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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 197 KB, 1834x2500, 2013 visual book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704782 No.3704782 [Reply] [Original]

11 so far, hoping to read something like 40...although who knows?

>> No.3704813

What the fuck Sunhawk?

Even I'm going to read more than 40

And don't go saying some shit like you have a life now and that's getting in the way

>> No.3704815


I have a life now and it's getting in the way.

>> No.3704825

2, i only started reading again last week

>> No.3704840

Yeah I started off strong at the beginning of the year but gradually almost stopped reading due to school and partying and laziness, starting up again though:
-Septuagenarian Stew
-City Life
-Clockwork Orange
-Society of the Spectacle
-For school I had to read a bunch of books on the GDR, the Panic Virus, various religious anthro (Durkheim, Geertz, Ortner, etc), and various Greek and Roman histories and poets (Herodotus, Pliny, Virgil, etc)

>> No.3704853

Books I have read this year - not been going that quick I must admit.

>I am a Cat - Natsume Soseki
>V - Thomas Pynchon
>White Noise - Don DeLillo
>At Swim Two-Birds - Flann O'Brien
>Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll
>Pnin - Vladamir Nabakov
>Inside Mr Enderby - Anthony Burgess
>Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
>Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges
>Post Office - Charles Bukowski
>The Hearing Trumpet - Leonora Carrington
>As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner

>> No.3704854
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goddamnit sunhawk, I've been patient, but you need to get of 4chan now, and don't come back until you've read at least 5 more books.

and at least two of them had better be /litcore
I don't want to see that image again until it's done.

Now go

>> No.3704868


Just kidding! I never leave the house

>> No.3704875

I've already read 42 books this year... Though about six of them were poetry, so quite fast to read.

>> No.3704888

War and Peace
Blood Merridian x2
The Road
No Longer Human
For Whom The Bell Toll
The Myth of Sysphus

>> No.3704891

What did you think of I am a Cat? I recently read it and didn't 'get' it. Some parts were sort of enjoyable but mostly.. nah.

>> No.3704897


Pretty mixed too. To be completely honest my favourite sections were those when you would see things observed from a cat's perspective. Most of it was just long dialogues, some interesting and some not.

>> No.3704913
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I'm currently at 14, shooting for 52, will definitely make it. I'm only 2 behind right now and summer's coming up soon. I also plan on finishing The Man Who Was Thursday soon, probably tomorrow. My only regret for this year so far is that while almost all of these books have been very good and some of them very fun, none of them really grabbed me like anything I read last year, at least not yet.

>> No.3704941

Yeah, totally. The human characters on their own were just not very interesting to me, I got the pointing out of fallacies and quirks and much of it can translate into present day but that doesn't make an interesting book on its own. Needed more cat.

>> No.3705011

I'm on my 26th but I feel like I've been slacking. Lots of time wasted on 4chan and vidya. The highlights have been Gravity's Rainbow and The Tin Drum.

>> No.3705014
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Well, I'm going into town on Wedsday to hopefully buy a new book or books. What 2 litcore books should I get?

>> No.3705021
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You need to read One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest before you read the Electric Koolaid Acid Test. Without knowing who Ken Kesey is or why he is important almost all that book will be lost on you.

>> No.3705024

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Nag Hammadi Scriptures
The Stranger
Of Love and Other Demons
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Beast Within
Some anthology of Heine.

>> No.3705025

Yeah, but everyone's seen the film already.

>> No.3705030

Where do you live, Sunhawk?

>> No.3705035
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>> No.3705038

So basically you're a huge fucking idiot pleb?

>> No.3705040

but the guide is one of the best trilogies ever written
have you actually read it
others are trash tho

>> No.3705041

I think Little, Big is a book you'd actually enjoy.

>> No.3705049
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>> No.3705056
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Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Napoleon by Alan Forrest
Why I Write by George Orwell
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway
Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger
The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Steppe And Other Stories by Chekhov

>> No.3705061

So basically you're a huge fucking idiot pleb?

>> No.3705065

Oh please, that's actually not that bad. At least it isn't all escapist drivel.

>> No.3705067

non/lit/pleb here. what makes him an idiot pleb?

>> No.3705070

I don't know what you haven't read yet, but check the sticky and pick something you think you'd like. I'd say Don Quxiote, Brothers Karmazov and Pynchon's V, are good suggestions, that's not to say that everyone likes them or that you are obligated to like them, but to say that most of the people I know who have read them likes them.

We won't tell you what to read, but yeah, your assignment is to go read 5 more books, before posting that "what I've read this year" image one more time.

