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/lit/ - Literature

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3742949 No.3742949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true SRS moderates this board?

>> No.3742959

women are worthless cunts that don't understand literature

>> No.3742960

Go to bed /pol/

>> No.3742970
File: 65 KB, 650x366, 931032-skywhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard all people do on /lit/ now is talk about leftwing politics.
Lets talk about leftwing politics.

>> No.3742971

4chan doesn't have board-specific moderators, newfag.

>> No.3742979

Since when?

>> No.3742982

Is this because of that thread yesterday?

>> No.3742984


It's because /lit/ refugees are flooding /pol/ with requests for help in dealing with feminazi mods over here.

>> No.3742986

Yes. We had a refugee say this place got overrun with privilege checkers.

>> No.3742990

white people are devils but i wish i was white

>> No.3742997

I made thread about my book planning to derail the incredibly unscientific "privilege' phenomenon and I was banned for 3 days for "fanfiction". There are TONS of other creative writing threads that are posted on /lit/ nonstop, and yet my criticism of "privilege" got me banned. Hmm....

>> No.3742999

/lit/ doesn't need SRS to turn it into a totalitarian new left shithole, it was always like this. The janitor will ban you for racial (nigger), homophobic (faggot) or sexist (slut) slurs or even just for expressing distaste for drug abusers. The janitor is rumoured to be a former namefag who was a transsexual and notorious shitposter.

>> No.3743004

shut up you christian conservative
your god isnt real and he's gay

>> No.3743007

Hey, it's the same butthurt faggot I encountered when I went to /pol/ yesterday to see how shit it was. How's life being a butthurt faggot?

>> No.3743008

This is the level of political discourse of /lit/. Truly one of the worst boards on 4chan.

>> No.3743010

I guess you're not privileged enough

>> No.3743013

I visit /pol/ like once a month, if that. Try again, faggot.

>> No.3743014

lol. that is sad. when you're so scared to check your privilege you run to /pol/

>> No.3743018

Wow, lucky I encountered you on your monthly trip then. You were the same dickhead whinging about the "leftist lit mod" who banned you for being white. Or something.

>> No.3743021


Since forever you fucking idiot, go back to reddit or gaia or wherever you came from.

>> No.3743023

Nope, not me. But I'm not surprised to learn that the janitor has form for this type of power abuse.

>> No.3743024

>I was banned for 3 days for "fanfiction".
lol gods=mods

I got banned for criticizing them for being lazy assholes who only ban you if you're underage and are stupid enough to post that.

>> No.3743027

It wasn't always like this.

>> No.3743028

Sounds like SRS to me

>> No.3743033

No but they make up 80% of the population. If you don't think all white people are evil, if you think empiricism is alright, or if you're not a communist you will generally get shat on with zero regard to the logical content of your arguments (oh and logic is a tool for imperialist pig capitalist chauvinist men, so if you use it you must be one of them).

>> No.3743046

Well I think white people are noble, I don't like communism.
I love logic and scientific evidence.

Run at me /int/

>> No.3743047

Using logic in a discussion is sexist because it excludes women from participating.

>> No.3743049

It would be funny if this wasn't ACTUALLY a thing that feminists believe.

>> No.3743050 [DELETED] 

/lit/ has always been a leftwing board, because most of us have an education.

Fuck off, /pol/

>> No.3743056
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>> No.3743057

>logical content
choisissez un

>> No.3743063

I've been here for two years, and I have never seen any of this stuff happen.

This board is one of the best boards on 4chan, but recently it has been having problems. Those problems have largely been retards from /pol/ and /b/ coming over here and spamming their retarded fucking opinions over and over again in a vain attempt to seem like something other than an utter fucking retard.

Fuck you, /pol/. You are a containment board. Stay in your fucking cell.

>> No.3743064

No shit idiot. That is not the issue. The issue is free speech and how an extreme minority is trying to shut down opinion and views they don't agree with.

>> No.3743065

I've recently enjoyed contemplating what a society would be like where women are owned.

