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3812271 No.3812271 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck the Frankfurt School. Bunch of pansy asses.

>> No.3812296

Well, I can agree with this opinion, but I think you should give SOME kind of argument supporting it.

>> No.3812309

Not OP.
Stop being a boring fuck.
Tripfags are really shitty nowadays.

>> No.3812326

>yfw they were largely correct in their critique of capitalism

>> No.3812338

Not OP.
Stop being a fag without giving some kind of argument supporting it.
Generalizing is retarded always.

>> No.3812339

jewish freudo marxist conspiracy to destroy the white man and become one giant race of grey skinned slaves.

>> No.3812344

>We evolved from spores, not from Africans.
We are slaves anyway. Do you even capitalism?

>> No.3812358

>Diversity breeds uniformity

u wot m8?

>> No.3812380 [DELETED] 

Not him, but the way I see it eliminating race just brings us one step closer to turning humanity into a mass of identical, interchangeable economic units. All diversity is not only desirable, but should be actively preserved, including races.

>> No.3812391


>> No.3812404
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>let's just throw around terms that sound somewhat intellectual it will make me look cool and witty

The opposite is the case. This is a recent pic of OP actually.

>> No.3812406 [DELETED] 

Are you trying to imply that I support inbreeding?

I'm actually pro-incestuous marriage. It's the second-purest form of love.

>> No.3812407

Anonymous is a codeword for anti white.

>> No.3812425

Yeah, no.


>> No.3812457

Breeding between races doesn't result in homogeneity, either in ideology, culture, skin tone, or whatever.

I think you should go read Fredy Perlman's The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism if you think this concern for culture and identity is anything other than a way to expand capital.

>> No.3812477

Well, it look like it. Also:
>turning humanity into a mass of identical, interchangeable economic units.
Can only be taken as a remotely possible fact by someone who has no fucking idea about how genetics and natural selection work.

>> No.3812485 [DELETED] 

Maybe not over the short term (hundreds of years) but over the long term (thousands of years) the only logical conclusion is regression to a single racial type, especially as most current human types can't even qualify as distinct subspecies.

I'm well-versed in how natural selection works, thank-you. If there are no geographic or other barriers (and modern technology is making all barriers between populations more and more irrelevant) than speciation is drastically slowed, if not halted all together.

>> No.3812497

Yeah and that's totally possible taking into account the number of fertile humans that exist in the world, their geographical situation and all the other unknown aspects that affect how the evolution of humanity works.

>> No.3812501

Currently watching a video of Habermas giving a lecture with YouTube's automatic subtitles. Crying with laughter. Just thought you should know.

>> No.3812502 [DELETED] 

We can only work from assumptions based on the information that we have. Saying we shouldn't act because we don't have all the possible information is a cop-out.

>> No.3812510

We have information about how most of the other species' evolution worked. We don't know it all, but we have like a shit-ton of data about it. And it doesn't look like inbreeding the white race is going to turn it into super-humans. I'm not very confident about how "well-versed" you are in natural selection.

>> No.3812521 [DELETED] 

A entire racial group is too large a population to classify reproduction restricted to members of that population as inbreeding, and to suggest otherwise is utterly moronic. If you truly believe that, I suggest bringing it up with one of your biology professors and letting them set you straight.

> I'm not very confident about how "well-versed" you are in natural selection.

Why don't you let us know your qualifications before casting doubt on mine?

>> No.3812541

nah they smart. they made Germany into a welfare state paradise with the best quality of life and any large Western Nation.

>> No.3812547

I thought the Frankfurt school was about economic theory, not about cultural marxism? Are you sure you're not against post-modernism, instead of german socialism?

>> No.3812554

not quite. The mutations in the genes of humans who lived apart from each other will continuously lead to visually distinct phenotypes.

>> No.3812561

how can the man who advocated communicative action have such a crappy speaking voice?

>> No.3812563 [DELETED] 

Cultural marxism refers specifically to the set of ideologies originated by the Frankfurt School...


And they were very much critical of Western civilization and values.

>> No.3812568

to ideologies originating from the Frankfurt School. So, not the Frankfurt school.

>> No.3812579

I just want to make an important distinction: being critical of Western civilization is not he same as advocating race mixing or Jewish conspiracy theories, or any of the other tinfoil hot crap people are posting in this thread.

>> No.3812588 [DELETED] 

>An outgrowth of Western Marxism (especially Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School) and finding popularity in the 1960s as cultural studies, Cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity;[1]

No, literally the Frankfurt school. Cultural Marxism was a term applied to the theory and ideas of the Frankfurt school.

