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/lit/ - Literature

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3739149 No.3739149 [Reply] [Original]

>People who only read genre fiction


>> No.3739161

My sister reads that type of stuff, she says it's because she wants to write YA in the future. I aint even mad though, it's better than not reading at all.

>> No.3739166


It's better, but still, it just bothers me. Maybe I'm a hipster, but I think you should read books both for entertainment value and artistic value. It's fine to read genre fiction, but balance it out with some literary art, please.

>> No.3739189
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The worst is when people read genre fiction and believe it holds extensive aesthetic value or boasts some complex ideology. If one more person tries to tell me The Taker was an intelligent read, I'm gonna have to smack a bitch.

>> No.3739197

>you'll read what I want you to or I'll call you names

>> No.3739205


>Maybe I'm a hipster

If you're making shit threads complaining about young girls reading mediocre shit like it's anything new then yes, yes you are.

This just in: A lot of young people have terrible taste in music and are obsessed with dubstep and TV talent shows. More on these shocking new developments as they continue to break.

>> No.3739989


>I'm upset that someone called out shit when he saw it.

Please stay off /lit/; weak minded fools have no place here.

>> No.3740005

what you guys miss is that they're reading something. And aesthetics and aesthetic value and complex ideology aren't what differentiates genre from non-genre. Ask anybody who has waded through the clumsy prose and sophomoric sentiment of a lot of classic literature. The annoying thing about genre work is that you'll see amazing prose and elaborate and intricate construction and breathtaking insights into humanity--in a book about time travel, or a fantasy about mason and dixon as hippies.

>> No.3740008

These threads are so pathetic.

>> No.3740011
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>> No.3740023

Reading is a form of entertainment for most people. Why would you criticize someone for reading books that they find fun to read?

>> No.3740039

Because it's tasteless.

Honestly, do you respect someone who only talks about video games?

The same is with genre fiction. A girl who can't talk about anything except the most recent vampire novels is boring and uncultured, and her path requires correction.

>> No.3740049

I'll never understand all these haul videos that nearly every girl on youtube does. Everything they showcase, books, clothes or whatever is easily available and can be seen on any local high street. I can imagine that if you bought items that were custom made for you or extremely rare and limited, showing them to other people online might be valuable but showing people what you got from h&m really serves no purpose whatsoever.

>> No.3740055

Please. At least they have devotion, honesty and individual will, unlike you.

>> No.3740059

yeah, if you can't respect people based on their character and accomplishments regardless of what they talk about, and you feel you need to correct the behavior of people who happen to like vampire novels, well, you might be an asshole. You're certainly an idiot.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, many of our finest politicians and public figures have combined both those characteristics, with no noticable detriment to theior carreers.

>> No.3740096

Thanks Dr. Freud for your fascinating insights into my psyche.

>> No.3740108

>the purchase I just bought

>> No.3740119

de nada, my fine adolescent; your neuroses will abate when you start getting laid I'm sure.

>> No.3740136
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>People who don't read genre fiction

>> No.3740138
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>> No.3740170

Sometimes you need a straightforward narrative about emotionally unstable robots who have an impassioned romance with mary sue while trying to figure out who left the butcher an eyeless corpse near the house of the eccentric hermit wizard our robot hero is an apprentice to. Even if you don't, you probably once did, and if you didn't, then you are odd and probably boring. Sorry. That was uncalled for. Nobody so strange can be all that boring. At least at a distance.

>> No.3740333

I hate robots. You can't write gay fanfiction about robots. Not anything that isn't FUCKING HORRIFYING anyway.

Except this one where Phil and Jarvis start dating and everyone is waaaay too okay with it.

>> No.3740914

Why do people make these videos? Who watches them?

>> No.3740937
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>horrible lipstick shade
>"lay miz... mizer abblays by victor hugo"
>harry potter
>vampire shit
>asian with an american accent
>this video even existing at all

subscribed and then unsubscribed

>> No.3740958


>> No.3740976

Well. That's interesting.

>> No.3740982

I've yet to find 1 person on YouTube who reads books that i would read. Everyone seems to be a pleb.

>> No.3740992

Your typical "BookTuber"


>> No.3740999

>fat girl with no tits

a tragedy

>> No.3741007


>> No.3741009

Actually I'm not even sure what color she is.

>> No.3741017

Best video on YouTube


>> No.3741019

I can't tell she used the term "adult novel" as a euphemism for erotic or not.

>> No.3741035


I don't need to know anything about this woman to know that she's "polyamorous", extremely submissive and mentally ill, most likely with histrionic personality disorder.

>> No.3741042

#Experimental #StreamOfConciousness

>> No.3741051

I'm getting motion sickness.

>> No.3741056
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>> No.3741070

>What if the book's satire?

>> No.3741077

>Feeling the need to make fun of more casual readers

You're a faggot, op, and your insecurity is showing through.

>> No.3741083


>> No.3741090

What the actual fuck, 50 shitty books.

>> No.3741166


>> No.3741173


>Les Mis
>shitty book

>Divergent series
>shitty books

>> No.3742634


"I'll never understand all these haul videos that nearly every girl on youtube does..."

Well, so much for the idea that reading great literature gives you insight into human charicter / condition then I guess, or at least not if their girls...

>> No.3743137

I'm gonna sound like Schopenhaur or /pol9k/, but women are status oriented. They like to share the fact that they have more possessions than you.

>> No.3743638

I understand that you can determine a gender by their statistically constitutive characteristics but do you use that knowledge to judge individual women in your day to day life? I know many women that are not status oriented, marrying people beyond their economical and social status, etc. Following this, I know many men that are status oriented, choosing their career based on the respect and money they get out of it and choosing their women for their family and beauty.
The way I see it that knowledge is not only useless in daily interaction but it's also hindering in the sense that it can often mislead your perception and prevent you of seeing qualities/defects of the person itself, regardless of his/her gender

>> No.3743651

>You can't write gay fanfiction about robots
>Not anything that isn't FUCKING HORRIFYING anyway
>not considering fanfiction horrific by default

>> No.3743676
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>weak minded fools have no place here.
archived threads and daily experience indicate quite the opposite

>> No.3743685


>Les Miserables
>ok, not a bad start
>the 1st book in the infernal devices series
>the 2nd book in the infernal devices series
>the 1st book in the mortal instruments series
>the 2nd book in the mortal instruments series
>the 5th book in this series
>the 12th book in that series
>the 3rd series in this other series
>the prequel series to that other series of prequel series
>And I haven't read the Harry Potter series...so I went ahead and bought the last book in that series

what the actual fuck?

>tfw no qt asian pleb gf

>> No.3743747

I don't know dude. I've seen some fucking top-class fanfiction in my time.