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File: 41 KB, 700x490, 1368767336137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3766954 No.3766954 [Reply] [Original]

How come the east is so much better at making religions/philosophy than the west?

How come the west is so much better at everything else?

>> No.3766957

its all relative

>> No.3766959

They both preach the same ethics.

You just think the east is better because it's exotic to you.

Easteners think the same stuff about western religions.

>> No.3766965

>Eastern Philosophy

But analytic philosophy is the only philosophical tradition with meaningful contributions.

The analytic trend has Western origins.

#rekt ;)

>> No.3766969

look at that barbarian on the right, shaved head, mystically petting a bird while keeping it captive.

Bet he fucking gobbled it up nek minnut.

>> No.3766980

>They both preach the same ethics.

stone adulterers, stone/kill apostates, cut theives arms off, if you rape a woman you must marry her for the right price, kill witches, homosexuals are abominations, kill sodomites of neighboring towns

morals are commandments from a dictator God you must obey revealed in Holy Scripture.

ya they are just like Jains and Buddhists....same ethics, and same method of inquiry-- lol good joke!!!!!!!!

>> No.3766988

>zen at war

great book, look it up.

>> No.3766990

no they don't.

>> No.3766998

>zen at war

they simply ignored the ethics of buddhism, short-circuited them by just focusing on its metaphysics

but you're wrong when you said their ethics are the same, they are derived differently and they state different things entirely

try once more.

>> No.3767002

it's all the same
sorry to bust your exoticism bubble

>> No.3767006

Anonymous is not one person chum.

>> No.3767010


try once more, this time with effort

>> No.3767012

not the same guy, but I'am really interested on why are the same ...

Also, dont you believe, they achieve some kind of enlightment/nirvana because is all "exoticism"?

>> No.3767072

do unto others as you would have others do unto you, the meek shall inherit the earth, joy, peace, charity, give up your worldly possessions, cardinal sins, cardinal virtues, praying to a higher power, fasting, sacrifice... no, they're more or less the same.

All religions from all corners of the world share these common traits because if they didn't they wouldn't have any followers.

>> No.3767193

>they're more or less the same.

except if you look at the other half of the bible called the OT which has terrible precepts.

and also their methods are different, eastern religions don't behave ethically because God commands it, but because they value human well-being

they believe they can know right/wrong by looking at consequences, while western religions depend on revelation via scriptures

very different, specially if you consider the OT or Quran, terrible ethics abound.

>> No.3767263

>eastern religions ... value human well-being
Lol. Way to miss the point completely, fucktard.

>> No.3767265

jesus christ how horrifying

/lit/ why

>> No.3767266

You can't get a bus in India without being gangraped and murdered

West 1-0 East

>> No.3767276


>Easteners think the same stuff about western religions.


>> No.3767285

but its true

using the bible as an ethical guide always leads to the person using it developing cognitive dissonance

>> No.3767321

no i'm just remarking on how horrifying your version of 'eastern religions' is.

>> No.3767322


>> No.3767330

What religions has the west made?

>> No.3767333

Homeric paganism?

>> No.3767334

scientology, i think


mormonism is basically the ultimate american revisionist religion, according to book of mormon jesus was born in fucking missouri. you can't get more american than that.

>> No.3767332

Scientology, Mormonism, Satanism, Jedi-ism... you know, the joke religions.

Aren't all religions a joke? A-hue-hue-hue...

>> No.3767336

Well, they are statistically happier. Nothing we can do.

>> No.3767348

Thinking Christianity is merely the work of the bible.
being this pleb.

>> No.3767357


Thats why they've always been behind us

>> No.3767412

>lol good joke!!!!!!!!

Sure is /pol/ in here.

>> No.3767414
File: 395 KB, 1179x835, thisiswhatihearyousay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mean buddhists are not true buddhists!

Why hello there, No True Scotsman! How are the kids?

>> No.3767417

Consider the following:

A rich western goes to India and one day leaves his 5 star hotel to go on a tourist day around. Once in the street he is disgusted by the conditions in which people live compared to his suburban life in the 1st world. He will think "god, they are ages back, the stone age I'd say"

Well, an eastern person in the west would feel the same, not in front of the physical and technical conditions, but about everything else.

How come? Well, you can start by checking the categories that make you think they are BETTER at this and us at that and that make you see philosophy/religion in what they DO.

>> No.3767419


Weber has answers for you.

>> No.3767428

I think Weber's work tells us more about the west in general and his time in particular than about China or India.

>> No.3767430

>How come the east is so much better at making religions/philosophy than the west?

It isn't.