Lets discuss that /lit/, know of any classics with such a society?

>> No.3743066

Oh, I forgot. If you disagree with anything they say, you're instantly labeled a "conservative", or even worse (for more egregious infractions) a "republican". Because clearly if anyone disagrees with them, they MUST be a religious nutjob with a fetish for guns and a hatred for foreigners.

>> No.3743067

soft subject don't count.

>> No.3743068

I doubt you've been here for 2 years. If /pol/ cared about this board, you wouldn't be staying here anymore.

>> No.3743070

Yeah, there's a great book called Go Back To /pol/ You Fucking Retard which you might enjoy.

>> No.3743075


You guys came to us, or at least an oppressed section of your community did.

>> No.3743077

>murrhh free speech

why is it americans, for how much they love freedom fries and being fat slobs, don't understand what free speech is or what it entails?

>> No.3743080
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You actually want your privilege checked? The ideas that these srs espouse transcend any sane leftist discourse. It's almost like a horrible parody of left wing ideology

>> No.3743081

sick burn dude, also hows your career as a writer coming along?

>> No.3743076

No, not at all.

/lit/ has always been more left-leaning. Some rumour was spread around that /lit/ was invaded by SRS so /pol/ decided to bed down here for a while. It's not as bad as it was a few months ago, lot of people were asking for /pol/ stuff to get banned because it got to the point there was almost no literature discussion. This went for all political discussion really.

>> No.3743084

Oh. I forgot too. If you disagree with anything a conservative says, they'll make up some strawman argument about free speech and being called chauvinist capital pigs by feminazis. Because clearly if anyone disagrees with them, they MUST be the victim of oppression and the PC and thought police .

>> No.3743082

If you think this is a good board, then it's very likely that you're part of the problem. There's no decent discussion, no original content, no humour; just a bunch of uppity undergrads measuring dicks and regurgitating their sociology professors' opinions.

>> No.3743083

No we didn't. Members of your own board came to you after coming here expecting people who agreed with their dumb fucking opinions, were surprised when it wasn't the case, and then ran crying back to their asylum crying because the real world isn't full of people as crazy as them.

>boo hoo they hate me because I'm different and radical and edgy

>> No.3743085

Oh come on. I want a good book on female ownership.
Can you help me?

>> No.3743089

I don't have a career as a writer, nor do I particularly want one. But thanks for asking.

>> No.3743091

I gave you a book. Take it or leave it, I don't care.

>> No.3743093

>no humour
some of us don't find it humorous yelling faggot and nigger and spewing shit at each other. if that's your type of humour, I suggest going to >>>/b/

>> No.3743095

SRS has infiltrated 4chan, they tried to fight /pol/ but got their diversity asses fucked when they tried

>> No.3743098

Gor has a lot of that, it's a pretty good series for what it is.

>> No.3743103
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Is this a good read?

>> No.3743106

No they haven't, you retard.

This is some McCarthyism level shit right here. The only actual problem is the people claiming there's a problem, and using the threat of communism/SRS to further their stupid, right-wing agenda.

>> No.3743107

It's /lit/ feminazis love their novels.

>> No.3743110

>faggot and nigger
Please dont use those words. You are oppressing me right now and I am reporting you. My delicate sensibilities have been shattered.

>> No.3743113

>if that's your type of humour

It's not. /lit/ still has no humour, though. E/lit/ists are totally devoid of self-awareness and a sense of irony. It's because you take yourselves so seriously.

>> No.3743116

easbound & down is the type of show I expect /pol/tards to unironically enjoy.

>> No.3743118

Have a look at this thread. This is why /pol/ is here


Who's the fucking McCarthyist really?

>> No.3743120

>/lit/ have no self-awareness or sense of irony
Oh lord, it's like you've never been to /lit/ in your life.

>> No.3743124

>east bound and down

You aren't as cultured as you think you are.

>> No.3743125

>/pol/ don't understand irony

>> No.3743126

what exactly is wrong with that thread other than the /pol/ idiots who don't know what privilege or racism actually means?

