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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 500x334, Fuck High School English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3692981 No.3692981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: High School Reading experiences
>be in 11th grade
>read Gatsby
>my class is full of idiot niggers and spics that don't pay attention to a goddamn thing so they act like it's as difficult as Faulkner or James Joyce to read
>all they give a fuck about is how "gangsta" Meyer Wolfsheim and Gatsby are
>one fat spic girl with a baby spoils the ending of the book for everyone in class because she's a cunt bitch
>time to watch the movie (70s version) comes around
>Tom slaps Myrtle
>they all bust out laughing saying shit like "DAT NIGGA SLAP A BITCH DAYUM"
>never shut the fuck up about other random bullshit throughout the entire movie/book

>> No.3692990

Welcome to 16 year-olds
Have a nice stay

>> No.3692995

>a thread about past experience
Your reading comprehension is a little off there bud

>> No.3692996

...that's not a poem. It's a map.

>> No.3693002
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>> No.3693003

I was in AP, so my reason experiences were always awesome.

>> No.3693000


>poetry analysis
>teacher asking us about meaning of tiny little things
>one kid rants that stupid thing about 'just becuase they write the curtains are blue doesn't mean it represents depression, maybe it just means that THE CURTAINS ARE FUCKING BLUE etc.'
>remind you again, we are looking at POETRY ffs
>Teacher just face palms
I honestly didn't think anybody would spout that crap in class, especially a poetry elective we chose to do

another one

>discussing 'heart of darkness'
>one smart arse dickhead says that 'divine' is used in wrong context
>kid says something like 'I guess Conrad just made a mistake'
>teacher yells "CONRAD NEVER WRONG' and throws the book at him

>> No.3693004

We call it 'sarcasm'
It's a kind of joke

>> No.3693008

>throws the book at him

>> No.3693009

Holy fuck that first one made me cringe
"Derp I'm 15 and I'm smarter then my teacher cause I go on lebbit all the time." Trying to be a smart ass when you're a dumb ass is a bad decision

>> No.3693012

>someone points out how stupid his statement was
Okay buddy

>> No.3693013
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Well aren't you just a special snowflake faggot

>> No.3693018


Reminds me of one time

>reading old man and the sea
>kid talks about how shitty the writing is because there's no big words or anything
>teacher asks if big words are important to a text
>student says yes they are
>teacher says 'well maybe that's why you don't have a nobel prize in literature'

this was in year nine and I'm not even joking most of the kids likely didn't even know what the nobel prize was, so the comment was lost on most of us

>> No.3693024


I was cringing too. This same kid spent most of class playing his nintendo DS under the table though...

>> No.3693028

Well we all know for one thing that no matter how stupid the rest of you were, that kid was stupider

>> No.3693047
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They seem to be enjoying a, what is otherwise a boring shitty book (in respect to their weed and pussy), depicted in a shitty boring film in 70's format, and you just sat there feeling envy and hate.

And to this day you remembered. Now that's comedy.

>> No.3693054

Touché as fuck

>> No.3693056

>trying this hard
I agree that the 70s film is shitty but, if you're serious, you're really underestimating how stupid they were. However I'm fairly sure you aren't serious or are at least on their level of idiocracy due to
>in respect to their weed and pussy
>it's a boring shitty book
Why respect their weed and pussy and empty lifestyle that embraces ignorance and why let it factor into my opinion of them during our reading of the great Gatsby. Never once did I envy their dumbness

>> No.3693061

>otherwise a boring shitty book (in respect to their weed and pussy)
It's a bad book no matter how you look at it

>> No.3693063


oh that reminds me of a stupid teacher we had. Reading some book, I don't even remember, all I remember is that every single time she spoke about a theme or word choice she was like 'well class, he got a nobel prize, so I think he knows what he was doing here!' just to highlight how important something was. She literally said this three or four times a lesson. I think it was hundred years of solitude, now that I think about it

>> No.3693067


>'just becuase they write the curtains are blue doesn't mean it represents depression, maybe it just means that THE CURTAINS ARE FUCKING BLUE etc.'

well, it seems that this kid was the only smart kid in the class

you're clearly butthurt

>> No.3693066

>people seriously don't like The Great Gatsby
Well, this WAS a fun thread...

>> No.3693068


Son, learn to express yourself correctly or kindly fuck off to >>>/pol/

The correct terms are "African American" and "Hispanic".

>> No.3693075

imo, it's mostly just the reaction to it i dislike

>> No.3693081


How do you know their life is empty?

While they are out there living their lives, you are here, in an anonymous internet forum, being edgy as fuck.

I guess we have a loser, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.3693082

Dude you're being bitter about niggers having fun. Seriously you're sounding like my Aunt Hershlag.

>> No.3693089

Okay I don't know their life is empty but you don't know my entire life either. I took an out of town trip and got drunk with some friends of mine in a band two days ago and have had some wild nights myself. I also smoke weed and enjoy the company of females. But I'm not a yoloswagfag idiot that buys into the whole "Ignorance and Anti-Intellectualism=Cool" thing lately

>defending stupid people
What the fuck is wrong with /lit/ lately?

>> No.3693090

>read Lord of The flies
>class is genuinely interested
>goldmine of reactions when piggy died
>huh that was pretty good

Then again this was in Canada, we generally have higher quality people.

>> No.3693098

I envy Canadians

>> No.3693101

We had that with Of Mice and Men
The class read on into the break, which is almost unheard of
(britfag if it matters)

>> No.3693102

>>but you don't know my entire life either

Frankly, son, I don't give a damn.