That's true, but at the same time many Frankfurt School thinkers were very sympathetic to the idea of the melding of the races.

>> No.3812592

Still tho, I've heard argued that the Frankfurt school thinkers helped create the post-war German economic growth and social-welfare state Germany has today. That seems a strong positive in their favor.

>> No.3812604 [DELETED] 

Well, lots of people and groups helped to create the post-war economic growth and prosperity of contemporary Germany, including the hardcore classical liberals who first abolished all market controls after the war and kickstarted the economic miracle.

>> No.3812606

>not being a cultural Marxist
>implying there is even one thing you can say against it

>> No.3812608 [DELETED] 

You have posited its validity therefore the burden of proof lies with you.

>> No.3812609

Ah, but the Frankfurt school tempered the extremes of both angol-capitalism and soviet marxism. The Germans got the best of both worlds.

>> No.3812617

this guys is right.

>> No.3812614

btw im Chriphster Hipschens , known atheist 'n proud XD ;)

>> No.3812619


>> No.3812622


>> No.3812623 [DELETED] 

I don't think a lot of people dispute that the Marxists, including the Frankfurt school, offered correct and incisive critiques of capitalism. The problem is that the solutions they proposed and advocated for were far from satisfactory or preferable to the current situation.

>> No.3812627

and the big wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

>> No.3812628

That's why we need theory :)
Let's all join forces under the leadership of comrade Zizek and develop the blue print for a future Utopia

btw im a neo-liberal conservative Christian Marxist kosovonian rapist munk's friend's brother with existential tendencies and erectile dysfunction

>> No.3813184
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OP here. Critical Theory is still beta.

>> No.3813188

Genetic variety is the contrary of inbreeding. Hell, even animals born from members of different species are bigger, stronger and more intelligent.

>> No.3813218
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>the Frankfurt School's criticisms
You mean the ones they ripped off from Oswald "Socialism is nothing but the capitalism of the lower classes" Spengler?

>> No.3813225 [DELETED] 

>Hell, even animals born from members of different species are bigger, stronger and more intelligent.

Not true, and they can't even reproduce on the rare occasions that their conception actually takes places.

>Genetic variety is the contrary of inbreeding.

Oh God, the old hybrid vigour canard. "Hybrid vigour" only occurs when a member of a small population with extremely deteriorated genetic code reproduces with a healthy member of the species, and the seeming vigour of the offspring is just a return to some semblance of genetic normalcy. It does not apply to populations as genetically diverse as racial groups. Absolutely no genetic benefits are derived from reproduction with someone of another race.

>> No.3813256

not true: you can get significant hybrid vigor even in populations that have been isolated only for ten or fifteen generations with massive culling, such as pole bean populations. and just about all grains display it after a couple hundred, not so much the rices. The reason you don't see it in people that much is the tiny tiny gene pool. we're basically just one extended family that's been allowed to spread for a couple hundred generaytions. there's not enough variation to make a decent varietal, let alone a race or subspecies. and we don't have the genetic flexibility that dogs and beans and grains have, partly due to that tiny gene pool.

>> No.3813261 [DELETED] 

In any case, it is completely inapplicable to the question at hand.

>> No.3813276

well, it addresses gene flow at least a little. And since race is a political concept pretty much these days anyway, why>>3812380 is worried about loss of races is silly: since it's a plotical concept, one guy could have every human being having at least fifty races and his neighbor could lump all living organisms and some rocks into one big race. If you take genetics out of it, the sky's the limit. Keep the term flexible and you never have to worry about too much uniformity.

>> No.3813290 [DELETED] 

Fine--let's eliminate the word race from the discussion and replace it with haplogroups. Somehow doing this makes you scientifically credible, and all you're doing is playing semantics...

In any case, we should preserve distinct haplogroup distributions in order to preserve diversity.

>> No.3813322

you're kidding yourself if you think that's going to make a difference though. It's too late to preserve human diversity in that sense: you're trying to preserve an accidental continuum. you should have started a million years ago, maintained geographical barriers and not had the bottleneck. and as far as races, do we really need to preserve the six or seven hundred or so we had at the beginning of the twentith century, which were mostly based on ancestry and culture, or the two hundred or so we have now, which are mostly Saharan African? I mean, the concept of race has its place, but its like religion or political party: it should be the choice of the individual. no matter which direction you go in biology with it, you end up hairsplitting.

>> No.3813336

you know, you could just have two races, "black" and "white" lets call them. Everybody would be "white" from three A.M to three PM and "black" the other half of the day. That way all the work would still get done and there's be a lot of wild partying all night.

>> No.3813421
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>> No.3813428 [DELETED] 