Christianity > The East
Plato > The East

>> No.3767436

>The Buddhist saint has a sleek and harmonious body, but his eyes are heavy and sealed with sleep. The medieval saint’s body is wasted to its crazy bones, but his eyes are frightfully alive.

>It is just here that Buddhism is on the side of modern pantheism and immanence. And it is just here that Christianity is on the side of humanity and liberty and love. Love desires personality; therefore love desires division. It is the instinct of Christianity to be glad that God has broken the universe into little pieces, because they are living pieces. It is her instinct to say ‘little children, love one another,’ rather than to tell one large person to love himself. This is the intellectual abyss between Buddhism and Christianity; that for the Buddhist or Theosophist personality is the fall of men, for the Christianity it is the purpose of God, the whole point of His cosmic idea . . . . We come back to the same tireless note touching the nature of Christianity; all modern philosophies are chains which connect and fetter; Christianity is a sword which separates and sets free. No other philosophy makes God actually rejoice in the separation of the universe into living souls

-Gilbert "Motherfucking" Chesterton

>> No.3767452

The Buddhist saint has a sleek and harmonious body, his eyes are heavy and sealed with meditative peace. The medieval saint’s body is wasted to its crazy bones, his eyes have a psychotic glint.

Pssst. Chesterton never met a medieval saint. Even if it were possible to speak objectively on what the look in an eye means, he's still making it up.
I'm not one to say that the eastern religions are perfect but that man is talking out of his arse.

>> No.3767457

That little bird is adorable. Go little buddhist nigga.

>> No.3767458
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"A bunch of nonsensical gibberish that tries hard to be profound, but doesn't actually mean anything." - Some faggot

>> No.3767459

What are you talking about? He's talking about how they are represented in art, perhaps I should have made that more clear, and how religion's ideal men are portrayed in art has a lot to do with the ideology itself.

>> No.3767462

What he says is very on point, especially:

>It is just here that Buddhism is on the side of modern pantheism and immanence.
which means that Buddhism is all about living with and being at peace with the "moment"
> that for the Buddhist or Theosophist personality is the fall of men
which refers to all the ego-death tripe

>> No.3767466

That doesn't explain how a proselytising maniac is superior to a man of peace. Particularly when he follows it up with a load of rubbish about how Christianity is better because it tells us to love each other through God rather than the implicitly egoist religion of loving the eternal whole. It would be incredibly simple to turn that argument around; He's just chatting shit.

>> No.3767467
File: 243 KB, 665x915, jesus_buddha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because the West didn't listen to Jesus. Otherwise we would have a glorious sort of gentle theist quietism of the Judao.

>> No.3767469
File: 2.98 MB, 2292x1226, monksaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some examples of what Chesterton is talking about

>> No.3767470
File: 48 KB, 500x284, practice-philosophy-thinking-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better philosophy

>> No.3767471

>how Christianity is better because it tells us to love each other through God rather than the implicitly egoist religion of loving the eternal whole.

What's wrong with that? He correctly portrayed what the two religions are generally about, and it's left to the reader which he thinks is the right faith as always, but he clearly puts himself on the side of Christianity.

>> No.3767472

Yeah, maybe according to western rationality. You said nothing there. guess what? Fire burns

>> No.3767473

The only thing he's correctly doing is creating a heavily biased interpretation in favour of Christianity. I imagine a Buddhist would strongly disagree with how he's portraying their religion. It's cheap rhetoric through and through.

>> No.3767474

I'd rather be complacent than neurotic.

>> No.3767476

then say goodbye to the old European values of romance and love of liberty.

>> No.3767479


>The Buddhist saint has a sleek and harmonious body, but his eyes are heavy and sealed with sleep.
>It is just here that Buddhism is on the side of modern pantheism and immanence.
>that for the Buddhist or Theosophist personality is the fall of men

These are the three factual claims he makes about Buddhism, and I don't see how a Buddhist would disagree with them.

>> No.3767481

Alright, Romance is tripe and liberty is a sophism to keep the hoi polloi at ease.

>> No.3767482

We said goodbye to those when Christianity ushered in an age of chastity and duty to God.
You're an idiot. Or a troll. Comes to the same

>> No.3767483

>and liberty is a sophism to keep the hoi polloi at ease

that's fucking hilarious considering the hoi polloi rose up and slaughtered the royal family in France shouting "liberty".

>> No.3767484

Well they would disagree with the notion of pantheism for one. Immanence is opposed to sunyata. They would also disagree that the calmly alert downward gaze of seated meditation are eyes heavy and sealed with sleep. The notion that personality if the fall of men is also nonsensical, since there is no fall and personality in itself isn't the problem in Buddhism.

Chesterton has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.3767486

>Well they would disagree with the notion of pantheism for one. Immanence is opposed to sunyata.

