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File: 34 KB, 400x384, YouNeverDidTheKenoshaKid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3714289 No.3714289 [Reply] [Original]

You can claim to be well read, but you never did the Kenosha Kid.

>> No.3714293
File: 112 KB, 432x300, Faulkner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can claim to be well read, but you never did have a sister.

>> No.3714309
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You can claim to be well read, but you never did your own aunt.

>> No.3714378
File: 8 KB, 183x275, joshthejoliet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you did fool the Philadelphia, rag the Rochester, josh the Joliet. But you never did the Kenosha kid.

>> No.3714705

Paul Thomas Anderson confirmed to adapt
Pynchon novel.

>> No.3714710

his only IMBD credit is his voice as himself from The Simpsons

>> No.3714730

Till you've cut into Esther
You've cut nothing at all;
She's one of the best, Thir,
To her nose I'm in thrall.

>> No.3714731


I knew about this at least two years ago. Where have you been?

>> No.3714737

There once was a man named Crockett
Who had an affair with a rocket
If you saw them out there,
you'd be tempted to stare,
but if you ain't tried it, don't knock it!

>> No.3714747
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1310485591942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Thailand.
England, New Orleans, other places than the mickey fickin internet, wise ass.

>> No.3714755
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J´ai jamais tué de chats

>> No.3714758

Does anyone actually think P. T. Anderson can do Pynchon justice? What I mean is, I'm a long-time fan of P. T. Anderson's work, but it's a totally different style than that which Pynchon invariably brings to the table.

There is such a layer of buffoonery underlaying all of Pynchon's stuff, and P. T. Anderson (especially lately) takes himself seriously, and I fear he worries too much about being poignant to ever translate that "lofty buffoonery" to film.

Weigh in, freaks.

>> No.3714760

Haven't read Inherent Vice, but if it's anything like what I imagine it to be (Pynchon writing the Big Lebowski) then PTA is the wrong man for the job

>> No.3714775


PTA is probably the best director out there, but you are right in that he hasn't shown much of a range. His films are very tonally similar. Maybe that's why he wants to do Inherent Vice, as a challenge/change of pace. Personally, I always thought the Coens could do a great job with Pynchon, but I'm certain that PTA could do a good job with anything.

>> No.3714780

I think the main difference is that Pynchon is a paragon of silliness but PTA has a very cynical and dark streak in his humor.

In Gravity's Rainbow, there's an entire platoon of soldiers who sing limericks about people having sex with rockets. In Boogie Nights, one of the funniest scenes of the film involves a major character's suicide.

Not exactly the same.

Ironically enough, I think Michael Haneke seems to have a very silly vein of humor underlying in his films and would be a perfect candidate for Pynchon work.

>> No.3714782

>PTA is the wrong man for the job

This is what I've thought ever since I heard the news. Lately, I watched "The Master" (2012) and re-watched "Punch-Drunk Love" (2002) and although I enjoyed both (P-DL is worse than I remember it, but still better than most of the crap in cinemas) and think very strongly that PTA isn't going to do a good job with The Pynch.

Still, I remember scenes like the "Sister Christian" scene in "Boogie Nights" (1997) and think that if PTA channels that kind of zany poignancy, he'll excel beyond all wildest imaginations.

I just reminded myself of the Marcy scene in "Magnolia" (1999). More stuff like that and PTA would be magnificent.


>> No.3714784

>Michael Haneke

This is actually a great suggestion.

>> No.3714796

P.T Strikes me as the perfect person to adapt.

P.T.A is buffoonish, playful, too, but more subtly. The premises of a few of his movies are very Pynchonesque (the scheme in Punch Drunk, Boogie Nights. Most of Noogie Nights.) Lots of elements, too, are similar in strange silliness. Magnolia, with its hyberbolic misogynist self-help speaker. The Harmonium in Punch Drunk. Pretty much all of Boogie nights. I DRINK UP YOUR MILKSHAKE and I'M FINISHED. The Masturbation and porno scenes in The Master.

A lot of PT's movies have a touch of history and reigion to them, like Pynchon's novels do. Punch Drunk is very 80's, 90's California. Hard Eight is very Vegas-of-a-certain-time. There will Be Blood, obviously. The Master has a post-war feel.

Also, The Master, Magnolia and Hard Eight bear some relation in their roving, disjointed structures.

>> No.3714801

Boogie Nights is probably one of my favorite film of all time.

>> No.3714805
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I'm not sure about PTA but at least he made the right decision in casting Joaquin Phoenix as Doc over Robert Downey, jr.

>> No.3714813


Joaquin is a gifted actor, one of the best alive. I can't wait to see what he does with the role.

>> No.3714827

Dude, The Master was basically Japanese Front Gravity's Rainbow, with an adventure around America instead of Europe.

There's even homages to banana breakfast and the cruise ship scene in GR. Also: a goofy naked song. The protagonist was almost Slothrop.

The Master is up there with being a Pynchonian film along with Dr. Strangelove and Death to Smoochy.

>> No.3714844


>Death to Smoochy

Why has nobody seen this and why does nobody ever talk about it? Such a fucking awesome movie.

>> No.3714849

Pynchon wrote about it for the Daily Show.

>> No.3714851

>The premises of a few of his movies are very Pynchonesque (the scheme in Punch Drunk,

Describe this a bit more.

I can totally see what you're saying about Frank T. J. Mackey and the harmonium (which you capitalize, interestingly enough) and I can definitely see your reasoning. I guess the P.T. Anderson of 2000ish is more apt to translate Pynchon to scene, is my worry.

"The Master" (2012) felt very character-driven, which Pynchon is, but I fail to see the Slothrop in America parallel.

>> No.3714855


Oh? I had no idea.

>> No.3714875


They're both very sexual and don't understand their role in a scheme beyond themselves.

They both run through a conspiracy/absurdity in their locales, Slothrop of course does this more, but think about how Pynchonian Lancaster Dodd is, all their exploits. Joaquin's character drink rocket fuel!!

It's obvious PTA is a fan. I mean, the nod to banana breakfast on the boat (Joaquin drunk on the top of the boat, bananas being thrown at him)

>> No.3714883


>> No.3714887

>Joaquin's character drink rocket fuel!!

You literally just blew my mind. I'm glad I hijacked this thread for my own Pynchon/PTA needs.

>> No.3714889


OP here, I'm glad you hijacked it as well.

>> No.3714898


But yeah, I've been in love with that movie and it's complementary nature to GR ever since I first saw it.

Many long discussions about the parallels with my buddies.

Can't wait for PTA's adaptation.

>> No.3714932

I feel bad, but I haven't read "Inherent Vice" either. Can a P.T. Anderson fan who has read it weigh in? If there is one.

>> No.3714936


Pynchon's worst. Fun book.

>> No.3714941

But Pynchon's worst is still better than crap writers' (Murakami, Palahniuk, DFW) best, no?

>> No.3714948

Why are you putting murakami and dfw in with palaniuk?

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is legitimately great as is IJ. Let's not go crazy here.

>> No.3714959


No, DFW's best is better than a few of Pynchon's books. Murakami and Palahniuk are mostly trash.

>> No.3714960

>The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is legitimately great as is IJ. Let's not go crazy here.

You're right. They're equally terrible.

>> No.3715036

>reading comprehension

>> No.3716456
File: 98 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m8a3h6lZw71rbxcvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really wierd thing.
Not weird for Pynchon, weird for tv

>> No.3716460
File: 25 KB, 460x345, 36-parachuting-hijacker-AFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hijacked it first
-DB Cooper

>> No.3717062

It's a...

It's a rocket!

>> No.3717479

I know that feel.