>> No.3693103

No one is defending anything. You posted a story that reveals nothing of proles and lots about your character as an intellectual. I take that back I am defending those kids making the best of their time. I bet you hated it when the class was enjoying themselves, making the best of their shitty mandatory lit. class.

>> No.3693127

It was shitty because they made it shitty you stupid faggot. Every day it was a fucking shouting match between them and the teacher/student teacher with at least three of them being sent to the office a day. My teacher was actually competent and was a pretty cool and interesting person but they didn't give a fuck and never shut the fuck up. Also I never called myself an intellectual. I said they represented anti-intellectualism and intellectual doesn't always mean some pretentious guy who's smart but not THAT smart as you're implying I'm trying to use it towards myself. Making the best of "their time" made it shit for everyone who wasn't an interrupting faggot you fucking dickweed. And yeah, I don't give a shit that I used ad hominems in this rant because someone as stupid as you defending your fellow idiots deserves nothing more and you probably didn't even realize you could have pointed out this argument as ad hominem until I mentioned it myself because you were too busy trying to cook up some more bullshit that would probably ignore points I've made so you can be "right." And you still will be "right" in your mind no matter how this debate ends so it doesn't even matter what I do or say towards you fucker. So get a caribou horn up your anus and die faggot ass bitch shit.

Then why bring it up/why do you even care stupid?

>> No.3693135


It is you who brought it up, kid, them being this and that and you being all superior and shit. I just called you out on that horrendous non sequitur and your mind gaps when building coherent sentences.

Check mate.

>> No.3693139
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>> No.3693144

If you knew them and knew me you would see that I am superior so get a blow job from your great grand mother's corpse before I fucking ass rape you through the internet shit head bitch

>> No.3693147
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The doctor has prepared a diagnose and it is incontestable.

OP is a teen with acne problems and quite bitter about being deeply unpopular at school. Most probably a virgin and bullied child. Channels its frustration by embracing racist propaganda from >>>/pol/ and feeling intellectually superior.

Prognosis: mom's basement for another 12 years and perennial virginity. Suicide before the age of 40. If not, then pedophile serial killer very likely.


>> No.3693149
File: 19 KB, 505x269, Biff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aawwww, he is a tough guy. How cute!

>> No.3693150

While were on topic, what classics do you think are most interesting to serve to the youth (of highschool level)?

>> No.3693154

To be fair they raise some relevant questions and comments.

>> No.3693155

I hate /pol/
I don't have acne
I'm not a teen
I wasn't bullied more then anyone else
I don't live in my mom's basement
I actually am a virgin but I've done everything but penis in vagina/asshole
I was actually very popular at school and was as friendly towards the stupid people in my classes as much as I could be
You aren't a doctor
fuck off nigger faggot, you know nothing of my life

>> No.3693159

Awww he's being obnoxiously sarcastic on 4chan like the 12 year old bitch he is how cute!

>> No.3693170
File: 26 KB, 415x600, twin_peaks_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I actually am a virgin but I've done everything but penis in vagina/asshole

>> No.3693176

Give it up kid, you're not trolling anybody.

>> No.3693177

Yup you're whole fucking argument is right because one little piece of shit was kind of right but no even 100 percent. I fucking hope you die sometime today faggot fucking ass nigger that bites the fucking shit out of old lady's tampon diapers

>> No.3693182

You're the one that derailed a fucking thread defeniding idiot spics and niggers faggot

>> No.3693190
File: 63 KB, 385x603, spongebob sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody is wearing his cranky pants today.

>> No.3693193

>I actually am a virgin but I've done everything but penis in vagina/asshole

Just stop, please. Delete this thread and get the fuck out of /lit/.

>> No.3693196

Just delete the thread, or go back to >>>/b/.

>> No.3693201



>> No.3693206


>> No.3693208

Okay guys fuck all of you. I don't even give a flying fucking shit about anything anymore. This fucking thread has driven me to full blown suicidal nihilism and later today I am going to go buy a gun or steal a gun or some pills or something and fucking get the fuck out of this world the same way I am about to get the fuck out of this thread. Fuck all of you fucking trolls, fuck all the serious responders, fuck /lit/ fuck every board on 4chan, fuck moot, fuck everything, fuck everybody myself included because I am an enormous fucking faggot fucker just like the rest of you. You want the fucking truth faggots? I dropped out of high school and still live with my parents (albeit not in the basement) and I don't have a job and am a NEET leech. I am a fucking flaming ball of rage that hates everyone and everybody myself included and this fuckng thread was just the last fucking straw. And I'm not trying to ask for sympathy or say I'm better than anybody or anything but I just can't take it. I am a retarded piece of shit pussy faggot and the worst human being in the world. Worse then all of you and I am finally convinced of that. I denied it for a long time but I finally accepted it. Buy guys. Fucking buy forever and good riddance. Good riddance of you for me and even better riddance of me from you. I really fucking hope all of you have better lives then me because this has been a real shit pot of an existence and all existence in general just seems objectively shit.

See you in the dirt faggots

>> No.3693217
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>> No.3693230


>> No.3693231

Fuck these 2 guys you are replying. You are the one that's right here. No sarcasm

Having knee-jerk reactions and classifying anyone who says something "smart" as edgy is the new sport on /lit/

>> No.3693235
File: 272 KB, 469x486, Deep&Edgy!pSkjEcB9sQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thing I want you to see when you pull the trigger is this image.

>> No.3693242



>> No.3693244

/lit/ sure loves niggers.

