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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 131 KB, 336x400, English School Chaucer M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3800081 No.3800081 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Ph.D.fag here (in Literature)

Willing to take questions and offer guidance wherever it is needed. Anyone majoring in /lit/ or anyone doing a current thesis feel free to contribute in any way you feel is relevant.

Inb4 poverty related joviality; I stand to be 'fairly wealthy' due to the large publishing grant I have been offered based upon a text I have already written.

Basically: English majors, this is your chance to see how wrong your detractors are.

>> No.3800087

Frankenstein as a queer text. Thoughts?

>> No.3800088

Can I have fries with that?

>> No.3800096

You can't really base a thesis on one text, but can obviously make it the fulcrum of your thesis on 'early 18thC lit'

I would direct you towards a thesis based around 'Frankenstein and the new science' or 'Frankenstein and the 'god complex'.

I would however remark that any reading based upon the links between Frankenstein and his Monster and homosocial politics is entirely 'unscholared ground': The reasons for this are yours to debate!

>> No.3800097

Awesome: I make £30 p/a and am at least 8 months away from having my doctorate ratified. I got £18k just for a paper I had published across several academic journals.

But, yes; yes you can.

>> No.3800098
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>> No.3800104
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19th derp
typos invalidate knowledge (on the internet)

>> No.3800105

what have been past required reading books that you would recommend to others wanting to brush up on classics? I've been reading Greek philosophy and 18th century books lately, but I want to find more tried and true books that I hear about in good conversations

>> No.3800110

Know anything about german undergrad schools? Looking at Humboldt in Berlin for phil

>> No.3800113

I'm planning on applying for the 650-1550 MSt at Hilda's College, Oxford, in January. I have A*AA and a 77 average. Do I stand a decent chance?

>> No.3800116

*St. Hilda's

>> No.3800119

Like, what are the texts that I would recommend to get a firm grasp on the classics?

Diogenes Laertius: 'The lives of eminent philosophers' more than evaluates the greeks. Hesiod is also awesome.

In terms of the Romans I would read Gibbons, and maybe focus on Cicero. Catullus is maybe the infest poetry I've read, and is very lewd!

>> No.3800125
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Yes, you do. You have a solid average and with a good proposal you will be in good form. I would be more worried about the fact that many jump straight to Ph.D. The MLitt is basically dead in the U.K. If you had a subject in english Lit I could get you into the Ph.D. programme at my uni with those marks.


>> No.3800129

>Ph.D.fag here
>(in Literature)
>Willing to ... offer guidance


>> No.3800131
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>Mlitt is basically dead

What? I've never heard of a uni that lets you take the DPhil/ PhD without the MSt/MA beforehand. Who does that?

I do English Lit pure.

>> No.3800133

Awesome, I'll see if I can find the books soon. Renaissance and Greek writing is always interesting, English Romanticism is too.

One more request, have you read anything similar to Plato, or how he used different symbology to describe concepts like The Cave? Did you like or dislike anything you've read in particular?

>> No.3800136

Just remember that it is not the school you went to, but your REF applicability that makes a scholar. Once you are on the level of academic judgement, the University you went to means nothing. I have been published throughout my Ph.D. anf am currently kicking many an Oxbridge ass due to their lack of publications.

>> No.3800139

Well, I am doing my Ph.D,without any MAsters.Almost every University in the country allows for this.

Please comment again if you wish for a more thorough explanation

>> No.3800143

I guess I should start by asking which country you're from.

>> No.3800146

Are you the anon from the Scottish uni who posted here a while ago?

If I do a combined honours course, say computer science and lit, would I have to do extra work to get the PhD?

>> No.3800147

What are your thoughts on Lolita? Do you think scholars look too deeply into texts and end up seeing things that aren't there, but are a figment of their subjective imagination and not objective truth?

>> No.3800148
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I am from the U.K.
Such a convention is getting to the point where an MA is seen as a hindrance.

>> No.3800150

>I have A*AA and a 77 average.

What does your "average" refer to?
When I did A levels I just got three grades at the end . . .

>> No.3800152

I meant my university modules. I'm just finishing up my second year.

Which university is this?

>> No.3800153

academics are scum

>> No.3800154

*but should be and
To be concise, is there any objective truth in literary analysis or is it just all opinion and nothing more?

