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/lit/ - Literature

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3692373 No.3692373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old are you? Is this above average high school students? College students? Graduate pursuers?

Just a quick survey.

>> No.3692377


>> No.3692381


>> No.3692380
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college senior
mechanical engineering
not pursuing grad school

>> No.3692382

24, graduate pursuer.

I think the 19-21 range dominates here.

>> No.3692384

20 year old NEET.

Don't read much anymore, just come here for occasional gratification.

I suspect most are in the same boat.

>> No.3692389

21, welder

money is great, but would like to be a writer/journalist. who knows...

>> No.3692391

22, grad student here.

>> No.3692396

23, bachelors in biochem

In the back of my mind I wish I took more lit/writing classes.

>> No.3692402


>> No.3692406

Computer Science Major
Already working as a programmer
On track for normal life
Feels like I dated a few girls, some of them for a short time, some of them for a long time. Some of them broke my heart, I broke some of their hearts. One of them I broke her heart and she broke my heart. Read the usual suspects(dead white guys). Wrote some stuff I've shared with people, some I haven't. Confused, enthusiastic, pessimistic, motivated, lazy, and fascinated.

>> No.3692408

Studying middle eastern studies and international relations

>> No.3692428

19, undergrad, will pursue grad school.

>> No.3692488

21, creative writing major.

>> No.3692494

20, undergrad English major

>> No.3692509

21. Engineering major, still in college.

>> No.3692511

Curious, what kind of colleges do (did) you guys go to?

State, Private, Liberal Arts, etc?
Liberal Arts here.
Obviously I was very concerned about getting a job.

>> No.3692515

25, have an M.A. and am starting an internship at an agency for corporate communication for a starving wage in may.

>> No.3692522
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I choose to remain anonymous and think your survey is nonsense.

>> No.3692528

19, Anthropology undergrad at a top 5 private university.

>> No.3692539

21, Removed from the normal school program at the age of 15

Cert ll in welding, warehouse management, light metal fabrication, carpentry and Engineering

Cert lll in Process Plant Operations, Agriculture and Science

>> No.3692565

21, English/philosophy double major. I know how impractical that is, but most of the expense is covered. I doubt I'll even use the degrees.

>> No.3692585

19, NEET. I'd be an adept /lit/ poster if my fuckinf working memory didn't have to suck so bad. I wish ADD on no one.

>> No.3692607

20, college, doing a double- bachelor's in political science and American Studies

>> No.3692610

18, I'm currently riding in motocross.

>> No.3692611

Private, then State. Probably going Private again for the PhD.

>> No.3692616

23 and NEET.

>> No.3692637

21, art student

>> No.3692727

21. Graduate student. Working on a thesis about European literature and art about the American Gold Rush.

I'm also pursuing a diploma in management and finance in a business school. You know, for safety reasons.

>> No.3692800

23 graduate pursuer

>> No.3692815

27 major

>> No.3692816

18, final exams of Secondary next week
Gonna study law after a gap year

>> No.3692817

you do know that moot is mining those threads for the feds, right?

>> No.3692820

lucky him

>> No.3692825

30 year old English bachelor graduate

>> No.3692830

College Junior
minor in Philosophy

>> No.3692852

22 philosophy BA, finishing law degree

>> No.3693401

¼century lumpenprole

>> No.3693406

What are you doing nowadays, dude?

>> No.3693410

25 year old graduate student who has made some questionable decisions in the past.

>> No.3693411

21, English major with Psych, second year of college

>> No.3693435

Fifty-seven, Doctorate. Ag Science.

>> No.3693449

20, working on B.S. in molecular and cell biology then plan to go to med school, still need to take the MCAT

>> No.3693455

29 pursuing JD

>> No.3693481
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Dropped out of Philosophy Dept My senior year.

Alaskan Fisherman. Would like to be a writer.

>> No.3693489

Graduate with an English degree from UCLA in 2010, now working ins a cemetary in L.A. until I figure out what I want to do

>> No.3693510
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>last year of masters degree in physics
>not doing phd

>> No.3693518

52, neet

>> No.3693534

20; undergraduate, want to do grad school despite everyone telling me not to

>> No.3693535

30, Pursuing PhD

Please compile these responses into a chart of some sort. I am interested in the demographic composition of /lit/

>> No.3693555

declaring anonymity is one of the most pointless things I can think of

>> No.3693558

29, earning my Masters in English this year, considering a PhD but seems like it's got more pitfalls than payouts. May stick with secondary teaching.

>> No.3693570

31, and for anyone that has read Underworld, I am about to give any kid I meet up with a shotgun any day now.

>> No.3693581



>> No.3693597

How's that worked out for you?

>> No.3693603


Right now? Nil. The LL.M. is all I needed to get a decent job. Actually, I was silent about it in my CV when it was in progress. I mainly did it as a retirement plan. When I hit 45 or 50 I will teach and leave the private sector and all its stress behind. Hopefully.

Interested in one? I'd recommend to do the sacrifice. At least for me it has been intellectually stimulating.

>> No.3693609

23, flâneur

>> No.3693617

23, professional edgy

>> No.3693618

Either the teenagers are avoiding this thread or lying. Or we're all extremely immature and poorly-read for our ages.

>> No.3693624

a.k.a. bum

>> No.3693631

45; own an IT consulting firm
BA in theology
used to own a technical writing company
have 3 books published.

>> No.3693632

I didn't avoid it, I'm only poorly read
That should be number btw

And the yanks are only just waking up

>> No.3693636
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Yeah. Although I am filthy rich from inheritance.

