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File: 450 KB, 1661x2168, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3748125 No.3748125 [Reply] [Original]

>'Ludwig Wittgenstein was immensely influenced and humbled by Kierkegaard, claiming that "Kierkegaard is far too deep for me, anyhow. He bewilders me without working the good effects which he would in deeper souls".'

>tfw this motherfucker right here was 2deep4 Ludwig fucking Wittgenstein

>> No.3748139
File: 12 KB, 213x237, rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are planning to read or reread Fear and Trembling any time soon, realize this: though Kierkegaard claims to not be able to make the leap of faith, he is just lying to you. Keep that in mind as you read and one specific paragraph will have a very, very new meaning.

>> No.3748155


Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3748166

Turns out that Witty wasn't that witty after all.
For those who will blame me for the silly pun: remember that I dod it to spare you the pain of doing it yourselves. Respect my sacrifice.
Farewell, friends.

>> No.3748169

Either/Or is pretty accessible, at least the aesthetic half.

>> No.3748170


>> No.3748181

A.) Kierkegaard doesn't claim that, his de Silentio character does, and de Silentio != Kierkegaard.
B.) Kierkegaard actually probably did not believe that he had successfully made the leap of faith

read harder pls

>> No.3748192
File: 55 KB, 701x559, lw22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you will never be as alpha or Wittgenstein or Kierkegaard

>> No.3748242
File: 137 KB, 311x500, ANGEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything Kierkegaard does is as it seems. Just give the book a try with the lens I have given you, and the light of a certain paragraph will shine right through the pages and into your life.

>> No.3748247


That's your lens. I like my lens.

>> No.3748254

No, it won't, because its just not true. Kierkegaard is tricky, but the trick is pretty much the opposite of what you claim. Its that he SHOULD be able to make the leap of faith (since he's the expert on it) but he can't. If Kierkegaard could make the leap of faith, he would be boring, he would just be another priest.

>> No.3748260

stan pls contact me i dunno do it, life n death people n shit do it

>> No.3748263

You will only understand that K. is a knight of faith if you yourself are a knight of faith. Read the paragraph where he describes how a knight of faith spots another knight of faith.

>> No.3748270

Post the paragraph here, I don't have my text

>> No.3748273

stan hit me up know i can protect you

>> No.3748274

It's somewhere in Problema II.

>> No.3748277
File: 132 KB, 310x459, kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3748279

ima sleep yes, stan dan qwuan

>> No.3748280

Satan, are you alright?

>> No.3748282

imm dyiing

>> No.3748289

I'm going to bed now

If stan don't

last hopr

>> No.3748293

smoke dat ces fuckniggaz
who giv a fuk bout old white niggaz lmao

>> No.3748298

Uh, a man who has made the leap of faith once is a deluded madman. We cannot live in god.

>> No.3748313 [DELETED] 

Yes, we cannot live in God. But we can rest transparently in Him.

>> No.3748316

leaping is not having lept.

>> No.3748322


Is the man who does not make the leap of faith any less mad? Consider the psychological role the leap of faith has for all of us, not just the religious.

>> No.3748323
File: 589 KB, 600x900, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we cannot "live in god". But we can rest transparently in God.

>> No.3748326

Johannes de Silentio was a man who could not make the leap. Kierkegaard could.

>> No.3748329

His madness is not the madness of god. Have you never killed the Buddha on the road?

>> No.3748330

This thread had me realised how much I like the verb "to leap".

Thanks /lit. Aain you prove ressourceful.

>> No.3748334

I am glad that you were able to at least get that much out of Kierkegaard when the rest of his work is too difficult for you. God bless.

>> No.3748339

Perhaps I am not making myself clear.
To not make the leap.
To leap.
To be satisfied with having leaped.

Are three very different things. Without gravity I fly, falling at 10m/s/s. I am not sitting on a cloud while leaping.

>> No.3748349

>I am not sitting on a cloud while leaping.

Of course. Kierkegaard always maintained that a state of being grounded was equally important to resting transparently in the power that has established you.

>> No.3748350

I actually haven't read Kierkegaard. Is he any good ? What is his best work to begin with ? What is the best French translation of his works ? Is it work learning Swedish ?

>> No.3748360



Depends on what you're into.

>best work

Probably Either/Or.


He wrote in Danish.

>> No.3748656


Do you not into English or are you trying to ruse me

>> No.3748675
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In one respect I almost resent having begun to read Schopenhauer. I have such an indescribably scrupulous anxiety about using someone else’s expressions without acknowledgement. But his expressions are sometimes so closely akin to mine that in my exaggerated diffidence I perhaps end by ascribing to him what is my very own.

>> No.3748689

>thinks Kierkegaard's pseudonyms are "characters"

>> No.3748755

Somewhere in his journals he calls himself the "reverse" of Schopenhauer, on a play on his initials being S.A.

>> No.3748784

>thinks they arent

wtf dude did you even read fear and trembling

>> No.3751249


>> No.3751268

> implying Kierkegaard made a leap
> implying he didn't just wait until God made Kierkegaard leap

muh metonymies

muh ironies