He said "on the side of", i.e. compatible with

>They would also disagree that the calmly alert downward gaze of seated meditation are eyes heavy and sealed with sleep.

Admittedly he offers only an "interpretation" of these works of art, but your interpretation is not better than his. How can you be "calmly alert"?

> The notion that personality if the fall of men is also nonsensical, since there is no fall and personality in itself isn't the problem in Buddhism.

Then what's all this about?

>> No.3767490

Are you an idiot? USA is founded on an almost puritan belief system, at least a protestant work ethic mixed with the greco-roman virtues.

>> No.3767497

To but in, I think I have to agree with the other guy on the personality bit.

If we wanted to be neutral we would present both sides at their strongest, so we should imagine that they are right and then present their arguments. So, pretending we believe this vague buddhism youre mentioning is correct, there is no such thing as personality. It doesnt make much sense to say there is a "fall of man" when there is no such thing as man.

>> No.3767500

Who said anything about the USA? I don't think there's much evidence any system of beliefs has a measurable impact on the country it's in. Technology and resources are much more important.

>> No.3767502

>"fall of man"

But personality is the "fall of man" in Buddhism to the extent that belief and attachment to the self is the cause of suffering, and Buddhism is all about the removal of suffering and the means of achieving that.

>> No.3767503

Oh for fucks sake stop talking shit.

>> No.3767505

The four noble truths are:

The truth of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, dissatisfaction)
The truth of the origin of dukkha
The truth of the cessation of dukkha
The truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha

The first noble truth explains the nature of dukkha. Dukkha is commonly translated as “suffering”, “anxiety”, “dissatisfaction”, “unease”, etc.,

>> No.3767508

Uhuh. Tell me more about how you can psychoanalyse and draw value judgements from the facial expressions of two disparate cultures.
You'd make a poor anthropologist.

>> No.3767510

> the facial expressions of two disparate cultures.

You main the facial expressions of the artistic portrayal of disparate cultures ideals of enlightened humanity. It's not Chesterton making the value judgements, it's the cultures making the judgements on what is valuable and Chesterton describing those judgements.
Buddhism prizes absence of self, Christianity prizes awareness of self as it relates to God.

>> No.3767512

I'd say the only thing the East has to brag about is meditation and yoga. Which is pretty cool.

>> No.3767534

>He said "on the side of", i.e. compatible with
It isn't.

>Admittedly he offers only an "interpretation" of these works of art, but your interpretation is not better than his. How can you be "calmly alert"?
My interpretation is better because I have some knowledge of Buddhism, meditation and Buddhist iconography. Being calm and alert aren't opposed. Think of a frog sitting around and striking at flies when they come close. Think of a bowman. You can be very attentive without being agitated.

>Then what's all this about?
It has nothing to do with a fall from some perfect state into a blemished one. Also, don't confuse personality or character with the self or the ego.

Attachment in general is the cause of suffering. Attachment to the idea of the self is one of those attachments. Personality has nothing to do with it. Your trying to read too much into the possible common ground. The fall of man does not compare to the Buddhist suffering anymore than "there's something wrong that needs to be fixed".

Except Chesterton doesn't know what he is talking about and makes all sort of arbitrary assumptions about Buddhist iconography.

>> No.3767537

> The fall of man does not compare to the Buddhist suffering anymore than "there's something wrong that needs to be fixed".

>"there's something wrong that needs to be fixed".

That's exactly what he is saying. He isn't saying that there was an original state of human perfection and then a fall like there is in Christianity, he's using the theological term "fall of man" in a broader sense to mean "the cause of man's lack of perfection/enlightenment/happiness", which in Buddhism is the self/ego.

> Also, don't confuse personality or character with the self or the ego.

But without the self or ego no personality can blossom, at least not in the sense of the striking, bold personalities of Christian saints.

>Except Chesterton doesn't know what he is talking about and makes all sort of arbitrary assumptions about Buddhist iconography.

How can you make assumptions about iconography? The whole point of iconography is that it leaves an instant impression on the person observing it, and I think Chesterton's impression of Buddhist statues describes the impression that most people would have while looking at them.

>> No.3767540

>I think Chesterton's impression of Buddhist statues describes the impression that most people would have while looking at them.
Yes, you seem to make a lot of assumptions, most of them being that your point of view is correct and shared by "most people".
That makes you an idiot.

>> No.3767547

When you found serenity you don't need the rest since it is the only thing that matters.

>> No.3767549

You do realize what you're arguing over is that statement that these bodies represented here >>3767469 are sleek and harmonious and have eyes reminiscent of sleep, i.e. sleepy eyes? I don't know how you can be so pedantic as to disagree with that. It's such an obvious description.

