> No.3819828

>With ignorance comes the desire for insanity.
Is that a referenced quote or your quote?

>> No.3819829

No i just think that's an apt description of how people without knowledge seek affirmation of their ideals.

>> No.3819834

I can understand your difficulty as a student when you can present alpha knowledge.

>> No.3819835
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>> No.3819839

Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Joyce (Lacan???)

Women's Ways of Knowing, The Second Sex

>> No.3819840

*Shrugs* I'm not really that smart.

>> No.3819842

If you're not that smart, logically you should listen more.

>> No.3819848

Thanks folks, believe it or not thats what the thread is for.

That Reasoner just wont stop stroking his ego.

>> No.3819846

You know how when you've got an idea in your head, you can see it everywhere, whether there isn't anything of it to the things you see themselves?

All musings on women are post hoc bullshit.

>> No.3819847

I think you mean read more. I'm on the internet, i'm listening to music.

*Pets* you tried.

>> No.3819850

Well, I doubt you've read any Lacan and your hypothesis that "unreasonable thing seem reasonable" seems to come out of nowhere. Usually there is some misunderstanding of reason that leads people to the unreasonable, so while people may believe in something unreasonable it's because it seems reasonable not because it seems "against reason" as you've speculated.

The fact is, modern psychology has a lot of problems of its own.

>> No.3819852

I read A Room of One's Own last winter, and for an instant when I closed my ponderous, long-lashèd eyes, I felt like a liberated womyn.

>> No.3819854

Op here, please leave the thread.

>> No.3819855

Depends on what you read. I mean listening to professors, educated professionals. There's plenty of online courses from the best Universities where you can view videotaped lectures.

>> No.3819856

added to the list, thanks!

>> No.3819858

Everything has problems. Everything sucks.

>so while people may believe in something unreasonable it's because it seems reasonable not because it seems "against reason" as you've speculated.
You very, very clearly haven't studied any genuine psychological science.

I could shoot off a paragraphs worth of fallacies intrinsic to human cognition which work overtime, non stop, ensuring that the way you have seen the world for the majority of your life will be the one you struggle to keep.

Often against acceptance and knowledge to the contrary of your reasoning people will continue to behave as they have.

>> No.3819860

Do you have problems and do you suck?

>> No.3819865

Holy shit, would you please leave?
Thanks for derailing the thread, go to /soc/ or something if you're feeling chatty.

>> No.3819867
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>> No.3819868

this is a dogshit thread
tripfag in particular, kill yourself

>> No.3819873

Do you not like talking about yourself? Give us a clue.

>> No.3819875

I don't tend to talk much about myself. Where are you from, fellow friend?

>> No.3819881

this faggot ruined my thread man, it was going somewhere. started getting recommendations and this asshole is just regurgitates his bed time thoughts all over the thread.

>> No.3819883

Well, basic psychology would dictate that you have to be willing to offer intimate information if that's what you want to get.

I'm waiting.

>> No.3819884

>fallacies intrinsic to human cognition

Spare me the paragraphs and give me some names of these "intrinsic" fallacies.

>Often against acceptance and knowledge to the contrary of your reasoning people will continue to behave as they have

Because they ultimately believe there is something reasonable about it. It's called rationalization and it's a misunderstanding of reason, not a belief that unreasonable things are more reasonable.

>> No.3819887

fuck leave already, no one cares

>> No.3819893

I can be more specific, if you want. Check out Joyce's The Dead, the last chapter of Ulysses. Ibsen's plays have great female characters. Hedda Gabler is a good start.

Shakespeare has GOAT female characters. Comedies: As You Like It, Twelfth Night (dat latent lesbo crossdressing). Tragedies: Macbeth (tfw married), Antony and Cleopatra, Othello (cuckold, jealousy, role reversal)

Tolstoy's Anna Karenina is genius. War and Peace is just as good but 2x as long.

Lacan has said some edgy stuff about women. It's kinda interesting but hard to parse through and you can bet your ass someone has already said it and with more clarity. If you want Lacan on women, check out Zizek. Fuck, the shit he wrote for Abercrombie isn't a bad place to start. Google Zizek lacan sexuation, I think there's a pdf lying around.

Milton's Paradise Lost has some pretty wise things to say about the relation between men and women.

I'll throw in Anais Nin's diaries and her elegant erotica Venus of Delta...and I guess Virginia Woolf is worthwhile. But Nietzsche rightly said "one does not learn woman from woman."

>> No.3819927

Funny, I hear women tell me the same thing about men. And that advice usually works just as well on their husbands too.