>> No.3800155

>I meant my university modules. I'm just finishing up my second year.

And your A level grades are still important?

>> No.3800157

Eh; I heard from a friend at York that they asked for his. Obviously, they don't, in reality; it's the module transcript.

>> No.3800159
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yes! Not if you had good marks in your Lit portion. If you had 1st quality marks then we would take you
cite: we just admitted a combined hons in Maths/Lit based upon the fact the got AAB in Lit and got CDD in cpu. They got a 2:2 overall but upon referencing their work we deduced that they were simply misguided in their approach. If you have done well in EngLit please ask me for my email and we can get you North of the Border and on the Ph.D.by September.

>> No.3800161

Sorry, I thought you were referring to HonsModules at University.I would advise that you won't get into oxford. I got in with 6 A's at 'higher' but fuck paying xk for an education.

>> No.3800165

I'm applying for English at Glasgow to start in September, what am I in for?

>> No.3800166

>Scottish uni

St. Andrews, then?

>> No.3800168

I would think it is a fantastic novel, and a true extension on the eastern european approach to 'the novel'.

I would also suggest that any controversy is uninvited and have read many a fine papaer on how it is a critique on the mediaeval mode

Mediaeval > Medieval

>> No.3800171

You should check out TSR. The regulars/ mods there are really fucking helpful. I've been in consistent correspondence with a guy at St. Hilda's on my strand of the DPhil. He's been invaluable.

>> No.3800175

You are in for the worst University in the U.K. They defend the work of ntheir students as if fact, and are, as such, nationally derided.

>> No.3800177


I have no time for those that pander to interdisciplinarianism,

>> No.3800178

>worst uni

If I remember correctly, that's Leeds Met.

>> No.3800183
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well, Glasgow isn't the best English Dept. in the U.k. They are mile behind both Aberdeen and Dundee; a fact they do not repeat often.

>> No.3800181

Someone sounds bitter.

>> No.3800184
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>mfw cleverer than OP but too apathetic to make something of myself

>> No.3800185

>I got £18k just for a paper I had published across several academic journals.

Be honest, now. No you didn't.

>> No.3800186

If it's not an RG, you could have done better. Then again, you are more employable if you have a 2.1 from fucking LJMU than if you graduate from Oxford with a 2.2.

A 2.2 is worthless, regardless of your alma mater. You are instantly unsuitable for any graduate schemes, and your applications will be instantly dumped.

>> No.3800189
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Hi anon,

Ph.D. fag here (in Law)

Who do you think will get the hottest wife and the fattest bank account from both of us?

>> No.3800191

If I could have gone to one of those I probably would. I'm going to Glasgow because it accepts general studies and I fucked up my A-Level choices.

>> No.3800192
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I encounter them on a tri-annual basis and the delusion they fill their students with is scary. I am a glaswegian, and I was given an UC for Guni: I wouldn't touch it with a Byromn-shaped barge pole.

They refuse to allow inter-disciplinary modules as they are are the history dept/ would be constantly deriding the lit. students. Their 'Mediaeval and renaissance dept.' is the laughing stock of the United Kingdom educational collective.

>> No.3800195

Do people ever say that?

>> No.3800193

What's wrong with interdisciplinary studies? I thought excessive specification was the bane of higher education?

>> No.3800197
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Most likely: I have found an area of specialisation and excel within those tight parameters.

I actually did: The TEAMS associates in Kalamazoo pay big money to publish works wihich detract form their own. 'murrica'

I love my gf, she;s 20 and I'm 27...how does your virgin self feel about that?

You still can.

>> No.3800198

OP, what is your specialist area?

I'm planning on focussing on the Gawain-poet and Chaucer, for my MSt.

>> No.3800200

I didn't say that: My basis in interdisciplinary studies is what funds me today.

>> No.3800202

email me


I have worked extensively on both and can most likely help

>> No.3800207

what the fuck is a UC
will you fucking brits stop it with the obscure acronyms for our sake?

OP, i'm an american literature undergrad studying at a hideously mediocre school-- where should i begin in my pursuit of a masters in literature in the united kingdom?

>> No.3800212

I would advise to be careful in delving into a subject which is so heavily laden with criticism...I have a good lit review on both you can have

I meant Ugrad.

