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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 640x753, tfw_grying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3779501 No.3779501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never get a qt gf that enjoys literature

>> No.3779506

>you thought you did but it could've just been her trying to make conversation

>> No.3779522

/fit/ here

seeing this thread

yeah your board is just as shitty as ours

>> No.3779524
File: 1.00 MB, 1373x3448, JehovaFit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a sort of universal shittiness hanging over all of 4chan, no escaping it.

But at least we didn't make this guy.

>> No.3779528

crying about literature. refer to the girl as 'that'. gj scrub back to school

>> No.3779546


haha, holy shit dude

>> No.3779548


What? You are half way to getting one.

All you need to do is get /fit/ then you're an alpha who is cultured and well read: final tier.

>> No.3779555


Oh God. That guy was doomed from the beginning.

>> No.3779564


gud tripes and no he wasn't doomed from the beginning. when you see some douche trying to take your bitch you need to fucking man up and start some serious shit with him, instead of hammering her with some idiotic jehova bullshit. he should have put that little faggot in his place; totally wrong approach.

>> No.3779570
File: 144 KB, 295x350, 1366783270751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wait wut

>> No.3779584


What if the guy is bigger than you?

>> No.3779588


shame on you then asshole. what the fuck are you doing with your life? start lifting le weights asap.
this>>3779548 is the only frontier you should be looking towards

>> No.3779589


oh my jehovah, I haven't finished reading but I think I'm going to cry.

so cringeworthy

>> No.3779596


u post on /fit/ stan?

>> No.3779602


that was really bad. that's some of the worst bad I've seen.

>> No.3779604

that emasculating feel a man has when the qt gf he's in love with starts flirting with a mysterious, handsome man must be how God feels when one of his beloved children is seduced by Sin. No wonder he gets so mad.

>> No.3779606


why would I post on /fit/? I cannot see the topic of squats producing relevant discussion more than once. it is for this reason that they've consumed all venues for discussion, opening the door for gays asking for dick pictures and no homo threads.
even if /fit/ wasn't a total cesspool, i would not post there merely out of principle. i work on my body outside the internet; /fit/ is an intuitively unappealing concept.

>> No.3779608
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I see your Jehova's Witness, and raise the bet with the most omega chat log you'll ever see.

>> No.3779614


Nice try.

>> No.3779620
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>runs out the room to hide his shame

>> No.3779625

pretty bad but not 1 year of your life wasted licking toes and sucking divine dick bad.

>> No.3779639

I already have a bunch of friends to discuss lit with if I want to. It gets tiresome after a while anyway. There are more redeeming qualities in a woman, such as the instinctive tendency to bring you beer and a big warm ass to crawl up against and, you know, a pleasant personality and such.

Then again I'll drink just as gladly with soldiers as with philosophy academics. The notion that you somehow have to perfectly match with a person to pleasantly interact with them is a stupid myth. As Freddy somewhat said somewhere, it's a mistake to value people who share your opinion above those who don't.

>> No.3779688

Why does anyone use a trip anyway
I've been thinking of doing it in correlation with the /phi/ posts I do on /lit/, now that i'm studying philosophy. Having a trip might be bad for discussion though, because people would focus on the man rather than the argument.

I'll use a trip though. It's a feminine act, and entirely out of the 4chan spirit

>> No.3779695

As a general rule, women don't enjoy reading.

They're degenerate whores. I'd stay far away from them

>> No.3779701


what the fuck do you know about 4chan spirit you daft cunt?
its a matter of personality, and a matter of owning up to the shit you say.when most trips start out they get owned in debates and fuck off back to anonymity. im a fucking testament of truth, ace.
me and that wide cunt deep and edgy, before i vanquished him back tae the fucking nether rellms

>> No.3779706

some form of quasi-identification is used by the underground cloaky dag-dag elite to facilitate low key cryptic communication regarding hornbound dominance of the digital steppes by means of ragtag neologisms and hypnomemetic anti-dialectics

>> No.3779708
File: 28 KB, 350x300, roth_michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for a second my existential malaise was lifted by this blatant absurdism

then i realized this has to be fake

>> No.3779709


2 fuckin right, goats

>> No.3779711
File: 20 KB, 429x420, 1338041012805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a matter of personality
All i ever read from trippies is "look at me look at me! i'm a person! acknowledge me as a person!"