>> No.3819938

It's a constant Through-the-Looking-Glass game of mirrors. The sexes just pass the ball.

tee hee

>> No.3819941

Also, I think Cassavettes's Woman Under the Influence is brilliant.

If you're not up for Tolstoy, check out Chekhov's short stories. Something like The Darling (which was Tolstoy's fav of his)

Stay away from Dostoevsky. His female characters were not his strong suit. He's still good but don't read him for women.

>> No.3819951

Everyone is different, friend. Just try to understand the individuals around you through conversation.

>> No.3819955

I tried this. Then I grew up. Politics is real.

>> No.3819958

I'm working on a short story about this. Its about a husband and wife who keep thinking they outsmart other and can easily reduce the opposite sex to a set of generalities, but in the end they just end up saying the same thing.

>> No.3819967

Sounds like that movie Scenes at a Mall with Woody Allen and Bette Midler.

>> No.3819970

Believe what you will.

>> No.3819976

I don't know how it's so hard to understand women. If we seem to contradict ourselves or act mysterious, it's mainly because we're trying to save face or honestly can't understand why we need to spell shit out for you.

I can't really figure out men. Men can be pretty fucking oblivious sometimes. A guy will yell at you about something, then two minutes later, wonder why you're mad at him and don't feel like cuddling. Plus, you guys are into some sick shit, which I will never understand.

>> No.3819980
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I'm pissed now. Same thing happened when I told my friend about a short story I was working on and he was like "sounds just like a Ginsberg poem." I was pretty proud of it too and I thought it was a really original idea.

> tfw so belated

>> No.3819985
File: 6 KB, 200x300, 5E15K45J33Eb3n93I6ca508f1fb7c12da1159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3819986

No, that's what you do. I accept reality and don't negate experience.

>> No.3819987

Dude. Stories can be redone, better. DO IT.

>> No.3819988

>honestly can't understand why we need to spell shit out for you
That's the thing, really. Men can't understand that. Men aren't really from Mars, they're Apollonian. Without the painfully obvious light of truth, we're imbeciles. Women are much more interesting because they speak implicitly and you must stay on your toes.

>> No.3819996

>Without the painfully obvious light of truth
The whole point is to decipher what they're saying, since women tend to be so wish-washy its up to men to put it all on the table.

>> No.3820001


I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.I accept reality and don't negate experience.

>> No.3820003

This entire thread is generalizations.
>How do I understand women?
As if women are one single entity that all think, act, and feel the same way. If you want to understand a woman, just pay the fuck attention. Pick up on her subtle mannerisms, and analyze her words and behavior. It's what women do to other people all the time.

>> No.3820015

"lol I shouldn't have to say it" - every women ever

Don't worry, baby, I can read girl's minds. It took a few terrible girlfriends/relationships before it clicked.

>> No.3820016

Woah, don't get all uppity with your logic-nonsense up in this thread mister. We are grown-ups that understand that politics is real.

>> No.3820017

Women consider themselves as one entity. Did you know that?

>> No.3820019

But there are differences in our culture, whether it is biological or social or collective unconscious or who cares they exist in a significant portion of the population. Of course most of the shit ever said on this topic is bullshit.

>> No.3820029

Dont try and educate them. This board is so slow you can point out the regular trolls. They target people specifically.

They tend not to use reaction images and when they do they almost always have recognizable filenames/Really obscure reaction images that don't really qualify.

>Are into some sick shit.
Oh wow aren't they.

>> No.3820030

There are only a handful of women who transcend their biology and are awesome human beings to behold.

Most women don't have what it takes. On the flip side, no one can hold a candle to these awesome, rare women--including men.

>> No.3820034

> you guys are into some sick shit

wow that's offensive

the feelings police have been called

>> No.3820035

Only professional educators should "educate." All others can be labeled as "troll."

>> No.3820037

Hey Schoppy!

Did that girl ever call you back?

>> No.3820040

>Teaching your own children their native language is illegal.
>All teaching is now illegal.
Are you happy anon? Now the world is as stupid as you.

>> No.3820045

From my personal experience men are generally boring as hell and women are generally more interesting. This I attribute to men still having the burden of being THE BEST (aka wealthy) and financially supporting a family and becoming a doctor or computer scientist (sound familiar) and women having time to dally around and study useless things like literature and art history.

>> No.3820050

Parents should skip the totalitarian step of instilling their worst characteristics onto their children.

>> No.3820052

Spell shit out and quit acting so cunty.

>> No.3820055

Alright folks I'm out, thanks for the recommendations and a special thanks to this cunt who ruined the thread

>> No.3820059

Oh shush, the trolls did that. I just played a long because all threads involving women are devolved into female hate by the spastics.

