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File: 58 KB, 620x447, kindle-paperwhite-rev2012-01-2122-03-21600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3709791 No.3709791 [Reply] [Original]

So I found a kindle paper white on the train and its registered to someone

Before i connect it to my home wifi or plug it into my PC. is there anyway it can be traced back to me?

Ive reset the device (hopefully its the equivalent to reseting to factory default) and waiting for it to reload.

Is that all i need to do, before it is free to use?

>> No.3709803

Just don't try to attach it to your own account. Would most likely fuck you over while it's still attached to the owner's account

And you KNOW that you should give it back

>> No.3709806


You, sir, are an ass.

But I believe a factory reset should do it, but the particular device is already registered somewhere. So, don't use the whisper net or whatever it's called, and only add books to it over USB.

>> No.3709811


Yeah with my other kindle i dont have an account anyways,

i just torrent books copy them on with a USB

I was planning on doing that with this device.

Whats whispernet?

Im putting it on aeroplane mode too

>> No.3709816


Whisper net is the 3g cell service provided with the kindle. It's free, and allows you to download books from amazon anywhere, and browse basic internet.

As long as you have that turned off, and KEEP it off, you should be fine.

>> No.3709822

Holy fuck. Not only are you more or less stealing this kindle, but you're torrenting your books, too? And you already HAVE a kindle anyway?

For fucks sake, don't be such a huge dick and hand it to to the train station's lost and found

>> No.3709825

Is it not creepy as fuck that these physical objects we find totally divorced in space from whomever once held them must be treated and examined with great care and precision so as not to awaken the ghosts they harbor? In order to use these things I have to connect myself to something which I can never entirely understand...everyday we're more and more confronted by our own contingency.

>> No.3709835


Yeah, you pretty much are scum.

>> No.3709877

You are no better than the niggers that neckbeards like to hate on /b/. End your life OP.

>> No.3709951

But that backlight....is really nice

Should I give back my old refurbished kindle 3 to the lost and found.

And just stick the account owners name on the front

So when he goes to the station and they ask for his name they know to give him my old kindle

>> No.3709961


>> No.3709967


>stealing a very slightly superior version of a device you already own

>dat capitalism induced consumption feel

You exemplify everything that is wrong with society. Just hand it in.

>> No.3710047


You, sir, are disgusting.

And you ain't my niggah no more.

>> No.3710097


I hate you. I really do.

Maybe instead of being a horrible disgusting plight on society you should turn the kindle back in like a decent person and realize that you've made someone's whole week instead of stealing an item you ALREADY OWN.

>but the back light!

go die in a fire.

>> No.3710106
File: 105 KB, 501x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, that back light won't make you any happier. If you return that to the owner, it will give him a good dose of happiness. How can you be so greedy when you already have it? Its disgusting to behave like this. I hope you better yourself.

>> No.3710107


Keep it man, at the end of the day a little good deed wont change the world, maybe you'll get a thanks at most.

New Kindle > Gratitude from stranger

>> No.3710108


Fuck off to >>>/pol/ with your antisemitic pics. Fucking mullet.

>> No.3710113
File: 32 KB, 466x382, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you, sir

>> No.3710115
File: 136 KB, 919x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one of the most retarded rationalisations i've ever seen. One person can only be expected to perform small goods. The more people that perform good deeds, the better your society will be. It's about principals and not scope of impact. Plus, it does have a huge impact on the person involved who lost the object. It's not too late for OP to realize what matters more in life. Even if you are a fullblown hedonist jew, gifting or returning makes everybody more happy, because you can at least stop considering yourself a cancer.

>> No.3710118

Nothing is antisemetic about that post. The picture is merely satyre. No need to ladh out as if i'm posting cartoons of muhammed in a danish news paper...
Fun fact: i am a jew. Is it now still wrong you self-righteous dick?

>> No.3710119

>being this butthurt about a single shitty kindle but never caring about fixed libor screwing 6 billion people
hypocritical plebs
neoforchin all the way down

>> No.3710126

spoken like a true edgy faggot who doesn't know how to appreciate gratitude from a stranger

>> No.3710129


No you're not a jew. Fucking liar. You are a trailer park piece of mullet trash.

You post about greed and then the typical /pol/ pic depicting jews; so you are perpetuating the negative stereotype on us.

Fuck you. Be cursed.

>> No.3710130

but things like that do change the world lightly. many people are more motivated to do good things for others when they do such nice things from them. only the most apathetic don't give a fuck and keep on being douchebags

>> No.3710132

>also not caring about dodged corp tax

>> No.3710133


I'd agree I don't know how to do so, If only for the fact I've never had a large amount, I keep to myself these days.