>> No.3800213

Get in touch with the graduate admissions tutors of your desired unis. Do you have any in mind? What's your specialisation; I have a cursory knowledge of which departments are best.

If it's mediaeval, Oxford is the best by far.

>> No.3800216

You should move to the UK and do a Ph.D.

You'd be done in three years, we have no basis of good/bad schools: I would have a hand in your accpetance and I'd be your subteam.

>> No.3800220

meant that for>>3800198

>> No.3800222

Are you the same guy?

I'm a bit weary about e-mailing some guy on /lit/.

I have to admit a piece of work as a part of my PG applications; I'm planning on submitting an essay which got 77. It was on The Book of the Duchess, the expression of grief, loss and the facets of Boethian consolation. I don't know if marking's any different in Scotland, but a 77 is fucking hard to get for a lit module.

>> No.3800225


UC meant 'Unconditional Offer'

>> No.3800228

I am majoring in English literature, but am thinking of entering journalism. Thoughts? Will a background in language and rhetoric help me in printed media or will it only do so much?

>> No.3800230

>What's your specialisation
20th century literature... sort of.
I haven't any schools in mind as i haven't any idea where to start, really. I'd love to study 20th century literature at a graduate level, or, alternatively, film. I'm looking at the m.st. film program at oxford which is really appealing

pls help

>> No.3800231

Eng Lit is the right way to go; dunno about module choice, though. The best you can do is get a high grade and, preferably, some internships/ work experience.

>> No.3800232

Well that is a wonderful text, one which demonstrates the 'Lancastrian question' perfectly.

I understand your reservations: This is 4Chan after all. I would advise that if you fancied doing a Ph.D. on 'Politicization [political tract and societal critique in Chaucer] in the UK' then you would want to email me. Upon emialing me I could show you some credentials on the fact I am writing on Chaucer and at Ph.D. level.

>> No.3800233



>> No.3800238

UK? If so, a year long INTJ/NUJ acceptance course would be more suitable. I am a member of the NUJ.

>> No.3800239

on what grounds are you making this claim?
also, op should adapt a tripcode as there seem to be at least two people giving advice

>> No.3800241


As stated, the MLitt/MsT is becoming the laughing stock of contemporary academia

>> No.3800249
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OP here

other voice of reason here

Please don't waste your miney in a trivial degree simply for the purpose of having 'Oxford' on your cv.

Publications are all that matter.

>> No.3800250

thealba is a very well-known grad of the MSt on TSR. She was telling everyone, last year, about how the module was poorly organised/ taught. They lump you in the tutorials with the American Litters, and the discussion seminars never get off the ground, because everyone has different research interests. It's the only shit programme at Oxford; please don't do it. The tutor in charge of it is like 90 and quasi-senile, as well.

>> No.3800253


I suddenly feel as if typos shall drag down my authenticity as a reasonable source on such matters...

>> No.3800255


Thanks. And another question; what is your favorite area of literature? favorite titles? (I know, a simple question, but i'm interested)

>> No.3800265

My favourite text is 'Candide' by Voltaire.

My favourite work to 'write on' is Piers Plowman' by William Langland: simply wonderful

I am also not this person

I would also adviser that Marvell, Eliot and Catullus are the best poets of the last 2000 yrs.

>> No.3800267
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>> No.3800269

are you saying there are no sub-Phd graduate degrees worth pursuing in the UK, or that the ones offered at the ancient british universities are the worthless ones?

what are, honestly, the odds that a decently clever undergraduate from a shitty american university could actually be accepted into a british phd program?

>> No.3800270

My favourite novella ever is Wide Sargasso Sea. Close seconds are Other Voices, Other Rooms, The Bell Jar and Ariel.

I'm mostly interested in mediaeval, though. My interests are somewhat standard: The Canterbury Tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and The Lais of Marie de France.

Within the mediaeval repertoire, I'd have to say The Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain and the Green night.

>> No.3800266
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>>virgin lawyer

The owls are not what they seem

>> No.3800272

Oops; looks like I forgot to delete the sentence I already wrote. Ignore the last line.

>> No.3800274
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>defending yourself against anonymous insults

Also: You aren't a lawyer yet...

Have fun being another dime-a-dozen solicitor!

>> No.3800277

I'm revising Sidney, Wyatt, Marvell and Herbert for my Renaissance module.