>> No.3743130

So basically /pol/ is throwing a shitfit because they failed to understand an ironic post?

>> No.3743131

is it that canadian trailer trash show? I get them confused

>> No.3743139

>If you get hurt by words, you really have no business in the literary field. If you get insulted when some idiot calls you a nigger or cracker, you have issues yourself. They are just words.

>> No.3743140

Is a white homeless man privileged and racist?

>> No.3743142

Except I've been here virtually from the start. /lit/ is the least funny board on 4chan.

>> No.3743144

If white people are gods how could they be homeless?

>> No.3743150

Just because you don't understand the jokes, doesn't mean they're not there.

Would you prefer we called each other niggers and made book related rage comics? Would that be more up your alley?

>> No.3743151

You really don't get irony do you?

>> No.3743154

Can you just fuck off?

>> No.3743158


>> No.3743160


>/pol/ are morons
>/pol/ want to be taken seriously
>/pol/ come to /lit/ and shit the place up with their moronic opinions
>/lit/ collectively tells them to get fucking lost, time after time
>leads /pol/ to assume that /lit/ has been invaded by a group of lizardpeople shills arguing against them because they are enlightened

>> No.3743162

You really don't know what irony means, do you?

>> No.3743163

I was in that thread and I can tell you that there wasn't any irony at all in it.

>> No.3743164

Do you guys like HP lovecraft?

>> No.3743168

Well its not slapstick American.

>> No.3743171

Go start a thread on Lovecraft if you love him so much. Drop the trip too while you're at it.

>> No.3743174
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Yes. A white homeless man oppresses all minorities with his privileged aura. They get all the best panhandling spots and are always first in line at the soup kitchen. If you ever see a white homeless man begging a passing black man, call the NAACP immediately and report a hate crime. The homeless man is mocking hundreds of years of oppression by his privileged groveling.

>> No.3743177

Fuck it i'll tell you the irony. The irony is that liberal faggots like you believe white people are Gods.
You attribute "privilege" and "racism" to be exclusive all powerful aspects of White people.
Who like Kipling's White man's burden. Shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the rest of the world.
Liberals are ironically White supremacists.

>> No.3743180

I get it now. You're "ironically" being a retard? Is that it?

>> No.3743182

Wow, for a group of left-wingers, you guys sure are elitist and exclusionary. The disdain you have for "proles" and "mullets" and the uneducated seems kind of contradictory to your ideals of social equality and tolerance and such.

>> No.3743178

>Drop the trip too while you're at it.
Not going to happen.

>> No.3743179

that's not irony, that's just your dumb strawman.

>> No.3743186

He's trying to find a roundabout way of saying "I was only trolling" without explicitly saying that.

>> No.3743190

aww. is babby sad that someone on /lit/ called him an idiot?

>> No.3743191

No its irony. Its full of disturbing irony.
Its true you can't actually address any argument presented to you...

>> No.3743187

The inner is not the outer, my friend
Recognizing that certain people are at the top of society doesn't place immanent value on them, but I wouldn't expect a racist to understand that.

>inb4 b-but intolerance should be tolerable, that's a FALLACY

>> No.3743188

That's not what irony means at all.

>> No.3743192

>Oh man, they don't agree with me. I know what I'll do! I'll imply that they disagree with me because i'm poor! THAT'LL SHOW 'EM

Jesus, and you guys wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.3743194

You must be a WOman

>> No.3743196

The fact is liberals expect a god like standard from white people based on skin colour even though race and ethnicity is more complicated than just skin colour.
You expect white people to be both strong enough to take care of themselves, women, minorities, foreigners everyone.
This is because you have attributed logically all wealth and power to them.
ie Gods.

The fact is "white" people are just people and like the true "racists" you are you discriminate against them and force an inhumane system of guilt, wealth redistribution and even genocide on them.

>> No.3743201

>coming to /lit/ to lecture them on the definiton of irony

Why don't you head off to /sci/ to lecture them out Aryan eugenics next?

>> No.3743198

You realise that the guy saying we chould check our privilege is another retard from /pol/ trying to be funny?