>> No.3693646

>22 year old
>economics degree
>life insurance salesman
It's not easy selling a product you personally would never buy. I'm considering grad school next year but still undecided...

>> No.3693650

I'm also 20 and NEET, Waiting to start a degree though.

>> No.3693654


>> No.3693663


>> No.3693665


You were asked age ad education only.

Why the need to dump other stuff in an anonymous internet forum.

>> No.3693671

We're all friends here!

>> No.3693673

who cares

>> No.3693678



>> No.3693686

He helped me!

>> No.3693806

22 econ major with a minor in english

>> No.3693805

I was far from alone; others before and after discussed their careers, aspirations, writing goals, etc.

>> No.3693807


>> No.3693810

It's something to think about. I almost certainly wouldn't be doing it for career.

>> No.3693833
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75, writer. Majored in Engineering before switching to English.

>> No.3693837

Tom Pychum?

>> No.3693842
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>> No.3693862

23, working on my BA thesis in film studies

>> No.3693871


Lol.. I don't know if you realize this, but you don't need a degree to be a salesman bahahaha.

>> No.3693914

28, diploma software development

>> No.3693927

Fucking boss.

>> No.3693955

sup ruggles

hope everything is fine C:

>> No.3693957

I enjoyed that

chemistry student

>> No.3693965

Thanks man. High highs, low lows.

>> No.3693972
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>being over 40 on 4chan

19, Undergraduate student, Finance Major.

>> No.3693978

>can't recognize Tom
Get out.

>> No.3693990

graduate student

>> No.3694032

19, journalism major at uni.

Also, I'm an American that calls it "uni." Somebody stop me!

>> No.3694037



>> No.3694042

I do that too, probably 'cause I spend alot of time on the internet.

>> No.3694043

Go to bed, Tommy.

>> No.3694045

25, doctor of medicine

>> No.3694046

>Studying middle eastern studies and international relations

Are you me?


A good number of undergraduate programs require you to do some sort of senior thesis.

>> No.3694051

Do you think people over 40 don't use the internet or something?

>> No.3694052

19, between Sixth form and University. Have a bunch of offers, but might not take any of them and spend a small portion of my savings travelling for a year.

Will study English when I go though. Or possibly Economics, I don't know. My A-Levels are decent enough to do either at a Russell Group uni.

>> No.3694058

I discovered my Dad went on Leddit last week.

Absolutely horrifying.

>> No.3694069

26, getting a PhD in math

>> No.3694082

24, B.A teaching ESL overseas

>> No.3694096

21 B.A., officer in USN

>> No.3694102

>21 B.A., officer in USN

How is it? OCS or NROTC? Or neither?

>> No.3694103

No formal education whatsoever, not even GCSE's.

>> No.3694104

“At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole god-damned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves.”
- Charles 'Mothafuckin' Bukowski

Awesome trip showing your Bukowski love, bro!

>> No.3694107

almost the same here
ME student
second year

>> No.3694108

18, finished my sophomore year of college. Taking time "off" and living in NYC working at a bookstore.

>> No.3694109

He's not a Bukowski fan. Apparently his mother was sexually assaulted by him. check the archives it's pretty hilarious how angry he gets when it's brought up.

>> No.3694115

I thought Bullkowski was a grill?

>> No.3694116


Yeah I remember.

She got the dipsomaniac's cock up her ass, forcibly, right?

>> No.3695705

18, about to finish high school. I don't post much, though.

>> No.3695715 [DELETED] 


>> No.3695718

Above average high school student btw. I mainly just read old classical liberal texts and some other books on theories of governments etc.

>> No.3695719


I don't have anyone to talk about books with, so I come here.
I mean, I'm not that knowledgeable, but I don't want to fucking talk about John Green or those shitty poems about meth.

>> No.3695752 [DELETED] 

14. Don't kill me.

>> No.3695760

18, don't browse /lit/ more than a few times a year though.

>> No.3695764


>> No.3695768

29. Jesus, I was reading Ulysses for the first time while most of you were still shitting diapers.

>> No.3695772


>> No.3695789

19 y/o neat

>> No.3695793

20. Going to Law School in the Fall.

>> No.3695825

21, majoring in Literature and Language at my state's public liberal arts university.

>> No.3695840

18. Majoring in starving and masturbation. Currently finishing up Ulysses.
Just curious, what age were you when you finished it for the first time?

>> No.3695853

That is my dream.

>> No.3695892

No clue what i will be doing

>> No.3695900

22 without a clue

>> No.3695911

27 (fugg), M.A. in English and one solitary year in law school.

>> No.3695912

21, about to graduate w/ double major in math and econ.

>> No.3695924

Posting here because of the traffic.
If I wanted to post some of my work here for critique, is there any chance of someone just stealing it?
I know it sounds really self-entitled, and I try not to come off that way, but I just wanted to ask before I just posted my shit.

>> No.3695939

No, but there is a chance of everyone shitting on it.

>> No.3695941

That doesn't bother me lol

>> No.3695952 [DELETED] 

I just like reading
I just finished animal farm and 1984
Go ahead and ban me I never post anyways

>> No.3695969

Theoretical Physics major.

>> No.3695972

20, graduated HS two years ago and I've done nothing since. Hoping to start college soon ;_;

>> No.3695973

18 studying computer science. Doubting my choices, feel too young too choose a career and too immature for college. Whatever, guess I just have to "deal with it"

>> No.3695979

If you don't love IT when studying it, I have some bad news for you it won't get any better.

>> No.3695994

18, 'bout to get into college studying English. Yep.