>> No.3800282

Favourite Shakespeare play(s)?

>> No.3800283

Twelfth Night

>> No.3800287
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I could get you on the Ph.D. programme here if we refined you subject matter. The MA degrees are becoming a joke. Within the next 10 years, having to endure a MA will be a derogatory signal in terms of employability. As I said, email me and we shall get you doing a full Ph.D. here by september


>> No.3800289



>> No.3800290

OP here:

antony and cleopatra: even if just for Eliot's adoption of 'doplhin' imagery.

I enjoy seeing Julius Caeser and have seen many a fne performance of 'MSN Dream'

>> No.3800291

As an English major, what literary 'classics' do you dislike?

>> No.3800292

It is an old address...back when /b/ was a place I used to visit.

>> No.3800294

Anything by Dickens, with the exception of A Christmas Carol.

The Brontes


Homer (at least the E.V. Rieu translation)

>> No.3800297


Hey, what's a suitably high average at a Scottish undergraduate level (English literature, Edinburgh) to give you a good chance of getting on to a postgraduate course?

I've just finished my third year. Got a bit of a shaky record, but occasionally do really well (got the award for the 'top undergraduate philosophy student outwith their final year' in my second year, have a few 85+ English essays).

>> No.3800300
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Sophocles and his clumsy use of 'chorus'

If we hurtle further forward by 900 years, then find Beowulf to be somewhat heavy handed...

another 4-600 years and 'the decameron' is somewhat unrefined.

>> No.3800303


Screencap a paragraph/ page from it and post it in a JPEG. Unless it's linguistics, I don't believe you.

>> No.3800304

email me

Di you know about 'exit velocity'?

I'm student admissions off. for a Scottish uni and basically if you get a 2:1 and are semi convincing (basically I'd vouch for you) you could be in the Ph.D in the sept after graduation.

If you're at a Scottish Uni and are willing to work hard I could have you accepted to our Ph.D. by Oct this year. (as long as you get a 2:1)....who you know etc...

You wanna do a Ph.D.?

>> No.3800307


This is getting less credible by the post.

Although, 'exit velocity' is a thing.

>> No.3800309

Ignore this person

seriously....you wanna do a Ph.D.? email me.

>> No.3800311

i've got another year to go hear at ameriburger university-- should i email you anyway?

>> No.3800313

Think about this: do you really think a lecturer with tenure at a Scottish university would have the e-mail address '/b/hasnoqueen'?

>> No.3800314

>Ignore this person

why? i'm always interested to see fellow /lit/izens' writing

>> No.3800316

i have thought about it. it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility

>> No.3800321
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It may seem less credible but, as I am sure you know, there are admissions officers at every Scottish University: said admissions officers are influenced by Student Ambassadors. If a submitter, on a forum such as this, happened to be a student ambassador- and was doing a Ph.D. in a subject that had the admissions officer as their supervisor- the such things would be possible.

The trademark quality of the improbable is its presence in reality.

>> No.3800324

Besides, all university lecturers must have e-mail addresses tied to the uni domain. It should end with ac.uk

>> No.3800326

Why don't you pastebin something you've written, then?

>> No.3800328


Alright, I've spoken to you before, so I believe you're credible. I'll send you a message shortly. I'm very serious about postgraduate study - my major interest is in eighteenth century writing: more specifically, the satiric heritage (particularly Juvenal and Pope) of Byron.

>> No.3800329

Do you think I would give my official email?

I have already stated that I would provide further assurance upon recipience.

Please, if feel you can afford the [comparatively miniscule] fees. email me. We have funding available and accommodation is a negligible fee.

I would advise you to cast aside doubt-especially when an insignificant email is the cost of said doubt.

>> No.3800334

excellent, please do.

There is a fantastic AmLit lecturer whi has had a suppressed module on Res.Lit he is wanting to reignite.

What are you after, give me an email and I shall end you an excellent paper I wrote in TS Eliot

Yes, because affiliation with a website populated by pedofules is an excellent addendum to any cv.

>> No.3800337
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shall send'

>> No.3800343

Please email me at this address


I will link you to my Ph.D. profile at a time when such detractors are offline.

>> No.3800351


Sent you a message, boss. Thanks for being so helpful.