>> No.3743204


meant about*

>> No.3743208

>lel I was just pretending to be retarded, I was being ironic the entire time

You're a retard.

>> No.3743209

I thought this was /lit/erate?

>> No.3743212

That word. I don't think you understand what it means.

>> No.3743213


>Left Wing
>Equal and inclusive

>> No.3743218

It's rain on your wedding day faggot. Check your privilege.

>> No.3743221


>> No.3743225

I always thought /lit/ was mature enough not to indulge in left-right politricks. See what I did there?

>> No.3743227

I like the rain.

>> No.3743232

>lel i'll ironically say he doesn't understand irony, when I've spent the last few hours displaying a complete inability to distinguish irony from being a fucking retard.

I'm out, this thread is over. If any of you fuckers give even the most insignificant of fucks about books and the integrity of this board then you'll do the same.

>> No.3743233


lol, top Alannis reference. This board reminds me of the smelly socialists on my uni campus. All manginas and ugly chicks.

>> No.3743234

Believe it or not, there exist channers whose interests encompass the subjects of both /lit/ and /pol/. You're treating fucking hobby boards like countries or something. I mean, get a grip you utter deluded simpleton. The board you browse is not an identity; it's just a forum for discussion. Anyone who wants to discuss literature or subjects periphery to literature (which, unfortunately for you, includes a large portion of politics) is entitled to post here. If you don't like the things they say, don't cry or try to ostracise them as some type of 'Other', just avoid reading their fucking posts. I can't believe there are actually people on 4chan who take offence at words posted on the internet.

>> No.3743236

"If the defendant has any African ancestry, this could bring up a question of how well the genotype of that particular gene could relate to his personal behaviour," Moffitt says.


>> No.3743238

Yeah all these sheeple. Take the red pill see that politricks is just a sham by <insert here your favourite conspiracy group>!

>> No.3743244

/pol/ is still at the all time low right now.

>> No.3743242

Thank you oldfag, I know you are one. All my love.

>> No.3743243

I'm not remotely poor, I just found your hypocrisy amusing. I guess you guys don't really even really believe your own ideologies, it's just a fashion thing for you.

>> No.3743247
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>don't know what privilege or racism actually means

Racism means acknowledging that we evolved in different geographical areas and therefore have different strengths and weaknesses. Racism is acknowledging that since Africans started competing in the 100 meter dash, white Europeans haven't won a single race. Racism is acknowledging that African brains are between 9%-20% smaller than Caucasoid brains and this likely explains their lower scores in all standardized testing. Racism is acknowledging that certain races are more susceptible to certain disease than others (Tay Sachs for Jews, sickle cell anemia for blacks, etc.) Racism means preferring to be with my own people, my own nation, my own race. Racism is natural and has existed as long as man has existed. Everyone is racist.

Try "The Selfish Gene", a wonderful book for layman who are trying to learn about genetics and evolution. God didn't just say "poof" and make us appear. Evolution happened. It is a reality. Understanding it will help you understand better who you are and where you came from.

>> No.3743248

>Headlining news each week.
At least /pol/ has a handle on the SRS scum.

>> No.3743254

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, why you eat so much chicken?

>> No.3743250

problem is /pol/tards don't ever actually discuss literature, left or right. all they do is just bitch about shit and spout their dumbass theories about feminazis, privilege and the gay agenda without reading any literature on those subjects. it's tiresome anti-intellectualism that doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.3743252

Oh look what I found on /pol/

>> No.3743256

>we're leftist because we're educated
Someone justify that one to me.

>> No.3743258

>implying there is any SRS scum to begin with.
It's all a big game of pretend by r/MRA and r/antiSRS trying to get 4chan to fight the fights in which they're failing.

>> No.3743259

/lit/ deserves this. I've been coming to /lit/ for years, and in that time I have only found one thing worth my time; the April Reader.

>> No.3743261

You can't.

>> No.3743263


That's because our best threads are buried under trans/feminist/homo threads that always become the same shitstorms. Whether it's forum sliding from Jews or just shitposters you can make up your own mind lol.