>> No.3779713

>What is the greatest thing ye can experience? It is the hour of great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness becometh loathsome unto you, and so also your reason and virtue.
>The hour when ye say: "What good is my happiness! It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. But my happiness should justify existence itself!"
>The hour when ye say: "What good is my reason! Doth it long for knowledge as the lion for his food? It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"
>The hour when ye say: "What good is my virtue! As yet it hath not made me passionate. How weary I am of my good and my bad! It is all poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"
>The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice! I do not see that I am fervour and fuel. The just, however, are fervour and fuel!"
>The hour when ye say: "What good is my pity! Is not pity the cross on which he is nailed who loveth man? But my pity is not a crucifixion."
Become the Übermensch, OP.

>> No.3779720


i couldn't give a tuppenny fucking shag off a crusted octogenarian black prostitute about your fucking acknowledgement, ace.
the only person i try to impress is me-fuckin-self.

you need to learn some accounta-fuckin-bility friendo. it's easy for some vapid anonymous twat to mouth off sequences of retardation and get off sans-retribution by slinking back into the personality-devoid amorphous horde.

if it was up to me i'd make /lit/ a forced trip board; it would weed out a lot of idiots.

>> No.3779723

I think this story tells how poorly 4chan understands relationship developement and gets attached to anyone showing remote interest in them.

> Go shopping with a girl
> Suddenly decide to marry her

>> No.3779726
File: 53 KB, 425x301, the-horror-6352-1317040287-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it was up to me i'd make /lit/ a forced trip board

>> No.3779730

jess sterted givin' filth a wee gander, likes. cheeky cunt had me pishin maesel right away, céline tier interior monologues with proper welshisms but.

>> No.3779749


ays meenin tae git roond tae mair fuckin welsh, mibee picks me up skagboys when i git dun wi me radge cunt ay fuckin cusins propar.
ays cannae rellaate mair tae a sound cunt like welsh, thass a cunt a reckon i cud jess hit it oaf with, ken?

>> No.3779791
File: 91 KB, 460x468, fish turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trip forced board

>> No.3779797

>tfw only hot guys are jocks but are dumb as crap
>tfw c/lit/s only read pleb garbage and are ugly as shit
>tfw no qt 3.14 literate bf

>> No.3779796
File: 182 KB, 442x341, flanders pointing out your childish mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to find a lit forum like /lit/, but with 'profiles', i.e. a social feature as well, or trips if you may like.

Like my philosophy class, we have a website for class schedules, and for messages about random stuff we're doing. We just can't use it for discussion, since it's so minded on one way messaging. Taking the discussion out of the classroom would
1. Lessen social anxiety for the anxious ones
2. Make room for deeper thought, because, well, there's often needed time to think in class, and people are forced to do a quick answer.
3. We could have reaction images.

My first post was about how I will probably get a trip soon. I agree with you.

Sage because fucking trip junkies

>> No.3779799

you've got to be kidding with this minstrel bullshit

>> No.3779801

>tfw you get one and she only likes lit
>tfw she can't do philosophy or history or venture five feet outside her little barely-above-highschoolcore corner of the canon
>tfw she thinks she's hot shit

never date hipsters

>> No.3779903

define 'hot' and 'pleb garbage'

>> No.3779919

I'm not sure why it's so important to you that your girlfriends not only share your hobby, but enjoy exactly the same facets of it and agree with your perspectives on it.

This strikes me as sort of weird. I mean if this were /ck/ would you be wishing for a girl that not only liked cooking, but concentrated on northern italian cuisine and disparaged neapolitan?

I mean do you think sports fans worry that their crush happens to like the Mets?

