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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 1080x720, kurtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3691300 No.3691300 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of what you're reading now!

>> No.3691305

Nice pillowcase, fruity.

>> No.3691309

:^) thanks

>> No.3691328

No camera, but reading Atlas Shrugged again.

>> No.3691349

About Behaviorism
By Skinner.
Oh yeah.

>> No.3691356
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>> No.3691358

Oooh! Love me some Watts!

>> No.3691364
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>cracked dat spine

>> No.3691365


>> No.3691369


>> No.3691376

'Watt's' up dough?

>> No.3691436
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>> No.3691440
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>> No.3691449

Good shit

>> No.3691477

I have wanted to read this since I was 14 because I was really into William S. Burroughs and he cited it as his favorite book.
I never got to it.
I have head nothing but good things about it.

>> No.3691481

>tfw read that getting my oil changed in kingstowne VA shopping center where that movie theater and kohls and burger king and bonefish and near telegraph road

- ubik pkd
-both flesh and not dfw
-i dont need you anymore am
-(reread) another roadside attraction / V

todays washington post was a doozy

>> No.3691511
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I started this year by reading almost two books per week, then I started on this fucker.
Two months later and I'm not even through the first volume. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good book that's very well-written, but I don't enjoy reading it one bit.

>> No.3691539
File: 41 KB, 310x475, fear and loathing in las vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading Flatland, which, while an interesting concept coupled with some insightful if blunt social commentary, was some bad writing. I'm looking forward to starting on pic related later tonight.

>> No.3691562
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that's a good book man, don't expect too much from the movie though if you are planning on watching it, the second half gets very stale
I really like the cover of this book aswell

>> No.3693356
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On the last portion of the book and it's pretty great

I've heard all the sequels are mediocre though, which is very disappointing

>> No.3693362

It is amazing.

>> No.3693400

Loving it

>> No.3693403
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For fuck's sake

>> No.3693473

Umberto Eco è un bro.

>> No.3693485


Speaker for the Dead is nice. Less "action" than Ender. More about the philosophical side of things.

>> No.3693488


Of course, that doesn't change the fact that OSC is a homophobe. He kinda went off the rails.

Thankfully, it doesn't show in the books (at least to me).

>> No.3693521

>defends traditional marriage and the church's right to allow who they want to marry, since it's a religious ceremony not a state one

Maybe if homos actually read the Bible, they'd realize Christianity isn't for them. But of course, modern homosexuality isn't really about being attracted to the same gender. It's just a sex cult used to claw whatever unearned privileges they can.

I feel sorry for the people that just want to live quietly in peace with their same-sex partner like anybody else.

>> No.3693532

osc wasn't a christian, was a mormon and the mormon church hasn't been on a "leave them in peace" tear with homosexuals, more of a "use whatever means available to persecute, and lobby against their rights" tear.

Though maybe its just because they don't want competition from any other "sex cults"

>> No.3693545
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my nigger

>> No.3693547
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>> No.3693548


not that I disagree with you but marriage doesn't only exist in Christianity. it's completely universal and exists in some form or another in every society on earth

>> No.3693562

Marriage in the legal sense of the word is a religious ceremony. I would argue that it should be abolished, and that all partnerships should be civil ones.

>> No.3693566

Then why are they forcing the Christian church to let them marry when they don't belong to any church or religion anyway?

Marriage is a religious union. You want it, you join a religion and go to church.

>> No.3693571

You join a religion that will have you, rather

Because no religion I can think of believes in homosexual marriage

>> No.3693577

potential /soc/ shit

>> No.3693578


that I don't know. I agree that gay people shouldn't get married in a religious ceremony. All i'm saying is that civil marriage does exist, you can go to your local court house and be legally married by the judge. Marriage is not strictly a religious union

>> No.3693584

And yet they can have civil ceremonies, and still whine

This is why I can't stand the homosexual cult. They have everything they want but they keep pushing. And then wonder why popular opinion against gays is rising. Fucking retarded

>> No.3693591
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This guy's life is a novel in itself

>> No.3693594

But they don't have everything they want, you fucking retard, nor do they have everything they deserve. Civil partnerships are unrecognised by a great many institutions, such as Hospitals, in the western world. Homosexuality itself is still a punishable offence in a shit load of places.

Stop being such a fucking idiot.