>> No.3705071

ids bretty fuging bredendious

>> No.3705072

I think you're confused

>> No.3705075

>reading good books

fuck off stan

>> No.3705076

what's the one between illiad and nabokov, I can't make out the title

>> No.3705081

1. The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1903-1904) - Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Das Glasperlenspiel (1943) – Hermann Hesse
3. Der Process (1925) – Franz Kafka
4. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) – Oscar Wilde
5. The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) – Oscar Wilde
6. A Farewell to Arms (1929) – Ernest Hemingway
7. Buddenbrooks (1901) – Thomas Mann
8. The Great Gatsby (1925) – F. Scott Fitzgerald
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) – Ken Kesey
10. Murder on the Orient Express (1934) - Agatha Christie
11. Smiley's People (1979) - John le Carré
12. The Crying of Lot 49 (1966) – Thomas Pynchon
13. The Big Sleep (1939) - Raymond Chandler
14. Something Happned (1974) – Joseph Heller

It's going good so far, I don't have a plan on how much I will read this year. I will just go on and see the result at the end.

>> No.3705082

Oh please, you regularly shitpost in order to maintain some abstract standards you feel the board expect. Is being pretentious not also maintaining the standards of the board? Why criticise someone when he does exactly the same thing as you?

>> No.3705090

From Russia with Love
All the Pretty Horses
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Doctor No
No Country for Old Men
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The Day of the Jackal

Not much but I read more non-fiction.

>> No.3705092

I've already read it.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The Communist Manifesto

>> No.3705121

I read 8-10 per month, so it makes ~100 per year

>> No.3705147

how do you guys have so much time to read fuck

>> No.3705154

What else are you doing with your time?

>> No.3705156

Everyone has a few hours a day if they want to. I don't own a TV for example, but I use too much time on the Internet on stupid shit like 4chan.

>> No.3705160

Oh, okay thanks,
how'd you like it?

>> No.3705164

>how do you guys have so much time to read fuck

A lot of people here are unemployed and foreveralone.jpg. You'd be dizzy with all the free time if you hadn't a job nor girl/boyfriend.

Still a lot of others are "full-time students" who coast on the tons of free time their undemanding majors supply them. When you're an English major, you don't spend a whole lot of out-of-class time preparing to bullshit in useless discussion groups.

>> No.3705175

Also, it's a lot easier to bring your books with you and read them in the inbetweeen times.
On bus rides, waiting for shit, the day to day mundanities, than it is for playing games or tv, (though that stuff is catching up thanks to technology)

and while it can take a bit to get on a big reading tear, once your on one you can go through 6 or 7 books easy without turning to other entertainment.
Your brain likes routine and habits, and if you make a habit of reading, it will keep plowing through material

>> No.3705177

Jesus, did an English major molest you as a child or something?

>> No.3705186

The Restaurant At The End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Independent People - Halldor Laxness
The History of Rome, Vol. I-X - Livy
The Pale King - David Foster Wallace
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
Endymion - Dan Simmons
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway
A Moveable Feast - "

>> No.3705189

what'd you think of the human stain?

>> No.3705191

He's just telling it like it is, bro.

>> No.3705195

But if you're at a decent university, then it's nothing like that.

>> No.3705202

most of the stem4lyfe people who troll over from /sci/ are just trying to justify to themselves doing plumbing tech certificates at community colleges

>> No.3705212

Just 4, English in not my native language and I read all my books in english so going slow.

>> No.3705232

Also, most of those books are probably 150~300 pages long (tops). I really doubt someone can read 100 doorstoppers in a year.

>> No.3705255

When I was a teenager (before I hit puberty, and discovered friends and girls) I'd average about 150 books a year. But yeah, it was mainly Asimov, Dick, Clarke, and assorted fantasy.

Not sure how anyone can read 100 or so real books a year unless they're a NEET in the purest sense of the word.

>> No.3705300
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>Not sure how anyone can read 100 or so real books a year unless they're a NEET in the purest sense of the word.

You're not even trying.

>> No.3705312

No, I'm not. Thank God.

>> No.3705326

Sunhawk why do you always start threads with pictures of how many books you have already read this year? I'm pretty sure I already saw two similar threads of you.
Is this some kind of hurr durr I read more books than you faggotry? yes Im pretty sure it is

>> No.3705435

Killing Pablo
American Gods
A Walk in The Woods
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Crime and Punishment
The Merchant of Venice
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Blood Meridian
Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse 5
Fellowship of The Ring
The Stranger
The Inferno
The Alchemist (horrendous book)
Pessoa collected poems
Kafka collected stories

Some might have been read in late 2012, but that's generally it.

