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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 289 KB, 1599x1066, b97k3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3749978 No.3749978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you find beautiful women ever like to read?

>> No.3749984

The most beautiful girl I've ever meet read Susan Sontag and Joyce religiously.

The most beautiful girlfriend I've had could talk about Vonnegut and Proust and not sound like a total moron (which is more than what most men can do).

Try leaving your basements, gents.

>> No.3749983

>do you find beautiful women

>> No.3749991

Better question is are there any beautiful men who read? I haven't found a single one yet. Just ugly neckbeards

>> No.3749994

>tfw a beautiful man
>tfw know qt women will be all over your dick when you are ready

>> No.3749995

why so jelly, babbe

>> No.3750000

S-so cool and mature. How did you know I only spend time in my basement.

>> No.3750002

pics plox

you have a hot literate man? I am jelly boo

>> No.3750010

wow, that ass, i think im in love.

well i dont get out much so i dont meet a lot of beautify women so i dont know how many of them

>> No.3750015

well i might be underage, might be (you cant ban me for stating a possibility)
and if that was the case it would be weird

>> No.3750016

That is an ass to be reckoned with.

>> No.3750021


OP thats an ass, not a woman.

>> No.3750029

i dont recall stating the image was directly related to the post

>> No.3750034

unless you're planning on posting cock shots of yourself I don't see how that'd be weird. nice excuse though

>> No.3750041

>quads is how

>> No.3750036

That is true, but you forgot the golden rule of starting a thread: don't make the image more interesting than the post.

>> No.3750045

truth be told, i found the image and i just wanted to start a thread with it because i liked so much

>> No.3750050

you sound pretty cool, do you have Skype?

>> No.3750058

Most English teachers/lecturers I've had have been beautiful women.

>> No.3750067

I met a qt who wanted to borrow my copy of Book of the New Sun. Not sure if she actually reads or is just interested in me though and used that as an ice-breaker, but that got the blood running.

>> No.3750082

I don't know. But if I don't have what it takes to talk with a girl who is not qtπ let alone one.

>> No.3750115


>Not sure if she actually reads or is just interested in me

if she doesn't have a bf and is wanting to borrow things from you that you enjoy to check it out then i'd take that as a hint

>> No.3750169

she definitely wants you

captcha: hints hsicatio

>> No.3750171


>> No.3750174

thx for posting

>> No.3750177
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Guess I'll get on it, been forgetting about texting her all weekend.

>mfw she's from Eritrea and has dat accent

>> No.3750179

>Eritrea and has dat accent
i dont think i've ever heard "dat accent"

>> No.3750192
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I didn't either until I met her, but I like it. Also got her to say some phrases in her home language and it sounded great. Forget what they call it.

Apparently there's only one university in the whole country and they simply call it "The University"

>> No.3750201

>tfw girl you like wants to borrow your copy of steppenwolf
>give her it
>try and muster up courage to ask her out
>be at party
>she goes off with some other guy and sits in the corner holding hands all night
why am i so beta

>> No.3750221

It's all a striving after wind my friend

>> No.3750248

Most beautiful girl I know reads the classics almost exclusively, though she loves the Roman satirists most of all.

mfw I was angry over something and told her to fuck off to the end seat when she tried to sit next to me the other day.

I ruin everything.

>> No.3750261

wow this board really is filled socially retarded faggots. how do you mess up so much that you tell a hot girl to fuck off

>> No.3750266

He was just preoccupied with other matters, things don't just stop when a hot girl comes by unless you think with your dick 24/7.

>> No.3750274

you just confirmed your autism if you ever think its acceptable to tell a girl to "fuck off" no matter how busy you are. im sure he was busy and now just a cowardly neckbeard

>> No.3750278

Have you since apologized and explained?

>> No.3750283
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Would it be different if it was a guy?

I can understand not wanting to be rude, but if you're blowing up just because it was a female then I don't know what to tell you, shit happens.

>> No.3750287

maybe i'm different but i wouldnt tell anyone to fuck off ever, "I'd love to talk right now but I'm busy, excuse me". would work jsut as fine without coming off as an asshole

>> No.3750288

I went to a second hand book store yesterday and in the basement I saw a gorgeous girl, I was going to talk to her (who am I kidding) but she was browsing the sociology section.

>> No.3750296

I've not seen her since that incident, we work together so I'm sure I will be able to explain in a few days.

Unfortunately the things she does that I usually find cute just became unbearable and I couldn't help but tell her.

>> No.3750300

Oh of course, I'm not so crass as to start telling people things like that unprovoked.

>> No.3750312

Actually never.

>> No.3750378

its a shame really because it means i'll never have both

>> No.3750380

My definition of beautiful is different from most people's, but yes.

>> No.3750410

yeah a few

>> No.3750419

I'd never heard of Book of the New Sun, so I just looked it up expectingsome next-level Pynchon by way of Kharms shit. I'm disappointed.

>> No.3750421

you should try actually reading it

>> No.3750423

Maybe one day. I've got quite a lot of lit I plan on reading before that though.

