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/lit/ - Literature

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3736344 No.3736344 [Reply] [Original]


I am interning for a /lit/ agent. Part of what I have to do is "scout" talent in the sort of online/self-publishing space. Ebooks/blogs/even fanfiction I guess for that possible 50 Shades breakaway hit.

Looking for thrillers, mysterious, young adult, middle grade, non-genre romance, other commercial adult fiction.

Throw me a link to your stuff if you have anything roughly finished or of quality, and I'd be more than happy to give it a looksee and if it matches the criteria forward it on. I can't really say more due to NDAs.

Also use this opportunity as a share thread I guess.

>> No.3736387

No one?

>> No.3736395


Are you the daughter of the deposed President of Nigeria and you want us to help you smuggle out of the country zillions of Krugerrand?

I'm in!

>> No.3736407

heres my garbage collection

>> No.3736438

I'm not sure why you would think this is equatable with a Nigerian scam? Unless Dumas is bringing out the dirty racist in you?

Thanks! Not sure it's the sort of thing I'm meant to be looking for, a little short and out there, but they seem interesting. Keep it up.

>> No.3736449


this board is pretty slow compared to others so you'll have to wait a little for answers

>> No.3736451


Dude, let's be realistic.

>> No.3736523

Do you have an email I could send a story to?

>> No.3736538

Sure, send it to my non-work email:
poshalligator at gmail etc. etc. (so it's not marked as spam)

>> No.3736541

K thanks

>> No.3736556

Same goes for anyone else who wants to email me something.

I'd rather have stuff you already have up somewhere, though, I'm more or less "scouting" rather than accumulating submissions, which there are a lot of already.

>> No.3736572

i have a novel about a teen boy who finds out the high school football team who bullies him are vampires looking to enslave everyone but with the help of his priest he saves his town

would you be up for reading it

>> No.3736585

I actually would read it, yes. Or at least the first three chapters.

>> No.3736593

>dat plot

Just submit an excerpt of that shit to the New Yorker, Ploughshares, or Harper's. You are sure to be get much better publication offers than what OP can offer you.

>> No.3736608

I can only offer the chance of an offer. By all means, I am not attempting to dissuade anyone from submitting stuff, I am simply scouting for talent as per request. I just happen to know some people on this board write some cool shit, and would rather search you guys' stuff if anything can come from that than trawling fanfiction.net or free Kindle ebooks.

Just to reiterate I am scouting for talent, not requesting manuscript submissions or anything. If you do not want to offer anything you've self-published via blogs or ebooks or whatever, it'd also be cool if you could point me in the direction of some cool stuff.

>> No.3736620

Maybe a stupid question, but would you say it's easier nowadays to "get noticed" by being published in literary journals or by self publishing online?

I have stuff in journals published by the two universities I've attended.

>> No.3736630

If you are serious about writing never ever EVER even consider self-publishing.

>> No.3736634

By self-publishing I mean blogs and such, not pay-to-publish presses.

>> No.3736640

Yeah, don't ever use pay to publish.

I don't know if it's easier to "get noticed" with journals, but it would definitely make you stand out more if you sent a thing to an agent and mentioned your publications in the cover letter or something.

Quite a few people are getting noticed through ebooks and fanfiction and things right now, largely due to the 50 shades business. It's kinda weird. Not sure if it will die down eventually or what. It's not advisable though, there's a massive load of SHIT out there, and it takes up a lot of resources getting people to go through stuff looking for talent. Hence why they ask interns to do it AHEM.

>> No.3736955
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Sent you something. Did you get it? (A.K.)

>> No.3737069

Yes. Seems pretty good so far, though I'll look more in-depth later and probably email you back.

>> No.3737089

>He's never mailing you back

>> No.3737105
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Or he'll request anon to transfer an amount in lieu of "agent fees". Western Union, of course.

>> No.3737110

Oh you guys, I'm emailing him right now.
It was a good piece, and I actually really enjoyed it. But it's not really the sort of thing I've been told to look for. Swings and roundabouts.

However, 16000 euros might change my mind.

>> No.3737112

are you also selling any snake oil, by chance? i'd like to buy some

>> No.3737129

Is it really so crazy that if you have an ebook somewhere I would read it, and pass it on to an agent I'm working for if it was the right thing?

>> No.3737132
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>interning for a literary agent

Living my dream, OP. I'm trying to get an internship at the shitty papers in my city.

>> No.3737150

Getting internships with agents and publishers really isn't too tough as they really want people to pass off the heavy reading to. Reading slush piles, scouting, that sort of thing.

