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3707069 No.3707069 [Reply] [Original]

Main premise
>>Dementia is defined as a loss of global cognitive ability in a person & cognition is the group of mental processes including attention, memory, producing and understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making.

Minor premise
>>Nietzsche had dementia

>>Nietzsche had demeaned cognitive ability and, henceforth, he had demeaned attention, memory, language grasping and production, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making.

>> No.3707125


>> No.3707280

Nietzsche didn't have dementia.

he had tertiary syph and the spirochetes were slowly eating his brain.

>> No.3707285



>>A paper just published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica reconsiders the insanity and death of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who is commonly thought to have died of neurosyphilis.

>>In contrast, the authors of the new study suggest that Nietzsche died of frontotemporal dementia – a type of dementia that specifically affects the frontal and temporal lobes.

>> No.3707291

I like to think he died of a broken heart. Don't have no papers, though, to show it.

>> No.3707304


Main premise:
>Retroactive diagnosis is problematic since disease-constructs are typologies of symptoms subject to change over time

Minor premise:
>OP retroactively diagnosed Nietzsche

>OP is a fag

>> No.3707307

so did u bud

>> No.3707315


OP and I are writing synchronously. Here it is just garden variety diagnosis. Not as problematic as retroactive diagnosis.

>> No.3707319
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>> No.3707347


The scientific underdetermination does not mean that you cannot say someone else is wrong!

>> No.3707357


O.k., but don't go through alleys or try to divert from the main point: regardless of the cause, Nietzsche was not well in the head, be it by 1800s standard or today's standards.

>> No.3707365

Does not mean he was stupid.

A mental illness may force you to think abnormally hard, for example. It almost always decreases your quality of life, but it does not necessarily decrease the volume and quality of your professional output - on the contrary.

>> No.3707370

>>on the contrary.

I expect a link to a scientific journal stating beyond doubt that dementia is a intellectual booster.

>> No.3707382

I expect a link to a scientific journal stating beyond doubt that dementia is a intellectual detriment.

Also show me a link to incontravertible evidence that IQ exists/is measurable and that mental phenomena reduce to neurophysiology

>> No.3707416

"In this France of intellect, which is also
the France of pessimism, Schopenhauer is already much more
at home than he ever was in Germany, his principal work has
already been translated twice, and the second time so excellently
that now I prefer to read Schopenhauer in French (—he was
an accident among Germans, just as I am—the Germans have no fingers wherewith to grasp us; they haven't any fingers at
all,—but only claws)."

Nietzsche prefer to read schopy in french.

Now that is crazy.

>> No.3707419


Yes, here it is.


I am waiting for yours.

>> No.3707423

>It is published with the understanding that the author, editors, and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, legal, accounting or other professional service.
So fuck you, pal.

>> No.3707436

This seems like a giant ad hominem. I'm not a big Nietzsche fan, by any means, but you have to judge his work, and not whatever neurological disorders he may have had. At least, if your intention is to make any commentary on the quality of his work.

>> No.3707439


Nah, fuck you. You're trying to evade with childish fallacies the truth: he was not good in his head. And you're full of shit. And I am not your pal. I am your father.

>> No.3707441
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Not really. I am not arguing with the dude. I am legitimately placing a veil of doubt over his production as it is demonstrated that he was not good in his head.

And it is aimed at young, lost and gullible minds who worship a person whose intellectual production came from a head with demeaded cognitive capabilities.