>> No.3800353
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Pics or it didn't happen.

Show me the bank account transaction where you received all this money (and censor all your person info obviously).

>> No.3800355

a minor work on W.Stevens


>> No.3800357

Are you the Scotfag, or someone else in the thread?

This is not 1st material, by the way. You have not given a single citation, and your format is not MHRA.

>> No.3800363


Did you write this while you were in your later undergraduate years? The balance of ideas, analysis and critical substantiation - that is, your subtle but regular deployment of the latter - makes me think exactly of a promising student still bound by a lack of confidence in his own argumentation. Nonetheless, it's a great piece of essay writing and all the proof I need that you excelled at a Scottish university, having experienced one myself.

Also, little bits of flair like 'The poem begins abruptly.' are exactly what differentiates a 'first class' essay from 'the essay of a potential professor'.

>> No.3800365

This is original work, I ctrl+c'd it off my dl form my citaiton submission

give an email to send a work to perhaps?

>> No.3800371


You're in the UK, yes?

If I were to begin an A-Level in english literature, what would be some good books/poetry to start with? Nothing too difficult but I'd like to get the swing of it before I begin

>> No.3800372

Which board? AQA/ OCR/ WJEC?

>> No.3800373

Yes! I wrote it while in third year...my stylistic approach is far more critically balanced and less 'clumsy'.

well spotted! as previously stated, I am a Mediaevalist: This was an Undergrad paper. Unfortunately I have (successfully) sought publication of my Thesis works (having not done a MA) and, in the interest of remaining anonymous, have not presented work of such calibre.

>> No.3800375


typos reduce authority on this board....

>> No.3800377
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OP has been hoodwinking us all along.

>> No.3800381
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The tone did seem familiar (I'm Ross, the third year who messaged you). Anyway, as I said, proof enough for me.

>> No.3800385


AQA, although I'm looking something that will get me generally into literature, not necessarily specific to the course, but whatever goes

>> No.3800399

Donne is a good introduction to the Renaissance. They'll probably make you do some Shakespeare, as well.

I did OCR, though. For the AS paper, we had to do Rossetti and Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

For A2, we had Donne, The Duchess of Malfi, and Othello.

>> No.3800402

Might as well add the CW titles:

AS: American Gods/ The Call of Cthulhu/ Wide Sargasso Sea

A2: Ariel/ A Room of One's Own/ The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

>> No.3800404
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>Had a swell evening with someone who has a PHD in Literature
>Tell him that when I graduate I will not be going for mine
>He said "Good, don't"

OP is a troll.

>> No.3800405


Call of Cthulu?

That's an A-Level book?


>> No.3800409

So....the fact you think I'm lying detracts 'ehat exactly' from me?

I have already given my source of publication income and my field....the fact you haven't 'named' me yet is a reflection on your intellect, not mine.

>> No.3800412

op or anybody else ITT, what chances does a student who writes like in the pastebin below stand in postgraduate studies?


>> No.3800417

Please revise such a conclusion. Or email me @

I have already met an academic with potential, which was the sole ambition of this thread.
Proving myself (or my finances) to the anonymous was never my intention. I set out purely to find someone who has the relevant qualifications to bypass an MA and enter the Ph.D. course...I doubt you are it.

>> No.3800423

Not enough sentence-embedded exemplification.
Don't use block quotations, if you can help it.
Why are you using author:date in a literature essay?
Useless sprinkling of autobiographical information.
Where are the footnotes? If you submitted this as an assessed piece of c/w, you would instantly lose 5 marks. Unless, of course, they've been cut out in the pastebin.
Don't paraphrase critics.

I'd give it a 62. You'd be eligible for Bristol-tier.

>> No.3800426

My teacher was pretty wacky, though. Don't expect anything too cray-cray.

>> No.3800429

>op or anybody else ITT, what chances does a student who writes like in the pastebin below stand in postgraduate studies?
It surely qualifies as far as length is concerned, that is to to insofar as length is concerned it may qualify i.e. its qualification must be its length.

>> No.3800427

You need to extrapolate your points more fully. every assumption/point requires clarification. Everything here is well written but your lack of critical insight is noted. You make alot of excellent points but you need to base them against academic proof/previous criticism.

Your insights are pertinent and well devised, the perfect starting block for a thesis.