Bury those and stick with the news based and happening threads and it's a good board.

>> No.3743264


The idea of "privilege" is the same as original sin; it's literally identical to religious dogma. You're born with it and can never remove it, and you are guilty for this.

>> No.3743265

People with privilege should help less privileged people; this is where most decent people begin. White people aren't the only privileged people, and no white person has "all the privilege," i.e. no person is totally advantaged or disadvantaged. You're not grasping the concept of intersectionality, probably because all you know about feminism is what tumblr knows about feminism as filtered through /pol/ or wherever else you're from.

>> No.3743268

What makes you say that?

>> No.3743270

Yup, that doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory at all.

>> No.3743271

Go to bed, April.

>> No.3743272
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SRS pls go. Your intentions and methods have been documented.

>> No.3743273

No shit. It's actually been stated several times in this thread.
They do.

>> No.3743276
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Yes and Op should check his privilege

>> No.3743277

That's great, and I'm sure you feel wonderfully special for having worked that out. But it has nothing to do with the post you replied to.

>> No.3743278

That's because if he was smart enough to be able to, he'd be a leftist

checkmate, homophones

>> No.3743279

Isn't that what feminist bitches do? I can think of 4 cases where they called da police to go after people and it was them crying wolf.

I can't think of any mra type bullshit at all besides trying to do pussy talking shit.

>> No.3743282

LEL this is what conspiritards actually believe.
You know what a good thread on /pol/ is a thread about Anarchism. Yeah there might be some semi-good news threads, but they get sidetracked fast.

>> No.3743283

>People with privilege should help less privileged people;
Explain to me privilege
Why? Why should people who are not obliged to do this?

>> No.3743284

when was this implied

>> No.3743285

I like that theory.

>> No.3743286


>> No.3743287

dem nigers

>> No.3743288


Seriously, why do hipsters describe every situation as ironic? I've never heard people misuse a word so much as irony is misused. You need a dictionary.

>> No.3743290

>/lit/ has always been a leftwing board, because most of us have an education.

>> No.3743291

All philsophy is the systematic attempt to justify your superiority through divine right and exclude your enemies from credibility.

>> No.3743292

listen /pol/fags, your problem is that we don't defer to your retarded american labelling bullshit
go read some julius evola and make a thread discussing it. i swear you'll get a good thread out of it
but "i don't like communism, come at me" will piss us off and you will get rekd

>> No.3743293

prove it

>> No.3743294
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>> No.3743295

Tell me in your own words what is means to be a leftist.

>> No.3743298

Dictionaries are the product of white heterosexual males enforcing patriarchal ideas -- you better check your language privilege.

>> No.3743300
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I deleted most of screenshots about this, but even antiSRS doubt that SRS is actually invading 4chan.

>> No.3743301

>English major
>womyn studies
>Queer perspective literatures


My fucking sides

>> No.3743303

Its an American thing. I've only ever heard J Leno use irony correctly.

>> No.3743304

>They do.

>> No.3743305




>> No.3743308

When I say "should" I'm just talking about a basic fact about humanity which people in society generally hold onto. It's arguably the reason why we have a government at all, so you're going to have to argue against someone better than me to do anything about it. It's assumed that appealing to "human nature" is a valid appeal.

I can't really explain the entirety of privilege because you can't educate someone who's unwilling to learn or someone who thinks they already know the answer but you could at least read "Invisible Knapsack" for some rather outdated examples. It's the benefit of being a "normal" member of a certain society, which does indeed imply that a black person can be more privileged in a black community than a white community, but the entire thing is relative so it's silly to attribute "god-like" value to it.

