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/lit/ - Literature

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3754886 No.3754886 [Reply] [Original]

How often and to which extent do you find yourself temporarily or permanently transformed into your characters? Or, the other way around, do you end up enslaving your characters in the prison of your reality?

I find it an easy rule of thumb that, if I character "frees" itself from me and I even adopt traits of the character, it is well built and can go on.

Is it the same for you?

>> No.3754928


Nobody here is a writer, anon. You'd be better off asking in >>>/b/

>> No.3754942

Derrick, fick ja! We still get Derrick on Norwegian television.

>> No.3754952

Maybe you should head over to /b/ too if you're intent on shitposting.

>> No.3754964
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I don't see you responding to OP.

>> No.3754965



>> No.3754969

I'm not a writer though. However, I've been on /lit/ long enough to know that there are plenty of writers on this board.

You'd know too if you'd been here longer than 10 minutes.

>> No.3754987


What I coincidence, I've been on /gif/ long enough to know that there are plenty of porn actors on that board.

You'd know if you'd been there longer than the length of your penis.

>> No.3755002

Well that was the worst comeback I'd ever seen, but I admire the effort you put into it.

>> No.3755011

It doesn't happen to me while writing, but while reading I adopt the thought process of the prose which can be problematic depending on the work

>> No.3755015


le over-exagg hiding butthurt lel

>> No.3755016
File: 13 KB, 400x261, 9MW8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come back? Are you... competing... in an anonymous internet forum?

How old are you, sweetie?

>> No.3755023


OP here.

Thanks. Finally, a non autistic poster in this humble, honest thread.

I think I know what you mean by that. Do you mean that the linearity of the book or its sentence construction make you switch your approach? Does that happen to you even when you put the book down and go do something else?