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/lit/ - Literature

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3761712 No.3761712 [Reply] [Original]

>be at B&N
>look for Tao Lin
>not there so I ask customer service if they have any in the back
>"Is that some type of martial arts"
>I shouldnt have to deal with these plebs

Post your interaction with plebs stories here

>> No.3761728

>be at B&N
>look for Shakespeare
>not there so I ask customer service if they have any in the back
>"Is that some type of cat food"
>I shouldnt have to deal with these _

>> No.3761763
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>talk to attractive brunette girl I like
>ask her for number
>she consideres for a moment
>looks like no
>is actually yes
>go out on date and be happy


>> No.3761765

sunhock poosting my oc
confirmed for fag

>> No.3761776
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It's not 'your' OC. It's the community's OC now. It is a shared possession, with no chance of it being just yours again. Isn't the internet horrible?

>> No.3761835

There are so many I literally cannot think

Most obvious example was a friend, completely serious, insisting that A Song of Fire and Ice is better than Hamlet

>> No.3761839

>be on /lit/
>greentext stories thread
>guy is complaining about plebs
>he was searching for Tao Lin
>mfw he is the pleb

>> No.3761856


>In my honours year of an english degree
>writing thesis on swann's way
>tell this to a friend's 17 year old sister
>she thinks I'm a badass tortured artist type and finds it sexy, so she wants to impress me
>starts talking about harry potter
>explains how everything THINKS it's all simple children's fiction but there's SO MUCH DEPTH when you analyse it
>I say something like 'well you may not have heard of proust but he had a massive impact on 20th century literature
>she says 'oh yeah but more people have like, heard of harry potter so it's probably had a bigger impact'

I got really fucking annoyed at her at the time, mostly because of the way she said it, her voice is annoying. I think it's pretty funny though now, she clearly had no idea what she was talking about but didn't give a fuck, which is how I act towards music etc.

>> No.3761870

I've posted this one before in a school experiences thread

>studying poetry
>specific literature class that students selected to do
>one poem mentions something tiny which the teacher explains has wider meaning
>the teacher genuinely facepalmed and said something like 'i think we need to go over what poetry is...'

>> No.3761873

>telling her about an superfluous 'impact on literature' instead of the intrinsic value of the novel.

You should now better Mr. English Degree.

>> No.3761874

Why the fuck is /lit/ using greentext? Wasn't this a place for people who can hold their attention through a full written sentence?

>> No.3761877


>> No.3761882

>be talking to friend
>I share an interesting but outwardly controversial line of reasoning I've been taking lately in the hopes of sparking a discussion that enhances our understanding of both works of literature
>friend dogmatically refuses to entertain challenges to his preconceptions
>I shouldn't have to deal with these plebs

>> No.3761901


you're right, I should 'now' better. The impact on society has absolutely no relevance to anything ever, what the fuck am I doing with my life??!!

>> No.3761909

What he means is you should have set aside your literary pretensions and fucked that hot, wet high-school pussy you fucking faggot.

>> No.3761925

>citation needed

>> No.3762021
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>be 28
>in the library trying to masturbate silently
>girl sees me
>tip my fedora "m'lady"
>it actually works and she comes over
>starts sucking my boner in the library
>librarian notices we are up to no good
>started making trouble in my neighborhood
>calls police
>goto Jail for public indecency
>find out the girl was a 3 year old boy
>15-18 years

>> No.3764238

You should've just agreed and banged her.

Use your superior intellect to exploit the plebs.

>> No.3764244

>'oh yeah but more people have like, heard of harry potter so it's probably had a bigger impact'
to be fair we will probably see an enormous impact from Harry Potter in the coming years merely by its popularity. so even if she seems enerally naive about literary quality the opinion is acceptable

>> No.3764252 [DELETED] 
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"Hey, Anon, you're learning Latin, right? What letter comes after gamma?"

>> No.3764269

hate that faggot and his worshipers so, so much

>> No.3764281

So, which is it, huh?

Maybe he wanted to try your greek to make sure you weren't learning just one ancient language.

>> No.3764907

I don't like to get all high and mighty when it comes to literature but that made me cringe for real.

>> No.3764910


>> No.3764921

Maybe in the YA and fantasy genres. Books don't need sales to be influential: look at Kafka or Nietzsche or Melville. In fact, best selling books usually only sell so well because of their complete dearth of innovation. They're just a distillation of popular clichés, basically.

>> No.3764986
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>Have to design a book cover for fotoclass
>pick Fear and Loathing because why the fuck not
>"What's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?"
>4 fucking times.
>Get some Grapefruits for the cover
>6 people ask me what strange fruit I'm holding.
>mfw These people are going to run the world in twenty years.

>> No.3764995

You're both gigantic fuckheads.

>> No.3765016
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>> No.3765022

>authorial intent

>> No.3765062

In poetry, there really isn't any question that a verse has a figurative meaning beyond what's written. It's why the author wrote a poem at all.

>> No.3765075

I wasn't there but a high school english teacher explained to my how one year the class was reading Leaves of Grass. Suddenly during the discussion of the symbolism the student began screaming "THEY'RE JUST LEAVES I DON'T SEE IT" or something along those lines. They don't teach Whitman at my old high school anymore.

>> No.3765079


>People in photography class
>Ever 'running the world'

>> No.3765093

I was suggesting that the post never actually happened and he was just paraphrasing the image.

Also sometimes the curtains really are just fucking blue, though poetry would be a bad place to look for such a thing.

>> No.3765117

>intrinsic value
Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.3765124

actually not always. there are poetic movements that precisely and deliberately deny that by several techniques, explicitness is central in such poetry. but i agree that in most that is the case

>> No.3765133

Not if it's

>> No.3765257

You do realize that almost every Barnes & Noble sells "The Complete Works of Shakespeare", right?

>> No.3765343

>I shouldn't have to deal with this pleb