>> No.3750427

Aye, despite how it looks at a distance it's a damn good story I'll tell you that much.

>> No.3750431 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3750435 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw all your catbros are dead

>> No.3750496

That's what the majority of artsy girls who post on Facebook relentlessly are like. Sad.

>> No.3750523
File: 80 KB, 558x558, 7272560170595227047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gorgeous girl who lives in the same small town as me
>lists kafka and some john green or some shit like that
>seems genuinely nice all the same
>message her and try to strike up conversation
>absolute failure

being a male on okc is a god damn something, men.

>> No.3750533


Take my advice. Do not give out books to girls you have just met and want to date. There's a girl in my apartment complex who still has one of my baking books. Every time I run into her I say, "so what's up with the book? let's get it now." but she has this way of slithering out: "oh, I'm on the way to playing tennis, er, I'm on the way to class..." I'm pretty sure she's lost it or she's intent on keeping it.

>> No.3750535


>if she doesn't have a bf
>and is wanting to borrow things from you that you enjoy
>i'd take that as a hint

That she's a sheisty hag?

>> No.3750538

meh if someone wanted to hold onto a book that bad I'd let them

>> No.3750542



>> No.3750540
File: 179 KB, 500x468, 2130625772_d692f3f6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know a lot of people who read but those that do could all be described as attractive.

>> No.3750541
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1351986654220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i girl i was seeing lent me a book to read before we had really started dating, and unless i lost the book (highly unlikely), she took it back without even telling me.

feels fucking terrible, man.

>> No.3750546

never lend a book to anyone, male or female, unless you feel okay about the idea of not getting that book back.

>> No.3750544

I told her I'd email her the book(s) in digital form, she's yet to give me her email though.

>> No.3750552

fuck off is really strong, you don't use that unless someone has stabbed you in the leg or something.. didn't your parents teach you any manners?

>> No.3750567

i was at the lunch buffet yesterday and saw a cute girl, she smiled at me and i was going to strike up a conversation but then I saw she had mac and cheese on her plate. Seriously. Fuck pasta.

>> No.3750574

They tried, still I don't tell people to fuck off like that - it's just that his reaction is understandable on some level.

>> No.3750575


it's not holding on to it, it's transferring ownership... but I agree. I just wish she had said, hey, here are some cookies from the book, and I'd be all, oh wow, fantastic, since i know how much you enjoy the book, you should just keep it. but instead I don't know if she even bakes from it.

>> No.3750579


that's what I learned.

>> No.3750616


>> No.3750625

>Mac and Cheese

Is this what you call macaroni cheese? I always assumed Mac and Cheese was a burger or some shit.

>> No.3750633

where are you from?

>> No.3750649


>> No.3750662

i see. In Murika mac and cheese is a shorthand for macaroni and cheese.

>> No.3750667

It is here in England as well, that guy is just a retard.

>> No.3750668
File: 37 KB, 500x500, heinz-macaroni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have just said yes.

>> No.3750677

>It is here in England as well

You a Geordie or something? I have never heard anyone refer to it as that. It's not even marketed with an 'AND' over here so it doesn't even make sense to add one to the shorthand.

>> No.3750709

A 40 year old co-worker came over to me last week and told me that she thought Le Grand Meaulnes was an amazing book.

>> No.3750714


Oh and yeah she's a total milf so in regard to the question, yes.

>> No.3750721
File: 12 KB, 245x300, Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, consider the real question.

>> No.3750762

I find that most beautiful women only read half way through Twilight.

>> No.3750768

Yep. There are quite a few hotties in my Literature class

>> No.3750772

>It is here in England as well

Yeah, if you're a Northern scumbag

>> No.3750784

Unfortunately, studying literature at university doesn't necessarily entail being well read or even particularly passionate about literature, these days, except possibly in the topmost institutions. The Humanities are basically just a refuge for slackers now.

>> No.3750789
File: 261 KB, 470x700, 128735661135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average korean gf ;__;

>> No.3750788

>The Humanities are basically just a refuge for slackers now.

What makes you say that?

>> No.3750791
File: 365 KB, 850x1275, 1359802661171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average korean ex-girlfriend who likes to read
>tfw I miss you ;__;

>> No.3750793
File: 167 KB, 996x695, 1360144504056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those feels bro

>> No.3750795
File: 359 KB, 1093x1600, 1360170806739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average japanese gf ;__;

>> No.3750796

Interaction with Humanities students. I live in England btw, it may be different in other countries.

>> No.3750799

Nah bra, I made the mistake and majored in the humanities. I'm currently working hard on paying off my debts and going stem this time.

>> No.3750815

>going stem
Leo pleb

>> No.3750826


Hnngggg those bows

I think i discovered a new fetish

>> No.3751054
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Stay strong brother.

>> No.3751065

I'm as Northern as you get and I never heard anyone say mac and cheese except on The Sims.

>> No.3751082
File: 241 KB, 500x320, 1367520430554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly overweight women with red hair and glasses who are "polyamorous" (read: histrionic sluts) and have a feminist bent