Even if you say, "they aren't actually sleeping, they are engaged in a deep meditative state" you're entirely missing the point. Chesterton doesn't make any assumptions about what's going on under the sleepy eyes of these Buddhas or what's going on behind the neurotic glare of the Saints' eyes, only that the former is consistent with Buddhist ideas of no-self and harmony with nature and the latter with Christian ideas of love and division with nature.

>> No.3767552

Reminds me of that Pessoa poem where the two chess players continue to enjoy the serenity and isolation of their game of chess while the city around them burns and children are pierced with lances.

>> No.3767553

I'm talking about the framing and implications of his comment, which you are supporting. It's cheap rhetoric.

>> No.3767554

You might find it interesting that Chesterton's comments were made to dispel the idea that Buddhism and Christianity are similar, compatible religions, and not that Christianity is the superior religion (though no doubt he thinks it is).

>> No.3767559

So why are you then arguing that the fall of man and ego are equivocal, etc etc? That would seem to be counter to what you're now saying.
It's kind of beside the point what he was originally saying, given that you're using the quote to show that Christianity is superior and that's really what matters in this context.
It's clearly cheap and biased rhetoric spoken from an ignorant standpoint, and you're a fool for buying into it. If you can't see that, I have to wonder what else you're blind to.

>> No.3767575

>That's exactly what he is saying. He isn't saying that there was an original state of human perfection and then a fall like there is in Christianity, he's using the theological term "fall of man" in a broader sense to mean "the cause of man's lack of perfection/enlightenment/happiness", which in Buddhism is the self/ego.
They are still completely different notions. In Christianity humanity is cast into the shit life because of lacking obedience. In Buddhism there's nothing wrong with man except for having the wrong perspective on some things. He's fine as he is, he just tends to not know it. Too much comparison between the concepts is unwarranted.

>But without the self or ego no personality can blossom, at least not in the sense of the striking, bold personalities of Christian saints.
That's not true. You don't need an obsessive self-awareness to have character. There are sweet and angry dogs without them regarding themselves as such. And Buddhist lore certainly isn't devoid of colourful characters.

>How can you make assumptions about iconography? The whole point of iconography is that it leaves an instant impression on the person observing it
Yes, to the people embedded in the culture surrounding it. Just like a stop sign is very functional for you but not for some Amazonian tribesman. Symbols are never universal, they require context.

>and I think Chesterton's impression of Buddhist statues describes the impression that most people would have while looking at them.
That's because you share his ignorance about Buddhism. Which 'most people' probably wouldn't, considering the vast majority of the people live in Asia where seated meditation isn't confused with taking a nap.

>> No.3767579
File: 57 KB, 518x598, dyet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be asian
>look towards the floor
>white people everywhere going "haha that chink sleepy as fuck"

>> No.3767621

the statues literally have their eyes closed or half closed, with heavy eye-lids

>> No.3767633

Did you weigh them? You call partially closed eyes heavy because you can't help but associating it with sleep and sloth. Read up on meditation posture. The eyes are actually partially closed to aid concentration, since open eyes lead to blinking, dry eyes and distraction and closed eyes lead to sleepiness.

>> No.3767638
File: 332 KB, 1572x1340, chesterton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a completer picture

>> No.3767642

>You call partially closed eyes heavy because you can't help but associating it with sleep and sloth

that's because closed eyes are associated with sleep and sloth, and I said they're heavy because they're portrayed as being very big.
>inb4 you say that Asian naturally have big eyes
Not to the extent portrayed in the statues, they are exaggerated.

>> No.3767656

what's will all the weaboos defending Buddhism anyway? Buddhism is clearly meant to be for apathetic people who want to "go with the flow" and so meditate to empty themselves of desire. "Inner peace" is outer apathy. Being a Buddhist today is tantamount to wanting to be a happy consumer that doesn't complain.

>> No.3767722

You can twist and turn all you want, the half closed eyes of meditation are in no way associated with sleep. You're out of your element. Read more.

>> No.3767728

I agree that eastern religions are kick-ass, but I think western philosophy is just as cool as that of the east.

Also, Asian kids are good at math. So there's that.

>> No.3767734

Can we just agree that he's too sure of his own opinion to be persuaded otherwise? It's still possible he's just trolling. You know we're right, I know we're right, what does it matter if he refuses to agree?

>> No.3767736

>Buddhism is clearly meant to be for apathetic people
No. Why would an apathetic person seek out a path that attempts to alleviate suffering?

>people who want to "go with the flow"
Somewhat correct, but that is because you are part of the flow so you might as well acknowledge it.

>and so meditate to empty themselves of desire.
To rid themselves of the habit of clinging. There's a difference.

