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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 260x401, 9781593082017_p0_v4_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3804862 No.3804862 [Reply] [Original]

I want to see the most boring books you can muster, /lit/. I'll get the ball rolling with picrelated.

>> No.3804864

I dunno, I thought it was kind of cute.

>> No.3804868
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>> No.3804870



>> No.3804872


Yeah, it was well-written, but the main plot twist is that the main character ends up marrying a guy who has rude on first meeting... Wasn't it Mark Twain who said he wanted to dig up Austen and give her a beat-down? With her own shinbone? Well, it's still a widely read novel, so wholesale dismissal won't do, but I will say I found it lame and unrewarding.

>> No.3804873
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>> No.3804880
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Pic related, I just picked it up on whim at a second-hand store, gave up after ~100 pages, mostly because of the awful prose.

I've been searching for this and 'How to Read and Why' but I can't find a damn torrent or ddl, not even on #bookz.

>> No.3804881

I didn't actually think it was that well-written, I just liked Mr. Bennet and the tsundere thing Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy had going on.

>> No.3804884
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>> No.3805117


Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.3805144

Oh fuck you, Mr Bennet is one of the greatest characters in literature.

>> No.3805152

I read that and 48 Laws at the same time when I was like fourteen and became this really nice asshole for like a week.

What did you find boring? The 1920s language that somehow seems older than 1800s writing? There are some fantastic points in there for people without the common sense to see them anyway. I started applying the 'be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise' especially and found that it cured my jealousy of everything.

>> No.3805154
File: 28 KB, 300x460, The_American[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single handedly put me off 19th century literature, amazingly dull read.

>> No.3805160

I really didnt like The God Of Small Things. Like I know its one of the 'top 100 books of all time, read before you die' bullshit but its just ..ugh.

its all about Indian culture of the cast system and how people try and live through that. Its written kinda cool, like its a kids point of view who writes things like "gnap" because she thinks thats how you spell Nap.
but the whole plot to it is like... why did i bother.

>> No.3805186

All women authors are boring as fuck.

>> No.3805203

>pride and prejudice
pride and prejudice is witty as fuck though
stay pleb

>> No.3805233

I just wish pride and prejudice played out even more like my otome games.

>> No.3805282

Every single bit of House of Leaves that wasn't part of the main story, all those pointless explanations, lists of authors, magazines, interviews, etc. Seriously, at one point there's a list of related authors that just goes on and on, it's four or five pages (e-reader size) of just names and names, at least two hundred of them.

>> No.3805298
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>> No.3805525


sorry but what about him is so great? is it that he just sits around reading books, making the occasional sarcastic remark?

>> No.3805529


Duly noted.

>> No.3805536
File: 27 KB, 450x438, a-farewell-to-arms-ernest-hemingway-book-cover-058676-450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3805552
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Ugh. This was a chore.

>> No.3805561

You're not meant to read those. that's why the first instance has its own footnote that says the list was compiled randomly and is indicative of nothing. Its there because Chapter IX is a labyrinth written about labyrinths.

>> No.3805581

0/10 if you were a woman I'd slap the living shit out of you and cum on your tits you worthless slut

>> No.3805603

henry james...all of his stuff is so fucking dull. had to read a few of his books whilst at uni. what a dull cunt.

>> No.3805606

shit is boring as fuck.

>> No.3805607
File: 59 KB, 335x229, nope!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average Hemingway reader.

>> No.3805610

Wuthering Heights is one of the only books I just couldn't read.

>> No.3805615

Have to agree with Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice. They're just so trivial and histrionic.

>> No.3805654

why hello overly sensitive faggots...i mean, 'homosexuals'

it was an obvious troll, everyone knows hemingway is a great american writer. it's not tough, cool or edgy to pretend to hate one of his best books you neckbeards

>> No.3805663

Bronte's Jane Eyre.
I just could not stand it during highschool lit class.t

>> No.3805699
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>> No.3805740

Readers like you are why Hemingway is seen as a bit of a joke by most people these days.

