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3737713 No.3737713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm in an existential crisis, what do?

>> No.3737751

>Age of Science
>having an existential crisis

What's wrong with you?

>> No.3737902
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Stop asking the wrong questions, analyse them away, embrace quietism of preferred flavour, when hungry eat, when tired sleep, drink beer and tomato juice from a stolen mug, easy on the tomato juice, at hot sauce and salt/pepper.

>> No.3737911

>age of science
what's wrong with you, pleb?

>> No.3737918

>Thinks it's the age of science
>Doesn't realize the free world is a theocracy.

>> No.3737919

that doesn't mean anything, what's your issue exactly

>> No.3737931

I think the existential crisis led me to severe depression

>have no goals
>have no dreams
>enjoy nothing
>have no reason to try to better myself
>nearly failing out of school
>See no way my life can possibly not be shit

>> No.3737952
File: 29 KB, 800x451, nietzsche instinct effort cause effect etc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely that the depression was accompagnied by existential crisis instead of the other way around.

le pic related face

>> No.3738042

But Nietzche would hate depressed people.

>> No.3738085

Why would you say that? I'm guessing because you have misplaced preconceptions about how Nietzsche has this universal normative alpha male ethics going on and that you have not read him.

>> No.3738094

What's science have to say about existential crises, exactly?

Oh please, don't be so fucking melodramatic.

>> No.3738118

I know that feel, bro. I'm coming to the end of my degree and the only thing I can think about is how I don't want to do anything with myself.

Oh well, a life of reading and playing videogames for me I suppose.

>> No.3738132

Take a gander at dat dere Bible

Seriously though give it a read for yourself without taking into account anyone's opinion. At the very least read the Gospels with an open mind. See what happens.

>> No.3738141
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>too shoddy to hit mainstream appeal, and not terrible enough to achieve cult status

>> No.3738144

>open mind
>meaning stop critical reading and let the lifelong cultural enforcement of the glory of the gospels do it's subconcious work
>sending a fragile man looking for answers into that

missionary scum pls go

>> No.3738153


The Bible holds up to criticism, and he's free to approach it with a critical mind. I was only suggesting he approach it without immediately assuming that it's false, to save that decision for after he's finished.

>> No.3738159

it's a nice little story but too drawn out, but
>that revelations
trippy shit

>> No.3738171

Revelation isn't called "the Book of Heavy Metal" for nothing.