>> No.3820056

Cunts are the spice of life.

>> No.3820061

Here's how I think about it. My family lived in Japan for three years and, as we came to discover, the Japanese never say what they mean. In fact, it's considered very rude to be too direct, which is why they would often butt heads with us Americans.

Women are like the Japanese. They are usually very indirect and nonconfrontational because they consider that more pleasant and polite. They are also very sensitive to other people's feelings and various subtle social cues that men often miss.

Men, on the other hand, are like Americans. They're blunt and to-the-point and expect other people to do so as well. They don't really read into other people's behavior and sometimes don't realize how their own behavior will effect other people. They believe that everything is operates more efficiently when people are direct, and get frustrated when people don't lay everything out on the table.

>> No.3820062

classic cunt

>> No.3820066

I must be a man then.

>> No.3820069


>> No.3820077

Men are islands.

>> No.3820079

Not seeing the troll in yourself, yet?

>> No.3820089

I am Japanese-American as well (but never grew up in Japan) so maybe that's why I like women more. I think you just blew my mind, anon.

>> No.3820090

And I am the post you quoted.

>> No.3820092

It might be offensive, but it's true.

>> No.3820098

what a retarded thread

>> No.3820099

No, they only like to think they are. That's why they're so goddamn insensitive.

>> No.3820106

They think they are bros, but they all begin as islands. And end.

>> No.3820139

This is true for most human beings.

>> No.3820150

Yes, but I think the super-women trump the super-men. This is just my opinion.

Certain women can mentally hypnotize me, as a kind of enrapturing. Men can con me based on their hot bods. I am waiting to find a man that can wow me, it has never happened. I am one of these men. Behold!

>> No.3820154

Well obviously you'd find the women more interesting if you're male.

>> No.3820157

wow you sure do sound pathetic

don't worry, you'll find your goddess who will trump your butthole with a strapon

>> No.3820185

hes right man, who cares if someone wrote something similiar

its 2013 almost everything has been fucking done... thats the big curse of our time, its hard to do anything as most of the time 'simpsons did it' etc

just write your ideas and make it as interesting and insightful as you can, it will probably be a million times better than some old bette midler slop

>> No.3820191
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>> No.3820197

fucking this exactly

i cant wait for true equality i would LOVE more time to piss about and read and even i dont know... paint or some pointless shit like that

cos writing software and building houses is fucking HARD time consuming shit, it sure does pay the bills though

>> No.3820201

Nobody is equal to you, though. Don't let somebody tell you different.

>> No.3820217

You sound like a woman out of the 50's.

>> No.3820218
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>implying that there's anything to be "understood" about women

>> No.3820221

yes i know we are all beautiful snow flakes

but i will tell you straight when my gf is qualified and working and we move in together im going to spend at least every second friday out in the sun with a huge joint.

I will probably even do a larger share of the child rearing than is usually traditional for the male... so i can teach em some fucking shit.

my cousins kids are surrounded by women im not sure that i approve of the way they are coming out.

sometimes life is conflict and confrontation and being scared of it is not fucking helpful.

im at least teaching my kids to argue with logic and spot deception, as well as how to fight if they have to, just like like i am doing with my gf.

women arent that much different than men, most of the ideas and mannerisms women have i think they just get from other women, its not biological or necessary. seriously get a good women with an open mind and teach her some shit i think they can be quite pragmatic just like with men it depends on influence.

i really dont have much to say about feminism its bullshit but gender equality and women getting smarter and more practical i am all for. the housewife of my nannas era is just.... painfully outdated and boring.

>> No.3820222

we are also lousy pieces of shit

don't forget that


>> No.3820225
File: 22 KB, 363x501, evola.2jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gender equality is the autistic fantasy of a dying civilization
read julius evola and become enlightened.

>> No.3820229


>They are usually very indirect and nonconfrontational because they consider that more pleasant and polite.

No, most of them just enjoy being passive aggressive kunts.

>> No.3820231
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It's been proven time and time again that men of culture and breeding enjoy things up their butt, and with the rate of STDs among gay men it's only natural to switch to women and dildos.

Whatever that anon is, at least he knows how to use a word as simple as "trump" in a sentence without looking like a fucking moran

>> No.3820234

This is essentially true, though I've never read Julius Evola.

Gender equality is something that means nothing more than the men have let the women run amok, lost control of them, and have started the decline of Western civilization.

Thank God there's still hope for other countries and it's not the whole God Damn world that's falling apart.

>> No.3820236

Thanks, brah.

