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3718021 No.3718021 [Reply] [Original]

>purchasing a few books from my local thrift store
>teenaged-looking girl at the counter, she looks kind of bitchy
>put back the unabridged copy of the karma sutra I found, maybe another time. Go up to pay.
>"Wow, these are some interesting books anon. Faulkner! Gah, I hate him."
>I -uh- haven't read him before, just thought I'd try him out.
>"Yeah, he just seems overwrought to me." Gives actual reasons for disliking him.
>pay for my goods

Looks like I was the pleb today.

>> No.3718061

>go to the checkout at the library with Sade, Kama Sutra, Nietzsche, Celine and a cookbook on peasant cuisine
>nothing but love

>> No.3718066

Love me some Sade, what was it? Diamond Life?

>> No.3718088

Who cares? You'll never read everything worth reading and will always be a pleb in someone's eyes.

>> No.3718109

Bought some Dostoyevsky and Houellebq. Casheir says "he dosen't publish very often does he ?" . "ohh, i thouht you meant Dostoyevsky" i joke. She didnt know i was joking and lold at me like a stupid

>> No.3718119


fuck that girl.

>> No.3718133

>reading Lolita on train
>bunch of school children and their teachers get onto train
>they sit across the aisle from me
>one of the teachers sees book I'm reading
>looks at me disapprovingly
>they all move to a different carriage

>> No.3718142

You either retold that tale very poorly or you don't know what a joke is.

"I would hope he isn't publishing very often; he's been dead for 100 years."

>> No.3718145


>hurrdeedurrdeehurr wot iz postpostirony?

>> No.3718147

>>a cookbook on peasant cuisine

>> No.3718148

>delightful day
>taking my class out for a little outing
>we board the train and take our seats
>a shifty looking overweight gollum is opposite us
>he's conspicuously holding up the awful penguin edition of lolita
>we move carriages

>> No.3718149

I can always tell when a story is fake. Anyone who recognizes Lolita would also recognize that the book is recognized and read beyond pedophiles.

>> No.3718150

I don't know

What IS post-post-irony?

>> No.3718155

>decided to relax my brain with junk books
>reading Drizzt book on bus ride to school
>man asks me if it's about dark elf
>have a fun conversation about fantasy and reccomend a book to the guy
>reading books that actually forces my brain to work

Goddamn it.

>> No.3718156
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 511hwAeqn7L._SL500_AA300_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not overweight. It wasn't the penguin edition either, it was the tie in to the Jeremy Irons movie. Lo showing off her delicious bare goddess feet.

>> No.3718158


Something you'll never understand, clearly.

>> No.3718160

she looks 23 in that image

>> No.3718167

>used book store
>consider buying a nietzsche
>"ehhhhhhhhhh but then they'd be all "this guy is a buying a nietzsche hoo boy" i'd rather not"
>put the nietzsche back
>go home

>> No.3718169

oh wow, it must have been someone else, sorry

>> No.3718173

would bang/10 but that's not pedobait

>> No.3718178

>a nietzsche

>I also read three Shakespeares.

>> No.3718192


You're entering a world of pleasure. Some of the greatest meals are the most simple and rustic stemming from poorfag cuisine. Ratatouille, for example. Or pizza.

>> No.3718235

>Reading the Bible on the way to school
>Cute Christian girl a seat over asks me which book I'm reading
>We have a pleasant conversation about theology
>Exchange contact information
>Start a relationship
>Married two years later
>Take her virginity
>Have two young children
>Everything went better than expected.jpg

>> No.3718239

I could never marry a gullible peasant.

>> No.3718241

>go to library
>go to russian lit section
>pick up crime and punishment translation
>realize circulation desk workers will think i'm a pleb for reading the translation
>find russian version
>take book on bus, hold open to face, and pretend to read
>qt 3.14 russian next to me starts speaking to me in russian
>smile and nod, go back to pretending to read, run away at next stop into black neighborhood. at night.
but at least i didn't read the garnett translation

>> No.3718254

>reading bataille on the way to the welfare office
>cute nihilist girl a seat over asks me which book i'm reading
>we have a pleasant conversation about depravity
>exchange bodily fluids
>start relationship
>live together and dedicate our loves to corruption of the youth two years later
>take many innocent teen girls virginity together
>have two of them in the basement
>everything went as planned

>> No.3718257


le freud face

>> No.3718279

uh... I assume he is talking about Marquis De Sade.