>> No.3693246
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1351790944458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 year old
>get given some book, about 200 pages long, get told we'll do a questionnare about it few weeks later
>cries across the classroom about how long it is
>complaints everywhere
>teacher agrees to watching the movie as well with the class
>points out that we should still read the book
>no one reads the book except like 4 people
>the day of the questionnare comes
>everyone walks to class and start doing the questionnare once the teacher comes
>whispering can be heard across the classroom
>time ends
>class starts yelling at once
>the book and the movie were two different stories with the same title
>teacher knew who were going to read the book and asked us not to say anything about it

She was a pretty cool teacher.

>> No.3693247

I went to a school filled with blacks too, and I totally empathise with your complaints. I mean, it was good fun sometimes, but they made it virtually impossible to learn in the classroom. In the end I just stopped attending classes and did all of my work at home.

>> No.3693248


just let go, mullet


>> No.3693266

>Don't read the books we get in english and german
>Still write the best exams
feels good to be a gangster

>> No.3693270

I think the focus is more on how well they are written than either the themes or critical response
These do tend to go hand-in-hand tough

I'd say The Old Man and The Sea would be perfect

>> No.3695137

>be reading Animal Farm
>teacher cogently explains allegory and the books historical significance
>more than half the class is still like "why the fuck these animals be talkin, what is this like a Disney movie"
>Write awesome final paper about ideology or something
>Teacher asks me to read part of it out loud
>Get called a fag in the hallway later

>> No.3695155

You read 100 Years of Solitude in high school?
Are you sure it wasn't Chronicle of a Death foretold or something?

>> No.3695169

yeah I still hold that everyone occasionally uses adjectives non-thematically

>> No.3695174

no, it's black
black is the correct term
you wouldn't would say caucasian americans, unless you're a fucking sperglord

>> No.3695176
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When I went into 12th grade I decided to take the 'normal' English class instead of AP because I was lazy and didn't want the extra work. It was horrible and full of niggers, of course, and I regretted my decision. We had to write a paper on the Cather in the Rye or some shit and the teacher thought it was very good and recommended I be moved to AP English instead, so I did it.

Once there, I was informed that everyone in AP had to read Wuthering Heights over the summer and that this requirement would retroactively apply to me even though I did not have the chance to do it. In other words, I would still be required to do the assignments pertaining to the book.

The only one, thankfully, was an essay on the book as part of an AP prep exam. I don't recall exactly what I wrote about, but I know that I was the only person in the class that did not read the book (I just skimmed Sparknotes). Anyway, I made a perfect grade on the essay, was the only person in the class to make a 5/5 (100) on the exam, and the teacher read my essay to the other classes because it was so good. I bragged to some people in the class and some of them got kind of mad.

>> No.3695182

every person matters, you'll learn a lot less if you don't accept this

>> No.3695188

it's not the people who are of higher quality, it's the conditions that bring them up

when I learned that in canada there aren't really 'low income' or 'high income' areas, and everything is mostly integrated I lost my mind

>> No.3695193

>Buy guys. Fucking buy forever and good riddance.

Shit, son. At least spell the an hero declaration you leave on a literature board correctly.

>Homeschooled til age 16.
>Literature classes I took 16-18 were populated by reasonably smart people with an interest in the subject.
>No stupid shit to speak of.

>> No.3695198
File: 579 KB, 1000x667, Hipster-on-bike-in-Kensington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was in Canada, we generally have higher quality people.

No we don't

>> No.3695209

>tfw the teacher recommends other students read your essay to help them improve
Shit man, I miss being good at things.

>> No.3695216

hey everybody

we throwin' a pity party up in here!
it's like the kid in our neighborhood who we'd make fun of (mean, I know) and when he got really mad he'd say he was going home, but never did, and just stood near the door/backyard gate until we invited him back in. It was really predictable; eventually we'd just yell at him to leave and call his bluff but he would never leave.

>> No.3695217
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>when I learned that in canada there aren't really 'low income' or 'high income' areas, and everything is mostly integrated I lost my mind

No it isnt'

>> No.3695222

Eskimos don't count and they are only that poor by choice. As far as I know they can walk into a government office in Canada and say "muh nativity" and get housing and all.

>> No.3695224

I was in AP, and I was surrounded by idiots with a decent work ethic.

>> No.3695226
File: 45 KB, 640x480, dog-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I can know from my basement that I am smarter than everyone else, only restrained from flaunting my genius to the world by my voluntary indolence.

>> No.3695228
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>> No.3695231


So the Eskimos are Cynics living the Diogenes life, right?

>> No.3695233

>teacher: This is one of the early feminist novels. Victorians were afraid of women becoming "impure" and in the novel vampires are voluptuous and very sexualized. The stake therefore symbolizes a penis. The males, by thrusting a stake/penis into Lucy's heart restore her purity and so assure their patriarchy over her.

>> No.3695234

I never took AP Lit (had to drop it due to other AP courseload, but the teacher never let me forget it), but I did take AP Comp. At one point we were writing an in-class essay almost every other day. It was amazing training for writing.

>> No.3695236


I don't know where this blue curtains shit comes from. It's usually pretty obvious whether or not an author intends for something to be symbolic.

If it's just glossed over, like "The room had blue curtains" is mentioned once to set the scene, then clearly it means nothing. If the author actually lingers on describing the curtains, the curtains appear several times, the curtains are the last image in a chapter/book, or EVERYTHING in the room is blue, then it's done for a reason.

>> No.3695239

>implying it isn't a really good reading of dracula

>> No.3695241
File: 213 KB, 650x386, North York.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're still wrong.