-that anon

>> No.3820239

Gender equality is just the term ive used to try to convey 'women becoming smarter and more practical'.

Most forms of equality that aren't in an actual equation (chemical, physics, computational) are yes, most certainly bullshit.

I have however fought with women who could easily kick my ass and I have known women who are most certainly smarter than me, so to say men are always better would be just as much of a fallacy.

>> No.3820243

The women aren't becoming smarter and more practical; the men are becoming dumber and more whimsical.

>> No.3820247
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Do you actually talk to women in real life? Serious. You're just combining folk-psych gender shit with Japan for some reason. I don't understand how anyone could actually believe this sort of thing.

>> No.3820250

Is that you?

>> No.3820254
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If you fought a woman who could kick your ass, you seriously need to start eating and consider lifting a weight once in a while.
With two to three years of semi-serious training and diet the average man can become stronger than top female powerlifters. Serious. You should not be able to be overpowered by a woman.

>> No.3820259

I don't agree, where I live anyway the men are just as smart as ever and the women are catching up.

That is what is actually allowing the breathing space for men to be a little whimsical if we so desire. (read real men with jobs and families not beta neet faggots)

I do enjoy being practical making money and having a good life but whats the fucking point if you don't get a moments peace to fucking enjoy it.

Two days to myself a month I think is all I really need. Any more than that and I would probably start to hate myself for being such a beta neet faggot.

>> No.3820267

You're kidding right? I am 6'0 I am quite manly but im no hulking beast, ive only been lifting for some six months now but have been fighting in ma for a while.

have you never seen one of those 6'4 hulking german bitches?

or even female body builders? to claim that no women could ever beat you 'just because you are a man' is fucking silly. or what about professional female mma fighters you think you can beat them too?

no one can beat everyone, there is always someone older and bigger and then when you get older eventually there is someone younger and quicker, thats life you cant fucking win all the time.

if you think you can you are a retard.

>> No.3820288

these are the female raw powerlifting world records
note how none of them are impressive for an averaged sized man who competes in strength sports, except for the shws set by april mathis who is on so much shit that she is going bald and looks like a fat man
these were pretty much all set by women on roids, btw, yet they are achievable in a few years for a man who lifts seriously (except mathis, of course)
women are just not as strong.

>> No.3820294

>/lit/ - Literature and Meditations on the Inferiority of Women

Seriously, every damn day.

>> No.3820296

/r/-ing animal homosex.

/lit/ don't dissappoint muh boner.

>> No.3820302

>In the Age of Google's prominence, some people still ask for source on homosexual behaviour in animals

>> No.3820306

I get it man, I know fit, the mechanics of the biology, muscle and hormones. As I said I do lift I just haven't been at if for very long.

It doesn't really change what I said. Just because a man is a man that doesn't mean he can automatically beat every woman on the planet in a fight.

Height, reach, weight, strength, speed, conditioning, endurance, skill sets, balance, intelligence, savageness etc

There are very few men on the planet that could beat every woman on the planet in a fight. Very few. Those very few would hold belts and have been training all their life, they would not be your average male that lifts.

>> No.3820312
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>There are very few men on the planet that could beat every woman on the planet in a fight. Very few. Those very few would hold belts and have been training all their life, they would not be your average male that lifts.

No, those would be men who hold pipe bombs.
And the number of women who could take the average man is probably lower.

>> No.3820347

Paradise Lost

>> No.3820449

This thread is from out of the 1950s.

>> No.3820454

That doesn't excuse sounding like an out of date retard.

>> No.3820455

I'm stuck in the 1990s.

>> No.3820457

I like to think Misty just about sums it up.

>> No.3820458

Then what's OP's excuse? In fact, what's /lit/'s excuse?

>> No.3820459

We're human.

>> No.3820460

Cool. So am I.

>> No.3820464

I love when people invoke the "50s" whenever they feel like something sounds too patriarchal or traditional. I mean, do you even talk to people off campus? Women are still very much docile and passive, especially when it counts.

>> No.3820529

Read a bunch of divorce and child custody cases from family court. That will give you a good idea of women. Men too.

>> No.3820539

>marriage and reproduction
le prole

>> No.3820581

Nah, OP, don't listen to this. If you want to understand women then read some Henry James.

>> No.3820635

>Thinking that divorce cases always involve a child custody dispute as well

>le prole
This is one of best shortcuts to measure the value of you intellectually as a human being as just about any that I've found on an Internet forum. People on 4chan who use words like that or frequently use "plebs" usually have high opinions of themselves but more often than not belong to the intellectually mediocre crowd they're so contemptuous of.

lol. you're not at all often going to find what people are really like from novels or literature.