>"Inner peace" is outer apathy.
It really isn't. Upekkha doesn't necessarily lead to the lack of action. In fact a lot of Buddhists who are claimed to have achieved this state have worked tirelessly out of compassion.

>Being a Buddhist today is tantamount to wanting to be a happy consumer that doesn't complain.
Being a Buddhist today is like being a Buddhist in any other time give or take a few relatively unimportant changes. The main problem Buddhism addresses still exists.

>> No.3767748
File: 23 KB, 459x600, victorian brit in charge of buddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right.

>> No.3767831


>> No.3767898

>No. Why would an apathetic person seek out a path that attempts to alleviate suffering?
Buddhism doesn't seek a path to 'alleviate suffering', you dipshit.

>> No.3767913

>kill witches
Are you saying we should let witches live?

>> No.3767919
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>> No.3767920
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you.
Pic related.

>> No.3767923

Neither are true.

>> No.3767931

Eastern philosophy is what you turn to when western philosophy is too hard for you.

>> No.3767933


>implying Nyaya wasn't extreme-level difficulty for its time

Get educated son.

>> No.3767963

edgy christians polluting this thread with their fedoras

calm down, the east won this battle already

>> No.3767971


it took the west until 1700 AD to figure out there is no-self via Hume and his "bundle" theory,

the east already knew this like 2500BC lol
it took them 1800-2000 years to figure out relativism and perspectivism which the east knew as well

the west is doing a big game of catch up

>> No.3767974

>the west is doing a big game of catch up

only reason they are catching up is because our philosophers and scientists are reading eastern philosophy

>> No.3767978

>Why would an apathetic person seek out a path that attempts to alleviate suffering?

apathy is a form of suffering and delusion the buddhist would overcome and cut through before he did anything else

>Being a Buddhist today is tantamount to wanting to be a happy consumer that doesn't complain.

they can complain as long as they aren't being douchebags about it and hurting others---
where did you learn about buddhism, yahoo answers?

>> No.3767980


west will never catch up, even though they are reading the wisdom of the east they still filter it through their christian/platonic delusional point of view

>> No.3767982


This is the most obnoxiously stupid post on 4chan right now

>> No.3767987

when during your profound studies of eastern esoteric wisdom did you learn to be very pedantic and petty over minor things?

>> No.3767988

so true, damn it, but at least Hume et al figured it out, eventually

>> No.3767990

this isn't the West catching-up, it's the west killing itself and becoming a backwards, culturally degenerate civilization like the East.

>> No.3767991


>a unified set of beliefs

>not "figured out" by Heraclitus

Wow this is ignorance on a whole new level.

>> No.3767994

Pre-Socratics bitch.

>> No.3767998

Hermeticism is pretty cool.

>> No.3768000

western buddhists are the kings of edgy

>hurr, I'm too good for the West and its cultural heritage, look at how open-minded and spiritual I am

>> No.3768010


sounds like you need some buddhist meditation to overcome your anger and frustration

may you find peace in this world

>> No.3768014

>>not "figured out" by Heraclitus

he figured out change, not perspectivism, he didn't develop a philosophy around it anyway

one sentence about a river changing that the west ignored for 2000 years and didn't apply it to anything doesn't really cut it


>> No.3768043

politics ruined the west. it's all about other people and telling others how to live their lives.

>> No.3768120 [DELETED] 

Politics is a universal practice that has been around forever, so no.

>> No.3768163

>implying you can't join eastern and western philosophy
>implying Zen, Advaita, Taoism, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Stoicism don't all point towards the same perennial philosophy
>not basking in this knowledge of trans cultural eternal wisdom
>being this pleb

>> No.3768202

I approve of this post.

>> No.3768246

Funny most of Western developments ( in science and philo ) have 'Eastern' contributions to it. A good case is algebra, and the chinese contributions to number theory, particularly '0'.

>> No.3768266

pretty sure 0 is a hindu/arabic concept

>> No.3768309

My point is its selfish to attribute discoveries to one thing when it is made up of different disciplines from different things.

>> No.3768322

arabic numbers, phoenician alpabeth, jew god, some egypt geometry and so on and so on.

>> No.3768337

Shit did I just walk into a /pol/ circlejerk on /lit/?

True, that Western discoveries during the past two centuries, after the advent of assembly line, have been ground-breaking.

Nevertheless, only a daft fuck would ignore what other cultures have done.

For centuries Western medical schools relied on Iranian and Arabic textbooks, namely the Canon of Medicine. That's just one fish out of the barrel, I don't need to count every single contribution of Iranian scientists which only a retarded pedophile priest would deny their influence.

Actually, Indo-Persian numbers. I don't know why everyone keeps calling them Arabic. Fuck Arabs.

