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/lit/ - Literature

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3785339 No.3785339 [Reply] [Original]

Post part of your collection of books

>> No.3785362

+1 for the binding
-1 for the language

>> No.3785368

Qual é dessa coleção de "Titãs da x"?

>> No.3785371

Look noice. Do you read them all or is it just for decoration? My books are just cheap gaudy paperbacks so I won't post.

>> No.3785375
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>> No.3785382
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>> No.3785384

And yet you still play with legos.

>> No.3785386
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It's a collection of texts, discourses, essays and biographies of great names of the western tradition. I'm reading "Titans of Oratory" now, it has works by Napoleon, Cicero, Ortega y Gasset, Cromwell etc.

Part deux.

>> No.3785388

All the toys belong to my lil' sister.

>> No.3785390

pleb as fuck

>> No.3785392

Portuguese is the best language to be born out of latin.

>> No.3785394
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>> No.3785395
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lol metro 2033 novel

>> No.3785397
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>> No.3785399
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>> No.3785401


>> No.3785409 [DELETED] 

can't make out any titles except infinite jest.

>> No.3785433
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Just the one photo.
Need to get a bookshelf at some point though.

>> No.3785901


how was Dubliners?

>> No.3785911
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i need new books...

>> No.3785914

not this poster but Dubliners is incredible

The last story (The Dead) especially.

>> No.3785927
File: 2.73 MB, 2448x3264, 20130524_015339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the stuff next to my bed. This is all to-read, so whenever I finish something I just pick out something from this pile, which is always growing... I finish maybe 5 or 6 books a month and usually buy 9 at the end of every month.

>> No.3785950

I'd show my collection but I'm ashamed of it. It only fills a small, two rack bookshelf and I've had to use a few books from my youth to fill it. I gave most of my classics to younger cousins (they were shitty abridged versions from when I was 10) so it's kind of barren. Fuck, I;ve got to get my shit together

>> No.3785961

Belo canto de sebo, pessoa. Eu digo isso com o mais respeitoso jeito.

>> No.3785968

All those Chomsky and Anarchy books, yuck.

Otherwise pretty nice back log. That's kind of a lot to read in 1 month, I read probably 3 or 4 tops (besides non-fiction).

>> No.3785973
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>radiohead and philosophy in the same stack as Adorno

you make me sick

>> No.3785979
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I was guessing somebody would point this out. It's mostly for laughs. It's curious, because a lot of straightforward things in Radiohead songs are turned into some really weird philosophical stuff in it (I just skimmed through it). Total nonsense for the most part, but fun.

>> No.3785981

Get some shelves, that stacking is making me nervous

>> No.3785988


I have a bookshelf for my read books and otherwise (stuff I have gotten but have no interest of reading right now, for instance), so that's where I put the ones I finish. But don't worry, I've got it under control.

>> No.3786017
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>> No.3786048
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>> No.3786050

>tfw too poor to have many books or even a shelf of books. I just have them lying around or in boxes. I envy you lot.

>> No.3786051
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>> No.3786053
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>> No.3786060


Nice collection, man.

>> No.3786061
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>> No.3786062
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>> No.3786071

Não é sebo, nem foram comprados usados; são livros que herdei de um tio-avô letrado que sempre me emprestou livros e me deixou essa parte da coleção dele para mim.

>> No.3786072
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>> No.3786074
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>> No.3786085


You seem to know what you like, which I'm sure has lent you expert knowledge. Would you mind sharing a synopsis of Foucault's book on Ethics, second to last shelf down? Cheers

>> No.3786091


Oh man, you posted the other pictures while I typed that message. Fantastic collection! What are some really special reads for you? You know, those books that make you giddy when you hear their name. Tell us about your favorites!

>> No.3786094


P.S. fukken saved, if we may borrow the phrase.

>> No.3786096

>Shitting on legos

poserpleb wannabe adult detected

one never grows out of legos or the inspiration to create that inspires one's affection towards it

>> No.3786100


I just two rows are comics. /lit/ wouldn't be interested. I just realized His Dark Materials is in wrong order. Fixed now.

>> No.3786107


>I just two rows are comics.
Last two rows are just comics

>> No.3786119


>I finish maybe 5 or 6 books a month and usually buy 9

I know what you mean, got that problem as well and it's got to the stage where I have something like 200 unread books.

>> No.3786124


<whoah> <whoah> <whoah> <whooooa> <wo>

>> No.3786136
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>> No.3786140
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>> No.3786142
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>> No.3786147
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>> No.3786149
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>> No.3786150

bibliomane alert. you have a webcam so I can watch you horde?