>> No.3705451

>Is this some kind of hurr durr I read more books than you faggotry

Except this year is already 1/3 over an he's got a mere 11 books. And most of them aren't even good books. I mean...if Sunhawk is trying to brag, he's doing it in the most inept way possible.

>> No.3705776
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lelz I haven't read much at all this year

>> No.3705795
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eh doing alright I guess, I think I want to read more philosophy this year so I might fall short of my total book goal but thats ok, I'm finding close reading a few texts better than reading a shit ton of books just to read a lot

>> No.3705811

Can anyone recommend me some good dystopian novels?

>> No.3705831

Ready Player One

>> No.3705854

wtf how do u read so fast, 1 book/month is good by my standards

>> No.3705858

>All the Aubrey-Maturin series
>First Law trilogy (Abercrombie)
>Imperium, Lustrum (Harris)
>Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923 (Finkel)
>A History of Venice (Norwich)
Only light fiction and some history book. Sadly my college workload is too high for anything heavier than that.

>> No.3705864

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3707402
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>> No.3707412

This is the best thing I have read on /lit/.

>> No.3707413


>> No.3707415

In case you haven't read it yet:


>> No.3707427

... abook

>> No.3707430

Holy crap, Sunhawk's tripcode is #sunhawk.

>> No.3707433

Yeah, it was revealed ages ago.

>> No.3707434
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A nice year so far, I think.

>> No.3707526
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>> No.3707543

which books grabbed you last year? i'm curious

>> No.3707559

is there a generator for this like tapmusic?

>> No.3707563

Mein neger

>> No.3707569

hmmm 9 so far, hoping to get to 30 by the end of the year.

- On the Road, Jack Kerouac
- Old Possom's Book of Practical Cats
- The Wasteland and other poems, T.S. Eliot
- On Love and Barley, by Basho
- Afterrimages by Joan Retallack
- At the Bottom of the River, by Jamaica Kincaid
- The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterson
- The Fall, by Camus
- Bright Lights, Big City, by Ian McInerny

all of them were quite good, wasn't too keen on the fall though...

currently reading The Great Gatsby and The Green Hills of Africa

>> No.3707637

Got an e-reader in February, been burning through all dem books I can't find in English in this Austrian shithole I'm finishing up my exile in:

War and Peace (Last 3rd or so--started in Dec.)
If on a winter's night a traveller - Calvino
Mr. Palomar - Calvino
The Fall <Camus>
Exile and the Kingdom
A Happy Death
The Just
The Plague
The stranger </Camus>
No Longer Human <Osamu Dazai>
The Setting Sun </Dazai>
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (cringe)
Slaughterhouse-Five (again)
The Great Gatsby (Again)
Of Mice and Men (AGAIN)
The Catcher in the Rye (AGAIN again--I teach ESL, to explain these last five)
Today I Wrote Nothing - Kharminator
A Spaniard in the Works - Lennon
Doce cuentos peregrinos - Marquez
Mason & Dixon - Pynchon
Them - Adventures with Extremists <Jon Ronson>
The Men Who Stare at Goats
The Psychopath Test </Ronson>
1876 - Vidal
Ragtime - E.L. Doctorow
Both Flesh and Not <DFW>
Girl With Curious Hair
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again </DFW>
Every Love Story is a Ghost Story

Plus some re-readings of Rilke and Hafiz, don't count. That's 28 I think. Working more on reading everything I can by authors I'm interested in than a total book count.

>> No.3707645


How'd you like Boethius?

>> No.3707662


>> No.3707669

40 books a year barely counts as reading

>> No.3707672

Save Me the Waltz: Zelda Fitgerald
Junkie: Bill Burroughs
Norwegian Wood: HIrakami
Dracula: Stoker
Frankenstien: Shelly
20,000 Leagues: Verne
Burmese Days: Orwell
Down and Out Paris, London: Orwell
Carter Beats the Devil: I forgot
How To Talk Dirty, Influence People: Bruce
Too Far to Go: Updike
Cosmopolis: DeLillo
Freedom: Franzen
Nuclear Age: the Things they Carried Guy

>> No.3707681
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yfw this guy read more books than you

>> No.3708298

>Reading doesn't count as reading.

>> No.3708330


Very, very interesting and fascinating, especially in light of the fact that he pretty much knew he was going to get tortured to death.

and captcha: Seneca cinclie


>> No.3708350

less than 5
paradise fall
titus andornicus
rome and juliet
el aleph
oh look, 5

>> No.3708356

That's just what happens when you read books. Don't feel bad.