>> No.3768343

>Actually, Indo-Persian numbers. I don't know why everyone keeps calling them Arabic. Fuck Arabs.

The symbols you use (1, 2, 3...) come from Al-Andalus and the Maghreb, moron.

>> No.3768345

>Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī[note 1] (c. 780, Khwārizm[2][4][5] – c. 850) was a Persian[1][2][3] mathematician, astronomer and geographer during the Abbasid Empire, a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. The word al-Khwarizmi is pronounced in classical Arabic as Al-Khwarithmi hence the Latin transliteration.

>In the twelfth century, Latin translations of his work on the Indian numerals introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world.[5] His Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Arabic. In Renaissance Europe, he was considered the original inventor of algebra, although it is now known that his work is based on older Indian or Greek sources.[6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology.


Guess again idiot. This is why I hate Western people so much.

>> No.3768358


We're not talking about algebra. We're not talking about the concept of a decimal number system. We're talking about the specific system of notation that you use to represent numbers.

Iraq and other eastern Arab countries used (and continue to use) a different one


You use the bottom one, which comes from Al-Andalus and the Maghreb.

Try reading outside of Wikipedia. Dipshit.

>> No.3768360

can anybody give a insight about reincarnation in eastern religions?

IS like.. literal reincarnation ,was i a bird in a past life???

>> No.3768365

>IS like.. literal reincarnation ,was i a bird in a past life???

>> No.3768366

They were invented by a Persian scholar, whose Wikipedia page I posted above.

I don't care where you Westerners get those numbers, they were invented by an Iranian and you call them Arabic because you're dumb fucks.

>> No.3768379

no one person or culture "invented" the arabic numeral system. it was an amalgation/iterations of persian, indian, arabic scholars. calm down with the nationalist BS

>> No.3768385

>They were invented by a Persian scholar

Al-Khwarizmi did not use the symbols that we use. I know who he is and what he did; the history of the Islamic world is one of the things that I study. They were developed in Al-Andalus and the Maghreb, as I've told you twice already.

Are you a butthurt Persian or what?

>> No.3768390

So "white" people are allowed to say "we invented airplane!" but I'm not?

Double standards.

>Are you a butthurt Persian or what?

The correct term is Aryan.

>> No.3768402

>So "white" people are allowed to say "we invented airplane!"
Who has ever said that?

>> No.3768404

>Yes sir, I am indeed a butthurt Persian.

Figures. You people are the absolute scum of the internet. Also, you're brown.

>> No.3768407

>Figures. You people are the absolute scum of the internet

nah, they're nowhere near as lol as butthurt balkan nationalists

>> No.3768415


It seems like Balkanites, Caucasians, Turks, and Persians are constantly trying to outdo each other in awful nationalist shitposting

>> No.3768423

iranman chill le fuck out etc

>> No.3768430

Every white person who thinks he's better than anyone else?

Like OP, /pol/tards or any average white male?

I'm brown, still an Aryan. Look up the word.

Well, if you stop antagonizing us and tearing apart our empires, maybe we wont'.

>> No.3768431

>tfw my glorious Iran has the highest number of heroin addicts per capita in the world

>> No.3768438

But the actual Aryan Persians are white, just like the Aryan Indians etc. You're one of the people they conquered.

>> No.3768439

Heroin is no different from weed.

>> No.3768441

if your race is so shitty at having empires, why are you so proud of your race

makes u think

>> No.3768442

top lel

>> No.3768436
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>Also, you're brown.
>not being brown masterrace

>> No.3768444

p-pls don't destroy our superior empire white devils

>> No.3768445

Nah, I've never any white person, supremacist or not, take pride in the fact that someone of their race "invented airplane!". I think you're a bit mad, chill on the racism.

>> No.3768446

white people have an inferiority complex. you got to treat them like little children or they'll throw a hissyfit.

>> No.3768451

>hating white people indiscriminately

>> No.3768452

lol we've had four empires.

>> No.3768456

check your privilege white scum

>> No.3768493

But iPhones are produced in the east.

>> No.3768522

Cause the origins of the languages are different, western and eastern languages vary in structure and where emphasis is put. Western tends to focus on subjects and objects, while eastern focuses on thr message as a whole. Using languages that function like this have shaped the way we think and thus how our religions are formed.

>> No.3768528

read your greeks

>> No.3768536 [DELETED] 


>wut r presocratics hurrrrr

>> No.3768537 [DELETED] 


The pre-socratics are so fragmentary people read whatever they want into them.

