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/lit/ - Literature

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3774945 No.3774945 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend for a 14 year old? I'm trying to get my son back into reading, but I want to give him a good read, what would you suggest? PIC not related, only image I have on tablet

>> No.3774964

wheel of time
game of thrones

>> No.3774963


Jules Verne!

>> No.3774970

Get him something that will make him edgy.

>> No.3774976


Jesus Christ, no.

Only if you want to poison your son's mind.

>> No.3774977

harry potter
hunger games

>> No.3774979

isn't this board 18+? like all 4chan boards?

>> No.3774982


>> No.3774989

He can still ask for books suitable for his son, even if that son is under 18.

>> No.3774990
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Yes and we sometimes read the whole post from OP and not just one sentence of it. Stupid fuck.

>> No.3774987
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Pic related?

>> No.3774994

my brain skipped the son part sorry

>> No.3774996

maximum ride
sherlock holmes
edgar allan poe

>> No.3775006


>> No.3775007

Animal Farm

>> No.3775012

Treasure Island
White Fang

>> No.3775021

The Last Wish
The Mistborn Series

>> No.3775025

Brian Jacques
i remember when i was 13 i loved everything he wrote

>> No.3775037

Artemis fowl
is the best series i can remember that made me wanna read more books i definitely suggest this all the time i was making other suggestions i was trying to remember Artemis Fowl

also i just read murder mysteries my mom read so if u read something he might find it more interesting

>> No.3775062

top lel trolling skillz broself


>> No.3775706

Give him Kidnapped, Call of the Wild, The White Company or maybe Michael Strogoff.

Classic adventure novels are the shit.

>> No.3775728

The catcher in the rye

>> No.3775737

A Clockwork Orange

>> No.3775781

Jesus Christ no. This will not get your son into literature.

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.3775789

I recommend 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.3775792

How smart is he? If he's linguistically gifted, you should give him some of Plato's stuff. If not, give him Sophie's World. Either way, he should be introduced to philosophy.

>> No.3775886

OP said 14 year old son, not 43 year old spinster

>> No.3775919

If he doesn't like to read, then don't give him anything too strenuous. Something mainstream like the Hunger Games might be a safe bet. Or those Alex Ryder books. Quality can come in later, right now it's just getting him reading that's the main thing.

>> No.3775930


Though personally, Lord of the Flies was a favourite of mine around that age (but i was a bit of a book worm ;) )

And I second Animal Farm.

>> No.3775934

freedom by jonathan franzen. it's a real breezy read, acceptable literature, and has relatable adolescent characters.

>> No.3775942

The Wind Singer trilogy and His Dark Materials trilogy, too.

>> No.3775955

Infinite Jest or something by Pynchon.

>> No.3776091

Op here, thanks. I'll look into some of these books when I get back from work

>> No.3776093

Lord of the Flies, definitely

>> No.3776277

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Ligotti

>> No.3777155

Give him some Hitchens and Nietzsche, let him live out his edgy period before people expect any better of him.

Get him thrown around in existentialism before he's 18, Kierkegaard for example is best read when a teen.

>> No.3777168

If he hasn't read at least one Dickens novel by now then he's a lost cause, sorry OP.

If you want to make him mediocre (which he'll achieve if he works hard) start him off with Atlus Shrugged by Ayn Rand, and then the pre-Socratics.

Sorry you didn't start sooner OP, his loss

>> No.3777183
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>Atlus Shrugged
>Ayn Rand
>encouraging a kid to be an objectivist

It ends now.

>> No.3777191

The Story of Civilization by Durant

This will keep him busy in his room. Masturbating with grand ideas of times past.

>> No.3777192


Holy fuck I don't think I could be more of an asshole than you if I tried with every fiber of my being

>> No.3777206

Recommend any of Plato's stuff to someone who just looked into /lit/ please.

>> No.3777298

animal farm and lord of the flies seem like good recs to me.

I can only go by what I liked at that age, which was stuff that, just like 14 yo me, questioned or satirized the established order: Vonnegut (Slaughterhouse Five is his best, Cat's Cradle also a good start,) Heller's Catch 22, Salinger's Catcher in the Rye (though I wouldn't rec it to an adult.)

But like the other anon said, you might have better success getting a non-reader interested with something more modern and visceral (or dumber)

>> No.3777319

whoops, didn't mean to quote that other guy