>> No.3718280

should've said "ahhhhh cheeki breeki"

>> No.3718293


Chorney gooch

>> No.3718301

>not saying "да, блядь" with a big grin

>> No.3718360

I had a teacher comment on me reading Naked Lunch, but that was it. No one has ever said anything to me about the books I've read.

>> No.3718451
File: 55 KB, 531x451, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just imply that Naked Lunch is a challenging or complex book?
Yeah, it's deconstructed, but it isn't hard to read if you are tolerant of that shit.
I remember my teachers being impressed that I was reading Burroughs when I was in the 8th grade. Anywhere past there is not worth being impressed over.
I like Burroughs, but it is often art with no symbolic/metaphoric elements or simply very abstract to the point that it explains emotions or attitudes through plot.

I was fucking obsessed with Burroughs through Middle School

>> No.3718463

Hah, me too.
In fact, I was generally obsessed with all the Beats.

>> No.3718471

>Did you just imply that Naked Lunch is a challenging or complex book?
Sorry to jump in on this little exchange, but where did you even get that idea from?

>> No.3718546

That is often the "complaint" about that movie.

>> No.3718590

>buying books from a store
>Internet Age

Why do people still subject themselves to this torment?

>> No.3718605

Buying on-line is minimal exposure--especially since nobody visits any of these tards' parents' basements. Buying the book in the store is the only way anyone is going to see these twats with the book.

>> No.3718612

Because most books in those places cost like 25 cents, so why not?

Being seen at a thrift store isn't exactly a mark of esteem, samefag.

>> No.3718617

whats wrong with buying a book from a store.

no waiting for shipping, no PAYING for shipping, being able to go on whim to buy a particular book or browse around for nothing in particular and have it right away.

all sound like good things to me. fuck the minimalist lifestyle the internet perpetrates, as much as i love it as a source for information and scholarship and, -- before the rise of 'social media' back when real message boards were a big thing -- social interaction/expansion.

>> No.3718618


>> No.3718625

>paying for shipping

Amazon does it for free. Just plan out all your purchases two weeks in advance and buy in bulk, and you'll never be waiting for books or paying extra for shipping.

>> No.3718631

One, this didn't happen.

Two, don't buy your non-ebook books from online bookstores, and especially Amazon.

>> No.3718633

where's the lie tho?

>> No.3718636

>Amazon does it for free
You may want to actually look at the pricing on Amazon next time you purchase from the site.

>> No.3718640
File: 39 KB, 125x125, haaaaaaaaaaaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but at least i didn't read the garnett translation

>> No.3718650


As I said, buy in bulk and you'll never have to pay extra for shipping.

>> No.3718663

I'm aware of how their free shipping policy works, I'm saying that you can generally get them cheaper from user sellers even if you pay for shipping.

>> No.3718670

>Buying Dune a few weeks ago
>Cute girl at the counter
>She looks up at me and asks what my favorite part was
>I tell her I haven't read the book yet
>We stare at each other for 5 seconds

that was the most uncomfortable moment of my life

>> No.3718675

Honestly, I never really appreciated what a bro George Bush Jr. was until watching this video.

>> No.3718681



shut the fuck up.

it's cay-mus.

>> No.3718685

He seems like a genuinely decent person on a purely personal level who (as much as it is a cliche) it really would be fun to get a beer with.

Unfortunately, he was running for President, not 'drinking buddy.' And he was horribly incompetent at that, and filled his administration with people who were more or less evil. A shame.

>> No.3718699

sorry friend.

>> No.3718707

One of my professors used to know him because he played piano at philanthropic events and such and they used to talk. He said he was like a quintessential frat boy but he was a funny guy.

It is indeed a shame. If he had selected a good cabinet and made at least decent choices, he probably would have went down as one of most loved presidents of all time.

>> No.3718709


But I'm Australian.