>> No.3695243

Isn't it AP Lit and Comp?
Like one class.
At least mine way.

>> No.3695259

>tfw this happens in college

The funny thing is I'm the guy who dropped out of HS in Sophomore year.

>> No.3695265

there's ap lit & comp and ap english & comp i think

>> No.3695269

The tests are split, your HS might have combined the class.

>> No.3695278


Mine was a year-long class with the same teacher, but one semester was Lit and the other was Comp.

>> No.3695282

>defending stupid people
is stupidit really a problem? there's some pretty cool stupid lads out there, as well as some smart ones

>> No.3695302

wowowowo she sounds high as fuck

>> No.3695315
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>take a 2nd year course called 'stylistic analysis'
>figure it'll be an easy credit of reading poetry and learning context of it
>entire course is memorizing zillions of convoluted grammatic rules and terms that don't really effect your ability to understand or appreciate literature

shoulda fucking dropped it. writing the exam tomorrow morning.

>> No.3695336

Yeah I wrote an essay in my AP Lit class on sexual imagery in Dracula. I just called everything penises. Stakes are penises, fangs are penises, penis penis penis.

>> No.3695351
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>memorizing zillions of convoluted grammatic rules and terms that don't really effect your ability to understand or appreciate literature

Looks like you should've paid more attention in class, pal.

>> No.3695365

>not knowing the difference between a spelling mistake and a grammar mistake

>> No.3695367

>not knowing that one can, as in this case, be both.

>> No.3695373

What's the grammar error? Using the wrong part of speech?
I think affect and effect can be both nouns and verbs depending on context.

>> No.3695379
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Effect is a noun. Affect is a verb.

You used the noun as a verb.

Just poking fun, man. Don't get dem jimmies in a bunch.

>> No.3695384

>live in murca
>literally no valuable literary discussion through entire school career, students don't give a shit and teacher highlights the material's inaccessibility to make his/herself feel better. elitist
>nobody else is saying anything valuable so I just say nothing and cringe
I regret this some, I wish I hadn't cared about being the only one paying attention or talking so I could get some valuable discussion, even if it's only with the teacher.

>> No.3695388

>Effect is a noun. Affect is a verb.
Both can be either broheim.

>> No.3695393

I didn't use the noun as a verb, that was someone else.

Anyway, effect can be a verb.

As in: "I want to effect change."

>> No.3695398

wouldn't want be a verb?

>> No.3695404


The only exception is if you're using "affect" as a noun as the psychological term, or "effect" meaning "to bring about change" (as opposed to the usual definition).

>> No.3695412

But you just used affect as a noun in a non-psychological way.

Come to think of it, so did I.

>> No.3695414

Affect and effect can both be nouns or verbs. But >>3695315 used the wrong verb. "Effect" as a verb means to bring about a result. "Affect" means to alter or influence things.

It is of course valid to use effect in that sentence - i.e. to say that convoluted grammatical rules and terms don't really bring into being the ability to understand or appreciate literature - but given the context that is not what Anon meant. The context strongly suggests that he meant they do not materially change or alter one's ability to understand or appreciate literature.

>> No.3695424


>> No.3695429
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>7th grade
>reading And Then There Were None
>You can already tell what's going to happen
>Teacher tells us not to fucking spoil it for others if you read ahead/peek at ending
>Kids are going around and whispering the name of the killer in people's ears
>I see this and try to book it across the room
>One spoiler kid sees what I'm doing and stands right next to my path of escape
>With a little shit-eating grin, he managed to get the words to my ear as I went by
>Justice Wargrave
Fuck me, I wanted a surprise
Plus, when we watched the movie, all of the girls were swooning over Philip Lombard's actor.
"He's just so handsome for being from that era!"

>> No.3695432

Yeah, but auxiliary to the infinitive "to effect"

>> No.3695472


Sure. Until an author comes along, does all those things, and then when asked what the blue represents he goes, "Nothing. I just like blue."

Anyways, in a poem, even a one-off line like, "The curtains were blue" can be potentially symbolic, even if it appears only once. Then again, it could just be a cigar.

>> No.3695476

this post will end in 6

>> No.3695482


this post will end in 1

>> No.3695487

Well, my English teacher and librarian didn't know who the beats were.

Like, I get that a lot of people don't like them (I personally do), but it seems like the kind of thing an English teacher should know about.

Anyway, that's all I got, besides the typical everyone but me hating the assigned reading stories.

>> No.3695501
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>typing post in this thread
>have to remember if in this case it's affect or effect
>psych myself out because I know I'll derail the thread if I botch this
>do so anyway

>> No.3695504


Yeah, my high school english teacher was also woefully ignorant.

One time I tried to ask her a question pertaining to the semiotic differences between Lacan's conception of the imaginary and the symbolic and she just stared at me. Fucking pleb.

>> No.3695509

jesus christ op, stay in your containment board

>> No.3695532

quads get

>> No.3695536
File: 1.06 MB, 288x222, masturbating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 11th grade
>go see really hot teacher about that book she was gonna lend me
>earlier I saw her put the book on the upper part of the bookshelf in plain sight
>ask her about it
>goes over to book shelf
>bends right the fuck over to the bottom part
>straight legs, ass stuck out, pretending to look
>"I don't know where it is, anon?"
>see where the book is
>say nothing
>another 10 seconds or so of her presenting her ass to me
>she stands up, immediately finds it
>"here you go, anon."
>most beautiful warm smile ever given to me
>my adolescent balls almost burst
>mfw didn't even read the book

>> No.3695541


3695541 get

>> No.3695544

did you bone her?

