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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 244 KB, 529x788, bleeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3814655 No.3814655 [Reply] [Original]

In case some of you haven't yet, you can read the first page of Bleeding Edge here

Based on just that first page, are you excited or not?

>> No.3814661

Shit, it sounds dreadfully and painfully 80s-esque. It could be one of those horrible cop series with B-actors and actresses.

No, not excited. I'll pass.

>> No.3814682

Well, Pynchon is getting up there.

>> No.3814690

And here I was hoping for another M&De

>> No.3814705

I don't care. It's Pynchon. I know it'll be better than anything else published in 2013

>> No.3814818

Does anyone have a link to that thread that someone claiming to be Pynchon or Bill Murray or whatever discussed Shakespeare and Pynchon and Joyce?

>> No.3814828


Isn't it quite sad when groupies follow sheepishly a golden calf?

>> No.3814852
File: 19 KB, 336x504, nhollywood-08ss-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm excited. It made me laugh multiple times on the first page. The dialogue is great and this
>between them and any driver whose idea of sport is to come around the corner and run you over
really tickles me.

>cops are in coffee shops dealing with bagel deficiencies
how perfectly cloy, I love it.

>painfully 80s-esque
what? it felt thoroughly like gentrified, cleaned up NYC, ipads and starbucks.

>> No.3814870

reads like a watered down hunter s. thompson

>> No.3814876


I am quite tired of the bang bang chase the robber, tortured soul cop. I got plenty of it in the 80s TV series and nowadays with the Die Hard kind of stuff. But it is a matter of taste. So, by all means, knock yourself out. I'll keep reading more, er, mature stuff.

>> No.3814878

hunter sweats

>> No.3814882

I really don't give a fuck. Pynchon is a fantastic writer, that's undeniable.

>> No.3814883
File: 105 KB, 576x355, GUID-17B0E05C-6EB0-42A4-B8E3-56A98627D6A1-low.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, okay. Look up 'snail shower'.

>> No.3815080

I still haven't read any Pynchon. I was thinking of eventually picking him up due to /lit/'s constant mentioning of him. This page put me off of it.

>> No.3815113

Soccer mom fiction?

>> No.3815124

Don't let it put you off to Pynchon entirely, just don't pick up this book, then. Pick up V., or if you don't want to spend that much time on one of his books as your first experience, pick up The Crying of Lot 49. I can't say that I wasn't expecting something a little more...Pynchonian, but then again, it IS just the first page and he IS getting up there in age. Still hoping for another door stopper before he kicks the bucket.

>> No.3815137
File: 224 KB, 1600x1162, retardnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison

>> No.3815141

>how perfectly cloy

Are you one of those people who believes that art can be objectively good or bad?

>> No.3815173


this feels so out of touch

>> No.3815177

>going by author rather than book

Most authors, even the best of them, have at least one third rate novel, though most tend to have more than that. Pynchon only has three novels (four, if you want to include Against the Day) that I would say are worth reading. We already know he's capable of writing average books. Just read Vineland, Inherent Vice, or The Crying of Lot 49 to find that out.

>> No.3815181 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck it's total garbage.

>> No.3815186

Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon, and V. are all some of the best novels written in the 20th century. They're all worth reading. Just avoid his other works. Some might recommend The Crying of Lot 49, but, after already reading the three I just mentioned, I wasn't impressed by it.

>> No.3815191

>the crying of lot 49

>> No.3815206

I don't see anything wrong with the phrase "how perfectly cloy," and anyone who does is a nitpickey, snot-shoveling faggot. Quit shoveling all that snot, you rotten little spaghetti-O.

It's clear that this isn't going to be a V./Gravity's Rainbow type of effort, but I'm pretty excited for it. The dialogue has that Delillo humor, and seeing as it's set in 2001, I have a feeling that the family's blase attitude towards the sublime will manifest itself in a poignant, venomously satirical take on American life come the fall.