>> No.3768556

>How come the east is so much better at making religions/philosophy than the west?

pretentious trendy white kid pop Orientalist pseudo Buddhist detected

why don't you go jerk off while thinking of how perfectly non-violent Asians are or something

>> No.3768568

The west ignored them and didn't develop their ideas. Try again.

>> No.3768571

Christian edgyness detected. Why don't u go on a witch hunt and persecute gays more

>> No.3768573

Ah, but what if the way people think affected the way their language developed?
(The eternal question)

>> No.3768580

Because anyone who thinks that Buddhists are anything less than perfect is obviously a Christian, right.

Personally I'm just sick to death of encountering people who honestly believe that no Buddhist has ever committed violence for religious reasons or that "Buddhists are atheists" or "Buddhism is not a religion."

For some reason people never make the same comments about Hinduism or Taoism also.

>> No.3768582

>How come the west is so much better at everything else?

What the fuck are you talking about? The East has always been a few centuries ahead of the West for nearly everything: math, science, technology, philosophy, etc.

Only very recently in history did mainland Asia start to decline (Japan's growth still more or less mirrored the West's) but now China and a few smaller countries are making comebacks. Asia is the future.

>> No.3768587

>Easteners think the same stuff about western religions.

They view the followers of Abrahamic religions as nutjobs.

>> No.3768593

when they did commint violence for religious reasons?

>> No.3768594

All the eastern religions you've been introduced to?
They've long since westernized.

>> No.3768597
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>a joke

>> No.3768601

Reincar != rebith

>> No.3768605

-Hume's bundle theory = Buddhist anatta.
-Kant's theory of knowledge = Buddhist perception theory.
-Schopenhaur's will = buddhist desire
-Derrida's deconstructionism = buddhist madhyamaka's
-Godel = buddhist indra's net
-Hegel = buddhist emptiness

>> No.3768608


>> No.3768617

>festivals where you worship dicks
Such exotic eastern enlightenment/10

>> No.3768619

Have you got your head up your ass? They're doing it right now in Burma. Not long ago the BBC acquired footage of Buddhist mobs lynching Muslims. Some of these mobs were led by monks.

Also, the unification of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan civil war, the Japanese warlord monks, the Tibetan Buddhist theocracy, etc. etc.

Anyone who knows fuck all about the history of Asia knows that, obviously, Buddhist religious violence is a thing.

>> No.3768626
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Are you frustrated?

>> No.3768641

The amount of weeaboos-in-denial is pretty big ITT

>> No.3768647

>lol dicks this aint no flying zombie jew

misanthropy doeaqy

>> No.3768650

>I don't know why everyone keeps calling them Arabic. Fuck Arabs.
Al-Khwarizmi wrote an essay on how to use Hindu Numerals which was translated. Hence "Arab numerals".
Still I wish less Orientalist pseudo-intellectuals brought up the Abbasid "Golden Age" or Chinese inventions while decrying the West as backwards at the time. It comes across as painfully ignorant most of the time to anyone whose actually studied the subject a bit.

>> No.3768658

Only like one person in this thread is even talking about Shinto though and they'd doing so jokingly.

>> No.3768660

Are you saying 'fuck Mohammed', dear Persian?

>> No.3768668


Didnt know about it, looking at thos monks.. makes you think.

>> No.3768676

>go from 1st world to 3rd world shithole
Wow these people live like shit
>go from 3rd world to 1st world

Guess which one most people would rather live in. I wonder why so many third world people try to move to developed countries.

>> No.3768692

>invented by Persian scholar
>who wrote in Arabic
> first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Arabic
>a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

>> No.3768696

Which accomplished what?

>> No.3768701

>The East has always been a few centuries ahead of the West for nearly everything
That must be why Western countries are so much more developed and have higher standards of living, GDPs, per capita income, life expectancies, and pretty much everything else.
I wonder why so many people from the East move to Western countries, probably so they can help develop our countries right?
dumb shit

>> No.3768705

Hey now, let's not forget the Western developments of modern calculus of Gauss, Keppler, Newton. They are all interconencted (as the Easterners would say).

>> No.3768707

They did come up with some very nasty ways of executing people. Scaphism for instance.

>> No.3768711

I don't think (hope) you were the guy I was talking too
>hurr we've had 4 empires
>which accomplished what?
>totally br00tal execution methods


>> No.3768718

No, but I wouldn't expect much better if I were you.
>muh Sassanids
>muh Achaemenids

>> No.3768728

>killed some Greeks
>killed some Romans (including an Emperor)
>get completely conquered/fucked (twice: alexander and dem muslims)
such pride

>> No.3769112

Let's see.

>> No.3769422

>Let's see.

ok what?

>> No.3769434
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laughed harder than I should have

nice job anon

>> No.3769440

Because in the East they value and use mindfulness as a means to attain happiness, peace, contentment, etc. The West only seems to pay attention to what is wrong, so, looking to the future, they try to find ways to fix reality.