>> No.3820766

>'m trying to "understand" women
Can one even understand people moved by emotion and not by logic and reason?

>> No.3821268
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>reading this thread

>> No.3821278

In other words, critiques of middlebrow people are very attractive to middlebrow people.

>> No.3821281

1. What Men Know About Women
2. The Brief Interviews parts of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
3. Stop trying so hard
4. Understanding women isn't hard at all. There are a few language things that you have to pick up (like "Am I pretty?" means "Compliment me profusely, more than just saying 'yes, you're pretty'"), and after that, it's all about understanding that women want what you want, only they have more complex societal standards to compete with.

>> No.3821306

seeking knowledge is not trying too hard you clutz

>> No.3821319

different poster here. Book of Pook isn't about "picking up" women, not at all actually. It's more like a mindset book on how to approach life (hence also women). It's actually a really good read.

>> No.3821321

>he doesn't know women piss out of vagina
holy shit /pol/, you scare the fuck out of me

>> No.3821328

If you're looking to understand women, don't read books. Talk to them. Listen to them.

>> No.3821333

Also, I think one of the first sections underlines that the key to understanding women is understanding that the difference between men and women is none. Which I guess says a bit about how the book will be.

>> No.3821366
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Women and men are equal OP, useless to try to understand them

Equal as equally intelligent, but more importantly equally retarded. You probably have noticed, the vast majority of people are stupid, and maybe you and me are.

The thing is the caracteristics and general interests that suggest stupidity in a given person differs with sex

Hints of stupidity in men are obsessive interest in football, soccer, video games, fighting, and penis-compensating devices like shiny big or fast cars or firearms and weapons,

Hints of stupidity in women include interest in movie stars, celebs magazines, shopping, unhealthy obsession with social media, gossip, "pecking order" of the group, and uterus-compensating devices such as fashion, shoes, makeup, you get the idea

Both female and male stupids hate anything that they don't understand/ that don't conform to social&gender stereotypes

It means if you just want to fuck stupid people, just give them what they want: fake conformity to your gender and exagerate your sexual value (lifting&money&car * makealotofapproachs // cleavage&makeup&gossip * selectionthecandidatewisely)

If you want to fuck & have a cool relashionship with a smart person, you don't have to give a shit about that, just be social

>> No.3821451

yeah you're pretty stupid

>> No.3821473

I don't want to believe you don't know what a bonobo is. Anyway, have you ever had a dog?

>> No.3821476

Whoops, meant to quote the one who quoted you.

>> No.3821478

>I don't want to believe you don't know what a bonobo is
Sure I do; a musician!
What does it have to do with other species having glorious homosex?

>> No.3821491

That was a response to:
>/r/-ing animal homosex.

>> No.3821494

>wah stop conforming to social norms

ahaha, you're just as bad as what you claim to hate

>> No.3821500

>I could shoot off a paragraphs worth of fallacies intrinsic to human cognition which work overtime, non stop, ensuring that the way you have seen the world for the majority of your life will be the one you struggle to keep.


Christ, trip fags are god tier trolls.

>> No.3821514

Actually it's much more complex tan just "castration complex". A lot of it has to do with the anal phase, and if you observe how western societies end up praising it in culture:

Read Freud, people. But seriously read HIM and start by "Civilization and its Discontent", from the end to the beggining, not vice versa.

Lacan is just a French rationalistic asshole who complexified things too much and completely missed the point of desire and the subconscious.

>> No.3821523

Edit - culture, with all the S&M, greed, accumulation of unnecessary shit, etc and then you observe how gay culture, as something split from society and along the same lines, with a distinct aspect of a sort of an elitist, superiorization thinking (not like in ancient Greece for example) came from them, that is no coincidence. I'm not saying homosexuality is bad, in fact I would consider myself bi, but I don't like this distinct "gay" culture.

>> No.3821534

Is Freud a bad plcae to start?

>> No.3821536


just go back to pol already

>> No.3821537

>You disagree with the hivemind, so back to /pol/ you must go

>Being as bad as them
>Any year

>> No.3821538

>implying all women are the same

You'll only be able to understand individual women, and that's only if you spend time with them and you're open with each other.

>> No.3821553

This is true. Neil Patrick Harris for example

>> No.3821570

Hard and stressful but still exciting you old coot

>> No.3821574

His nonacting voice is pretty gay, look at him when he lets go in interviews.

>> No.3821576
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>"Still exciting," he disturbingly calmly posted on the 4chan literature board.