>> No.3708364


are you going through all of fyodor or something?

>> No.3708374

Infinite Jest
The Great Gatsby
Note From Underground
A Scanner Darkly

Four. Currently getting down on some Lewis Mumford, which is tough to read since all his stuff is essentially written as textbooks.

>> No.3708378
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Yeah, pretty much.

Thinking about doing Tolstoy next year.

>> No.3708410

The Road
The City & The City
A Game of Thrones
A Crown for Kings
Black Swan Green
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

Currently reading: The Thousand Autumns of Jacod de Zoet

How do I stop being a pleb?

>> No.3708426
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i hope the joke wasnt
done be4
took me 2minuteç to do
do not steal

>> No.3708444



>> No.3708557

/mu/ pls

>> No.3708582


>> No.3708603

I expect this sort of shit in /b/ or /x/ or even /mu/, but /lit/? Fuck off you twatty little cunt, just fuck off.

>> No.3708605

line of beauty is really good.

>> No.3708697

>Platero and I
>The Great Gatsby
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Mrs. Dalloway

Reading Mansfield Park right now, it could take a while. It's been a pretty pleb year so far, but until it ends I'd like to read at least:

>The Gospel According to JC (read 50 pages and dropped it years ago, haven't touched it since)
>Don Quixote (to buy when I find it cheap online)
>Ibsen collectanea (found it on a sale)
>Willa Carter collectanea (x-mas gift from a friend)
>Silent House (stolen from my mother)
>some Dosto-chan, maybe The Idiot or Crime and Punishment (also to buy online)

>> No.3708811


>> No.3708815

Whoops wrong field

>> No.3708961
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Can't tell if you're talking about the Communist Manifesto or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I thoroughly enjoyed both. The Communist Manifesto is fairly dated but still enjoyable to read, mostly historically and in the frame of reference for Marxism today. I hope to read Marx's Kapital someday and this is the beginning of my working towards it.

Pic related is my 2013 reads - Notes From Underground really grabbed me at the beginning of the year. I also loved Breakfast Of Champions. The Brothers Karamazov is amazing and touched me like no other book, but so did Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow in their own ways. I also felt extremely sucked into both As I Lay Dying and Ficciones. This year, the only thing that's been anywhere near close to those experiences is the Iliad. The Iliad was amazing and so much fun, a totally different reading experience than I expected. The Odyssey hasn't been nearly as enjoyable.

>> No.3709054

I wish I read less books and read nothing but my "Stranded on island what ten etc." list.

>> No.3709123

*2012 Reads, that is my 2012 reads in response to the one question

>> No.3709143

If you honestly believe /lit/ is any more intellectual than any of those boards, then you're retarded.

>> No.3709160

Dude, I've read over half of these exact books in the past six months. Hivemind effect at work. I think I know where to go from here.

>> No.3709169

> Ada - Nabokov
>The Savage Detectives - Bolano
>Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon
>The Man in the High Castle - PKD
>The Trial - Kafka
>Gun with Occasional Music - Lethem
>The Disappointment Artist - Lethem
> Collection of Lethem interviews
>If on a Winter's Night a Traveler - Calvino
>Telegraph Avenue - Chabon
>Ficciones - Borges
>Japanense Gothic Tales - Izumi
>Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
>My Past and Thoughts - Herzen
>Complete - ee cummings
>2666 - Bolano
+Lots of /co/ related stuff

Currently reading
>Blood Meridian - McCarthy

>> No.3709175


I think you're forgetting that /x/ is a paranormal board and /b/ is /b/. And let's not even get into /mu/. It's easy to criticize /lit/, especially in its current state, but even now it remains one of the best boards on this site, behind /ck/ and maybe /out/.

>> No.3709184
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>I think I know where to go from here

Yes. It is apparent.

>> No.3709200

can't vouch for /out/ but yeah /ck/ is generally a fine run board with a surprising amount of user participation and oc for 4chan

>> No.3709204

/lit/'s the best literature board out there (that I know of) and it fucking sucks anyway. So much for the internet having any intellectual discourse whatsoever.

>> No.3709208

How can you guys read so many books? My free time goes to /lit/, from 10pm to 12pm(hueland time).

>> No.3709211

>going on /lit/ instead of reading

>> No.3709227

lit used to be a gorgeous place. now it's just stan's mental illness blog

>> No.3709233

I like to discuss books I've read. I believe I can get a better undestanding of a book if I discuss it with people.

>> No.3709316

Perdido street station
Moby Dick
The Stranger
Moby Dick was slow going, I had to force myself to read it.