>> No.3743310

What the deuce did you just fucking say about me, you little STEM major? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Cambridge English Literature, been involved in numerous 17th century book analyses, and I have over 300 confirmed interpretations of Ulysses' first page. I am trained in critical reading and and am the top critic in the entire USA literati. You are nothing to me but just another pretentious teenager. I will criticise your shitty poems and prose with intellectual wit and fury that hasn't been seen since Oscar Wilde. You think you can escape retribution because you're using a medium devoid of culture? Think again, pleb. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of librarians across the USA and your library ID is being traced right now so you should prepare for the revenge, you filthy urchin. The revenge that will remove all the trash manga and graphic novels from your library. You're banished to /h/, serf. I can read any language from any period in history, and I can theorise over seven hundred philosophical reasons for the meaning of life, and that's just when I assume there is no God. Not only am I erudite and well read, but I have access to all shelves of the United States Library of Congress and I will use it to its full extent to clean the academic community of your exrecable presence, you little philistine. If you only you had the critical thinking skills to know what vengeance your rejoinder would render upon you, perhaps you would have stayed clandestine. But you failed, you floundered, and now you're going to face my fury, you feckless, fustian fool. I will logically destroy you and you will beg for mercy. You're pulp now, lout.

>> No.3743311

class, race, gender are 3 separate things that compound on one another. try picking up a book on feminist theory before trying to talk about it.

>> No.3743312

Only discussion I saw was hurr I read 1984 and didn't get it.

>> No.3743314

>which people in society generally hold onto.
Which society my society?

>> No.3743318


SRS was highly active a couple months ago, especially during the Britam crap and after it, but they really aren't as prevalent any more, or at least they're drowned out by more rational voices now.

>> No.3743320


Well... the classics, man. All of them.

>> No.3743321

/pol/ please go back to your concentration camp


>> No.3743323


even in this thread (not good). when /pol/ discuss literature, albeit not that often, they do it well, sometimes better than /lit/. Even racists need sources for their idiocy.

>> No.3743324

Answer the question.

>> No.3743326
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>> No.3743327

How do you know what they post? For all you know that anonymous guy who you were civilly discussing Pessoa with in one thread is the same guy bitching about feminists in another thread. If you dismiss that possibility, that's just outright reality-denying prejudice on your part. And like I said, feminism, identity politics and that shit all actually have close associations to the topic of literature, so it's not surprising that threads derail over these things from time to time. The thread linked in this post (>>3743118), for instance, is clearly related to both feminism and literature: the two topics overlap, and as such, there was no rule breaking in that thread. If people said things that hurt your feelings (which shouldn't be happening to anyone who has spent more than a week on the internet, anyway), then it's your prerogative to engage them or ignore them, but it's obviously the case that opting for the former will only prolong the thread and encourage people to return to the topic in future. It's as if you've all forgotten the principal of self-moderation, or "don't feed the trolls". Reacting violently to stuff you don't like only serves to fuel the fire.

>> No.3743330

I'm free to go anywhere I please. I'm a self defining trans=continental self autonomous whirly gig.

>> No.3743332
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Debemos hablar en espanol para evadir la opresión del hombre blanco.

>> No.3743335


There's a fine line between conspiracy nutters and the loony left, those in glass houses...

Threads about political archetypes and systems are always good, and the news threads should be, because we were /n/ before it was about trains and the news was ALL that we discussed. Then we became /stormfront/. I don't mind race threads but the board was taken over.

A crossover to /lit/ doesn't surprise me, the non religious right wingers are usually very well read.

>> No.3743336

Keep it going my man. You get 4chan. Still love you.

>> No.3743338

sitting on the left-hand side of parliament, duh
/pol/ was supposed to be good at history?

>> No.3743339

> feminazis, privilege and the gay agenda >without reading any literature on those subjects

reading is for bitches waiting for the oven to preheat.

>> No.3743341

If you live in any society with laws or one based on humanistic values (i.e. any democracy), yeah. I'm talking about ideals, not praxis; it's just an appeal that presumably works on human beings or people interested in "humanity."

>> No.3743345

This guy gets it.

'Power+Privilege' is almost hilariously farcical.

>> No.3743346

You'll notice the same thing in /lit/ philosophy threads. /pol/ and /lit/ are mirror images of each other.