>> No.3805742

Whaaat? I loved that book. It was so funny and sad.

>> No.3805753

>is seen as a bit of a joke by most people these days

What are you talking about? I'm not much of a Hemingway fan but stop making shit up.

>> No.3805757

There is a study by UCLA that shows 82% of Americans see Hemingway as a joke because of the way he's discussed on /lit/. Google it.

>> No.3805783

Me too. Whenever I'm really hungry I think about the bit where he starts chewing bits of wood to stave off the hunger pangs.

>> No.3806369


I know. It takes Wildean prose to give pause to topics like a young woman's debut into high society or arranged marriage or manners. Otherwise it's just a festival of dryness.

>> No.3806373

anything relating to slavery or the holocaust

all that shit sucked

>> No.3806377

Uncle Tom's Cabin is sentimental rubbish, regardless of its political influence. Harriet Jacobs was a much better writer (with help, of course).

>> No.3806389
File: 1.79 MB, 200x133, oh come on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Tom's Cabin is sentimental rubbish

>> No.3806391
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I was literally forcing myself to trudge through this one. So... many... weird... words... and... archaic... language

maybe I'm just really, really dumb

>> No.3806396

You clearly haven't read it if you honestly think that her characters are realistic or believable in any way.

All of the black people, ALL OF THEM, are portrayed as fecklessly pious children. Eva is overtly deified, with a poorly hidden attempt at aptronymy.

Topsy is just tasteless.

>> No.3806418
File: 17 KB, 200x308, 3-15-000218-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uugh, how can you have so much time scaling and still end up with 150 pages of this boring shit.

seriously dude.

and in my opinion, it was all pointless in his death

>> No.3806421

Dude UTC is not an enjoyable read by any means. There is a reason no American high schools have kids read it, and it's not because Catcher in the Rye is more important or some shit (just picked CitR because almost every American high school reads it).

Also, >>3806373
read Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody. Not directly about slavery, about the civil rights movement, and it's non-fiction, but I'm serious when I say it is very worth reading. it's the only book written by a woman that I really like or would ever suggest
and she's a black woman

>> No.3806430

naww I've heard a lot of people thinking this about Tolkien. started on The Hobbit two or three times, never made it past the first twenty pages. soo fucking boring.

>> No.3806435

The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Though it could just be that I had to read it on a tight schedule

>> No.3806440

This. Tried Tolkine a few times, bored out of my mind. Tried to watch the first film, fell asleep six times.

>> No.3806444

tess of the d'urbervilles - some (very) nice prose in parts

>where she visits the tombs of the d'urbervilles
>"Tis because we be on a blighted star, and not a sound one, isn't it Tess?"

but generally quite dull

>> No.3806944

really got time that this was cut out of the German A-levels. despite being boring as fuck I never found this to be relevant nowadays - and in the respects that it might have been, there are better and more relevant books than this.

>> No.3806984
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>> No.3807079

I tried reading The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins but had to put it down.

Pretty much anything by Raymond Carver and Ann Beattie has bored me. Lydia Davis too.

Nigga James is based.

I'm reading The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner and it's pretty exciting.

>> No.3807094
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Hemingway is probably less exalted for more ad hominem reasons -just going by his Paris Review interview, he seemed like a real cunt. That notwithstanding, his style has also been imitated to pieces and seems like of passé at this point in time.

>> No.3807097
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>> No.3807107
File: 249 KB, 633x346, fuckings poorfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only stopped reading Atlas Shrugged to eat and sleep

>> No.3807121

>reading a novel like pride and prejudice for the plot
fucking hell you people

>> No.3807128

I used that book as compost in my garden.
Not the worst book, but still quite terrible.

>> No.3807133

I friggin quote that book I loved it so much.

>> No.3807153

The more novels I read I feel like plot or "immersion" is the only reason people write novels instead of good literature, like poetry. Of course modernist novels blurred the line a bit, for the better, but my point still stands for the average novel.

