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/lit/ - Literature

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3742126 No.3742126 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a story that's a deconstruction of fantasy tropes, and it follows a villainous protagonist, who's half Darth Vader, half Judge Dread. What sort of literature do you guys recommend I read to get some inspiration?

>> No.3742129

Second Apocalypse

The story has two complete psychos as primary characters.

>> No.3742132

Discworld series.
Because Terry Pratchett does deconstruction of fantasy tropes really well.
Though, you're going to get a different tone out of it. I think it's still worth looking in to.

>> No.3742133

Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics

>> No.3742138


Thanks for the recommendations

I fucking love Sandman, which arcs in particular were you thinking of?

>> No.3742144

game of you maybe?

>> No.3742154

I second this, although less because of the craziness of the characters and more because it's great.

Also, The Black Company.

>> No.3742157

I've heard good things about the SA series, but I've never really looked into it before. Likewise with Black Company.

>> No.3742177

is the character literally half darth vader, or are you saying that as a rhetorical descriptive term?

>> No.3742256

Why do you even need to ask?

>> No.3742278

First Law series by Abercrombie
Pratchett's Discworld

>> No.3742290
File: 426 KB, 1000x1198, the-discworld-reading-order-guide-20[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For pratchett, read small gods first followed by the watch storyline. Pic is a guide to the discworld series.

>> No.3742296

>judge dread

>> No.3742297

Well. the premise is so 'fedora-esque' that it's not an unreasonable assumption.

Not a bad idea mind you, just very neckbeard.

>> No.3742551

>deconstruction of fantasy tropes

You don't know what either of those words mean.

>> No.3743474

I've been reading the few translated Witcher books for inspiration, very awesome stuff, especially the first one. They really break down the classic fairytale ideas and put them together in great new ways.

Another question for you guys: do you prefer first person narration or third person?

>> No.3744101

Third person. First person stories generally tend to be awful.

>> No.3744121

>Gaze into the fist of your father!

>> No.3744129

First person. Notes from Underground is one of my favourites and it's written in that style; the narrator is also the protagonist (he's kind of an anti-hero as well as an unreliable narrator because he's insane and unlikeable, although I still find myself rooting for him).

>> No.3744184
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Oh my Freud!

>> No.3744225

Why don't you just, like, write a good story and worry about themes later?

One of my biggest problems with the Second Apocalypse is that Bakker went into it with the specific intention of bringing academia to the fantasy genre. As a direct result, it reads more like a soulless essay masquerading as a story.

>> No.3745079

he sure as fuck doesn't deserve her. i always pictured zizek a forevirgin

>> No.3745418


>>I'm writing a story that's a deconstruction of fantasy tropes, and it follows a villainous protagonist, who's half Darth Vader, half Judge Dread.


>>What sort of literature do you guys recommend I read to get some inspiration?

We assembled those tropes for a reason. Now you want to "deconstruct" them?

>> No.3745459

>deconstruction of fantasy tropes

Into the trash it goes!

>> No.3745469

So you're writing low fantasy but you're too hipster to refer to it as such?

>> No.3747343

Its less about theme and more about seeing how a good fantasy narrative is put together, what elements work and all that.

For example, reading ASoIaF inspired me to put in a bit of food porn