>> No.3743348

So the intelligent people sit on the left hand side of parliament? You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3743351

why would anyone read feminist literature. I'd rather bake a cake. In a real kitchen.

>> No.3743353
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>try picking up a book on feminist theory

Lost it.

>> No.3743355

I am interested in humanity. Are you saying i'm a meanie?

>> No.3743356

>muh wikipedia scholarship
what a joke you are

>> No.3743359

So is there some sort of standardized privilege numerical system to figure out who is more or less oppressed on a case by case basis?

Or is that PoC and women are automatically more oppressed by default no matter what? I'm confused.

>> No.3743363

>muh expensive leftist echo chamber of yuppie twaddle.
No one thinks any soft subjects are worth anything in reality.
People are very angry that literature grads get jobs at all.

>> No.3743365

>feminist theory
>first sentence: You must interpret everything written in this from a feminist perspective

In the trash it goes

>> No.3743366

No but historically, and by historically I mean French revolutions, the progressive side was the left side, and the right side was the conservative side.

>> No.3743367

You're not interested in humanity in the way a humanist is, which you can interpret to mean "meanie" but humanists are pretty fucking dumb. I'm just trying to explain to you how society works on a fundamental (foundational) level in real life, if you don't understand.

>> No.3743368
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1335754385454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcc yo hablo poquito espanol y eso no te va serbir
no te puedes esconder :D

>> No.3743371

>People are very angry that literature grads get jobs at all.
People? Can you provide any statistical data for this claim? something with n = at least 1000?

>> No.3743372

>reading actual books is echo chamber
trying too hard, babe

>> No.3743374

Er this was meant for >>3743348

>> No.3743375

I'm not a humanist. It sounds too wishy washy. A bit of a wank sorry.

I knew a girl who claimed to be a humanist once. She was a coke head that coalburned.

>> No.3743380


>> No.3743382

welp personally i'm just anti-you, I want you in the oven, is all

everyone else is fine, though

>> No.3743383

>implying you can't post in a thread you reported

>> No.3743384
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>> No.3743387

Yes I know that, I could have found that on wikipedia. What does it mean to you today that makes you feel superior for choosing the left.

>> No.3743388

Oh noes we need to delete any meta threads about the state of /lit/
go back 2 SRS

>> No.3743389
File: 294 KB, 588x911, privilege-is-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't really explain the entirety of privilege

I can. It's original sin. Just replace original sin with privilege and you have the idea. The SJW crowd are the modern-day Medieval Catholic Church. They can cure your sins, but for a price!

Born white? Original sin.

Born male? Original sin.

You're evil just for being born that way, to the SJW. It's literally a racist ideology veiled (poorly) in egalitarian philosophy.

Pic related.

>> No.3743394

lol. the self image of an educated cultured misogynist is appealing to /pol/tards, I can see why that fantasy would be.
Reading Pessoa doesn't really have any relevance to this discussion. If you want to discuss feminism or identity politics at all you need to read the literature ABOUT IT: feminist texts, queer theory, post-colonial etc etc. I don't get why this is so confusing to understand. When you or /pol/tards start doing that, then there can be an actual discussion worth having. Until then, it'll just be dumbasses misusing and abusing words like privilege and cis and being stupid manchildren.

>> No.3743395

You sound like a nazi.

>> No.3743396



>> No.3743397

you sound like a srs

>> No.3743401

Not the one you were arguing before.
But there's some proof of correlation between higher education (of certain kind) and being more liberal and left leaning.

>> No.3743402


>> No.3743403

But i'm not. Why so angry?

>> No.3743404

Left-hand of Christ is the path of the damned
your move Christfag

I don't think it's "original sin" to recognize that a cop is a lot more likely to hassle you if you're not white, but I agree it's a nice rhetorical trick to explain something you know nothing about.
I think also you should consider whether someone can be an idealistic egalitarian while still recognizing disparity in the real world; maybe you can read some Feuerbach or something?

>> No.3743406

theres a correlation between being white and successful

>> No.3743407


>muh ad hom
>muh feelinz
>muh inability to refute facts without invoking
>muh feelinz!