>> No.3695554

>so get a caribou horn up your anus and die faggot ass bitch shit
>faggot ass bitch shit


>> No.3695557

Slaughterhouse-Five worked well for my class. They all like Gatsby but I think mostly because of the hype the teacher gave it. Catcher in the Rye was enjoyed.

>> No.3695567

I like you.

>> No.3695569

>tfw I was in Honors
>tfw I'm good enough to take the AP test
>tfw I take it and pass, only like 2 other people who are actually in the class do

>> No.3695586

Bretty much. My AP class had such gems including why Tolstoy is magical realism and why John Milton rebelled against the protestant work ethic.

>> No.3695589

>protestant work ethic
Really hate this phrase.

>> No.3695595

Person who said this hardly even knew what Calvinism was, or the fact that Weber came up with the idea hundreds of years after Milton.

>> No.3695603

It just seems to now be shorthand for "let's glorify ourselves", and fairly frequently "let's botch some cultural analysis/criticism/anthropology", and often in an overly conservative patriot kind of way.

>> No.3695604

I loved flirting with young English teachers. They are so often attractive and friendly, and it also doesn't hurt being attractive, so that you can get into situations like this and potentially follow through after high school

>> No.3695614

Did I bone her? Hahahahahaha.....no.

You have to understand, I was in a pretty tricky situation. She was the first love of my life. The last thing I wanted to do was make her lose her job because we fucked or possibly get her some jail time. At the time, being as young as I was, I wouldn't have known what to do. And she was pretty hesitant to make any moves herself, though she did present the opportunity many times. Knowing what I know now would've been a different story, but this is one story I've no editorial power over.

>> No.3695623

>Senior year of high school
>We're going to read Atlas Shrugged, it's great, but not until we read Anthem
>Anthem is shit, people complain it's too long
>3 tests with the same questions about Anthem
>We're supposed to read Atlas Shrugged
>Teacher is absent for a couple days while we're supposed to start it in class
>Sub decides it's a good idea to read out loud with "popcorn reading"
>Nobody can read more than a paragraph without tripping or stumbling over themselves
>I read the entire first 40 pages in a single period without a break because everyone else is a mongoloid and reads at the speed of dirt
And Ayn Rand is shit too, teacher kept praising her and her shitty philosophy.

>> No.3695629

This one wasn't young. Late 30's with a child 2 years younger than me.

>> No.3695634


>popcorn reading
>senior year of highschool


>> No.3695635

I was always the one the kids picked to read, too.

I'm not good at much, but I can read out loud like a motherfucker.

>> No.3695653

Holy shit, canadas hobo's are on a different level. Just look at that quality cardboard box house. Thats much better than out our bums make their box houses.

>> No.3695655

she should not be allowed to teach that bullshit in school

>> No.3695663
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But anon it's a great story and Ayn Rand is a great lady who had ideas she was so ahead of her time and the metaphor of the mind on strike is amazing
I swear Rand pioneered hipster 2deep4u pretentious bullshit.

>> No.3695672


I'm a Canadian and all the kids I went to school with were some of the biggest mongoloids I'd ever seen, but I guess that could just be because I'm from Toronto.

>> No.3695674

Canadian education and neighbourliness.

>> No.3695680 [DELETED] 

The only AP class I ever took in highschool was AP art history. Fuck, never knew a group of such mindless, immature children. The workload was all busywork, and they followed it religiously, the kids couldn't take in any of what they 'learned' beyond how it related to the assignment/test. Not a single one of the kids retained any of the concepts taught in the curriculum, just the literal (ie testable) information.
They were so predictable in their naive perspectives. When it came to modernism, they thought it was dumb and confusing, but pop art everyone agreed was great, and postmodernism they couldn't wrap their hands around and all agreed it wasn't art and didn't make any sense. They all loved Banksy. The teacher was really sad, too, because she embodied them, it was her first year teaching and she had the most base, tasteless concept of art after 4 years of a university education. I liked her, but fuck.

What stunted people. Their entire development up was directed into studies, but not actual development, their entire approach to school was as a means to get into a 'good' college. And I can see these kids here in college, too, where everything they're working to get out of their "higher education" is a 'good' job. What a dumb set of values, they're going to immediately fade away on graduation. This annoys much more than the druggies or thugs did because at least they had achieved some level of self-awareness, they weren't so goddamn blind.

Everytime there's a college thread on /lit/, these are clearly the kids applying and it always makes me cringe. Pretty sad how distorted educational values have become that this is what is encouraged, and will succeed but only within the system.

>> No.3695681

You must just live in a shitty area. Most of my classmates were pretty great.

>> No.3695686

Maybe you're just a neurotypical shithead.

>> No.3695689
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>be in eleventh grade honors english
>reading Childhood's End
>teacher asks the class "would you sacrifice artistic achievement for safety and abundance?"
>overwhelming class consensus is that yes, they totally would
>this was meant to be a rhetorical trap to lure the class into talking about why art is so important to society
>the only dissidents are me and the guy who asked whether the NFL could be considered an art form or not


>> No.3695690

It was in a nice neighborhood but since it was the only public school in the area, a bunch of people from ghettos pretty much overtook the place.

>> No.3695693
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>Take English classes
>Don't read any books
>Get good grades on assignments about books I've never read
>Post on /lit/
>Still barely read
>Have conversation about books I've never read

>> No.3695694

If you want to be a worthless waste of a human life, that's your business

>> No.3695696

NFL guy sounds like a fucking bro

>> No.3695700
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mfw this is literally all of /lit/

>> No.3695701

>Implying the value of human life isn't a spook

>> No.3695702

for real

>> No.3695703


Yeah he was pretty cool. I was friends with most people in that class, they just had no interest in the books.