Confessions of an Opium Eater, The Bell Jar, Death of Ivan Ilyich, Grapes of Wrath

>> No.3807222


What? "Story" is a better term than "plot" here. That would include themes, lessons, personalities, etc.

Pride and Prejudice, like I said here >>3804872, is well-written- that is, Austen shows an expert grip on the English language and employs a number of fine devices like dramatic irony and missives. There were some good bits of wisdom along the way from Lizzy, particularly regarding individuality. I won't dismiss the book entirely. It's just boring.

And, again, it is still widely read and defended, so I am eager to see what is interesting about it. No anger here. You seem to take exception to my boredom, so why don't you tell me something interesting about the story? I took the time to read it, I'd love to discuss it.

>> No.3807293
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>> No.3807299

You must have read about 5 books in your life if that is the most boring book you could come up with

>> No.3807356
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Fun at first, then got excruciatingly boring.

>> No.3807362
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Fun at first, then got excruciatingly boring.

Hate it when authors do this. Have an inspired and good idea, use it all up at the beginning, fuck the dog for the rest of the work.

>> No.3807378
File: 494 KB, 1536x2048, IMG2731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom bought this and left it in my room. Maybe not the most boring book I've ever skimmed, but certainly the worst
if you consider it a book, and not a propaganda "book"

>> No.3807389
File: 40 KB, 447x508, 1366638544768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits, show them. Out, if you not.

>> No.3807413

Aw you don't wanna see my nerdy book-reader's tits.

>> No.3807418


Wot? That's the second funniest book I've ever read. That part when the hot chestnut runs off the table and into the guy's groin is fuckin hilarious.

>> No.3807419 [DELETED] 

>implying nerdy book reader tits aren't highly desirable to look at

>> No.3807420

You're supposed to skip those, dumbass! They're for "effect"

>> No.3807422

A Rebours argues with itself in this regard. It can be boring, it can be exciting.

>> No.3807426

B...but I love A rebours. But I can see why it would be boring.

>> No.3807427

K lemme climb out of this pile of Austen novels first. I think they may be here under my enormous sweater

>> No.3807435
File: 1.94 MB, 256x144, 1365628555484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aw you don't wanna see my nerdy book-reader's tits.

Just gimme fucjekenfn bookrr reading tits now i wanna suck thenm and olay with youur pussy!

>> No.3807450
File: 466 KB, 1536x2048, IMG2733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haahaha dat gif.
Sfw board!
Here are two very boring books. Probably a tie

>> No.3807463
File: 579 KB, 240x180, nn2C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jane Austen
>Wuthering Heights

Nvm, you spoiled the mood with your horrible taste.

>> No.3807469
File: 38 KB, 1152x648, 1352978667194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give us that. Let's see dem titties.

>> No.3807471

>thread for boring books

>> No.3807483

Oh, I can't sorry. You see, I spoiled the mood

>> No.3807493

Effi Briest by Theodor Storm.
I am german and we had to read this piece of shit in school and even had to watch a movie abou it.
I hate the book with a passion and I will probably never read anything by Storm again. Dear lord that book was a piece of shit...

And it is also beyond me, why this piece of shit is put into the recommanded reading for Germany...

>> No.3807496
File: 77 KB, 600x900, Anastasija-Kumarova-Zhidkova6969355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us some of the other books in your collection, then.

How do your tits compare to Nastya's?

>> No.3807516

Effect my ass
If I'm not supposed to read them, then the author should not have included them. That simple. It's like the author didn't have any post-its at the time and just included the notes in the original manuscript and then he thought that he could actually include them in the book and charge more because it would have more pages that way.

>> No.3807522
File: 20 KB, 377x396, 1354204213752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that you're a girl and you find austen and wuthering heights boring?