>> No.3709359


yea, I use to read 150 books a year too. R. L. Stine was a great writer.

>> No.3709362


I started it a couple years back and maybe made it through 40% of the book. I just stopped because I was bored with it.

>> No.3709502

had to check my goodreads

the odyssey
the selfish gene
the aleph
the rubaiyat
a scanner darkly
invisible cities
the street of crododiles
the kingdom of this world
ape and essence
the doors of perception/heaven and hell
alice through the needles eye
the mezzanine

>> No.3710083

Well let's see. I go to college, have a gf, friends, etc. the normal stuff, and these are the books I've read so far this year (43 of them):
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
Collected Poems in English and French by Samuel Beckett
Poems by Hermann Hesse
The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges
Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo
The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord
Post Office by Charles Bukowski
The Body Artist by Don DeLillo
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Woman in the Dunes by Kōbō Abe
The Sublime Object of Ideology by Slavoj Žižek
Thinner by Stephen King
Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung by Thomas Bernhard
Der Keller: Eine Entziehung by Thomas Bernhard
Die Ursache. Eine Andeutung by Thomas Bernhard
Was ist Metaphysik? by Martin Heidegger
On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Jünger
These Are My Rivers: New and Selected Poems, 1955-1993 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Selected Poems by Robert Frost
Species of Spaces and Other Pieces by Georges Perec
Junky by William S. Burroughs
The Flash of Lightning Behind the Mountain: New Poems by Charles Bukowski
Selected Poems by Arthur Rimbaud
Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
The Hamlet by William Faulkner
Pet Sematary by Stephen King
The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch by Ladislav Klíma
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years by Chingiz Aitmatov
The Gay Science: with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy
Nip The Buds, Shoot The Kids by Kenzaburō Ōe
Morfine by Mikhail Bulgakov
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks by William S. Burroughs
Poemes Saturniens by Paul Verlaine
The Cat Inside by William S. Burroughs
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Queer by William S. Burroughs
Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller
The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen
Tabu by Timo K. Mukka
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It's not that hard.

>> No.3710109

Still reading 1Q84 tbh

>> No.3710124
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>mfw everything about this list

i rate this post 'would buy beer for /10'

>> No.3710145

Let's seee.
Achilles in Vietnam by Jonathan Shay
Age of Democratic Revolution by Palmer
From the Ruins of Empire by Mishra
The Proud Tower by Tuchman <--Highly Recommend
Global Capitalism by Frieden
Bloodlands by Snyder
Shakespeare plays: Pericles
Winters Tale
Antony and Cleopatra
The Tempest

>> No.3710156

Reading now: Persian Letters by Montesquieu

Have to say, about the best thing I've read this year so far. Absolutely delightful.

>> No.3711799

Where do you fuckers find the time to read so much? Are you all just twenty-something shut-ins?

>> No.3711847
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I read and reread lovecraft this year

>> No.3711865

Infinite Jest
Consider the Lobster
A Supposedly Fun thing
Catcher in the Rye
Clockwork Orange
Shitposting from American Apparel
Monkey Planet

>> No.3711894

want to read 200

reading and rereading a bunch of yeats, stevens, and eliot

want to focus on hume-->kant-->hegel and marx this summer

want to read some other stuff besides

>> No.3711904

The Toothfairy
Joan of Arc: Her Story
Arabian Nights
The Memoirs of Cleopatra
I want to get through these during my Summer break, will I make it /lit/?

>> No.3711906

Shit, let me see. In no particular order:

Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
The Right Stuff - Tom Wolfe
The Stranger - Albert Camus
Dubliners - James Joyce
Collection of Plato's Dialogues - Plato
Factotum - Charles Bukowski
The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
Norweigan Wood - Haruki Murakami (Alright, I finished this one at Christmas, shoot me)

Not a bad year so far.

>> No.3711912

-A clockwork orange
-animal farm
-The George Orwell Essay collection
-The great Gatsby
-The communist manifesto
-To kill a mocking bird
-catch 22
-The invisible man

Expected to read more this year but started uni this year

>> No.3712737


How was The girl who loved tom gordon? (without any spoiler please) Thats coming up on my reading list

>> No.3712788

I got Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs for free last year but never got to reading it. Is it any good?

>> No.3713182

It was OK, not King's best or his worst. Quite entertaining and fast to read, but not very satisfying either.

>> No.3713203

I've only read one so far. Enders Game. Not a big reading year for me, video games have ruled my world.

>> No.3713526

is there a way to automatically make this via your goodreads account? like a widget or something

>> No.3713561

I read 11 books last two weeks alone, jesus fuck man.