>> No.3693602

>oh noes i can't put who i want as my next of kin
Neither can I, do I feel oppressed? No, because I'm not fucking retarded
>Homosexuality itself is still a punishable offence in a shit load of places.
In the middle east. Where the homosex cult refuses to go and help, instead they stay in their comfy first world countries where they are no longer oppressed and whine.

It's the same shit with feminists. Oh, you care about the female struggle? Why not go to the middle east and help those actual oppressed women? Oh, you don't want to? What a surprise.

>> No.3693608


>> No.3693610

Well shit, you're a retard.

>> No.3693616

>lose argument
>call names and say go2pol
Ah, the crutch of the unintelligent

>> No.3693620


>> No.3693634
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Post a picture of what you're reading, or, if you'd prefer to argue over social politics...


>> No.3693667
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>> No.3693680



>> No.3693691

Is that actually you though? Or just something you took from tumblr?

>> No.3693702

There's tumblrs of girls holding up books?

>> No.3693707

God, I don't know. The picture just looked like something you'd see on tumblr. I've personally never been there.

that's a lie, but whatever, I don't go there anymore

>> No.3693717
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My feet are stunning. Plus, you get one internet if you guess what are the names of the books in english.

>> No.3693723

Jailbird-Kurt Vonnegut and A Feast for Crows-George RR Martin

>> No.3693736


Como se a linguagem Português seria um mistério


>> No.3693742

Can't read the first one.
The Wealth of Nations.
Introduction to Complex Thinking?
The Essays.

>> No.3693749

First one is Zizek

>> No.3693755

I recognized the author but can't read the title.

That's wrong btw.

>> No.3693780

*Como se a língua portuguesa fosse um mistério

Yes, you're right. Please accept this brazilian flavour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-J1jBSbL3U

>> No.3693795

Oh, fuck, I sense a History major here

>> No.3693801

Thanks, that's some fine brazilian culture right there.

>> No.3693802


Eu não falo o dialeto dos escravos. Eu falo a língua original.

>> No.3693809

>implicando que o português brasileiro não é objetivamente superior ao de portugal


>> No.3693812


whatever, besta.

>> No.3693816


>> No.3693817
File: 20 KB, 352x595, thehost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I first realized who the author is

>> No.3693819

You fucking pleb. Either you reveal that you're actually a pre-pubescent girl, or you post the last book that you read. It better be a good one.

>> No.3693818

Well, you're fucked anyway

>> No.3693821
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>that former metropolis made redundant feel

>> No.3693828
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>> No.3693906

Trying to get through To the Lighthouse.

It's so fucking boring.

>> No.3693919

How it's?

>> No.3694027
File: 7 KB, 200x239, 200px-Wealth_of_Nations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Easier read than I thought.
Also Galbraith: Life in our times, which is harder than I expected.
Today I started Chasing rainbows.

>> No.3694135

The Wealth of Nations is by Adam Smith.

>> No.3694862
File: 24 KB, 300x457, the third policeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First book I'm reading of his. Liking it so far, not loving it though.

>> No.3694907

>that fucking grammar
Not OP, but Lolita is awesome.

>> No.3695407
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Impulse buy.

>> No.3695707
File: 337 KB, 504x800, Gombrowicz_Ferdydurke-jubileusz_m_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my second passing after having not read it for like 7-8 years and after reading this review: " “Ferdydurke is one of the most bracing, direct books ever written about sexual desire—this without a single scene of sexual union." I wanted to go back through it with that in mind. Definitely better than I remember.

When it comes to Gombrowicz I still like "Bacacay" far more (collection of his earlier short stories).

>> No.3695722
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>> No.3695784
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>> No.3695819

Great book

>> No.3695895

Amazing book, one of the only 20th c. memoirs I enjoyed. Never seen anyone here mention it before.

>> No.3695920

Thinly veiled /soc/ thread

>> No.3695962

i think that civil unions would be fine for gay people but the problem, at least here in america, is that civil unions don't grant the same financial benefits as real marriage.
and public opinion is far from turning against gay marriage. actually, polls show that gay marriage is gaining greater traction among a majority of americans

>> No.3695965

I stopped hearing about civil unions from either side of the debate a while ago, and that's when I knew that the gay marriage issue was already won and we were just waiting for the law to catch-up.