>> No.3807526
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Doesn't belong in this thread but ok?
I always took the ridiculous citations as a gimmick Mark Z was using to make the book feel more like an actual documentary type project

>> No.3807528

YES by god yes

>> No.3807532

I hated House of Leaves but I kind of understand what the author was going for in including all those stupid fucking excerpts and unrelated bullshit that had nothing to do with anything. I even got really fucking tired of the ramblings of that one dude whose text was in courier (Johnny Truant or something).

I'm not good at describing it but I think those pointless bits and all that stupid upside-down text was more about challenging literary conventions than actually being something of literary value. I really hate when people ask for good horror books and everyone starts suggesting this piece of shit book though. Nothing about it was scary. The house was a little eerie at first but the more the author developed the relationship between the husband and wife, the more the house just felt like a metaphor for a fucking vagina. The book was a love story if anything, not a god damn horror story. Blah blah blah I'm so le edgy XD because I hate a popular book boo fucking hoo.

>> No.3807537
File: 54 KB, 500x400, 1307026205001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My interest is piqued again.

Post tits on /soc/, then post the cross link here.

That's how you get around the sfw board baby.

If not, then I'll lose interest in you. We wouldn't want that now would we?

>> No.3807540

>All women authors are boring as fuck.
Wuthering Heights is pretty fun because of the craziness.

>> No.3807541



>> No.3807542

Go away dude Jesus fucking Christ so sick of assholes pretending to be chicks and dudes losing their fucking mind because an alleged girl shows up. Go watch some mother fucking porn and have a wank and keep your dick out of my 4chan.

>> No.3807546

>mfw I posted that video here and no one cared

Or was that Tv?

>> No.3807548

I wouldn't call it was a love story, though it was maybe more obviously about love than anything else. Yeah, I don't think it deserves all the hype.
You know what...
I think YOU should post your PENIS.

>> No.3807550

I would have cared, anon. If I had been here.

>> No.3807552

Is this board really that predominantly male??

>> No.3807554

I don't think the board is THAT predominantly male, so much as most of the women who post here probably aren't getting their tits out regularly

I do wish that shit'd stop happening. Dumb. Make a fav books thread on /soc/ if you want.

>> No.3807559

>I think YOU should post your PENIS.
I did once on /lit/ when someone didn't believe me when I said it was 8 inches. Posted it as a "spoiler image". Never got banned for it either (that was back when /lit/ was awesome).

For the next couple days after that, people on /lit/ were constantly making jokes like "OH YEAH!? Well, my dick is bigger than yours!"


Tell you what, I'll bost my benis if you bost your tits. Don't forget the time stamp ;)

>> No.3807562

The internet is 100% male as far as I'm concerned. Some other douchebag explained it pretty well already. Something to do with people misunderstanding the "no girls on the internet" thing. It's not that there aren't any women behind any of the posts here or elsewhere, it's just that they don't (or shouldn't) have power over our dicks because there is nothing inherently female about a block of text, so all that shit goes out the window.

My problem isn't just with this site, it's anywhere, especially if it's a stupid fucking game with voice chat where the girl always has to use her real name and have a microphone. Dudes see a player named "Alexa" and hear a girl's voice and everyone loses their fucking mind. Have these dudes never heard of porn? Do they not realize that there are about a trillion pairs of tits in all shapes, sizes, and colors just a few clicks away? Why does everyone have to go apeshit just because some chick showed up?

>> No.3807569

>Why does everyone have to go apeshit just because some chick showed up?

Only the apes go apeshit.
The problem is they derail entire threads and are very persistent.

But yeah, I agree with everything you say. It's a real shame we haven't evolved past this shit.

>> No.3807576

Dude, you're actually schizophrenic.

>> No.3807581
File: 686 KB, 278x300, 1369272631209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like the thread was any good since the beginning though

captcha Intermc polytheistic

>> No.3807584

>Only the apes go apeshit.