I did some work for a paper too, due to connections. Seemed a lot harder to get to do just because everyone at a paper is busy and off doing their own shit. Shadowing journalists is nice, but there's a lot of downtime where they just awkwardly get you to type up "fair happening at the church Sunday" stuff and find things to get you to do. Keep at it, though, if you want to work in papers that sweet, sweet day when you're hanging with a super cool journalist doing things you're interested in doing is worth it.

But also yeah newspapers are so in trouble financially right now so they might not give any fucks.

>> No.3737159

Hey OP. I'm a ghostwriter and I'm used to writing on demand. If there's any particular ideal book your employer would consider ideal, let me know and I'll run off three or four chapters and an outline.

>> No.3737170


Mr. Dembele, I just sent to your PayPal the agreed $ 16,000 plus the expenses.

That Marketing Pack sounds great! I look forward to touring the book with your specialized, personal assistant.

Can I get my photo on the back cover?

>> No.3737174

I applied for internships at the big publishing houses (Penguin, Harper, etc,) and haven't heard back from any of them. It's safe to say I didn't get the gig.

>they might not give any fucks

On the one hand this is obviously a bad thing but on the other it's actually loosened up the former rigidity of the newspaper formula. It does mean a lot of aggressive, idiotic incorporation of social media and shit, however.

>> No.3737182

Mainly just looking for already finished stuff. They get a bunch of just general unsolicited submissions already, but you should totally just do that anyway and send it to an agent if you feel capable.

I guess if you really wanted you could put up a synopsis on a blog and the first couple of chapters or whatever and be like "I'm aiming to work on this monthly" or whatever and then if it was right I could maybe pass it along? But they're already helping a lot of people develop stuff right now so I don't know.

>> No.3737185
File: 80 KB, 518x540, Ego-Bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already googled your name, and have already begun printing the novel with the attached photo in the sleeve. Thank you for your business.

>> No.3737187

Have you tried bookjobs.org
There's a lot of outdated stuff there, but some of the contact details still work if you want to shoot any of the companies general queries I guess?

>> No.3737192

posh alligator from SA??

>> No.3737195

>>3737182 I might. I seem to work better on demand, which is why I'm a ghostwriter. If somebody tells me " I need a twenty thousand word story on the zombie apocalypse form a dog's point of view" I can usually dash it out in a weekend. On my own i can't decide what to right. (and look for "Rover" under somebody elses name, in a magazine soon...)

>> No.3737197

might try it. thanks

>> No.3737199

That would be, yes.

That kind of sucks I guess. Have you tried using prompts? How does one get into ghostwriting by the way? Could be fun.

>> No.3737212

I wrote my masters thesis in about a week. My girlfriend was obsessing over hers, so I wrote it for her, then for a friend of hers. One in music one in englsih, one in history. Word got around and I started getting requests for articles and short stories from people in the "publish or perish" trap. I've done all sorts of different stuff. Probably half the poems in a t least one regional journal under different names because I'm a friend of the editor and real poets are very, very bad.

>> No.3737227

I've done a little bit of ghostwriting, but only like content writing for websites. I can make it sound like I know more than I do, anyway. But the closest thing I've come to actually /lit/-type ghostwriting was a piece about "how to write an english essay" or something. Maybe I'll look more into this.

>> No.3737250

would you look at stuff previously published in print? its someone from a writing workshop who i think is amazing, i still have a draft of his story. inb4 its me

>> No.3737255

>implying you wrote a credible master's thesis in another field in a week

At least try and be believable

>> No.3737262

No I wrote MINE in a week. The others took me most of a month. Still faster than they could have, and they did the final editing. It was mostly to save them the stress of the thing.

>> No.3737267

I have rewrote history theses for others in less than that. As long as their research is there and I can follow their arguments, it's easy-mode.

>> No.3737276


I don't know, I don't know. The Delhi companies doing theses and dissertations take 6 to 8 weeks, as long as it is arts and humanities.

>> No.3737277

How do you mean by "previously published"? What's the point if it's already published? I mean, feel free to share it if it's cool. My person is sort of looking for already published but self-published stuff. ebooks/fanfiction/other online publishing self publishy stuff

>> No.3737303

previously published in a university journal. i was just floored by his writing and thought it was cool

>> No.3737312

Well since writing the OP it's become apparent they're looking for long stuff.

I'd still read it, though, but I don't think anything will happen with it if it's just a short story.

>> No.3737357

yea i dont think he has any long stuff but ill send it in case you are bored