It's fucking Cay-Mus

>> No.3718712


His presidency was essentially entirely controlled by Dick Cheney.

>> No.3718714


>> No.3718716
File: 43 KB, 500x700, Embarrassing 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to pronounce is al-burt cay-mus for the longest time until I saw Afternoons with Margueritte.

>> No.3718720

I've noticed myself feeling a lot of sympathy and affection for Bush since he left office. I think it was because the COMPLETELY defined the mid 2000s, and in a way all my nostalgia from that period, especially of stuff I did on the internet, relates in someway to him, even if it's relating to being **EDGY** and hating him etc.

He seems like a legitimately nice guy in his post-pres interviews. Probably just a dull patsy his neo-con buddies used as a suit in the office.

>> No.3718722

I'm aware, hence the comments about the cabinet selection. I consider the VP a cabinet member.

>> No.3718728

>be reading some easy, popcorn fantasy
>finish it quickly
>friend notices this
>"You read all that in a day?!"
>the book is like three hundred pages

>> No.3718736

Unfortunately, it was probably impossible - the people who he put into his cabinet were the same people who were backing his presidential campaign the whole way, the people who got him elected. He was their creature from the start and couldn't realistically have gotten out from under them.

I don't think that's true. I think Cheney's influence diminished after about 2006. Of course Bush was basically done by then, but still. And even before then I think he had his moments of independence - see Harriet Miers - it's hard for me to believe the apparatus had much, if at all, to do with that.

But, yes, for the most part, from 2001-2006, Cheney was certainly the dominant power in the Bush administration. Although I think he had no lack of flunkies in the court.

Honestly I think the sympathy is just, yeah, he seems like a nice guy, and he's now removed from politics, so there's no need to really get angry at him anymore, because he's not doing shit anymore.

>> No.3718740

>see one of my mentally handicapped students reading a kids fantasy book
>he bends the book and fans in it his face and smiles, clearly trying to make a joke
>smile and say, "Oh wow! Did you finish that book ALREADY?"
>he gives me a big grin and pisses himself and has to be brought back to his room

Special Education is such a rewarding career!

>> No.3718750

She was waiting for a classic romantic comedy pick-up line. You missed a golden opportunity.

>> No.3718753


go special ed, they said. you'll get more jobs, they said.

meanwhile my BSED friends are all in long term contracts.


what could you even say in that situation?

>> No.3718756

>because he's not doing shit anymore.
You know, he still has massive sway due to his personal wealth, and a lot of his personal wealth grew during his political career from abuse of power. Even way before his presidency, no one remember the whole shit with taxpayers funding stadium renovation for a baseball team he just happened to own?

I suppose you guys don't really follow politics though.

>> No.3718761

Holy shit, I had almost the exact same experience buying Dune. Was this by any chance a used book store in Toronto?

>> No.3718762

Nobody gives a shit about that though. Oh wow some rich guy is doing shitty things to make himself more rich. The shock has caused my spine to slide out of my asshole pushing out my emergency fund which I'll need to live on having been financially crippled by George Bush Jr.'s unethical economic practices.

>> No.3718763

My impression is that if he has any sway, he doesn't use it. I haven't heard anything about him being involved in Republican politics or seen anything that would indicate that he's at all involved in politics. Give him credit, he seems like he's pretty much gone back to private life. Compare to Cheney who's very clearly still involved in politics.

>Even way before his presidency, no one remember the whole shit with taxpayers funding stadium renovation for a baseball team he just happened to own?

That shit is so endemic to sports in America, it's impossible to really put the blame on Bush for that, I think. Cities not paying for stadium construction or renovation is probably the exception more than the norm. That's just business as usual for sports in America.

>> No.3718764

>How about you come over and we can read it together and I'll send my dune worm burrowing into your arid tunnel.

>> No.3718767

Best pick-up line.

>> No.3718771

fucking mad cunt shooting them facking lebos m8

>> No.3718773

>be a single woman and recovering sex addict
>hear about guys in my Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting picking up bookstore clerks by buying Dune and making sexual innuendos
>coincidentally apply for and get a job at Barnes & Noble the next day
>always pause when a guy buys dune waiting for the line
>out of the six people who have bought Dune, four of them have fucked me mercilessly

Pretty good odds, I think I'll keep this job.