He utilizes his powers with extended and mixed metaphor brilliantly when it comes to war and history, and I'm anxious to see what he does with terrorist attacks and events that I lived through.

>> No.3815207


wait why all this crying of lot 49 hate

i mean yeah, it's not quite as "literary" as gravity's rainbow, but it's concise, clever, and very strong thematically. plus it encapsulates california in the most graceful way that no one has ever managed to replicate since

>> No.3815211

I'm honestly saddened by how bad this is compared to some of his other work. Against the Day was just published in 2006. I thought he would've still had some more of the old Pynchon left in him. ;_;

>> No.3815216

While it's still more stylistically complex that what this one page represents, Crying was restrained in comparison with some of his others. He's trying to reach a larger audience with his September 11th book, is my guess.

Worried about legacy, perhaps?

>> No.3815283

>Quit shoveling all that snot, you rotten little spaghetti-O.
Just how gay can you get

>> No.3815295

Lot 49 is nothing to scoff at. I've heard it convincingly touted as his best work. Novellas are often more controlled and concentrated than longer books. Pynchon's style lends itself to short, concise bursts - it's so dense. And there isn't a word I would remove form Lot 49. It's perfect. That's quite an achievement. His tomes are beautiful and ambitious, but they're patchy - you have to admit.

>> No.3815323

Agreed, but I'd give the distinction to V. as most controlled/concentrated -- 49 is just more linear.

>> No.3815345

What horrible annotations.

"You need light to see"
"theatre implies performance"
"screaming = sound"
"Darkness" "Night"


These thoughts should be happening instantaneously when you read... A screaming is a sound... No need to write it in the margins.

>> No.3815379

well, the file name is retardnotes.

>> No.3816379
File: 29 KB, 283x357, 1341296977909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They must have some light to see..."

I love it.

>> No.3816679
File: 60 KB, 457x375, Sorrowsofsatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt in my mind that Pinecone will make a cameo appearance in Inherent Vice. This is a 100% given. I can't wait to be in the audience and see the guy pull a big 'Cock (Alfred Hitchcock that is) and walk right past the frame for a split second.

We should really organize a read-a-long and try to do something cool. I bet /lit/ could come together and get some really good,interesting readings. I mean, who better than /lit/?

Also, what can you tell me about this film and Marie Correli?

> Adolphe Menjou starred as Prince Lucio Rimanez in the Sorrows of Satan.
> He graduated from Cornell
> Menjou was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to a French father, Albert Menjou, and an Irish mother from Galway, Nora (née Joyce)
> The book The Sorrows of Satan was written in 1895 by Marie Corelli, who lived for a time in Stratford upon Avon.
> James Joyce loved Correli

I'm getting fucking goosebumps, /lit/.

Seriously though /lit/ we gotta do that read-a-long. Fuck those fags at Pynchon-L...dunces all. Every one of 'em.

>> No.3816715

i was working the IT industry in NYC in 2000 so i'm kind of excited because it will hopefully give some good nostalgia deja vu type shit but otherwise i'm betting it's going to suck i mean it opens with a female character obvious attempt to sell out since we know women by more (shitty) books than men do so that's already a weak sign and then since it's in 2001 it's obviously going to end up being about sept. 11th somehow and quite frankly i am sick and tired of 9/11 bullshit, i went outside my computer science class to watch the smoking remnants of the WTC on the horizon and it was crazy but it was also like 15 years ago and everyone around here has fucking moved on...so I get the feeling this is just some commercial book intended for midwestern soccer moms who wish their were career oriented manhattanites and who are also still angry and upset about 9/11 even though they've never done anything in new york besides watch The Lion King on broadway...also it will probably written like a movie script since that's where the money is.