If OP wants the new Kindle he found he can have it, If he had the desire to give it back then he'd have already done so.

I just find it a shame people feel obligated to do a good deed when they fully well know that actually they'd rather keep it.

>> No.3710135

you kids really need a reality check

you have no idea what world you are living in, no idea how it works

pathetic little rituals won't shield you when the blow comes

>> No.3710137

>Am a jew
>not a fucking zionist apartheid enforcer who can't take a joke
>apparently not a jew anymore

>> No.3710141


What blow? When "the shit hits the fan"? When Ron Paul's second coming? When we all start posting "it's happening, it's happening".

Get a load. You're like, what, 15? You have no clue how the real world is and how acts of kindness are the only glow in the middle of this dark, dark existence.

>> No.3710143

this is a prime example why lefites are as retarded as /pol/

>> No.3710144

>tells me about reality checks
>refers to "the blow" and how i can't protect myself against it

I can just imagine you sitting behind a computer actually typing this shit.

>> No.3710146


See now this is the edgy tryhard I always get lumped along with, me being the one to say keep the kindle first.

Just felt I should make a distinction is all.

>> No.3710147


Get a grip.

>> No.3710152


Looks like we've got a anti white racist here.

>> No.3710151

>pop into /lit/ to find books
>top thread is kindle theft
What the fuck guys? I thought /lit/ was a sensible board. OP, don't be a nigger, give it back.

>> No.3710153

the blow was a metaphor symbolizing your idealized hypothetical monkey fucking your shit up for nothing more than shits and giggles

keep living in your bubble exchanging hugs for stabs, natural selection will sort this out

>> No.3710154

ITT: /lit/ pretends to be /pol/ and /g/

>> No.3710158

>he thinks social justice PC warriors aren't lefties
there is delusion and there is pure retardation

>> No.3710167


Oh, teenage naivety, how cute.

>> No.3710168


Pure ignorance. You winnah!

>> No.3710169

you must be like 6
also small dick and no gf


>> No.3710170

pure delusion
you already exposed yourself, stop backpedaling, coward

>> No.3710173
File: 484 KB, 200x149, 1362087428042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality thread guys good job.

>> No.3710177

OP here

Ive reset it...and i now dont have a dictionary. It says I need to register and get it from the cloud.

Is there anywhere I can download one or can I copy and paste the one off my kindle 3?

Will it work on the kindle paperwhite?

>> No.3710179

>what is google search

>> No.3710180



You have no clue, do you?

>> No.3710183

lel u mad

>> No.3710185
File: 490 KB, 480x340, Carlton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>calls random people coward in 4chan
>>fat teenage with acne and living in basement
>>diagnose: virgin

>> No.3710186


Yes, raging and fuming, so butthurt, you trolled me well. True winner in life. Here, have a Popsicle.

>> No.3710192
File: 9 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they keep replying

>> No.3710227
File: 15 KB, 394x447, stirner1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are scum
>You hould give it back

>> No.3711486

I'd keep it. Serves the idiot right for forgetting it on a fucking train.

>> No.3711628

It serves him right?

He deserves to be punished for forgetting his kindle on a train? (Harming no one but himself)

>> No.3711639



I hope someone steals your fucking Kindle AND your Nook!

>> No.3711701

just because most /lit/ users own such a device does not make this thread relevant to /lit/.

>> No.3711729
File: 190 KB, 477x438, 1355247045392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I would ever get a Nook
nobody will steal my Kindle though, since I don't fucking LEAVE IT BEHIND ON TRAINS!

>> No.3711739

fucking lel

do it. reminds me of that winnie the pooh ep where rats steal shit and replace it with walnuts.

>> No.3711742

Never give a sucker an even break. If you give it back he'll just stay careless because he thinks the world is his safety net.

>> No.3711750
File: 19 KB, 320x240, stan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

break it, then return it

>> No.3711759

this right here

he'll never lose expensive shit again after this incident (if he's not a complete retard)

>> No.3711800

Fuck these people who say give it back, OP. If the goddamn device were that important to him or her then they would still have it. How the fuck does one lose one of those things? I'll tell you, having too much shit. Now listen. If you keep it they will learn a valuable lesson, to take care of the worthless shit they (or more likely, their parents) spent their hard earned money on. The Anon learns a lesson and you have a kindle due to Anons carelessness.

>> No.3711810

You want to be instrumental in the advancement of this individual.... don't you OP? So don't give it to anyone. If you do the lazy ass attitude, "oh, I can just leave valuable things lying around and people will do the 'right thing' and give them back to me when they find them" attitude will persist. Not only is the kindle in your hands, but the chance to teach a powerful lesson to somebody who is really in need of learning. Just reason it out, they will be a better person for it. More responsible, give more attention to detail and be an overall better citizen.