>> No.3718776

>My impression is that if he has any sway, he doesn't use it.
That's a load of horseshit. At the very least have the assumption that he's like any other multimillionaire with oil interests and lobbying.

>That shit is so endemic to sports in America, it's impossible to really put the blame on Bush for that,
He mixed his private interests with his public office throughout his political career. Bush had something like 600k in the team, and then used his office to give 135M to the team and their grounds. He netted something like 20M in the end I think. And there's similar crap with oil interests later on in his senatorship and then presidency. Guy was dodgy as fuark, and no doubt has put all that behind him now and has become a paragon of virtue.

>> No.3718808

>That's a load of horseshit. At the very least have the assumption that he's like any other multimillionaire with oil interests and lobbying.

Why the fuck would he need to? It's like, I don't know, Ted Williams managing his local beer league softball team or something. Not to mention that, again, there's been no stories about anything of the kind happening, and there definitely would be.

>He mixed his private interests with his public office throughout his political career. Bush had something like 600k in the team, and then used his office to give 135M to the team and their grounds. He netted something like 20M in the end I think.

Again, that's just sports ownership in America. You could just say "he owned a sports team" and have said the exact same amount of information about how skeezy or not skeezy that is. It's unfortunate but that's absolutely business as usual.

>> No.3718815


muh cringe

>> No.3718830

>Not to mention that, again, there's been no stories about anything of the kind happening, and there definitely would be.
How the hell do you know, buddy? It's clear you don't pay attention to stuff like this in the first place. George W Bush institute been in the news recently to your knowledge? No?

>Again, that's just sports ownership in America. You could just say "he owned a sports team" and have said the exact same amount of information about how skeezy or not skeezy that is. It's unfortunate but that's absolutely business as usual.
No, he owned a sports team and then used public office to invest governmental funds in it, and no you cannot say that about every other sports team owner in America. It's incredibly unusual.

>> No.3718837


>implying that her vagina is arid
>surefire way to get her in the sack

>> No.3718867

Really, he seems like a nice guy. Horrible president, but a nice guy. Not smart enough to lead the country though.

>> No.3718881


Holy shit I have been pronoucing it Cam-us

>> No.3719937

I was once asked this by a cashier as well. Not for Dune, though. At the time I blanked out just like you did, but I think in retrospect something like "Erm, the blurb, since it's all I've read so far" in a jokey way might have relieved the tension. At the end of the day, though, it was her faux pas, not ours, so no need to feel embarrassed. It's like the book store clerk equivalent of "y-you too."

>> No.3719993
File: 25 KB, 256x200, bubbles 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Barnes and noble for spending spree
>buy The Histories, The order of things, critique of pure reason, chekhov's plays, and 1Q84
>checkout lady (70) "are these for a class"
>n-no, just for fun, been beating around the bush for a while now
>Must be easy for you though
>n-no not at all; get this really quizzical look on my face implying are you fucking serious.
>other guy 65 or so year old guy looks over
>she smiles and says "good, hope you enjoy"
>mfw I went to my used book store and one of them was there, turns out he was a retired head of the philosophy dept at purdue.
>he says that was a horrible translation of kant
>I say I know I just wanted a companion piece while I translate it from german
>his face lit up and we talked for a while
>got his email address and he suggests books and shit
Moral of the story is to always talk and be humble to the old ones.

>> No.3720040

>Moral of the story is to always talk and be humble to the old ones.
I can vouch for this. There's a lot of stupid boomers out there but sometimes you'll find intelligent ones with interesting backgrounds.

>> No.3720096

I am 20 and find it difficult to speak to most people under the age of 35 or so. The only bad thing is people over the age of 35 don't much like talking to children half their age.

>> No.3720106

That's because most people half their age are ignorant shitheads, as you seem to already know. Just don't be one of those people.

>> No.3720109

The trick is to be endearing and have a bashful smile. Older people are quicker to pick up on wit than people under 30 as well.