>> No.3743408


What does SRS mean?

>> No.3743409
File: 7 KB, 194x259, trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you forgot trashman.jpg

>> No.3743410

Thats because liberals have a stranglehold on academia.

>> No.3743413

Stuff Retards Say

>> No.3743416

>using feminist terminology
>doesn't want said words to be interpreted in a feminist perspective
well we have a conundrum here.

>> No.3743417

lel babby couldn't resist 'u mad' meme already, your a joke srs guy

>> No.3743418
File: 130 KB, 500x416, liberal-logic-101-304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there really isn't.

>> No.3743419

Yeah academia should totally check it's liberal privilege.

>> No.3743421

>muh ad hom
>muh feelinz
>muh inability to refute facts without invoking
>muh feelinz!

>> No.3743423

you think democratic party = liberal.

>> No.3743424

This is the only reason for such data.

>> No.3743425
File: 123 KB, 435x580, james-franco-spring-breakers-04092012-07-435x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your a joke srs guy

>> No.3743426

poor conservatives too stupid to get into university : (

>> No.3743427


Oh thanks. So when OP asks if SRS moderates this board, does he mean retards?

>> No.3743428

Yes because in the nazi party you'd expect everyone to tick the nazi box.

>> No.3743431

Been there done that. I studied Chemistry.
You know difficult stuff.

>> No.3743434

Shit 3eddit Says

>> No.3743437

Liberals are for gun control you moron. You need to look beyond the two party system.

>> No.3743438

>implying they dont want us to interpret every single detail from their own perspective and thus a form of indoctrination

>> No.3743435

Pretty much.

>> No.3743439

liberals are against gun control you moron

>> No.3743440

This is what Chemist actually believe.
GO study physics you faggot.

>> No.3743441

I did.

>> No.3743446

"Educate" and "indoctrinate" are two words for the same thing. It's generally assumed you have the willpower not to be taken in blindly by whatever you read as absolute truth unless you're reading the Quran or something. If they didn't share their perspective there wouldn't be anything.

>> No.3743442

Liberal means for personal freedom. Only in America they are pro statist scum and prohibition

>> No.3743444

You're telling me, while equating US party politics with liberalism a worldwide political belief.

>> No.3743445

>Gender studies graduate detected.

>> No.3743451

>Chemistry is easy
this is what womyn studies major actually believe

>> No.3743453

International leftists are international.

>> No.3743458

Don't use terms like male privilege if you don't want it being interpreted in "their own perspective"

>> No.3743459
File: 11 KB, 361x280, 1359440322874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a cop is a lot more likely to hassle you if you're not white

Yeah, because you're more likely to be a criminal if you're non-white in the US on a per capita basis. That's a statistical fact.

If you commit most of the crimes, expect to be targeted more. That's a police officers job.

>> No.3743460

leftist =/= liberalism. Or is just a part of liberalism.
Modern right is as much based in liberalism (the classic liberalism) as left is.
Difference is, left demands rights, while right demands independence from the government.

>> No.3743461

/pol/ in charge of US illiteracy

>> No.3743462

read a book, moran

>> No.3743463

So conservativespromote gun control?

>> No.3743465

No that's what every physics major believes.

>> No.3743466

It also means they're too insecure about their beliefs that they dont want to people to first challenge it from a different perspective before getting convinced like every other philosophical theory

>> No.3743472

Chemistry is difficult. So's physics. Chemistry requires less intensive mathematics, but a lot more conceptual work because it doesn't rely on mathematics for explanation, description, or edification in the same ways that physics does. It's just a different discipline, saying it's less or more difficult is pretty damn ignorant.
Yeah, I'm being reductive with the generalizations, but for the laymen, it's mostly accurate.

>> No.3743475


Real liberals are against gun control. Progressives are the anti-gun nuts ruining the Democratic party by focusing on nonsense like gun control when we have serious geopolitical and domestic issues at hand that are far more pressing.

>> No.3743476

So they both demand rights...

>> No.3743479

Physics major here, that's false.