>> No.3695704

>implying that statement didn't come out of browsing Max Stirner threads even though you've never read Ego and Its Own

>> No.3695709
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>implying that you still maintain the naive idea that people on /lit/ actually read books

>> No.3695711 [DELETED] 

Fuck, I sound like an edgy faggot calling people sheep caught in a system, using conspiratorial "quotes" and shit, but honestly, it's a completely accurate description. The system is just american education rather than contemporary capitalism, which is why I'm critical, it's not realistic because they're deluded into believing success (top degree from top college) inside education is success (money) in life, and it's not, I see them graduate and quickly become confused and disillusioned, because it was their very first shock of reality.

Anyway, I think it's important to note that the highschool was in a relatively affluent part of the city, it had a very high overall GPA and almost 100% graduation rate, which is why the AP courses would cater further towards the top percentile compared to the average school.
Most kids made their way into decent colleges, I remember a taiwanese girl who popped in from singapore, a senior with the body and mind of a small child, got accepted into Cal Poly for architecture. She didn't even understand what architecture was, I remember her looking it up on wikipedia trying to figure it out, and Cal Poly is, according to standard criteria, a really good fucking school. System's broke, yo

>> No.3695712
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>Implying that on the internet there is a difference.

>> No.3695723

this is incredible!

>> No.3695725

>my class is full of idiot niggers and spics that don't pay attention to a goddamn thing and bully me all day... FUCK I hate them so much, if I wasn't such a coward faggot I'd beat their asses. I guess I'll have to do with shit talking about their stupidity, yeah this will be my revenge.

>> No.3695728

AnalCrust !m9jxTLhLcw

>> No.3695732

>being analannihilated after it's been years
Wha? How could you hold such a trivial grudge after all these years? You're either lying and still on highschool or have acute autism

>> No.3695742

>Weber came up with the idea hundreds of years after Milton

Since weber wrote about it afterwards does not mean that it didn't exist prior to weber...

If indeed Protestantism (not just Calvinism but also Lutheranism) entailed a change in attitudes towards the gracefulness of work then it only matters that Milton wrote after Luther. Which he did.

>You are a very poor historian.

>> No.3695754


Their "chiefs" take all their money. They own no transportation. They have no education. How are they even supposed to get from some remote village in the middle of the tundra to Yellowknife...

you are an idiot

>> No.3695762

Did you go to Davis High?

>> No.3695777 [DELETED] 

No, it's in Irvine.

>> No.3696196

Exactly the same thing happened in my Australian school.

canada australia bros 4 lyfe

>> No.3696199


nah, we Canadians despise you all cunts. We're not a prison island, ergo descendants of hookers, murderers, and pedophiles.

>> No.3696203

What's with all the racial slurs?

>> No.3696204
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You realise Britain made almost every crime punishable by prison sentences at that time to get more people sent over to the colonies, right? Literally people became convicts just for stealing a piece of bread. Fuck you monarch scum.

Most of the population is descended from people who immigrated afterward the convict period anyway, you shitcunt

>> No.3696206
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>> No.3696207


I can't hear you. Perhaps your criminally infested genes make your language intelligible to the rest of us?

W-What? Can you repeat?

Oh forget it, I am off to tea & crumpets with the Queen. Good day, sir.

>> No.3696244

Every time my teachers would bring up the meaning behind a symbol it always seemed to be an overly complicated and absurdly specific. But when pressed, they never really had any logic behind how they came up with something so specific and final. Which is pretty much what lead me to think exactly like the first throughout my entire high school career.
I don't know if I just failed to understand their explanations or my teachers were just pretentious jackasses spewing bullshit they heard elsewhere
fuck highschool

>> No.3696246

>Live in Australia
Holy shit you guys, you think America has won in the world of white guilt, you guys haven't got anything on Australia.

Nearly every book I had to read in high school had an aboriginal protagonist, with a white racist antagonist, or something similar.
I fucking wish I got to read Gatsby, 1984 or Lord of the Flies. Fuck, even Atlas Shrugged would have been a good change.

>> No.3696256

My sympathies, anon. How terrible it must have been for you to have to have read about that in your educational system!

>> No.3696262

I didn't mind reading a bit of it, but they really do overdo it, the only time we got a real break from all of that was in our last year when we read Frankenstein.

Funny really, considering how racist Australians actually are.

>> No.3696264
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Oh my gosh, those bastards! A-Are you o.k. anon? I am worries for you :(

>> No.3696287


I remember reading lots of shitty young adult australian shit. i think here in victoria at least there is some requirement that up to year ten we have to study at least one australian text per year or something stupid like that

>> No.3696295

One text per year is not much. Why do you have your fatherland so much?

>> No.3696311

My spanish cousins all have to read the entirety of Don Quixote in school.



The eldest is 16 and her class still hasn't finished it, they have to write chapter summaries and analysis for every single chapter, and it actually does take them the entirety of high school.

>> No.3696324

I heard one hundred years is very popular in Spanish/Latin American highschools.

>> No.3696348

>12th grade
>read Effi Briest in German class
>everybody hates it and thinks it's objectively bad
>read Brave New World in English class
>people actually like it
all of my autism

>> No.3696350

>be in year 11
>novel we are writing about is Great Expectations
>watch film three or four times
>read one chapter
>write essay only on that chapter

Don't know whether they didn't care or whether the system is fucked.