>> No.3720119

You all know that if you have something worthwhile to say, you can find contact information for a philosopher you like or something, and just write them and e-mail or a letter, right? There's a good chance they'll reply if you're not a raving idiot and they're not someone incredibly busy.

>> No.3720124

>Checking out a bookshelf in store
>Person starts approaching
>Body gets magnetically pushed to the side

And this is why i hate going to bookstores.

>> No.3720131

That may be it, I have always been able to fake a duchenne smile every time, probably because when I am alone I practice smiles and frowns. Otherwise I never would.

>> No.3720135

Do you also move off a narrow sidewalk when someone is walking towards you?

Beta as fuck m8.

>> No.3720207

You haven't heard or seen him because the Republican's don't want him associated with the party. This thread is surprisingly pro-bush but much of America never got past all the anti-bush propaganda.

>> No.3720259

"the key for me, is to keep expecatations low."

I miss this nigga

>> No.3720277
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>Reading on train
>Sitting in my own world
>Notice female sits down next to me
>Too focused on the book to see how she looks
>She takes out a book
>From my peripheral vision I can see it has pictures
>Get curious, turn my head
>Sweet mother of god
>It's a land whale, bloated in her tights and gushing out of her seat!
>She is reading a cookbook
>A cookbook
>My sides rumble and tumble while I try not to laugh

>> No.3720288

>school trip
>on the bus
>reading Bukowski because I'm edgy
>teacher sees the book (it was a short story collection)
>grabs it
>reads over a few pages
>gives it back to me
>not knowing wether he smiled at the book, smiled because of a story or smiled because of my edgyness

>> No.3720297
File: 1.61 MB, 230x172, stare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At your edginess. Have you ever thought back a couple years at what you thought and smiled. I even smile at things I thought months ago, then I hate myself for thinking wrong things, then I realize I am thinking wrong things, then I accept that I will always think different wrong things, then I get depressed and think more wrong things, then I see people so convinced of the wrong things they think, then I wonder if anyone has ever been right, then I wrongly think yes they must have because the alternative is too depressing to accept.

>> No.3720303

wait what translation of kant was it, i just bought the penguin classics edition...was it that one

>> No.3720305

>be on train
>guy across from me is reading a book
>I didn't take my meds and have nothing to entertain me
>try to covertly see the title of the book
>after a few moments of this behavior, the guy laughs and shows me the title.

>> No.3720307

yes, you're fucked

>> No.3720310

wait really? i remember looking at different translations when I bought the thing and the penguin one sounded fine, relatively...fuk i don't want to wait to learn german to read kant

>> No.3720312

>not saying what the title was

>> No.3720324

I got the B&N classics and knew it going in. So far the smith translation seems to be the standard/best though some do prefer meiklejohn. The main debate is literal vs interpreted, smith gets more credit as literal which is what the dude was talking about. He was old and that was the norm back when he was teaching so it may just be preference.
To answer your question though, Max muller's is worse he said. It should be fine as you aren't writing a dissertation on it I can assume.
German is best in German though, transitions are clunky and some of Kant's terminology hold different connotations in its original language.

>> No.3720331

>Be in my city's slums, sucking cock for money that I, a rich aristocrat, don't need
>While sucking the cocks of poor peasants, a fellow distinguished aristocrat spots me whilst he drives through the streets in his limo so he can mock the poor
>Pause the opera I was listening to (it helps me perform felatio) and walk over to him, semen on my face
>He gasps in horror at what I am doing and asks how I could lower myself
>I inform that I'm trying to live the postmodern lifestyle and that this is my mixing of high and low culture
>He gets out of the limousine, removes his top hat and begins performing slapstick comedy
>We go home and begin writing a metafictional narrative about our journey together

>> No.3720337

He was nice.

>> No.3720339


>> No.3720395

thanks, i'll read it in translation now and come around for a second pass in a few years when i know german

>> No.3720412

I can't decide if it's ironic or not to be considering the integrity of a translation of Kant...perhaps to do so is always approaching irony but never realizing it...