>> No.3816722
File: 85 KB, 201x197, Ruggles2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woop woop

>> No.3816732
File: 34 KB, 528x360, pynchon_pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup sup

>> No.3816736
File: 23 KB, 232x197, 1308180374955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cool

tell me again about how women and soccer moms are so totally lame and 9/11 is so totally droll. please, continue to look down your nose at people for shitty reasons. the world needs more 'in the know' people like you

>> No.3816740

> 'm betting it's going to suck i mean it opens with a female character obvious attempt to sell out since we know women by more (shitty) books than men

Yeah, man, like FUCK THAT. Remember when he went on Oprah to promote Crying of Lot 49 to housewives in America? What a fucking sell out, writing about tupperware parties and housewives having mental breakdowns. GROSS

Why can't he be more like Corncob McCarthy? He doesn't write a single female character and everyone's shooting each other. Yee-haw.

>> No.3816747

> One summer afternoon Mrs. Oedipa Maas came home from a Tupperware party whose hostess had put perhaps too much kirsch in the fondue...

>> No.3816758

Is this a troll?
> https://www.martineve.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Thomas-Pynchon.png

This Martin Eve guy has been linked to Pinecone is prior "did he or didn't post on /lit/" threads.

>> No.3816759

OMG 9/11 that's cutting edge stuff that intelligent people really want to rehash! oooh, and career oriented (white) supermom working in technology? that's so progressive, he's really thinking outside the box now!

>> No.3816773

don't derail this thread

>> No.3816780

except that i'm actually on-topic, cunt

>Based on just that first page, are you excited or not?

no, i'm not. and i explained why.

>> No.3816789
File: 31 KB, 475x600, Razor-A3-Scooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna bunny hop right over your post

>> No.3816805

oh yeah razor scooters were all the rage in manhattain 2001 couldn't go two blocks without some yuppie nerd almost running you over, i'm sure pynchon is going to enlighten us with some deep insights into razor scooter culture in the year 2001 shit i can't wait oh pynchon hes so smart

>> No.3816828

It won't top Mason & Dixon, the greatest American novel.

>> No.3816839

That's a bold claim, though it's perhaps the best American novel of the final quarter of the 20th century, at the very least.

>> No.3816848

Eh. Not very exciting to me. I don't think I'm the right audience for this work.

>> No.3816849

Yeah, that's really what I meant to say.

It deserves to be up with the best of Melville and Faulkner and the like

>> No.3816851
File: 213 KB, 479x365, banksy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will someone fill me on what the fuck you guys are talking about? Is this about Pynchon sightings? why would you call him pinecone

>> No.3816857

pinecone is just a retarded pet name of the kind 4channers like to give people

>> No.3816863

That's how it's pronounced you idiot.

Nah, actually the Pynchon guy is the one who coined it. He was telling us to write a letter to his agent addressed to "Thomas Pinecone c/o his lovely wife"

>> No.3816878
File: 69 KB, 250x376, Steve_Erickson_november_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Tom, wanna troll /lit/ again?"

"Haha, yeah dude, fuck those faggots, do they even read?"

>> No.3816891
File: 15 KB, 500x500, rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow? More like Gravity's Rainbong.

That shit will get you blitzed



>> No.3816912

Who's the pynchon guy? give me a phrase I can look up on the archive

>> No.3816920

start here i guess


>> No.3816936

don't get me wrong i'm gonna read it but i don't have high expectations

>> No.3817052

Wow this guy is really cool. I wonder if he's ever read one of my posts and thought to himself 'this kid's got his head screwed on tight' graced by /lit/'s resident angel of recluse :3

>> No.3817063

Are you the kid from the Classics thread? I know who you are. You can drop the emoticons. There are other ways to make yourself more conspicuous. I'd almost recommend a tripcode at this point, but nothing good has ever come of that.

>> No.3817509

mfw Jap insurance guy makes an appearance in Bleeding Edge

mfw blueberries are in it too

>> No.3817531

I don't understand any of that.

>> No.3819286

No, I don't think so. That was the first non-spurdo informed emoticon I've used on 4chan in a while.