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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.3704462

I am not sure I see the "issue". Female authors compose a fine genre along with scifi and young adult.

>> No.3704513

It's that whilst they are identified by their sex, the men are not, as if they cannot be classified as both "women novelists" and "American novelists". But you're just pulling legs, so I'll pretend I'm playing along.

>> No.3704537

Does "American women novelist" not convey both those things?

>> No.3704542

The funny part is that most likely it were the feminists who created the category and kept moving the female authors there.

>> No.3704557

Shouldn't have Women's Lit studies and then complain when it's considered a different category.

>> No.3704571

It were the feminists who moved the writers. Now whoever did that is feeling stupid as fuck, so she won't speak out.

Why would a non-feminist even bother doing this?

>> No.3704577


This is was feminism is today - arguing over the categorisation of novelists on open internet encyclopaedia's.

>> No.3704607

How can women complain about being underrepresented in modern literature when:
1. The two best-selling novel series of the past 10 years were both written by women
2. Zadie Smith is the most relevant "high-culture" author working today.

>> No.3704611

This. Sensible women are logically upset about the notion of preferential treatment. Some feminazi's probably just wanted to be more special.

>> No.3704624

Zadie Smith is not "high-culture" by any definition. She is Franzen-tier. Hell, Jeanette Winterson is higher brow than Smith and she's also a more prominent media figure.

>> No.3704626
File: 341 KB, 581x825, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, look at the sidelinks on the first article,
see what the women contributors' articles are!

>> No.3704627

If this is the sum of "oppression" women are subjected to these days, then I think we can safely say that feminism has already won.

>> No.3704634


>> No.3704653

I shall have to let Wikipedia know of my deep displeasure. Sexism is so prevalent in the 21st century that it hardly raises eye brows any more. What the hell happened? I thought the world was becoming more accepting of women. Damn! From "original sin" up to this very today women still have a black mark against them. It's infuriating.

>> No.3704694



>> No.3704729

>Pictures of people who mock me
This is...I don't even know how to describe this.

>> No.3704836

>She is Franzen-tier

Yeah but the difference is people like her.

>> No.3704849


Tao Lin gets a shout-out for some reason.

I can remember when I used to think Salon was good.

>> No.3704851

The Corrections is vastly superior to anything Zadie's written. The closest she ever came to great literature was when she was sucking DFW's cock.

>> No.3704864
File: 2.96 MB, 960x540, dfw dancing for Zadie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3705094

That doesn't mean much. Of course it is a good thing to have both those things for the women's rights movement but compared to men over the years it is still not the same.

The main point of people getting out of hand is because most American female authors don't want to see themselves as something distant from the normal literary tradition. Taking women out of the normal literary tradition and placing them inside of a separate category only goes to show that the binary opposition that the American Feminist were supposed to be challenging is kept in order.

I must admit it is quite petty, but Wikipedia IS supposed to be an open source "encyclopedia"

>> No.3706146


>> No.3706503


>How can women complain about being underrepresented in modern literature when:
>1. The two best-selling novel series of the past 10 years were both written by women


Fuck this article and every "feminist" who fabricates outrage to cry about.

>> No.3706615
File: 41 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought this was brilliant - Just not for the reasons that it's manipulative creator did.

>> No.3706627

separate but equal, the american way.

>> No.3706714
File: 61 KB, 620x978, literacy_privilege_checklist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I think it's time for everyone to step back, take a second and check their respective literary privileges.

>> No.3707000

...What exactly does Kiera Knightley have to do with wikipedia articles about female novelists?