>> No.3720432
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>tfw 23 and look 30

>> No.3720450

>On the bus reading Siddhartha
>girl says she just started reading it too, have a great conversation about the book, her travels, reading on the bus
> Recommend Tortilla Flats by Steinbeck
>we part ways, c'est la vie.

>On the bus reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
> Hipster girl sits besides me, and strikes up a conversation
> Goes on for 10 minutes, ask if she wants me to walk wit her some more, she politely declines
> sigh

>in tea house discussing books
> man chirps in that he only reads the classics, begins talking about how Joyce pushed limits of literature
> begins discussing Proust
> no one else is joining in, I begin talking to one of the girls working there about Murakami, work in some discussion about Portrait of the Artist for the dude
> he drinks quietly and begins mumbling about the timelessness of Dostoevsky
> refers to himself as Agnostic Atheist

some experiences. No one talks to me when I read Soul Mountain or any South American books though.

>> No.3720453

lol this is me. it is not uncommon for people to laugh in shocked surprise for lengthy periods after I tell them how old I actually am. I did a lot of drugs in college and I think they aged my face quite significantly.

>> No.3720461

That was post-irony, you Mongol.

>> No.3720466

>I begin talking to one of the girls working there about Murakami

Could you be more of a pleb?

>> No.3720476
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I would rather admit to watching anime or being a lolicon than say Murakami's name in public.

Oe, Furui Najamura, Amy Yamada, Mieko Kanai, Keizo Hino, Noma Hiroshi, Junzo SHono, Yasunari Kawabata, for GAWD's sake talk about any other Japanese writer than that overwrought pop-lit scribble Murakami.

>> No.3720478

Nakamura *

>> No.3720479

Way to not pick up on that proto-ironic post, knave.

>> No.3720489
File: 52 KB, 388x458, go ahead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 20 and look 16. It sucks now but when I am 30/40 I will be just fine.

>> No.3720491

Murakami is fun to read for me. It is like Redwall when I was younger, no I don't think he is great, but I would rather read one of his books an hour a day than watch television.

>> No.3720564

Bush is like the Dalai fucking Lama compared to the current GOP.

>> No.3720584

>>put back the unabridged copy of the karma sutra I found, maybe another time. Go up to pay.
Why? Unabridged KS is p patrician. inb4 you think it's a sex manual...

>> No.3720590


What are you 14? The GOP is always like this when they're the minority party.

>> No.3720596

When I was 18 I looked 25. Now I'm coming up to 25 I look about 18. C'est la vie.

>> No.3720610

>at the bus stop, sporting my Breton cap and tweed jacket
>girl next to me, obviously infatuated by my patrician appearance, asks me what books I bought (I was carrying a Blackwell's bag - I don't purchase fro, corporate hellholes such as Waterstones or Borders)
>turn my face upwards, sigh deeply, then look at her with my patent "Oh child" gaze
>tell her that it's a collection of Simone Weil's work, a genius intellect of the highest quality who's treatise on the misuse of language could only be comprehended by those with a refined intellect
>naturally she's in awe of my incredible taste
>she tells me that she just bought a book today as well, and reaches into her bag (which was festooned with uncouth patches, I have to say)
>the book is 1Q84
>my body stiffens
>"I-is something wrong?" she asks
>my back arches
>she gasps as she realises she has unleashed the literary beast
>she draws back in fear - I can smell the terror mingled with her menstrual blood and cheap perfume
>"IIIIIIIIIs an excellent authour and you've made a good purchase with one of his best works" I say calmly to her
>The bus to Bradford arrives, and I smile to myself on the journey home.

>> No.3720648

holy lel!

>> No.3720747

>attempting to seem interesting by hating a well known god tier author

so raven.

>> No.3720989
File: 73 KB, 980x733, 1358826258953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>landwhale reading cookbook

>> No.3721005

I'm interested. Can you give me the title of this cookbook? I wouldn't mind checking it out myself next week if it's available within the system I use.

>> No.3721009

>if it's available within the system I use.


>if the penitentiary in which I'm currently confined has it.

