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/lit/ - Literature

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3780390 No.3780390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which books do i need to impress women at the university?

>> No.3780396

Harry Potter
Fifty Shades of Grey
Sookie Stackhouse or whatever

>> No.3780399


>> No.3780400

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max

>> No.3780406

You can't go wrong with Bulgakov.

>> No.3780413

he isnt joking

>> No.3780420


Those books will impress the majority of "women" at any English speaking university, especially the American variety.

If you can't narrow down the type of woman you hope to impress that ostensibly has more discerning tastes, then kindly fuck off back to /b/ yourself.

>> No.3780454

The Vagina Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard

>> No.3780506
File: 37 KB, 460x568, heraclitus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leatherbound 19th century edition of Heraclitus' fragments in Greek. Nothing else. This is your Bible. Be brooding Byronic hero in expensive impeccable but understated clothes and be well groomed without being a dandy. With subtle remarks create the suspicion that you have created out of your Heraclitan texts a highly complex, idiosyncratic but well rounded philosophy of which they can only catch a glimpse sometimes. Remain above all the Obscure One.

>> No.3780542

>Those books will impress the majority of "women" at any English speaking university, especially the American variety.

No they won't. You're confusing what women might read, with what they would find impressive for a guy to read. I suppose if a guy were reading Harry Potter and didn't look like a manchild freak, though, it might speak of a certain confidence and perhaps fun-loving nature.

>> No.3780567
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>reading to impress girls

Do you even read?

>> No.3780593

OP asked how to impress women, not how to become an insufferable cunt.

>> No.3780598

>impress women with book
Get a load of this faggot. That's not how it works you permavirgin.

>> No.3780605

>implications d'une dichotomie

>> No.3780614


>> No.3780615

It does though; it happens to me even though it's never on purpose. I met a 14 years old girl like this, she tried to steal some Luhmann from me, now I'm dating her and I made her read Le Grand Meaulnes.

>> No.3780621



lel, you should have just let her have it.

also, are all frenchmen child molesters?

>> No.3780628

he's french canadian so child molester lumberjack

>> No.3780634

>lel, you should have just let her have it.
And why?

>also, are all frenchmen child molesters?
Not all

>> No.3780638

Oh yeah, because every woman is impressed that you slogged your way through the tome that is Les Miserables, learnt ancient Greek just so you could read Herodotus and spend numerous hours a day being pernickety with verbal gymnastics that you may write a book noone will ever read.

People are simple - never forget that.

>> No.3780640

>14 years old
Isn't that illegal?
Also, what can you find attractive in a girl that young?

>> No.3780642 [DELETED] 


because he got humiliated by one of the most inconsequential of contemporary theorists (habermas), placing him at the zenith of relevance, you no-aesthetic-sense-having awful-at-poetry child molester.

>> No.3780644


because he got humiliated by one of the most inconsequential of contemporary theorists (habermas), placing him at the zenith of irrelevance, you no-aesthetic-sense-having awful-at-poetry child molester.

>> No.3780648

Great Gatsby, For Whom the Bell Tolls, On the Road, and maybe some Bukowski.

>> No.3780653

u a left wing pig m8?

>> No.3780651
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>> No.3780662


not in any sense you mean.
i practice a fascism of the particular, which is a derivative of individualist anarchism.

>> No.3780666

>what can you find attractive in a girl that old?

>> No.3780669


Wait what?
"Don't forget I'm just society observing itself."

>Isn't that illegal?

More or less.

>Also, what can you find attractive in a girl that young?

She looks 16 and she's a mix of Dean Moriarty and Dolokhov.

>> No.3780672

Her personality.

>> No.3780674

Tell me more, m8.

>> No.3780677

>a mix of Dean Moriarty and Dolokhov

>> No.3780678


>individualist anarchism

Fucking dropped.

>> No.3780722


So she's a little boy?
Are you a catholic priest and/or work at Penn State by any chance?



kill me

>> No.3780720

How old are you?

>> No.3780727

>mix of moriarty and dolokhov
what the fuck is that supposed to mean

>> No.3780731


it means that he's a faggot pedophile, so move along, nothing to see here chaps

>> No.3780733

>go to /lit/
>haven't read war and peace and on the road

>> No.3780753

>impress women

Choose one.

>> No.3780840

full REI

>> No.3780943


REI's is not the same as Stan's mix of Nietzschean-Stirnerism.
>of the particular
Is the key word.

>> No.3780950

pls explain the Dean Moriarty and Dolokhov thing.

>> No.3781002
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>> No.3781012

I had a good laugh.

>> No.3781018


Keep in mind that REI is heavily autistic, but if anarcho-fascism works for him, it's live and let life sort of matter.