>> No.3711836



>> No.3711848

OP here, if it makes anyone feel better, this kindle was actually the owners 2nd kindle

The account name or the kindle name was something like 'Anon 2nd Kindle'

>> No.3711911
File: 115 KB, 756x553, ancient-happymerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3711919
File: 186 KB, 1920x1722, 1365611183989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP gets called a Jew for his greed and lack of empathy
>it turns out he actually is a Jew

My sides have transcended this transient plane of existence

>> No.3711947

>Not having a collection of books you've stolen from big-name bookstores
Instead you steal from your fellow worker, what scum.

>> No.3711960

OP is a fag, everyone who says he should keep it is a tryhard kiddie.

>> No.3711961


So much fucking this.

>> No.3711969

Probably, just format its hard drive.
Who cares if the owner wants it back, it's a fucking kindle, it is completely insignificant.

>> No.3711974

fuck you kike, i hate you even more now for trying to squelch his freedom of speech

>> No.3711975

Kindles are actually linked to specific Amazon accounts, believe it or not.

OP, I would beware syncing it to Amazon, because they'll know instantly that 1.) You did not buy it yourself. 2.) It is linked to another account. 3.) The original owner either had it lost or stolen.

Amazon will take measures to get it back to the original owner, even if it is just sending them an e-mail letting them know that someone is trying to sync their Kindle to some other d-bag's account.

In theory, you can get by using the Kindle without ever linking it to Amazon nor (probably) ever using it with wifi. Just download books then put them on the Kindle drive.

P.S. I think you're a shit for keeping it, but whatever. You may have gotten Epictetus's lantern, but you became a lowly thief in the process.

>> No.3711979
File: 289 KB, 463x463, suittie1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is gone by now but all Amazon does is deactivate it. Besides even if it does get traced back to you I'd just lie and say I bought it used and didn't know it was stolen.

>> No.3712023

How do you steal books? And what stores do you prefer? I heard barnes and noble wont follow you out. True?

>> No.3712029
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where2cop leather trenchcoat stan?

>> No.3712059

>> thief

You may want to spend more time with your dictionary than /lit/ if you actually think that. Finding something and keeping it is NOT the same as stealing.

>> No.3712070

>Finding something and keeping it is NOT the same as stealing.

OP could find out whose Kindle it is in less than a minute. So, yes, it is stealing.

>> No.3712234
File: 29 KB, 450x323, tumblr_m6e7brFNhw1qd06l1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again,

LOL I must be the lucckiest mofo. I just found this loot on the train ride home

Bose quiet comfort 15

Googled then and they seem to be worth $300-400

Im trying to decide whether i should sell them or keep them

>> No.3712244

No. Finding something and then discovering whos it is and not giving it back is NOT theft. Not by ANY dictionaries standards. And it sure as hell isn't just because you want to be correct. You dense fucking shit.

>> No.3712264
File: 46 KB, 350x270, 0NLzm9vAMhnf4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, gents. LOL

Oh, happy day! I just found this Southampton Village Home on the train. I looked on the Googles and found out it's worth over 6 million dollars. lol guess it's mine, now.

Thinking about converting it into an upscale brothel.

>> No.3712268

Ask your lawyer (I know you're too poor for one, but get someone to do pro bono for you). You'll see that it is, indeed, theft.

>> No.3712292

>> implying it's normal to have a personal lawyer.
What are you, a fucking criminal? Or just a politician? Either way, you should know all about thieving, and how op's action (or lack of it) isn't theft.

>> No.3712299

If it's abandoned I wish you all the luck.... OP. Squatters rights, you know. Terrible thing people just going off and leaving such things. So much waste in the world.

>> No.3712308

Brothel, huh? If you need assistance furnishing it I know a dealer from Ukraine who can help you.. wholesale. Just needs half up front.

>> No.3712312
File: 12 KB, 237x213, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Expensive? LOL, it is not.

You're poor, that's all.

>> No.3712319
File: 146 KB, 429x700, 1363809900763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL americunts don't even know what shutter are for
>> hurr decorations

>> No.3712321


Go fuck your sister and eat Spam a your trailer park, mullet pleb.

>> No.3712324

No, I am a lawyer. And, guess what, if you obtain a lost item and make no measures to give it back to its rightful owner--which is so easily done with a Kindle it's hilarious--it is considered theft.

You still won't believe me, because you're a preteen using Dad's computer, but you can even Google it, chump.

>> No.3712325


Let me guess, tomorrow you'll find an ziplock full of crack cocaine?

