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3815234 No.3815234 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you wish exist

Mine, personally, is essentially a parody of The Metamorphosis by Kafka, except Gregor wakes up to discover he has turned into a Beatle.

>> No.3815248

then write it

>> No.3815267

the definite theory of economics and society for dummies
by tao lin

>> No.3815297

I thought Gregor's new form was supposed to be ambiguous?

I can't think of a pun combining the Beatles and The Metamorphosis, would not be a very funny parody

>> No.3815306

The Great Catsby

>> No.3815313

You know how Kafka wanted the executor of his will to destroy all of his manuscripts? A man moves into a house on the property that used to belong to the executor to discover that Kafka haunts him, demanding him to destroy all copies of his work before he can rest.

>> No.3815334

"That Magnanimous Gadsby"
rewriting the great gatsby to not use the letter e

>> No.3815364


I seem to recall story with that premise (though with a generic "rockstar" rather than a Beatle) being a topic of discussion in DFW's The Broom of the System.

>> No.3815642

god i love you
that's a legit ass story. i'd read the fuck out of that.

>> No.3815734

I want to read a story from James bond villain's perspective. The hero is an annoying pest the protagonist cant get rid of and all his minions are far too incompetent to catch. I see a simple comedy but i would like to see a serious inner struggle of a man who wants to change the world for what he thinks is the better but the world just wont stop messing with his plans.
>Kafka+beatles= not/sure. i will read metamorphosis and get back to you on that
i would read that but when he finally does what Kafka asks Kafka must still harass him since any efforts he makes are pointless and inconsequential next to the great publishing giants and internet.

>> No.3815916

I would like to read a book where JFK and Hitler meet eachother in another universe where they become space cowboys and have overthrow a totalitarian aristocracy ruled by Jeffery Dahmer, who thinks he's Elvis and mercilessly slaughters his people because they are Bob Dylan fans, as the aristocracy is set up to where the ruling class are Elvis fans, and the commoners are Dylan fans.

>> No.3815925

A book about this guy/girl/whoever who travels around in space, experiencing all sorts of unnatural happenings.

>> No.3817762

bump for interest

>> No.3817782

Read "Doing Lennon"

>> No.3817789

The Life and achievements of Áureliano Buéndia

>> No.3817796

Inspired by a propaganda poster that advertised carpooling club during WW2 with a line something like "If you drive alone, you're driving with Hitler!".

A man who drives with Hitler daily. Not in Germany or during WWII - During modern era US midwest or Rocky Mountains, where this normal John just drives around with Hitler.

>> No.3817929

Well, here's my shot at a potential opening for The Great Catsby.
Thoughts, anyone?

>> No.3817967

Frank Herbert writes a sequel to "The Dosadi Experiement".

Jedrik/McKie is on the run from the shadow government but is, of course, superbly deconstructing the secret powermongers of the Consentiency from hiding on the PanSpechi homeworld, they being the only race who appreciate what he's doing. the Gowachin admire what he did in the Courtarena and seek to reward him with a spear. the Wreave believe he raped Ceylang and they want to reward him by tearing him to pieces. Humanity has no idea what's going on, as usual, so they bumblefuck around and still don't understand what Fannie Mae means by "connectives".

>> No.3819043

Man if no one taught you to properly use ''tildes'' just don't use them at all, that's fine.

Aurelíano Buendía*

>> No.3819054

I wish someone would rewrite all of Tao Glenn's books to actually have excellent prose.

I'd get a lot of delight from that.

>> No.3819066

He doesn't speak German ether and just watches as Hitler stares at shit and occasionally paints

>> No.3819083

I love how much interest in this thread fluctuates.

>> No.3819088


It'd be funnier if they could speak, even if the conversation was stilted and awkward.