>> No.3800433

>Where are the footnotes? If you submitted this as an assessed piece of c/w, you would instantly lose 5 marks.
I see academic rigour is not dead. A whole 5 marks!

>> No.3800436

That's half a grade, you twit. That is, if they even accept it.

>> No.3800438

Anywhere decent, complete lack of footnotes is at best a 0, at worst plagiarism. Enjoy clown college marking.

>> No.3800445

If you put it in the Bibliography, but forget the notes, they might let it pass, but still. I'd expect they'd just bin it and dock your grade entirely.

>> No.3800447

i omitted my citations from the pastebin.

thanks for the constructive criticism. all my professor provided was absurd praise and absolutely no advice to improve

>> No.3800450
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>Proving myself (or my finances) to the anonymous was never my intention.


>I got £18k just for a paper


So wait, you never cared about proving your financial success, but you explicitly made it a point to rub it in our faces? Then correct the amount you initially claimed just so you were accurate? Then you say you don't care whether or not we believe you, even though you took two posts to get it right?

Troll. I knew right for the very beginning.

>> No.3800452


To me, it reads like the essay of a promising first year undergraduate. There's valuable content, certainly, and some meaningful analysis, but it doesn't seem to have been written by a student who has become totally familiar with the conventions of academic writing. Also, and I suppose this is conjectural, I'm not sure I necessarily agree with the supposition that Byron was successful in "freeing ‘epic poetry’ from the antiquated notion that an epic must treat serious, fantastical subject matters with conventional styles of delivery". The former half of the sentence falls apart, for me, when one considers that the genre was already 'freed' by - among others - Pope in his notable mock epics, The Rape of the Lock for instance. One also thinks of Dryden's 'MacFlecknoe' and - most contentiously of all - the flourishing of the novel form as a kind of alternative 'mock heroic' in Fielding. The latter half of the sentence might be more easily argued - in fact, I think Byron's structural explorations are masterful and underrated - but I don't think you do so. You don't ever illustrate how Ottava Rima entails poetic liberty. Consequently, one is left imagining that the form - quite a difficult one in English, really - is only marginally less restrictive than the rhyming couplets of the aforementioned Dryden and Pope. Hardly a great, Chillon-esque emancipation.

Anyway, as I said, a very good first year paper.

>> No.3800454

>sentence-embedded exemplification
could you clarify what you mean by this?
>Why are you using author:date in a literature essay?
do you mean author:page number? this is standard MLA formatting.

>> No.3800462

>i'm not sure i necessarily agree that byron was successful in "freeing ‘epic poetry’ from the antiquated notion that an epic must treat serious, fantastical subject matters with conventional styles of delivery".

i don't either. the prompt i was assigned was broad and presumed of the class a breadth of knowledge in poetry that i simply did not have. i did the best that i could to b.s. about what little i did know about poetry at the time

>> No.3800463

Why am I rubbing it in your faces? Robert Swanson just got 180K for his work on Indulgences (an extension/reprint of a previous work) and felt the need to send out an AMN about it....

Please show me the subtle differences.. I was merely attempting to dissuade those eager to present academia as worthless. Please, look into Kalamazoo @ UoM and my name and work is easily detected. Please do not let yur lack of detective ability hinder my own reality.

>> No.3800468

1: Actually embed the quotations within the sentence, without using a completely separate sentence, i.e.:

'As Phillips suggests, the emulation of human suffering in literature is didactic, and, thus, pivotal; it is the work's 'suggestion of answers' that truly illustrates the possibility of consolation.'

There was no need to quote an entire quatorzain.

2: You've written the work and chapter number in brackets. You're not supposed to do this in literature essays.

>> No.3800475
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>Still hasn't backed up his claims with proof.

Wow. You really do have too much time.

>> No.3800476


Well, that's why I supposed that you were in your early years. It's a pretty cruel brief, but that's not uncommon in my experience. The best universities definitely make a point of giving room for the exceptional students to stand out. That said, you've got an above-average brain, you just need to fill it up.

>> No.3800482

thanks again for the helpful replies. i wrote that at 19 in my second term as an english student (actually a third year undergrad). i'm terribly disappointed in the rigor of my english department because this paper earned me a strong A and, as i've mentioned earlier, just silly amounts of praise

>> No.3800484

So what are you after?