>> No.3696456

>I actually am a virgin but I've done everything but penis in vagina/asshole

This is perfect. 10/10 perfect victim jesus is jelly.

>> No.3696465

>being proud of reading

What? Were your classmates farm animals?

>> No.3696490

That actually sounds pretty cool.

>> No.3696492

>Funny really, considering how racist Australians actually are.

I think this type of enforced white guilt actually just makes people more resentful of other races.

>> No.3696568

>senior year of high school
>read A Modest Proposal
>teacher gives no introduction or explanation
>no one realizes its fucking satire
>people don't believe my "interpretation"
>everyone leaves thinking Swift really supported eating babies

>> No.3696620

Freud was wrong. A cigar cannot just be a cigar.

>> No.3696628

>not being in AP classes

>not having a mental breakdown and dropping out your senior year

oh jeez

>> No.3696650

That's redonkulous.

The abridged version in the Norton Anthology more than sufficed.

>> No.3696666
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I went to a terrible school in a bleak town. Most of my teachers wrote me off, thought I was just another helpless moron with no interest in learning. Then we got a new history teacher, a recent Oxford graduate, who thought he could overcome our disinterest by teaching us with 'games' and thought experiments. On his first day in class - the term topic was Russian history - he gave each table a stack of Lego blocks and told us to work together to build the best structure. The best table (of four) would be 'paid' in bars of chocolate. Everyone, lazy but greedy, duly capitulated. Some table won, he gave them the bars. Then, seemingly unbeknownst to everyone else, he went to the front of the class and replaced an A4 sheet of paper with a '$' on it for another featuring the 'hammer and sickle'.

'Alright,' he said, 'do it again'. Everyone, including the previous winners (four precocious exceptions: all studious and serious, ostacised adherents to rote learning, even though we were barely thirteen) got to work. People seemed to think that his 'trick' was just to bribe us into shutting up while we did stupid tasks. Of course, he was trying to make a point about the division of labour in Communist society. I'd recently watched some TV adaption of 'Animal Farm' and clocked onto his game. My table-mates began building, but I just told them to stop, sit and relax. People thought we were just dieting iconoclasts, I guess.

The time elapsed, the teacher surveyed the towering rainbow stacks and - to voluble chagrin - dispatched the sweets evenly. 'Well done, comrades' he nodded to us as he deposited our share on the desk.

At the end of class he asked to speak to me. He told me he'd heard me stop my group, that I had 'got it', and that he was impressed. He started giving me things to read, assignments to do outside of class every week. The first of these was 'A Modest Proposal'. Over the next four years, he saw to my real education, beyond my 'schooling'.

>> No.3696715


0800 1111

>> No.3696720


I like those kind of teachers.

We had a French teacher in our school who would take us to Food Technology room and combine baking with teaching us words for food.

>> No.3696725

>Over the next four years, he saw to my real education, beyond my 'schooling'.
That just sounds like a euphemism for him teaching you how to take it up the ass.

>> No.3696727
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Prescient, I didn't even get to the rape yet. Really, though, you're just jealous that you never have a mentor. Go read 'The Secret History' and weep, Mr. Unexceptional.

>I'm currently at the very Oxford college which he attended
>It's like I'm living at the tail-end of something by Alan Bennett

>> No.3696729

>>Over the next four years, he saw to my real education, beyond my 'schooling'.

Did he also fondle you with gusto after class?

>> No.3696731


Great minds think alike

>> No.3696733

> Not being in IB
> Not doing High Level literature (250 hours of both) in two years
> Not getting bored by the lack of criticality and interesting opinions that people have on literature
> Not getting bored by good school where the colour and risktaking has faded away
> Not getting highest possible grade but left thinking on how problematic this lack of creative thinking and ambition is

>> No.3696735


I was trying to refer to that Mark Twain quote. Ended up sounding like he buggered me in exchange for extra tuition. Mercifully, I wasn't the kind of 'beauteous boy' Byron liked to bugger. In fact, I was riddled with acne and taller than him by the end of second year. And, like a poor Shakespeare troupe, I didn't have much of a bottom.

>> No.3696736

What does chronicle on the rise of Temunjin teach me?

>> No.3696739


I don't know what it teaches you, you tell me.

>> No.3696742

Why did you tell me to go read it?

Isn't reading Mongol Epics sort of exceptional?

>> No.3696743


You want a whole new chassis.

>> No.3696746


>> No.3696773
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This is breaking the rules of the thread a little bit but hear me out:

>be in Freshman year of college at Liberal Arts College
>skipped English 101 because I aced the entry exams
>reading American lit, stoked as fuck for some Mark Twain
>Then I see it
>Oh god
>No please
>Anything but...
>"Nathaniel Hawthorne was a sexist and Hester Prynne is not a strong female character because she obeys the patriarchy"

>> No.3696787


I'm on /lit/ right now because I had to take a break from reading a piece of Shakespeare criticism which kept referring to him as the 'patriarchal bard'. My spleen nearly burst.