Which pretty much seems like every single dude ever, minus me. It's weird because I'm pretty sure I'm also the horniest guy to have ever existed, but I know how to fix that problem. I have a wank. That way, I can focus on discussing books, bullshitting about something I have no knowledge of, or playing the fucking game.

I'm convinced that there are still people who haven't discovered that you can find nude women online, and if you're so desperate for a pathetic semblance of real human interaction, then there are fucking webcam sites where you can pay some whore to stick a finger in her ass.

>> No.3807588
File: 74 KB, 320x345, 1369983490224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I am
really though make yourself a /soc/ book thread. You'll meet lots of quirky grills.
I don't know how I feel about that. It's odd to just be automatically assumed to be a member of the opposite sex. And I think internet men go apeshit because they meet few girls irl with their same interests?

>> No.3807591


>> No.3807596

I can understand the Wuthering Heights dislike; what did you not care for in Austen? And did you only read Emma?

>> No.3807605

I thought Jane Eyre was alright. I tried Sense and Sensibility and didn't finish it. Austen's characters are weak people, I don't really relate to them, and I think her style of writing is overdone and too brooding for me
Grow up, man

>> No.3807608
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I was so disappointed by this.

>> No.3807611

Read JE in high school and hated it (semi-assigned reading didn't help), but really enjoyed Pride and Prejudice on my own. I liked Elizabeth Bennet because she's witty, intelligent, and a strong woman-- unlike the S&S females. Can acknowledge issues with style, though I've found I like older BritLit (see also: Elizabeth Gaskell). Okay, no more dissertation.

>> No.3807617

Ah, well I've never read Pride & Prejudice. I've heard varying reviews, maybe someday I'll get to it!

>> No.3807622

I'm a straight male, and I recommend it, so I hope you do.

>> No.3807702

I've read only the first halves of Fountain and Atlas.

>> No.3807716

What are you? A grill?

>> No.3807718

OMG, another grill. What happens today with the internets?

>> No.3807751

Oh, well, I hate Jane Austen, but it's not her fault, don't blame that woman for bad writing, she died single and her life was boring. Too bad they didn't invent tumblr back then, I'd probably follow her. I mean, why not? Right?

>> No.3807753

Don Quixote.

>> No.3807754

Good god man, it's not like I'm not following too many boring tumblrs already.

>> No.3807757

So, that's why, I think, Jane Austen is good in my book. She's a single lady, she's a single lady oh-oh-oh

>> No.3808013
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>> No.3808039
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Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.

>> No.3808064
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This book right here

>> No.3808113
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>> No.3808209

TSAR is one of my favourite short novels but I have to comment that AFTA is a good 20% too long.
>thou art my rabbit
>little rabbit
>I love thee
I mean jeez.

>> No.3808254

I'm in the middle of this. I want to enjoy it. Very badly. It started off interesting, but for the most part, for the past fifty pages or so, it has just been "they are traveling to such and such and resting at a fire" over and over again.
I got No Country for Old Men and started reading that instead. x1000 better.

>> No.3808260

That was For Whom the Bell Tolls, wasn't it? Or was it AFTA too?

>> No.3808271

Persevere; most people feel the same way. It's very boring in parts, but in the end you'll be rewarded. No Country is basically a screenplay.

>> No.3808274

I was the only one in my class who didn't hate this. It was such great prose :( unrelatable, but unique and entertaining to read.

>> No.3808277

... You're right. I did start AFTA ages ago and didn't like it though. Might give it another try some day.

>> No.3808478
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>> No.3808615

pls go

>> No.3808731

my thoughts exactly, the initial chapters when homeboy is in the castles are great though, and the accompanying short story is top class, but the last part of the book is a 400 page trudge

>> No.3808830
File: 812 KB, 709x1123, effi briest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it being boring as all hell, I still enjoyed this mindless read.

>> No.3808867

I am a bit disappointed that there are no tits posted in this thread.

>> No.3808874

George Eliot's 'Silas Marner'


>> No.3808876

>begging for tit pics on a literature board

stop being such a filthy virgin