>> No.3721012

>first Philosophy class in highschool
>bring "Property is Theft" by Proudhon to class
>teacher notices me reading it
>he picks it up and smiles
>teacher is an Anarchist
>eternal love until i graduate highschool

>> No.3721018
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>> No.3721027

>In Waterstones
>Pick up some Hemingway and Tolstoy
>qt working at the till
>"that's £12"
>pay and leave
>she doesn't care what I'm going to read
>no one cares what I'm going to read

>> No.3721058

>be a qt
>work at bookstore
>tons of nerds come in and slam down classics onto the counter
>take their money and hand them the receipt
>they stand their for like 8 seconds waiting for me to make a comment or propose to have sex with them or something
>after my shift ends, I go with my working class boyfriend to see Iron Man 3
>give him a blowjob in the theater

>> No.3721061

>Volunteer in a charity bookshop.
>Be pleb sordidus tier so rarely have any interesting comment on what is being bought.
>Be nevertheless friendly as fuck so try to chat to people about their purchases.
>Often have nice exchanges with customers and sometimes get recommendations.
Nothing like being confronted with scores of people buying books to make you realise both how poorly read you are, and how much trash people enjoy (I do not exclude myself).

>> No.3721065

>give him a blowjob in the theater

This might actually make Iron Man 3 worth watching.

>> No.3721075

Maybe if you're gay for Bobby Downey Jr

>> No.3721076

>getting recommendations from the hoi polloi

You just stop that shit and let Uncle /lit/ take care of telling you what to read, eh? Eh?

>> No.3721080

B-but she said Iain M. Banks changed her l-life..

>> No.3721083
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Pfft. Who isn't gay for him?

>> No.3721094

I wouldn't. Not even if he offered to pay vast sums of money for some light cottaging.

>> No.3721115

>look at me I was reading Burroughs back in middle school hahaha I am a prodigy

>> No.3721118

You obviously don't live in the US.

>> No.3721124
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>go to bookstore
>buy Plath's poetry collection, the Bell Jar, Lovecraft's collective works, and a copy of Scientific American
>go up to clerk
>sign at the store says they give discount to teachers
>ask if I can use my mum's discount, because she's a teacher
>"nah sorry"
>"worth a shot eh?"
>put books on the counter
>the clerk looks at the combination and makes a "lol wut" laugh for a second
>pay and leave
No sure what was going through her head.

>> No.3721135

>Been going to local bookshop to read The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.
>It's a small shop and I'm easily visible from the counter.
>I'm four pages from the end when one of clerks confronts me.
>"Are you planning on buying that?"
>"Well I haven't got any money right now."
>"Because you've been coming in here every day and read that same book, this isn't a library."
>"Yeah ok." Give them the book, leave.
>Go home and torrent it to read the last pages.

I don't think anyone came out of that confrontation better off.

>> No.3721142

Neither do you, because if you did you would realize that barely anyone from the US uses the term "carriage" to describe a train car.

>> No.3721269

tfw local bookstore puts PKD behind the counter because everyone fucking steals him.

>> No.3721287

Fucking really, man? Fucking wow, like, I can fucking understand being more fucking watchful but fucking having it behind the fucking counter because fucking assholes are fucking stealing? Woah.

Fucking fuck.

>> No.3721291

I'm just trying to say nostalgia for Bush is separate from the Bush revisionism that's been going on, you troglodyte.

>> No.3721301

People aren't pro-Bush, they just remember the relative affluence that Bush presided over. It's all nostalgia; Bush isn't some misunderstood President just waiting for vindication. That's never happening.

>> No.3721322

PKD's works are the most commonly shoplifted books stateside. No kiddin'.

>> No.3721324

The Black Iron Prison takes many forms.

>> No.3721357

You think like me, and your comment made me feel sad. Thank you.

>> No.3721828

What is bataille?

>> No.3721832

I wish I could find a female sex addict to be friends with. Sounds fun.

>> No.3721892

>at the bookstore checkout
>buying the Signet Classics version of Les Misérables (best translation)
>Cashier asks, "So you seen the movie?"
>Want to say "I prefer to appreciate a classic on its own terms" but don't want to sound arrogant
>faux laughing, "No, so no spoilers please."
>perfectly aware of what happens

>> No.3721896

That was a really bad story