>> No.3779933
File: 8 KB, 295x317, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criteria for a gf:
1. She needs to be female.
2. She needs to have tits.
3. No fat gf pls cause I'm skinny as fuck.

>> No.3779938

How about you go for the middle line? A guy that is not bad looking and enjoys reading and who you can introduce to deeper stuff?
Don't be so black and white about this shit, same goes for everyone else in this stupid thread.

>> No.3779940

>deeper stuff


>> No.3779944

I will never be able to find a cute guy who likes literature who also happens to like guys here. Every other cute guy is either a jerk or a full blown camp faggot. I don't like either.

>> No.3779951

> a cute guy who likes literature who also happens to like guys here
> i want a well-read, bisexual, cute e/lit/ist

>> No.3779952

Let me tell you. The best literary girlfriend to have is one that is less versed in literature than you are, that way you can teach her what to read and you can play out the teacherxstudent relationship. Oh baby.

>> No.3779953

That's not even true because I talk regularly to a guy on Skype who lurks and posts here and he fits your description perfectly.

>> No.3779954


You guys, I'm talking about where I live. I know /lit/ is full of qt3.14 brits and americans, but I would never initiate a relationship over the internet.

>> No.3779981

Oh. Try Washington, then.

>> No.3780035


>> No.3780045

It honestly doesn't matter if she actually reads. What matters is that she thinks she's a reader so that she'll buy into your whole "guy who says deep and edgy things nonchalantly" thing.

Real voracious readers will force you into boring debates and you'll get called out a lot more than you want to be. Better for your ego for that not to happen. That would unravel your entire persona!

>> No.3780079

I've only read Skagboys, Trainspotting and Porno and read a tiny bit of Ecstacy and Glue but they didn't really grasp me. Filth seems more promising.

What's his best short story stuff?

>> No.3780090

maybe, but a guy who doesn't enjoy being called out, and caught out, a little by a sharp girlfriend probably won't enjoy having one. a strong ego needs something to wrestle, like a strong intellect.

>> No.3780098

It's the same with men as with women. You get pretty ones and less pretty ones. The less pretty ones tend to be more intellectual since they don't get everything handed to them on a silver platter. Among the pretty ones however you do have people who are challenged to develop themselves. Mostly these are somehow challenged by crisis (traumatic experiences etc.) or by being mentally deranged in some way. Damaged.

If you want an attractive partner, barring a few exceptions, they will either be dull or crazy. When they're dull you'll probably be deluding yourself about how they're pretty interesting and when they're crazy you will be deluding yourself about how it isn't all that bad until it escalates.

>> No.3780103

You are incredibly out of touch with reality.

>> No.3780105
File: 31 KB, 640x427, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw freedom

>> No.3780113

You are shit at dismissing people.

>> No.3780115

No wonder with those jeans. And shirt. And shoes. And haircut and perhaps race. In fucking Teletubbie land. .

>> No.3780118

That's not a bad a thing, if I was good at it I would be out of touch with reality too.

>> No.3780127
File: 76 KB, 1037x404, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3780136

you could always go for a girl that is as ugly as you are instead of reaching for these video game princess fantasies.

>> No.3780142

OK. What's your e-mail?

>> No.3780157

Stay ugly/dull

>> No.3780156


>> No.3780158


>> No.3780162

This is accurate. Of course it's a generalisation, and won't be accurate 100% of time, but as a general rule it works quite nice.

tfw pretty clever and crazy

>> No.3780164


i'll be waiting, cutiepie. ;)

>> No.3780174

I'm average looking and I'd consider myself interesting. What about you?

>> No.3780181

>a strong ego
You'll find none here.

>> No.3780189

> meet girl
> says she loves literature
> talking about books and authors I like
> she has never heard of or read any of them
> turns out by "I love literature" she meant "I have only read one book in the last 5 years, and it was intended for a young adult audience"
> why do they lie

>> No.3780190

I have one. I love arguing more than anything else, and enjoy being told why I'm wrong.

Shit's fun.

>> No.3780222

a man after my own heart.