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/lit/ - Literature

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3733841 No.3733841 [Reply] [Original]

I write because I feel incomplete. With every typed word, zigzagging up a thick volute of weed smoke, the tic tac of the keyboard digs deeper into the void. Deep. Deeper. In the search of those slithery thoughts, those little sneaky bitches deflect the grasp of my words, lines, paragraphs. The carcass of my stories is made of smoke and builds an unpolluted theory after another. Theories which I try to wrap around like a snake around the branch of the tree this cyclic life is. And sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Try. Fail. Try. Fail. See me at the keyboard, holding the banner of my thoughts like a town fair rifle shooting at the ducks. Question/ducks. Doubts/ducks. Metallic-looking, yellowish ducks made of copper, aluminium and whatnot. I shoot at them. I fail. Bang. Fail. Bang. Fail again. Ban, bang! The mother fuckers just never fall. No prize for me today, it seems. Better luck tomorrow. It doesn't matter. I have as many coins to play this game as years of life I have remaining, even though I know the game is rigged. The ducks are glued. They never fall, man, they never do. And we have as many ducks as questions. It's raining questions, man. Like a disco song with Anita Something, dancing like a little crippled robot, with the saddest eyes you've seen. And you want to dance and party with her, but you know that she is very, very gloomy inside, and you can look into the unfurnished, devastated state of her soul through the glassy windows of her eyes. And you know that she is so numb that she feels no more pain, but she wants you to dance, although you see the wires on her articulations, like a puppet. And you just don't want to fucking ring her bell. But you have to. And it just makes you feel more empty, with more questions, and you furiously try to write more and dig for answers.

>> No.3733851

Too vague to be interesting. Imagery was shoddy at best. The ducks thing was just odd and unbecoming. You smoke to much.

I do too.

>> No.3733867
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My fingertips burn, man. They really do. I can see them become glowing red but it does not hurt. They are hands of another man. Hands of asbestos. Of metal. Though they seem connected to my body through long, long arms. I really love you all, mother fuckers. I don't know any of you and you may all be gargoyles living in my mind, though the glass in my heart overflows with little plastic soldiers smuggling abroad its borders the love bits I can hold in it. And they take it elsewhere. Let it be. I want to believe that my stash of feels is more needed abroad, and you know, economists say that butter and tanks and that stuff, you know, it all adds up to a win win situation where my heart is a big competitive advantage and we can trade with it and shit. After all, none of you exist. My brain is in a vat. It is connected to 4chan. And if I exist it is all here, inside, and a little lightning strikes one side of my brain, and shazam, I am eating an ice cream, walking by the beach shore, sleeping, eating Lucky Charms for breakfast. Though none of that is tangible but it is only in my brain. It feels so real though! Isn't it crazy? Fucking crazy. I am a solipsistic junkie, man.

Peace. I love you.

>> No.3733872

Chintzy, maudlin, trite, mawkishly sentimental words. You are trying, though, and there's something to be said for that. Keep trying.

>> No.3733880
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>>Chintzy, maudlin, trite, mawkishly

I love synonym.com too! <3

>> No.3733888



>> No.3733936



>> No.3733998


There is no literary equivalent of Manu Chao's Welcome to Tijuana.

Start working on it, brother.

>> No.3734022
File: 12 KB, 237x213, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dig this, space cowboy: when you enter a post, the captcha is like a gypsy's crystal ball.

Super trippy. Dig that.

Captcha: his foperic

>> No.3734038



Captcha: grouppy tends

>> No.3734047
File: 1.14 MB, 187x232, iM3tSU0wIAfB0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Solid, dude, just solid. Groupies tend... tend to what?

Captcha: mainiid discussing