>> No.3712328
File: 25 KB, 360x460, latino_1244542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, another poor fag

>> No.3712333

Yea? That's crazy. I've seen you post on /b/, in /fit/ and even /r9k/. You really get around man. Waaaaait a minute! Those people couldn't have all be you, you would never have time to be in court, or your office or anywhere else. It must just be an coincidence that there are so many wealthy lawyers on this website. Not to mention, doctors, pro football players, scientists and professors. I must be the only one whos unemployed and living rent free in a chinatown studio apartment. (thank god for legal loopholes)

>> No.3712339

You think Court is in session at 10 o'clock at night? You're a cute one.

Like I said, you still won't believe me because you're a preteen using Dad's computer, but youc an even Google it.

Heavy emphasis on Googling it, you'll see I'm right.

>> No.3712341


I wonder if the kid will find dad's secret archive with kiddie porn.

>> No.3712344
File: 56 KB, 467x519, 1363721120122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a pro football playing science professor with a bachelors in law?! C-can I have your autograph?

>> No.3712350

My dad is 6 states and over 100 miles away.

>> No.3712351


No, I am not. Henceforth, your craving for a shoulder rub with stars to compensate for your mediocre life must take your search elsewhere.

Sorry, kid.

>> No.3712354


Be honest, your dad is next door and he is taking a huge cock up the ass. Just the way the old faggot likes it.

>> No.3712355

My dad lives on mars.

>> No.3712356

I'll be visiting him soon. I signed up for the experiment!

>> No.3712357


Translation: dad is a NEET and he uses meth quite heavily.

>> No.3712363

My dad is Jupiter.

>> No.3712367

I just LOL'd at the idea of someone's dad being a NEET. I can picture one of these "literary lyfestyle" idiots accidentally getting a chick preggers. It'd make a hilarious comedy.

>> No.3712394


>> No.3712414
File: 75 KB, 251x255, 1349388795039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op's slimy jew face when the poor guy realizes he's lost a kindle he worked hard within the system set up by other jews for the money to acquire.

>> No.3712517
File: 20 KB, 280x287, pickaninny, any ninny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Probably a darkie

>> No.3712783
File: 53 KB, 490x347, al-watan-saudi-arabia-10-9-2012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are perpetuating the negative stereotype on us.
>negative stereotype on us.
>stereotype on us.
op is most definitely jeu

>> No.3713295

>I must be the only one whos unemployed and living rent free in a chinatown studio apartment. (thank god for legal loopholes)
This is godlife, I claim.

>> No.3713315
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
guaranteed replies m8

/lit/ is full of the most fucking stupid people.

>> No.3713475


>> No.3713516
File: 66 KB, 618x614, Celia Pacquola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I found a kindle paper white on the train and its registered to someone
Not even a thought to returning it to whomever the fuck it belongs to?

>> No.3713527


>> No.3713534

yeah, no, it is theft. l2 language-games

and quit appealing to the authoritative dictionary god like a little moron

>> No.3713603

>/pol/ posts anti-Semitic picture
>it's fine guys I'm totally a Jew!
Aaaaand this would be another reason why 'authorial intent is the only thing that matters, guys!' is silly.

>> No.3713702


>yeah, no, it is theft

no its not you stupid anti-semite

The Talmud, Baba Mezia 24a: If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Sanhedrin 57a: What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

>> No.3714616

Give it back! How would you feel if you lost something expensive but you knew if anyone found it it would be easy to return to you? You´d be thinking "oh I hope they give it back" and then you would thing "HUMANTIY IS FANTASTIC" when you got it back, don´t you want to make somebody happy? Isn´t that more important that getting one over on someone?

I don´t care how shitty the world is I AM NOT SHITTY I don´t care how many times the world shits on me I WILL NOT SHIT ON SOMEONE WHO HAS NEVER DONE ME WRONG I don´t care how unfair things seem I WILL BE FAIR

>> No.3714637

By keeping it he IS making somebody happy. What don't you understand about that?
Also, this >>3711742

>> No.3715097

>> quit appealing to the authoritative dictionary god like a little moron

Read a book. Take away every words meaning (definition) that makes up that book and now what do you have? Meaningless scribble. Same with laws. If your an anarchist then that's okay, but you don't sound like one, so I'm guessing not.

>> No.3715431

I love you man, just keep em both

>> No.3716124

fucking bourgeois living in their fantasy world their sanitized reality their absolute ignorance of shit that happens everyday

oh oh return it so you and the world may become a beautiful and magical place

you people fucking disgust me

>> No.3716148

Playing the I'm going to be violently nicer then you game eh?