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/lit/ - Literature

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3728176 No.3728176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it worth reading /lit/? I avoided all the hype and I'm wondering if it really is all that great, I read the synopsis and while it's intriguing, it doesn't seem that astonishing, or worth the hype it got

>> No.3728183

It's well-written enough to be entertaining. Don't expect anything special. Don't be surprised if you end up liking it.

>> No.3728199

is it worth all the hype it got, claiming the concept was astonishing and mindblowing or was it just another inception (in regards to the public reception)?

>> No.3728212

Of course it wasn't worth all the hype it got. I read this book as an Eng Lit assignment in highschool when it first came out and it wasn't worth the hype then, either.

But it's a good book. Having read the book and not seen the movie, I can imagine that the movie will treat it like a human interest news clip extended into a full film: "Stranded boy lives on boat with tiger for full year before landing on Mexican shores"

The book addresses themes of religion, faith, truth, shit like that, topics I imagine the movie will completely gloss over.

>> No.3728216

>is it worth all the hype it got, claiming the concept was astonishing and mindblowing or was it just another inception (in regards to the public reception)?
read it and find out genius. of course /lit/ won't like it because it's too popular

>> No.3728226

that's why I didn't read it at first, I'd rather approach things with my own fresh point of view than one that's based on how much everyone else loved it

>> No.3728228

yes. instead you come at it from a fresh viewpoint by asking what /lit/ thinks of it instead of basing it on what everyone else loves. you are quite the thinker.

>> No.3728230

Every book recommended to me by /lit/ i liked. Every book my peers recommend is shit. Simple as that

>> No.3728233

>Simple as that
that you're a pleb? yea that is pretty obvious.
just stick to the /lit/ essentials and don't wander off too far

>> No.3728239
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>lololol pleb lrn 2 read smart books

>> No.3728244

I liked it when I read it, but that was because I could look past all the religious bullshit and just think of it as a fun story of survival.

Since then I've read a couple non-fiction stories about shipwrecks and I've enjoyed them all much more than Life of Pi.

>> No.3728245

enjoy being a mindless litdrone

>> No.3730297

meh. Honestly, it's just ok. Don't go in with high expectations, and you might enjoy it.