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3813626 No.3813626 [Reply] [Original]

I know there are rec charts in the sticky but this is a specific request.

Are there any modern 'space operas'? By which I mean not the typical gritty sci-fi that focuses on a small group of characters and some dystopian horror but instead a fairly large cast with an expansive story.

Think A Song of Ice and Fire but in space. Something with lots of characters, politics, death, the whole lot.

inb4 hurr >ASoIaF, that is not relevant I am just using it as an example.

Also remember I said 'modern' I am hoping too find a book or book series that has come out at least in the last 23 years.

>> No.3813641

Thank you, Ed.

>> No.3813637
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>book that has come out in the last 23 years

The word you're looking for is contemporary.

>> No.3813645

What about works written prior to 1950 that were not released until now?

>> No.3813656

If there aren't any I will simply have too write it myself.

Look for my work on fanfic dot net

au revoir

>> No.3813671

Modern. If a tragedy by Sophocles was uncovered in some Greek ruin tomorrow would you label it post-modern?

>> No.3813689

Are there any sci-fi books that feature mecha?

>> No.3813721

>A Song of Ice and Fire but in space.

It's not recent, but Dune comes to mind (Frank's books only).

>> No.3813730

red mars

>> No.3813734

read james sa corey

and then i'll be over here shooting myself in the fucking head

>> No.3813742

I really enjoyed A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix last year. It's the only thing I've read recently that I could associate with 'space opera', though it doesn't have a huge cast of characters and it's YA.
Really good sci-fi, though.

>> No.3813808


>> No.3813826

Ian Banks' Culture series

>> No.3813830

Read The Expanse series by SA Corey.

>> No.3815568


>> No.3815685


>> No.3815696


>> No.3815748

i wanna know too

>> No.3815756

Saga of seven suns by Kevin j Anderson is what i am reading now but i am not sure if i would recommend it. I like the different branches of humanity (space Gypsys are my fav)but i feel the alien races havent shined yet but i only just started the 1st book

>> No.3816035

As do I.

>> No.3816126

I enjoy that series and need to return to it.

>> No.3817035

what is the sci-fi equivalent to the red wedding?

>> No.3818491 [DELETED] 

The Battle of Endor.

>> No.3819979

Evangelion the Manga