>> No.3786156
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>> No.3786158

If you goobers truly had a passion for literature you'd go read instead of circle-jerking about your leather-bound books that smell of mahogany.

>> No.3786159
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>> No.3786163
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>> No.3786165

>owning all only dover books on physics and physics related math.

Do you even physics? Or did you just decide to buy all the books on physics made by dover because theyre so cheap. Some dover math and physics books are amazing, but certainly not all, and if you actually studied physics at the level represented by these books (graduate), then you would have a more varied selection that had been chosen based on quality, not brand.

>> No.3786166
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>> No.3786175

i mean, it was already fairly obvious that you haven't actually read all the books you own, and that you just collect because you are mad, but I figured I would point out that no person who actually does physics would actually have the selection of texts you have.

You are sad and you should give all your books to people who intend to read them.

>> No.3786185
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I only put read books on the shelf, sorry for the cut-off but didn't want to spread over multiple pics

>> No.3786187

owning books does not make you an intellectual by osmosis.

>> No.3786211

Why do you have two copies of The Crying of Lot 49?

>> No.3786219
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>reading physical books

>i pirate everything
>set it up with kindle
>link gigantic projector in my room to the pc
>wireless mouse
>get in bed and do the minimal effort of scrolling while i set cozily in the dark
>beautiful lettering on my wall

It's the 21st century, gentlemen.

>> No.3786224

>James C. Scott

Nice. Which Foucault works did you like best?

>> No.3786228

Quite a nice collection, I am quite jealous.

>> No.3786229


And here is 90% of my "to-read" pile. As you can tell, I have a lot of 'work' to do


I can't enjoy things I've pirated nearly as much

>> No.3786461


Why is there always a naysayer in these threads? Ease up. I lurk only on break from reading. And I think it fit for a literature forum to share pictures of your collections. After all, only bookish people care. Most of your guests will only glance at your bookshelf. Would you rather us grab them by the arm and say, "No, no, inspect this translation of The Iliad. Really, look at it. It was translated from Ancient Greek to English then back to Ancient Greek. Isn't that fascinating? Please don't ask to borrow." Don't think so. Better to share it here.

>> No.3786466


That's really cool, man. How do your eyes fare? Do you ever get strain, or is it pretty kind in there?

>> No.3786507

jesus christ that filename

>> No.3786511
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>> No.3786546


Schopenhauer actually authored How to Win Friends & Influence People. Also, nice stack. How'd you like Wilde's Picture?

>> No.3786562

>Slavoj Zizek

I've always wanted to read some of his stuff as a whole. I've encountered him a few times in school (forwards to books, and the occasional chapter, that sort of thing). Interesting guy.

>> No.3786747

Too bad his books are mostly one hell of a mess and hard to plough through. It's hard to get a grasp of what he's trying to convey when in one page he's quoting some movie line and in the next talking about Lacanian psychoanalysis.

>> No.3786788


I have the same exact bible.

>> No.3786804

I only have the Cokney Bible

>> No.3786806

Why is that Animal Farm 700 pages long?

>> No.3786832


>> No.3786843
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>tfw has only pockets because no money ;-;
>tfw my mom still pays for my books

>> No.3786862

>>link gigantic projector in my room to the pc


>> No.3787115
File: 517 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20121012_234558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my bookshelf filled with 100% old books from my grandparents

>> No.3787134

You lie that's filled with at least 3% vases.

>> No.3787170
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>> No.3787440

I lol'd

>> No.3787481


>that putin face

fucking creepy man

>> No.3787485

Confirmed for erudite.


>> No.3787499
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never pegged you for a guy that would read that much Althusser, rappy. kudos.

>> No.3787501
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>> No.3787523
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>posting pictures of your parents' books

>> No.3787528

le poli sci face

>> No.3787595

that similar wall art

god damnit do I want to have read more

>> No.3787614

I too want to see that. I kinda think you're shitting us.


>> No.3787644
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>> No.3787653
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I live with my parents and the books are mine.

>> No.3787666

bulgarians on /lit/, well this is a suprise

>> No.3787695
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H-here I go.

I'm not sure if you can see the titles well enough, if you're interested I could take some closer pictures.

>> No.3787696
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>> No.3787698
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and what I'm reading atm

>> No.3787815

Is the Zappa book any good?

>> No.3787831


Still to-read, brother.

To tell you the truth, though, I kind of regret not just buying The Real Frank Zappa Book by the man himself.

>> No.3787843

U svensk?

>> No.3787875

rapture, where do you get so many books?

>> No.3787887

>Have bookstore
>Bookstore fails
>Has to put all those books in his house.