The press release for my AHRI grant

A screenshot of my bank account

My contract with TEAMS

A link to my published work?

I guess I'm willing to have 'some random fucktard' think I'm lying. It makes little difference to me.

>> No.3800485
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1360604113663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we had ids on this board, the amount of samefag in this thread would be astounding.

I suspect OP is a schizophrenic autist.

>> No.3800487

For a project in my high school Brit Lit class, back in 199[muffled noise] I gave a presentation on Chaucer's coat of arms and created one for my own family. I remember showing the class Chaucers (upper left-hand corner in OP's pic) and the teacher said something like "boy, that's really plain."

Made me feel like shit because the one I made for myself was just as plain if not plainer...

Ah, literary reminisces.

(Yeah, yeah, not my blog. Still, OP's picture reminded me and I felt like sharing.)

>> No.3800489

I'm a philosophy student that did his ba thesis on Lacan.
I want to get a phd in comp lit but I have no idea what is the state of the subject and what is fashionable at the moment.
I'm very well read both on theory, history of philosophy and have read a lot of modernist and romantic litrature.

>> No.3800491


What the fuck? He constitutes Phil now?

>> No.3800492

>A screenshot of my bank account
Take a picture of the transaction on the balance of your bank account you recieved it via web banking + printscreen

Go to paint and paste your print screen.

Then use the paint brush tool or any other tool you wish to mark out personal details of yourself, while leaving everything else that doesn't identify who you are.

That would content me good sir.

>> No.3800497

Most people don't even know what Comparative Literature is. I minored in it and have to explain what it is to just about everyone, including employers, fellow students, professors of classes not literature, my parents, my friends, the mailman, the coat check person...

>> No.3800499

Yeah, he has been part of the history of philosophy for a while in the same way non-philosophers like freud or durkheim are.

>> No.3800500


It's a good paper, but there's certainly room for improvement. I can see how a lecturer at a lesser institution would practically swoon over it. That said, if you have greater ambitions then it's fantastic that you've identified the need to keep improving.

>> No.3800504

It is unfortunate, it's a fascinating subject.

>> No.3800508

Well...what is it?

Serious question.

>> No.3800512
File: 11 KB, 216x216, chaucer_family_crest_case_for_the_iphone_4-p176068340171751902en7lp_216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaucer's coat of arms was Tudor propaganda: enforced to show the combined lineage of Jon of Gaunt. It was an idea spread before the execution of E.De la Pole that accidentally stuck

It's a fucking joke it still exists as his official COA. He never saw it in hiis life, it os the imagination of the COA of his wife's lineage. the fact it is on the cover of the Manly text is a fucking joke. Pic related

email me proof of your first of equivalent degree and we'll talk you fucking pleb

>> No.3800515

>email me proof of your first of equivalent degree and we'll talk you fucking pleb
Someone's hit a nerve.

>> No.3800516

Comparative Literature is a cross-cultural, cross-lengual approach to literature. Students who study Comparative Literature are encouraged to take literature classes that range all over the world--Japanese Lit along with Irish Lit, say. This includes drama, theory, and poetry.

Some Comp. Lit programs encourage you to learn another language and read literature in that language, but mostly it's reading texts in translation.

>> No.3800527
File: 61 KB, 500x667, 1365925545810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should just have said

"I'm a fucking neckbeard, with no recognisable qualifications or vocational attributes in english Lit: Please listen to my jealous whining- it's what I do before I jerk off on /b/ and go to bed crying about my failure of a life "

>> No.3800528
File: 29 KB, 640x480, iD8yC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But there's just one thing, dude. Do you have to use so many cuss words?

>> No.3800531
File: 140 KB, 538x718, look left look right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies...

Please accept my photograph of the Speght Chaucer (BL) which demonstrates my point well.

>> No.3800535

Cussing is the future of academic criticism fuckhead.

>> No.3800542

I was going to say lrn2Dunbar

But may as well post his awesome poem....
In secreit place this hyndir nycht
I hard ane beyrne say till ane bricht:
"My huny, my hart, my hoip, my heill,
I have bene lang your luifar leill
And can of yow get confort nane.
How lang will ye with danger deill?
Ye brek my hart, my bony ane."