>> No.3769453
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Let's make it so they never existed in the first place.

>> No.3769463

is what gives them this powers?

>> No.3769469

But Shinto >>> Buddhism

>> No.3769534

"Eastern philosophy seems profound precisely because it has no meaning"
- Isaac Asimov

>> No.3769547


>> No.3769548

>- Isaac Asimov

the Dan Brown of sci fi.

>> No.3769551


I'm hardly an Asimov defender but that is just insulting. Dan Brown is several echelons of awfulness below Asimov. Seriously he is just fucking terrible.

>> No.3769566

Proving you have read neither Dan Brown nor Isaac Asimov. The guy was a legitimate scientist and made the genre into more than pulp novels, one of the best things to happen to sci fi

>> No.3769578
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>The guy was a legitimate scientist and made the genre into more than pulp novels


>> No.3769585
File: 577 KB, 685x630, Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The medieval scholastic completely derailed us cause the greeks were on the same path as the indians.

The fact that the western philosophers claim an heritage from the greeks does not mean they understood them or are directly attached to them.

>> No.3769607

>Implying Mimamsas wasn't the best philosopher

Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.3769609

What are you disputing exactly?

Asimov really was one of the first scifi authors to take the genre seriously and attempt to tackle real subjects - as opposed to the 'cowboys in space'/green martians drivel that was the norm before then.

>> No.3769618

i vaguely remember the thread that picture's from but i cant find it on fuuka

do you know by chance

>> No.3769623

>doesn't know shit about history

The west didn't surpass the east technologicaly until the industrial revolution.

>> No.3769632

know what? the thread? no clue, it was a quietism one I think...

>> No.3769641

>This. The medieval scholastic completely derailed us cause the greeks were on the same path as the indians.

Oh god this ^

I can read the pre-socratics just fine, but everything after them, from aristotle, plato, to the church fathers and forward just fucken misses the point

>> No.3769643

>What are you disputing exactly?

that asimov's opinions matter, that he improved sci fi at all, that he knows anything about western or eastern philosophy

>> No.3769821


>> No.3770399


Rofl, what're you talking about. The West has been in philosophical freefall since the medievals. The East is to this day mired in philosophical mistakes that were swept away at the dawn of Western philosophy by Plato and Aristotle (and most especially the latter), and developed by their medieval successors.

>> No.3770405

>Rofl, what're you talking about. The West has been in philosophical freefall since the medievals.

Meant "after the medievals."

>> No.3770408

Even if you don't like Asimov, his science fiction is still on a different level from what came before him, and the contributions he made to the genre can't really be denied. Not him alone certainly, but together with Clarke, Heinlein, and John Campbell, he absolutely had a massive influence on the genre.

>> No.3770441


I think this anon is spot on. When they are meditating with eyes closed they are not blind, it's exactly the opposite. They manage to see beyond the boundaries they have on their inner eye, allowing for a 'vision' to happen. The only difference is them using their inner eye, not their eyeballs.

>> No.3770448


Yeah, I agree. No matter what you think about eastern religion or philosophy, you can't deny meditation and yoga are pretty rad.

>> No.3770472


>they think the "eastern religions" are a supermarket where you can go pick what you like and avoid what you dont like

one cant into mediation without ethics and philosophy. that would be like having a bike with no pedals.

>> No.3770479

>I have never read eastern philosophy and I rely blindly on the western comments about it

yeah sure.

>> No.3770491


Actually that is completely untrue. You can practice meditation without any kind of knowledge of ethics and philosophy. Of course it is merely a breathing and posture exercise then, but it still helps you to relax and think more positively which are the two main reasons why I meditate personally. I really want to get into eastern philosophy, too but so far I've been doing pretty good without it. Do you have any knowledge of transcendental meditation? David Lynch always talks about it but it seems to be pretty expensive.

>> No.3770508


It's true though- Eastern philosophy is basically warmed-over pre-socratic philosophy.

>> No.3770531
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>> No.3770602

For five minutes, then they settled under a new elite mumbling "muh liberty".

>> No.3770608

Except Gautama and Heraclitus were contemporaries and Buddhism was a relatively late mutation of Hinduism. If anything, the East was onto it earlier.

>> No.3770639

There are also hundreds of Buddhist scriptures explaining things in great detail yet we have nothing from Heraclitus and barely anything from other pretty socratics

>> No.3771030

It's just different ways of meeting the godhead. You can be a monk and kill your ego, get that "oceanic feeling", or be a wizard and elevate your ego, touch the face of god etc. Get that YHWH high, be that which is, was and is to come.