>> No.3696808



>> No.3696827


Not this guy, but this reminds me:

>be in honors English (high school)
>negros cannot read out loud for shit
>I don't blame them, really
>But I'm cringing anyway
>Babby's-first-Hunter S. Thompson -style hipster edgelord is visibly upset
>finally cracks when negro stutters through "interpret"
>entire class is quiet
>class resumes
>he didn't get jumped
>class resumes

>> No.3696961

>mandatory summer reading
>Of Mice and Men
>104 fucking pages
>test a month after returning to school
>entire school bombs it
>it was too long, they said


>> No.3697079


>> No.3698139


Yeah I knew kids who couldn't read 12 angry men. It's like a fifty page play or some shit

>> No.3698152
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>reading some short-story or other
>have to do one of those asinine group-projects one day
>one group of the popular kids didn't bother to read the 15-page short story
>they come to me asking what happens
>make up a bunch of shit
>they look like idiots when they do their presentation

>> No.3698200

>you continue wondering why you have no friends

>> No.3698201

>Poetry unit of English 10
>Fan of poetry, just can't write it for my life
>Teacher reads everyone's stuff aloud
>Just fill mine with alliteration and words classmates don't know
>'Wow Anon you're so creative'

>> No.3698204

>Be in 11th grade English.
>Teacher has us watching The Piano
>On our first watching, he keeps stopping it to tell us things
>Says nearly every single thing symbolises "Entrapment"
>Movie starts with camera looking through fingers? ENTRAPMENT
>He pauses as the camera passes by with a tree briefly obscuring the foreground
>Actually asks what this symbolises
>I raise my hand
>Does it symbolise entrapment, Sir?
>He pretends I never spoke for the rest of the class

Coincidentally, half the class failed that year. Even the ones who got top marks every other year and every year after.

>> No.3698210

>tfw your group forgets the online meeting arranged
>those that responded werent even available
>all of them have incompatible schedules
>I could pretty much solo the entire project but don't want people getting full points when I carried the fucking thing
>tfw community college really is highschool 2.0

>> No.3698258

>I wasn't bullied more then anyone else
so you were bullied

>> No.3698307

>be 15
>doing great expectations
>it's boring and contrived as fuck so we watch the film and nobody reads it
>be off ill that day
>time to do coursework essay
>read the one relevant chapter and hand in a first draft
>get given it back with what to improve
>week or so later, time to hand in the final draft
>fuck, forgot all about it, hand in the first draft again with no changes
>get A*
GCSEs are piss.

>> No.3698322

>>fuck, forgot all about it, hand in the first draft again with no changes
>>get A*

Why does this always happen? Are we that good or is everyone else that bad? Or does the teacher lower their standards?

>> No.3698334

I think there was some bullshit rule where teachers couldn't give a grade for the first draft and had to list improvements even if it didn't need any.
A decent chunk of my class breezed through gcse english though.

>> No.3698337

exactly. mother fuckers wouldn't of elected Harper's party if you were.

>> No.3698457

>honors math classes
>never study, always sleep, barely pass
>sign up for regular classes cause of slappin' dicks
>Teacher reads directly from the Shittiest PowerPoint in a monotonous drone and that's a lesson plan
>first time a see a kid in class obviously high as fuck, sits behind me, Teacher's wall of bass in front
>immediately apply for transfer back to honors
>stoner: dude, are you like one of those really smart dudes?
>dudeanon: Iunno I guess or something
>stoner: you keep bein smart, dude, don't be like me, you're gonna do shit
I smoke so much weed now lol

>> No.3698466

That's. Really. Heartbreaking to me, for some reason. The stoner, not you.

>> No.3698484

>tfw school just stopped letting kids in honors based on grades and started letting in anyone who wanted to take honors when I started going

>> No.3698504

>Be me in highschool
>Take Honors English through junior year
>Miss at least fifty days a year
>Never do work on time
>Teachers don't care because they love you
>Have a great time
>Repeat process for A.P. U.S. History also

That A.P. history class remains to this day the best course I've ever taken. Coach Babb was the coolest son of bitch on planet Earth.

>> No.3698571

We did exactly the same thing. We also watched Titanic six or seven times.

>> No.3698595

>tfw realizing American education is a fucking joke
>feel stupid for not cheating since it dosent mean shit at the end of the day

>> No.3698614


Same here, jumped straight to AP English II back in High School after dealing with the horror that is English I.

>> No.3698655

in poetry, especially contemporary, adjectives are used thematically more often than not and should always be studied in case the poet is trying to convey an idea or thought to you other than the color of a curtain
if we were talking about prose, than yes, the curtain was just blue (most of the time)

>> No.3698752

>Junior year
>American Literature
>Stuck with best lit teacher in the school
>She teaches the class the historical and cultural aspects that helped influence the author
>Classmates are great too
>Since her class, my appreciation for literature flourishes, and still continues to expand.

>> No.3698828

While I slightly agree and it caused a chuckle, that kid sounds pretentious as fuck

>> No.3698860
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>>discussing 'heart of darkness'
>>teacher throws the book at him
How derivative.

>> No.3698874
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>everything but penis in vagina/asshole

>> No.3698956
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I like how nobody at all paid any attention to this.

>> No.3698985

Edmonton bro here, no we don't, but we are the Texas of Canada so I guess it evens out.

Though my AU instructor ruled. Read the Wars and Othello, and fucking gained a new respect for Highschool curriculum literature. Now I want to read The Sound and the Fury without being forced to.

>> No.3698996

>Glaswegians made to read aloud shakespeare

I got you guys beat

>> No.3699003

when your board has about two posts an hour, gets aren't very notable

>> No.3699112

Hahah, 1984 for year 10 mate. Where the hell did you go to?

>> No.3699182

Where the fuck were you educated? The only Australian texts we forced in were David Malouf and some poetry by Bruce Dawe; otherwise, it was all continentalist or U.S.A.-sian or South American. There was also an unusual lack of Eastern literature. I mean, we studied Kazuo Ishiguro, but the book we studied was The Remains of the Day. I'll admit that there was a little more feminism than I would have liked, but what are you going to do? The education system's run by women.