His bony beird wes kemmit and croppit,
Bot all with cale it wes bedroppit,
And he wes townysche, peirt, and gukit.
He clappit fast, he kist and chukkit
As with the glaikis he wer ouirgane.
Yit be his feirris he wald have fukkit -
"Ye brek my hart, my bony ane."

Quod he: "My hairt, sweit as the hunye,
Sen that I borne wes of my mynnye,
I never wowit weycht bot yow.
My wambe is of your luif sa fow
That as ane gaist I glour and grane.
I trymble sa, ye will not trow,
Ye brek my hart, my bony ane."

"Tehe!" quod scho, and gaif ane gawfe.
"Be still, my tuchan and my calfe,
My new spanit howffing fra the sowk,
And all the blythnes of my bowk.
My sweit swanking, saif yow allane
Na leyd I luiffit all this owk:
Full leif is me yowr graceles gane."

Quod he: "My claver and my curldodie,
My huny soppis, my sweit possodie,
Be not oure bosteous to your billie,
Be warme hairtit and not evill wille.
Your heylis, quhyt as quhalis bane,
Garris ryis on loft my quhillelille:
Ye brek my hart, my bony ane."

Quod scho: "My clype, my unspaynit gyane,
With moderis mylk yit in your mychane,
My belly huddrun, my swete hurle bawsy,
My huny gukkis, my slawsy gawsy,
Your musing waild perse ane harte of stane.
Tak gud confort, my grit-heidit slawsy:
Full leif is me your graceles gane."

[part of it]

>> No.3800544

I need help with paradise lost ix

>> No.3800549
File: 25 KB, 538x718, 463_449710228440644_708656685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bum the thread and it is yours, I have found a scholar who is worthy of my institution....the doubting pseado/faux-intellectual retards are all yours....

>> No.3800550

I'm pretty sure it's meant to go
>What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?...
I like how the best fantasy qualification you could come up with is not quite having a PhD though. Hilariously absurd.

>> No.3800558
File: 47 KB, 514x600, 514px-Blaise_Pascal_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed! You are entirely correct sir! Please go about your business, you certainly are 'alpha'.

...feel better? No? Oh, it's because you're still fat and unsuccessful: What a shame.

>> No.3800571

And further we go into fantasy land: not only do you not quite have a PhD, everybody else is fat and unsuccessful. Amazing.

>> No.3800589
File: 1.51 MB, 252x189, ykj2r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what a troll self-combusting schizoid troll.

>> No.3800590


Quiet, fatty.

>> No.3801274

Thanks, but I haven't even started yet : )
I was going to go for Glasgow, but I'm not so sure now.

Thanks for this thread anyway OP, you're a good guy.

>> No.3801280

How long did it take to earn your doctorate?

Your thoughts on American PhD. students and programs?

>> No.3801309

>tfw thinking about taking degree in Philosophy instead of Literature since the academic wankery there would actually make more sense than it would for fiction and poetry

>> No.3801421

Death, was a slippery coleslaw mesh
A ziggity bop poo woo
Wa diggity boo poo
We op deo op po waho terobo

You eat from muffin bindings blasting smegma cannon
Doo wop Wooby Doo wop wop

break down now
um bop doo wop
A ziggity human death pop pop
in the oceans of southern france
ba ziggity
ba human
ba death

>> No.3801432

>so tuff

>> No.3801436
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to OP or anyone.

Im a philosophy major and ive finished my degree in three years with no debt at a top uni.

I can be here for two more years and strengthen my chances of getting into graduate school for philosophy by only taking philosophy courses, but I also want to write fiction and ive been advised by a few to double major in english with an emphasis in creative writing (the english department here is somewhat known for their creative writing emphasis).

What do? I dont know if I should just take philosophy courses and audit creative writing courses, or go for the double major.

>> No.3801456

To OP, how does it feel that you'll get fired from your uni after your Ph.D is finished and that you'll probably be unemployed and have an existential crisis? Your 20 year gf will enter school and fuck other dudes while you lay on your bed wondering what happened? Also, first you'll start applying at unis and get no, then you'll go for newspapers and get no, then you'll take a job at some cafe hoping for a bookstore.


>> No.3801457
File: 21 KB, 300x195, joyride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your book, fag?

>> No.3801458

Do you make faggy reviews on goodreads, op?